Install ======= 1 - copy paste the javascript code found in log.htm into your website 2 - enable pdo_mysql in your php.ini 2 - launch index.php, you should see some text without PHP warning/error message 3 - go to ?module=SitesManager and add a website 4 - go to misc/generateVisits.php to generate some visits 5 - go to ?module=UserSettings&idSite=1&period=day&date=today to see the statistics Some modules ============ Login ?module=Login Logout ?module=Logout User manager admin UI ?module=UsersManager Sites manager admin UI ?module=SitesManager All the data is available via APIs for example to get todays keywords in XML ?module=API&method=Referers.getKeywords&idSite=1&period=month&date=today&format=xml or yesterday visits information in JSON ?module=API&method=VisitsSummary.get&idSite=1&period=month&date=yesterday&format=json You can find the full listing of the APIs provided by the plugins on ?module=API&action=listAllAPI Some other stuff ================ To generate the API documentation # cd piwik # ./misc/ then check the documentation at piwik/documentation/ in your browser To generate thousands of fake visits to get some data to play with see the script /misc/generateVisits.php you can edit the number of visits to generate, the number of actions per visit, and the days Contact ======= Any remark, question, suggestion or critic, email me at