Piwik - piwik.org ----------------- Description =========== Piwik is an open source web analytics software. It gives interesting reports on your website visitors, your popular pages, the search engines keywords they used, the language they speakā€¦ and so much more. Piwik aims to be an open source alternative to Google Analytics. License ======= Piwik is released under the GPL v3 license, see misc/license.txt Install ======= - Upload piwik in your webserver - Point your browser to the directory - Follow the steps - Add the given javascript code to your pages Requirements ============ - php 5.1.3 minimum - mysql 4.1 - php PDO module enabled - OS / server independant API === All the data is available via APIs for example to get todays keywords in XML ?module=API&method=Referers.getKeywords&idSite=1&period=month&date=today&format=xml or yesterday visits information in JSON ?module=API&method=VisitsSummary.get&idSite=1&period=month&date=yesterday&format=json Check the full documentation on http://dev.piwik.org/trac/wiki/API/Reference Generate fake data ================== To generate thousands of fake visits to get some data to play with, you can see the script /misc/generateVisits.php you can edit the number of visits to generate, the number of actions per visit, and the days Contact ======= http://piwik.org hello@piwik.org