merge config file instead of annoying file selection? see if can remove translationAvailable in all plugins ECLIPSE WINDOWS LINE BREAKS deactivate online logs commenting remaining core files 6 hours review all TODO from code + create tickets OR fix tickets next roadmap - INTEGRATION (subtickets) - OPTIMIZATION - SECURITE - DOCUMENTATION: page: comment aider piwik ? mail sending, outlink/download tracking documentation, voir la page thought about dev process et creer la liste de documentations see marketing FAQ manager issues manager features screenshots Usability Documentation - write beginners tutorials medium level user add xml dateFrom dateTo to result to pragmatically useful make sure with token auth no DB access First, knowing that I run "Piwik # open source analytics" is great the first time, but the next ones it's just loosing space. I would replace that by the name of the website and a little something that would let me choose another website. I would also split the "Admin | API | Widget | send us feedback" bar. Moving the admin link to the user bar at the top, and the rest at the very bottom of the page, with a link to config file defined: when archiving from CLI ==> @set_time_limit(0); ==> set memory_limit high from config file regarder pour error_reporting admin sites css overwrite Review all english strings, make them more explicit editing site web with single quote bugs in siteAdmin something is wrong in JS calendar when year selected plugins easy to register a new hook error RSS Feed only used on DataTable_Array NOT CLEAR MESSAGE documenter const VISIT_STANDARD_LENGTH = 1800; when writing plugin and need to test stats log Pour la home de Piwik, on aurait en + du contenu piwik proprement dit : - un extrait du blog - le nombre d�install piwik ( le compteur ) - la possibilit� de s�abonner a une newsletter - Les news Piwik... CHANGES DONE TO LIBRARIES ========================= - edited Zend/Db/Adapter/Abstract.php added resetConfigArray() - edited zend_log and changed attr to protected - fixed bug fwrite in zend_log stream writer - fixed PEAR so that it works under PHP5 with STRICT MODE enabled - edited line 145 registry.php from require_once 'Zend/Exception.php'; to require_once 'Exception.php';