array(), 'tests.ui.url_normalizer_blacklist.controller' => array(), 'Piwik\Config' => \DI\decorate(function (\Piwik\Config $config) { $config->General['cors_domains'][] = '*'; $config->General['trusted_hosts'][] = ''; $config->General['trusted_hosts'][] = $config->tests['http_host']; $config->General['trusted_hosts'][] = $config->tests['http_host'] . ':' . $config->tests['port']; return $config; }), '' => \DI\add([ // removes port from all URLs to the test Piwik server so UI tests will pass no matter // what port is used array('Request.dispatch.end', DI\value(function (&$result) { $request = $_GET + $_POST; $apiblacklist = StaticContainer::get('tests.ui.url_normalizer_blacklist.api'); if (!empty($request['method']) && in_array($request['method'], $apiblacklist) ) { return; } $controllerActionblacklist = StaticContainer::get('tests.ui.url_normalizer_blacklist.controller'); if (!empty($request['module'])) { $controllerAction = $request['module'] . '.' . (isset($request['action']) ? $request['action'] : 'index'); if (in_array($controllerAction, $controllerActionblacklist)) { return; } } $config = \Piwik\Config::getInstance(); $host = $config->tests['http_host']; $port = $config->tests['port']; if (!empty($port)) { // remove the port from URLs if any so UI tests won't fail if the port isn't 80 $result = str_replace($host . ':' . $port, $host, $result); } // remove PIWIK_INCLUDE_PATH from result so tests don't change based on the machine used $result = str_replace(realpath(PIWIK_INCLUDE_PATH), '', $result ?? ''); })), array('Controller.RssWidget.rssPiwik.end', DI\value(function (&$result, $parameters) { $result = ""; })), \Piwik\Tests\Framework\XssTesting::getJavaScriptAddEvent(), ]), );