; DO NOT REMOVE THIS LINE ; If you want to change some of these default values, the best practise is to override ; them in your configuration file in config/config.ini.php. If you directly edit this file, ; you risk losing your changes when you upgrade Piwik. ; For example if you want to override enable_browser_archiving_triggering, ; edit config/config.ini.php and add the following: ; [General] ; enable_browser_archiving_triggering = 0 [superuser] login = root password = [database] host = username = password = dbname = tables_prefix = port = 3306 adapter = PDO_MYSQL ; if charset is set to utf8, Piwik will ensure that it is storing its data using UTF8 charset. ; it will add a sql query SET at each page view. ; Piwik should work correctly without this setting. ;charset = utf8 [database_tests] host = localhost username = root password = dbname = piwik_tests tables_prefix = piwiktests_ port = 3306 adapter = PDO_MYSQL [Debug] ; if set to 1, the archiving process will always be triggered, even if the archive has already been computed ; this is useful when making changes to the archiving code so we can force the archiving process always_archive_data_period = 0; always_archive_data_day = 0; ; if set to 1, all the SQL queries will be recorded by the profiler ; and a profiling summary will be printed at the end of the request enable_sql_profiler = 0 ; if set to 1, a Piwik tag will be included in the Piwik UI footer and will track visits, pages, etc. to idsite = 1 ; this is useful for Piwik developers as an easy way to create data in their local Piwik track_visits_inside_piwik_ui = 0 [General] ; Time in seconds after which an archive will be computed again. ; This setting is used only for today's statistics. ; Defaults to 10 seconds so that by default, Piwik provides real time reporting. time_before_today_archive_considered_outdated = 10 ; When loading piwik interface, we redirect the user to 'yesterday' statistics by default ; Possible values: yesterday, today, or any YYYY-MM-DD default_day = yesterday ; Possible values: day, week, month, year default_period = day ; When loading piwik interface, Piwik will load by default the CoreHome module ; You can override the setting to force the user to login. ; This is useful when you have some websites view "anonymous" access but you want to ; force users to login instead of viewing the first anonymous website available default_module_login = 0 ; When loading the piwik interface in the browser (as opposed to from the PHP-CLI client) ; should we launch the archiving process if the archives have not yet been processed? ; You want to set it to 0 when triggering the archiving is done through a crontab, ; so that your users do not trigger archiving in their browser when this is not expected enable_browser_archiving_triggering = 1 ; character used to automatically create categories in the "Action" "Downloads" reports ; for example a URL like "example.com/blog/development/first-post" will create ; the page first-post in the subcategory development which belongs to the blog category action_category_delimiter = / ; this action name is used when the URL ends with a slash / ; it is useful to have an actual string to write in the UI action_default_name = index ; this action name is used when the URL has no page title or page URL defined action_default_name_when_not_defined = "page title not defined" action_default_url_when_not_defined = "page url not defined" ; currency used by default when reporting money in Piwik ; the trailing space is required for php 5.2.x vs 5.3 compatibility default_currency = "$ " ; if you want all your users to use Piwik in only one language, disable the LanguagesManager ; plugin, and set this default_language (users won't see the language drop down) default_language = en ; default number of elements in the datatable datatable_default_limit = 10 ; default number of rows returned in API responses API_datatable_default_limit = 50 ; if set to 1, the website selector will be displayed in the Piwik UI ; if your Piwik installation has thousands of websites, you may disable the website selector ; as it slows down the loading of the Piwik UI by setting this value to 0 show_website_selector_in_user_interface = 1 ; PHP minimum required version (minimum requirement known to date = ->newInstanceArgs) minimum_php_version = 5.1.3 ; MySQL minimum required version ; note: timezone support added in 4.1.3 minimum_mysql_version = 4.1 ; PostgreSQL minimum required version minimum_pgsql_version = 8.3 ; Minimum adviced memory limit in php.ini file (see memory_limit value) minimum_memory_limit = 128 ; login cookie name login_cookie_name = piwik_auth ; login cookie expiration (30 days) login_cookie_expire = 2592000 ; email address that appears as a Sender in the password recovery email ; if specified, {DOMAIN} will be replaced by the current Piwik domain login_password_recovery_email_address = "password-recovery@{DOMAIN}" ; name that appears as a Sender in the password recovery email login_password_recovery_email_name = Piwik ; during archiving, Piwik will limit the number of results recorded, for performance reasons ; maximum number of rows for any of the Referers tables (keywords, search engines, campaigns, etc.) datatable_archiving_maximum_rows_referers = 500 ; maximum number of rows for any of the Referers subtable (search engines by keyword, keyword by campaign, etc.) datatable_archiving_maximum_rows_subtable_referers = 50 ; maximum number of rows for any of the Actions tables (pages, downloads, outlinks) datatable_archiving_maximum_rows_actions = 500 ; maximum number of rows for pages in categories (sub pages, when clicking on the + for a page category) datatable_archiving_maximum_rows_subtable_actions = 100 ; by default, Piwik uses self-hosted AJAX libraries. ; If set to 1, Piwik uses a Content Distribution Network use_ajax_cdn = 0 ; required AJAX library versions jquery_version = 1.3.2 jqueryui_version = 1.7.2 swfobject_version = 2.2 ; If set to 0, Flash widgets require separate HTTP requests ; (i.e., one request to load the JavaScript which instantiates Open Flash Chart; the other request is made by OFC to download the JSON data for the chart) ; If set to 1, Piwik uses a single HTTP request per Flash widget to serve both the widget and data serve_widget_and_data = 1 ; If set to 1, Piwik adds a response header to workaround the IE+Flash+HTTPS bug. reverse_proxy = 0 [Tracker] ; set to 0 if you want to stop tracking the visitors. Useful if you need to stop all the connections on the DB. record_statistics = 1 ; length of a visit in seconds. If a visitor comes back on the website visit_standard_length seconds after his last page view, it will be recorded as a new visit visit_standard_length = 1800 ; visitors that stay on the website and view only one page will be considered staying 10 seconds default_time_one_page_visit = 10 ; if set to 0, any goal conversion will be credited to the last more recent non empty referer. ; when set to 1, the first ever referer used to reach the website will be used use_first_referer_to_determine_goal_referer = 0 ; if set to 1, Piwik will try to match visitors without cookie to a previous visitor that has the same ; configuration: OS, browser, resolution, IP, etc. This heuristic adds an extra SQL query for each page view without cookie. ; it is advised to set it to 1 for more accurate detection of unique visitors. ; However when most users have the same IP, and the same configuration, it is advised to set it to 0 enable_detect_unique_visitor_using_settings = 1 ; if set to 1, Piwik attempts a "best guess" at the visitor's country of ; origin when the preferred language tag omits region information. ; The mapping is defined in core/DataFiles/LanguageToCountry.php, enable_language_to_country_guess = 1 ; name of the cookie used to store the visitor information cookie_name = piwik_visitor ; by default, the Piwik tracking cookie expires in 2 years cookie_expire = 63072000 ; variable name to track any campaign, for example CPC campaign ; Example: If a visitor first visits 'index.php?piwik_campaign=Adwords-CPC' then it will be counted as a campaign referer named 'Adwords-CPC' campaign_var_name = piwik_campaign ; variable name to track any campaign keyword ; Example: If a visitor first visits 'index.php?piwik_campaign=Adwords-CPC&piwik_kwd=My killer keyword' then it will be counted as a campaign referer named 'Adwords-CPC' with the keyword 'My killer keyword' campaign_keyword_var_name = piwik_kwd ; maximum length of a Page Title or a Page URL recorded in the log_action.name table page_maximum_length = 1024; [log] ;possible values for log: screen, database, file ; normal messages logger_message[] = screen logger_error[] = screen logger_exception[] = screen ; if configured to log in files, log files will be created in this path ; eg. if the value is tmp/logs files will be created in /path/to/piwik/tmp/logs/ logger_file_path = tmp/logs ; all calls to the API (method name, parameters, execution time, caller IP, etc.) ; disabled by default as it can cause serious overhead and should only be used wisely ;logger_api_call[] = file [smarty] ; the list of directories in which to look for templates template_dir[] = plugins template_dir[] = themes/default template_dir[] = themes plugins_dir[] = core/SmartyPlugins plugins_dir[] = libs/Smarty/plugins compile_dir = tmp/templates_c cache_dir = tmp/cache ; error reporting inside Smarty error_reporting = E_ALL|E_NOTICE ; allow smarty debugging using {debug} debugging = 1 [Plugins] Plugins[] = CorePluginsAdmin Plugins[] = CoreAdminHome Plugins[] = CoreHome Plugins[] = API Plugins[] = Widgetize Plugins[] = LanguagesManager Plugins[] = Actions Plugins[] = Dashboard Plugins[] = MultiSites Plugins[] = Referers Plugins[] = UserSettings Plugins[] = UserCountry Plugins[] = VisitsSummary Plugins[] = VisitFrequency Plugins[] = VisitTime Plugins[] = VisitorInterest Plugins[] = ExampleAPI Plugins[] = ExamplePlugin Plugins[] = ExampleRssWidget Plugins[] = ExampleFeedburner Plugins[] = ExampleRssWidget Plugins[] = Provider Plugins[] = Feedback Plugins[] = Login Plugins[] = UsersManager Plugins[] = SitesManager Plugins[] = Installation [PluginsInstalled] PluginsInstalled[] = Login PluginsInstalled[] = CoreAdminHome PluginsInstalled[] = UsersManager PluginsInstalled[] = SitesManager PluginsInstalled[] = Installation [Plugins_Tracker] Plugins_Tracker[] = Provider