PIWIK_DOCUMENT_ROOT, 'path.misc.user' => 'misc/user/', 'path.tmp' => function (ContainerInterface $c) { $root = PIWIK_USER_PATH; // TODO remove that special case and instead have plugins override 'path.tmp' to add the instance id if ($c->has('ini.General.instance_id')) { $instanceId = $c->get('ini.General.instance_id'); $instanceId = $instanceId ? '/' . $instanceId : ''; } else { $instanceId = ''; } /** @var Piwik\Config\ $config */ $config = $c->get('Piwik\Config'); $general = $config->General; $tmp = empty($general['tmp_path']) ? '/tmp' : $general['tmp_path']; return $root . $tmp . $instanceId; }, 'path.tmp.templates' => DI\string('{path.tmp}/templates_c'), 'path.cache' => DI\string('{path.tmp}/cache/tracker/'), 'view.clearcompiledtemplates.enable' => true, 'twig.cache' => DI\string('{path.tmp.templates}'), 'Matomo\Cache\Eager' => function (ContainerInterface $c) { $backend = $c->get('Matomo\Cache\Backend'); $cacheId = $c->get('cache.eager.cache_id'); if (SettingsServer::isTrackerApiRequest()) { $eventToPersist = 'Tracker.end'; $cacheId .= 'tracker'; } else { $eventToPersist = 'Request.dispatch.end'; $cacheId .= 'ui'; } $cache = new Eager($backend, $cacheId); \Piwik\Piwik::addAction($eventToPersist, function () use ($cache) { $cache->persistCacheIfNeeded(43200); }); return $cache; }, 'Matomo\Cache\Backend' => function (ContainerInterface $c) { // If Piwik is not installed yet, it's possible the tmp/ folder is not writable // we prevent failing with an unclear message eg. coming from doctrine-cache // by forcing to use a cache backend which always works ie. array if (!\Piwik\SettingsPiwik::isMatomoInstalled()) { $backend = 'array'; } else { try { $backend = $c->get('ini.Cache.backend'); } catch (\DI\NotFoundException $ex) { $backend = 'chained'; // happens if global.ini.php is not available } } return \Piwik\Cache::buildBackend($backend); }, 'cache.eager.cache_id' => function () { return 'eagercache-' . str_replace(['.', '-'], '', \Piwik\Version::VERSION) . '-'; }, 'entities.idNames' => DI\add(['idGoal', 'idDimension']), 'Psr\Log\LoggerInterface' => DI\create('Psr\Log\NullLogger'), 'Piwik\Translation\Loader\LoaderInterface' => DI\autowire('Piwik\Translation\Loader\LoaderCache') ->constructorParameter('loader', DI\get('Piwik\Translation\Loader\JsonFileLoader')), 'DeviceDetector\Cache\Cache' => DI\autowire('Piwik\DeviceDetector\DeviceDetectorCache')->constructor(86400), 'observers.global' => [], /** * By setting this option to false, the check that the DB schema version matches the version of the source code will * be no longer performed. Thus it allows you to execute for example a newer version of Matomo with an older Matomo * database version. Please note disabling this setting is not recommended because often an older DB version is not * compatible with newer source code. * If you disable this setting, make sure to execute the updates after updating the source code. The setting can be * useful if you want to update Matomo without any outage when you know the current source code update will still * run fine for a short time while in the background the database updates are running. */ 'EnableDbVersionCheck' => true, 'fileintegrity.ignore' => DI\add([ '*.htaccess', '*web.config', 'bootstrap.php', 'favicon.ico', 'robots.txt', '.bowerrc', '.lfsconfig', '.phpstorm.meta.php', 'config/config.ini.php', 'config/config.php', 'config/common.ini.php', 'config/*.config.ini.php', 'config/manifest.inc.php', 'misc/*.dat', 'misc/*.dat.gz', 'misc/*.mmdb', 'misc/*.mmdb.gz', 'misc/*.bin', 'misc/user/*png', 'misc/user/*svg', 'misc/user/*js', 'misc/user/*/config.ini.php', 'misc/package', 'misc/package/WebAppGallery/*.xml', 'misc/package/WebAppGallery/install.sql', 'plugins/ImageGraph/fonts/unifont.ttf', 'plugins/*/config/tracker.php', 'plugins/*/config/config.php', 'vendor/autoload.php', 'vendor/composer/autoload_real.php', 'vendor/szymach/c-pchart/app/*', 'tmp/*', // Search engine sites verification 'google*.html', 'BingSiteAuth.xml', 'yandex*.html', // common files on shared hosters 'php.ini', '.user.ini', 'error_log', // Files below are not expected but they used to be present in older Piwik versions and may be still here // As they are not going to cause any trouble we won't report them as 'File to delete' '*.coveralls.yml', '*.scrutinizer.yml', '*.gitignore', '*.gitkeep', '*.gitmodules', '*.gitattributes', '*.bower.json', '*.travis.yml', ]), 'Piwik\EventDispatcher' => DI\autowire()->constructorParameter('observers', DI\get('observers.global')), 'login.allowlist.ips' => function (ContainerInterface $c) { /** @var Piwik\Config\ $config */ $config = $c->get('Piwik\Config'); $general = $config->General; $ips = []; if (!empty($general['login_allowlist_ip']) && is_array($general['login_allowlist_ip'])) { $ips = $general['login_allowlist_ip']; } elseif (!empty($general['login_whitelist_ip']) && is_array($general['login_whitelist_ip'])) { // for BC $ips = $general['login_whitelist_ip']; } $ipsResolved = []; foreach ($ips as $ip) { $ip = trim($ip); if (filter_var($ip, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP) || \Matomo\Network\IPUtils::getIPRangeBounds($ip) !== null) { $ipsResolved[] = $ip; } else { $lazyCache = \Piwik\Cache::getLazyCache(); $cacheKey = 'DNS.' . md5($ip); $resolvedIps = $lazyCache->fetch($cacheKey); if (!is_array($resolvedIps)) { $resolvedIps = []; $ipFromHost = @gethostbyname($ip); if (!empty($ipFromHost) && $ipFromHost !== $ip) { $resolvedIps[] = $ipFromHost; } if (function_exists('dns_get_record')) { $entry = @dns_get_record($ip, DNS_AAAA); if ( !empty($entry['0']['ipv6']) && filter_var($entry['0']['ipv6'], FILTER_VALIDATE_IP) ) { $resolvedIps[] = $entry['0']['ipv6']; } } $lazyCache->save($cacheKey, $resolvedIps, 30); } $ipsResolved = array_merge($ipsResolved, $resolvedIps); } } return $ipsResolved; }, /** * This defines a list of hostnames Matomo's Http class will deny requests to. Wildcards (*) can be used in the * beginning to match any subdomain level or in the end to match any tlds */ 'http.blocklist.hosts' => [ '*.amazonaws.com', ], 'Piwik\Tracker\VisitorRecognizer' => DI\autowire() ->constructorParameter('trustCookiesOnly', DI\get('ini.Tracker.trust_visitors_cookies')) ->constructorParameter('visitStandardLength', DI\get('ini.Tracker.visit_standard_length')) ->constructorParameter('lookbackNSecondsCustom', DI\get('ini.Tracker.window_look_back_for_visitor')), 'Piwik\Tracker\Settings' => DI\autowire() ->constructorParameter( 'isSameFingerprintsAcrossWebsites', DI\get('ini.Tracker.enable_fingerprinting_across_websites') ), 'archiving.performance.logger' => null, \Piwik\CronArchive\Performance\Logger::class => DI\autowire() ->constructorParameter('logger', DI\get('archiving.performance.logger')), \Piwik\Concurrency\LockBackend::class => \DI\get(\Piwik\Concurrency\LockBackend\MySqlLockBackend::class), \Piwik\Segment\SegmentsList::class => function () { return \Piwik\Segment\SegmentsList::get(); } ];