apiModule = $apiModule; $this->apiMethod = $apiMethod; $this->setRequest($request); $this->report = ReportsProvider::factory($apiModule, $apiMethod); $this->apiInconsistencies = new Inconsistencies(); $this->setFormatter(new Formatter()); } public function setFormatter(Formatter $formatter) { $this->formatter = $formatter; } public function setRequest($request) { $this->request = $request; } public function setCallbackBeforeGenericFilters($callbackBeforeGenericFilters) { $this->callbackBeforeGenericFilters = $callbackBeforeGenericFilters; } public function setCallbackAfterGenericFilters($callbackAfterGenericFilters) { $this->callbackAfterGenericFilters = $callbackAfterGenericFilters; } /** * Apply post-processing logic to a DataTable of a report for an API request. * * @param DataTableInterface $dataTable The data table to process. * @return DataTableInterface A new data table. */ public function process(DataTableInterface $dataTable) { // TODO: when calculating metrics before hand, only calculate for needed metrics, not all. NOTE: // this is non-trivial since it will require, eg, to make sure processed metrics aren't added // after pivotBy is handled. $dataTable = $this->applyPivotByFilter($dataTable); $dataTable = $this->applyTotalsCalculator($dataTable); $dataTable = $this->applyFlattener($dataTable); if ($this->callbackBeforeGenericFilters) { call_user_func($this->callbackBeforeGenericFilters, $dataTable); } $dataTable = $this->applyGenericFilters($dataTable); $this->applyComputeProcessedMetrics($dataTable); $dataTable = $this->applyComparison($dataTable); if ($this->callbackAfterGenericFilters) { call_user_func($this->callbackAfterGenericFilters, $dataTable); } // we automatically safe decode all datatable labels (against xss) $dataTable->queueFilter('SafeDecodeLabel'); $dataTable = $this->convertSegmentValueToSegment($dataTable); $dataTable = $this->applyQueuedFilters($dataTable); $dataTable = $this->applyRequestedColumnDeletion($dataTable); $dataTable = $this->applyLabelFilter($dataTable); $dataTable = $this->applyMetricsFormatting($dataTable); return $dataTable; } private function convertSegmentValueToSegment(DataTableInterface $dataTable) { $dataTable->filter('AddSegmentBySegmentValue', array($this->report)); $dataTable->filter('ColumnCallbackDeleteMetadata', array('segmentValue')); return $dataTable; } /** * @param DataTableInterface $dataTable * @return DataTableInterface */ public function applyPivotByFilter(DataTableInterface $dataTable) { $pivotBy = Common::getRequestVar('pivotBy', false, 'string', $this->request); if (!empty($pivotBy)) { $this->applyComputeProcessedMetrics($dataTable); $dataTable = $this->convertSegmentValueToSegment($dataTable); $pivotByColumn = Common::getRequestVar('pivotByColumn', false, 'string', $this->request); $pivotByColumnLimit = Common::getRequestVar('pivotByColumnLimit', false, 'int', $this->request); $dataTable->filter('PivotByDimension', array($this->report, $pivotBy, $pivotByColumn, $pivotByColumnLimit, PivotByDimension::isSegmentFetchingEnabledInConfig())); $dataTable->filter('ColumnCallbackDeleteMetadata', array('segment')); } return $dataTable; } /** * @param DataTableInterface $dataTable * @return DataTable|DataTableInterface|DataTable\Map */ public function applyFlattener($dataTable) { if (Common::getRequestVar('flat', '0', 'string', $this->request) == '1') { // skip flattening if not supported by report and remove subtables only if ($this->report && !$this->report->supportsFlatten()) { $dataTable->filter('RemoveSubtables'); return $dataTable; } $flattener = new Flattener($this->apiModule, $this->apiMethod, $this->request); if (Common::getRequestVar('include_aggregate_rows', '0', 'string', $this->request) == '1') { $flattener->includeAggregateRows(); } $recursiveLabelSeparator = ' - '; if ($this->report) { $recursiveLabelSeparator = $this->report->getRecursiveLabelSeparator(); } $dataTable = $flattener->flatten($dataTable, $recursiveLabelSeparator); } return $dataTable; } /** * @param DataTableInterface $dataTable * @return DataTableInterface */ public function applyTotalsCalculator($dataTable) { if (1 == Common::getRequestVar('totals', '1', 'integer', $this->request)) { $calculator = new ReportTotalsCalculator($this->apiModule, $this->apiMethod, $this->request, $this->report); $dataTable = $calculator->calculate($dataTable); } return $dataTable; } /** * @param DataTableInterface $dataTable * @return DataTableInterface */ public function applyGenericFilters($dataTable) { // if the flag disable_generic_filters is defined we skip the generic filters if (0 == Common::getRequestVar('disable_generic_filters', '0', 'string', $this->request)) { $this->applyProcessedMetricsGenericFilters($dataTable); $genericFilter = new DataTableGenericFilter($this->request, $this->report); $self = $this; $report = $this->report; $dataTable->filter(function (DataTable $table) use ($genericFilter, $report, $self) { $processedMetrics = Report::getProcessedMetricsForTable($table, $report); if ($genericFilter->areProcessedMetricsNeededFor($processedMetrics)) { $self->computeProcessedMetrics($table); } }); $label = self::getLabelFromRequest($this->request); if (!empty($label)) { $genericFilter->disableFilters(array('Limit', 'Truncate')); } $genericFilter->filter($dataTable); } return $dataTable; } /** * @param DataTableInterface $dataTable * @return DataTableInterface */ public function applyProcessedMetricsGenericFilters($dataTable) { $addNormalProcessedMetrics = null; try { $addNormalProcessedMetrics = Common::getRequestVar( 'filter_add_columns_when_show_all_columns', null, 'integer', $this->request); } catch (Exception $ex) { // ignore } if ($addNormalProcessedMetrics !== null) { $dataTable->filter('AddColumnsProcessedMetrics', array($addNormalProcessedMetrics)); } $addGoalProcessedMetrics = null; try { $addGoalProcessedMetrics = Common::getRequestVar( 'filter_update_columns_when_show_all_goals', false, 'string', $this->request); if ((int) $addGoalProcessedMetrics === 0 && $addGoalProcessedMetrics !== '0' && $addGoalProcessedMetrics != Piwik::LABEL_ID_GOAL_IS_ECOMMERCE_ORDER && $addGoalProcessedMetrics != Piwik::LABEL_ID_GOAL_IS_ECOMMERCE_CART ) { $addGoalProcessedMetrics = null; } } catch (Exception $ex) { // ignore } $goalsToProcess = null; try { $goalsToProcess = Common::getRequestVar('filter_show_goal_columns_process_goals', null, 'string', $this->request); $goalsToProcess = explode(',', $goalsToProcess); $goalsToProcess = array_map('trim', $goalsToProcess); $goalsToProcess = array_filter($goalsToProcess); } catch (Exception $ex) { // ignore } if ($addGoalProcessedMetrics !== null) { $idGoal = Common::getRequestVar( 'idGoal', DataTable\Filter\AddColumnsProcessedMetricsGoal::GOALS_OVERVIEW, 'string', $this->request); $dataTable->filter('AddColumnsProcessedMetricsGoal', array($ignore = true, $idGoal, $goalsToProcess)); } return $dataTable; } /** * @param DataTableInterface $dataTable * @return DataTableInterface */ public function applyQueuedFilters($dataTable) { // if the flag disable_queued_filters is defined we skip the filters that were queued if (Common::getRequestVar('disable_queued_filters', 0, 'int', $this->request) == 0) { $dataTable->applyQueuedFilters(); } return $dataTable; } /** * @param DataTableInterface $dataTable * @return DataTableInterface */ public function applyRequestedColumnDeletion($dataTable) { // use the ColumnDelete filter if hideColumns/showColumns is provided (must be done // after queued filters are run so processed metrics can be removed, too) $hideColumns = Common::getRequestVar('hideColumns', '', 'string', $this->request); $showColumns = Common::getRequestVar('showColumns', '', 'string', $this->request); $showRawMetrics = Common::getRequestVar('showRawMetrics', 0, 'int', $this->request); if (!empty($hideColumns) || !empty($showColumns) ) { $dataTable->filter('ColumnDelete', array($hideColumns, $showColumns)); } else if ($showRawMetrics !== 1) { $this->removeTemporaryMetrics($dataTable); } return $dataTable; } /** * @param DataTableInterface $dataTable */ public function removeTemporaryMetrics(DataTableInterface $dataTable) { $allColumns = !empty($this->report) ? $this->report->getAllMetrics() : array(); $report = $this->report; $dataTable->filter(function (DataTable $table) use ($report, $allColumns) { $processedMetrics = Report::getProcessedMetricsForTable($table, $report); $allTemporaryMetrics = array(); foreach ($processedMetrics as $metric) { $allTemporaryMetrics = array_merge($allTemporaryMetrics, $metric->getTemporaryMetrics()); } if (!empty($allTemporaryMetrics)) { $table->filter('ColumnDelete', array($allTemporaryMetrics)); } }); } /** * @param DataTableInterface $dataTable * @return DataTableInterface */ public function applyLabelFilter($dataTable) { $label = self::getLabelFromRequest($this->request); // apply label filter: only return rows matching the label parameter (more than one if more than one label) if (!empty($label)) { $addLabelIndex = Common::getRequestVar('labelFilterAddLabelIndex', 0, 'int', $this->request) == 1; $filter = new LabelFilter($this->apiModule, $this->apiMethod, $this->request); $dataTable = $filter->filter($label, $dataTable, $addLabelIndex); } return $dataTable; } /** * @param DataTableInterface $dataTable * @return DataTableInterface */ public function applyMetricsFormatting($dataTable) { $formatMetrics = Common::getRequestVar('format_metrics', 0, 'string', $this->request); if ($formatMetrics == '0') { return $dataTable; } // in Piwik 2.X & below, metrics are not formatted in API responses except for percents. // this code implements this inconsistency $onlyFormatPercents = $formatMetrics === 'bc'; $metricsToFormat = null; if ($onlyFormatPercents) { $metricsToFormat = $this->apiInconsistencies->getPercentMetricsToFormat(); } // 'all' is a special value that indicates we should format non-processed metrics that are identified // by string, like 'revenue'. this should be removed when all metrics are using the `Metric` class. $formatAll = $formatMetrics === 'all'; $dataTable->filter(array($this->formatter, 'formatMetrics'), array($this->report, $metricsToFormat, $formatAll)); return $dataTable; } /** * Returns the value for the label query parameter which can be either a string * (ie, label=...) or array (ie, label[]=...). * * @param array $request * @return array */ public static function getLabelFromRequest($request) { $label = Common::getRequestVar('label', array(), 'array', $request); if (empty($label)) { $label = Common::getRequestVar('label', '', 'string', $request); if (!empty($label)) { $label = array($label); } } $label = self::unsanitizeLabelParameter($label); return $label; } public static function unsanitizeLabelParameter($label) { // this is needed because Proxy uses Common::getRequestVar which in turn // uses Common::sanitizeInputValue. This causes the > that separates recursive labels // to become > and we need to undo that here. $label = str_replace( htmlentities('>', ENT_COMPAT | ENT_HTML401, 'UTF-8'), '>', $label); return $label; } public function computeProcessedMetrics(DataTable $dataTable) { if ($dataTable->getMetadata(self::PROCESSED_METRICS_COMPUTED_FLAG)) { return; } /** @var ProcessedMetric[] $processedMetrics */ $processedMetrics = Report::getProcessedMetricsForTable($dataTable, $this->report); if (empty($processedMetrics)) { return; } $dataTable->setMetadata(self::PROCESSED_METRICS_COMPUTED_FLAG, true); foreach ($processedMetrics as $name => $processedMetric) { if (!$processedMetric->beforeCompute($this->report, $dataTable)) { continue; } foreach ($dataTable->getRows() as $row) { if ($row->getColumn($name) !== false) { // only compute the metric if it has not been computed already continue; } $computedValue = $processedMetric->compute($row); if ($computedValue !== false) { $row->addColumn($name, $computedValue); } } } foreach ($dataTable->getRows() as $row) { $subtable = $row->getSubtable(); if (!empty($subtable)) { foreach ($processedMetrics as $name => $processedMetric) { $processedMetric->beforeComputeSubtable($row); } $this->computeProcessedMetrics($subtable); foreach ($processedMetrics as $name => $processedMetric) { $processedMetric->afterComputeSubtable($row); } } } } public function applyComputeProcessedMetrics(DataTableInterface $dataTable) { $dataTable->filter(array($this, 'computeProcessedMetrics')); } public function applyComparison(DataTableInterface $dataTable) { $compare = Common::getRequestVar('compare', '0', 'int', $this->request); if ($compare != 1) { return $dataTable; } $filter = new DataComparisonFilter($this->request, $this->report); $filter->compare($dataTable); $dataTable->filter(function (DataTable $table) { foreach ($table->getRows() as $row) { $comparisons = $row->getComparisons(); if (!empty($comparisons)) { $this->computeProcessedMetrics($comparisons); } } }); return $dataTable; } }