process(); * echo $result; * * **Getting a unrendered DataTable** * * // use the convenience method 'processRequest' * $dataTable = Request::processRequest('UserLanguage.getLanguage', array( * 'idSite' => 1, * 'date' => 'yesterday', * 'period' => 'week', * 'filter_limit' => 5, * 'filter_offset' => 0 * * 'format' => 'original', // this is the important bit * )); * echo "This DataTable has " . $dataTable->getRowsCount() . " rows."; * * @see * @api */ class Request { /** * The count of nested API request invocations. Used to determine if the currently executing request is the root or not. * * @var int */ private static $nestedApiInvocationCount = 0; private $request = null; /** * Converts the supplied request string into an array of query paramater name/value * mappings. The current query parameters (everything in `$_GET` and `$_POST`) are * forwarded to request array before it is returned. * * @param string|array|null $request The base request string or array, eg, * `'module=UserLanguage&action=getLanguage'`. * @param array $defaultRequest Default query parameters. If a query parameter is absent in `$request`, it will be loaded * from this. Defaults to `$_GET + $_POST`. * @return array */ public static function getRequestArrayFromString($request, $defaultRequest = null) { if ($defaultRequest === null) { $defaultRequest = self::getDefaultRequest(); $requestRaw = self::getRequestParametersGET(); if (!empty($requestRaw['segment'])) { $defaultRequest['segment'] = $requestRaw['segment']; } if (!isset($defaultRequest['format_metrics'])) { $defaultRequest['format_metrics'] = 'bc'; } } $requestArray = $defaultRequest; if (!is_null($request)) { if (is_array($request)) { $requestParsed = $request; } else { $request = trim($request); $request = str_replace(array("\n", "\t"), '', $request); $requestParsed = UrlHelper::getArrayFromQueryString($request); } $requestArray = $requestParsed + $defaultRequest; } foreach ($requestArray as &$element) { if (!is_array($element)) { $element = trim($element); } } return $requestArray; } /** * Constructor. * * @param string|array $request Query string that defines the API call (must at least contain a **method** parameter), * eg, `'method=UserLanguage.getLanguage&idSite=1&date=yesterday&period=week&format=xml'` * If a request is not provided, then we use the values in the `$_GET` and `$_POST` * superglobals. * @param array $defaultRequest Default query parameters. If a query parameter is absent in `$request`, it will be loaded * from this. Defaults to `$_GET + $_POST`. */ public function __construct($request = null, $defaultRequest = null) { $this->request = self::getRequestArrayFromString($request, $defaultRequest); $this->sanitizeRequest(); $this->renameModuleAndActionInRequest(); } /** * For backward compatibility: Piwik API still works if module=Referers, * we rewrite to correct renamed plugin: Referrers * * @param $module * @param $action * @return array( $module, $action ) * @ignore */ public static function getRenamedModuleAndAction($module, $action) { /** * This event is posted in the Request dispatcher and can be used * to overwrite the Module and Action to dispatch. * This is useful when some Controller methods or API methods have been renamed or moved to another plugin. * * @param $module string * @param $action string */ Piwik::postEvent('Request.getRenamedModuleAndAction', array(&$module, &$action)); return array($module, $action); } /** * Make sure that the request contains no logical errors */ private function sanitizeRequest() { // The label filter does not work with expanded=1 because the data table IDs have a different meaning // depending on whether the table has been loaded yet. expanded=1 causes all tables to be loaded, which // is why the label filter can't descend when a recursive label has been requested. // To fix this, we remove the expanded parameter if a label parameter is set. if (isset($this->request['label']) && !empty($this->request['label']) && isset($this->request['expanded']) && $this->request['expanded'] ) { unset($this->request['expanded']); } } /** * Dispatches the API request to the appropriate API method and returns the result * after post-processing. * * Post-processing includes: * * - flattening if **flat** is 0 * - running generic filters unless **disable_generic_filters** is set to 1 * - URL decoding label column values * - running queued filters unless **disable_queued_filters** is set to 1 * - removing columns based on the values of the **hideColumns** and **showColumns** query parameters * - filtering rows if the **label** query parameter is set * - converting the result to the appropriate format (ie, XML, JSON, etc.) * * If `'original'` is supplied for the output format, the result is returned as a PHP * object. * * @throws PluginDeactivatedException if the module plugin is not activated. * @throws Exception if the requested API method cannot be called, if required parameters for the * API method are missing or if the API method throws an exception and the **format** * query parameter is **original**. * @return DataTable|Map|string The data resulting from the API call. */ public function process() { try { ++self::$nestedApiInvocationCount; // read the format requested for the output data $outputFormat = strtolower(Common::getRequestVar('format', 'xml', 'string', $this->request)); $disablePostProcessing = $this->shouldDisablePostProcessing(); // create the response $response = new ResponseBuilder($outputFormat, $this->request); if ($disablePostProcessing) { $response->disableDataTablePostProcessor(); } $corsHandler = new CORSHandler(); $corsHandler->handle(); $tokenAuth = Common::getRequestVar('token_auth', '', 'string', $this->request); $shouldReloadAuth = false; // IP check is needed here as we cannot listen to API.Request.authenticate as it would then not return proper API format response. // We can also not do it by listening to API.Request.dispatch as by then the user is already authenticated and we want to make sure // to not expose any information in case the IP is not whitelisted. $whitelist = new LoginWhitelist(); if ($whitelist->shouldCheckWhitelist() && $whitelist->shouldWhitelistApplyToAPI()) { $ip = IP::getIpFromHeader(); $whitelist->checkIsWhitelisted($ip); } // read parameters $moduleMethod = Common::getRequestVar('method', null, 'string', $this->request); list($module, $method) = $this->extractModuleAndMethod($moduleMethod); list($module, $method) = self::getRenamedModuleAndAction($module, $method); PluginManager::getInstance()->checkIsPluginActivated($module); $apiClassName = self::getClassNameAPI($module); if ($shouldReloadAuth = self::shouldReloadAuthUsingTokenAuth($this->request)) { $access = Access::getInstance(); $tokenAuthToRestore = $access->getTokenAuth(); $hadSuperUserAccess = $access->hasSuperUserAccess(); self::forceReloadAuthUsingTokenAuth($tokenAuth); } // call the method $returnedValue = Proxy::getInstance()->call($apiClassName, $method, $this->request); // get the response with the request query parameters loaded, since DataTablePost processor will use the Report // class instance, which may inspect the query parameters. (eg, it may look for the idCustomReport parameters // which may only exist in $this->request, if the request was called programatically) $toReturn = Context::executeWithQueryParameters($this->request, function () use ($response, $returnedValue, $module, $method) { return $response->getResponse($returnedValue, $module, $method); }); } catch (Exception $e) { StaticContainer::get(LoggerInterface::class)->error('Uncaught exception in API: {exception}', [ 'exception' => $e, 'ignoreInScreenWriter' => true, ]); $toReturn = $response->getResponseException($e); } finally { --self::$nestedApiInvocationCount; } if ($shouldReloadAuth) { $this->restoreAuthUsingTokenAuth($tokenAuthToRestore, $hadSuperUserAccess); } return $toReturn; } private function restoreAuthUsingTokenAuth($tokenToRestore, $hadSuperUserAccess) { // if we would not make sure to unset super user access, the tokenAuth would be not authenticated and any // token would just keep super user access (eg if the token that was reloaded before had super user access) Access::getInstance()->setSuperUserAccess(false); // we need to restore by reloading the tokenAuth as some permissions could have been removed in the API // request etc. Otherwise we could just store a clone of Access::getInstance() and restore here self::forceReloadAuthUsingTokenAuth($tokenToRestore); if ($hadSuperUserAccess && !Access::getInstance()->hasSuperUserAccess()) { // we are in context of `doAsSuperUser()` and need to restore this behaviour Access::getInstance()->setSuperUserAccess(true); } } /** * Returns the name of a plugin's API class by plugin name. * * @param string $plugin The plugin name, eg, `'Referrers'`. * @return string The fully qualified API class name, eg, `'\Piwik\Plugins\Referrers\API'`. */ public static function getClassNameAPI($plugin) { return sprintf('\Piwik\Plugins\%s\API', $plugin); } /** * @ignore * @internal * @param string $currentApiMethod */ public static function setIsRootRequestApiRequest($currentApiMethod) { Cache::getTransientCache()->save('API.setIsRootRequestApiRequest', $currentApiMethod); } /** * @ignore * @internal * @return string current Api Method if it is an api request */ public static function getRootApiRequestMethod() { return Cache::getTransientCache()->fetch('API.setIsRootRequestApiRequest'); } /** * Detect if the root request (the actual request) is an API request or not. To detect whether an API is currently * request within any request, have a look at {@link isApiRequest()}. * * @return bool * @throws Exception */ public static function isRootRequestApiRequest() { $apiMethod = Cache::getTransientCache()->fetch('API.setIsRootRequestApiRequest'); return !empty($apiMethod); } /** * Checks if the currently executing API request is the root API request or not. * * Note: the "root" API request is the first request made. Within that request, further API methods * can be called programmatically. These requests are considered "child" API requests. * * @return bool * @throws Exception */ public static function isCurrentApiRequestTheRootApiRequest() { return self::$nestedApiInvocationCount == 1; } /** * Detect if request is an API request. Meaning the module is 'API' and an API method having a valid format was * specified. Note that this method will return true even if the actual request is for example a regular UI * reporting page request but within this request we are currently processing an API request (eg a * controller calls Request::processRequest('API.getMatomoVersion')). To find out if the root request is an API * request or not, call {@link isRootRequestApiRequest()} * * @param array $request eg array('module' => 'API', 'method' => 'Test.getMethod') * @return bool * @throws Exception */ public static function isApiRequest($request) { $method = self::getMethodIfApiRequest($request); return !empty($method); } /** * Returns the current API method being executed, if the current request is an API request. * * @param array $request eg array('module' => 'API', 'method' => 'Test.getMethod') * @return string|null * @throws Exception */ public static function getMethodIfApiRequest($request) { $module = Common::getRequestVar('module', '', 'string', $request); $method = Common::getRequestVar('method', '', 'string', $request); $isApi = $module === 'API' && !empty($method) && (count(explode('.', $method)) === 2); return $isApi ? $method : null; } /** * If the token_auth is found in the $request parameter, * the current session will be authenticated using this token_auth. * It will overwrite the previous Auth object. * * @param array $request If null, uses the default request ($_GET) * @return void * @ignore */ public static function reloadAuthUsingTokenAuth($request = null) { // if a token_auth is specified in the API request, we load the right permissions $token_auth = Common::getRequestVar('token_auth', '', 'string', $request); if (self::shouldReloadAuthUsingTokenAuth($request)) { self::forceReloadAuthUsingTokenAuth($token_auth); } } /** * The current session will be authenticated using this token_auth. * It will overwrite the previous Auth object. * * @param string $tokenAuth * @return void */ private static function forceReloadAuthUsingTokenAuth($tokenAuth) { /** * Triggered when authenticating an API request, but only if the **token_auth** * query parameter is found in the request. * * Plugins that provide authentication capabilities should subscribe to this event * and make sure the global authentication object (the object returned by `StaticContainer::get('Piwik\Auth')`) * is setup to use `$token_auth` when its `authenticate()` method is executed. * * @param string $token_auth The value of the **token_auth** query parameter. */ Piwik::postEvent('API.Request.authenticate', array($tokenAuth)); if (!Access::getInstance()->reloadAccess() && $tokenAuth && $tokenAuth !== 'anonymous') { /** * @ignore * @internal */ Piwik::postEvent('API.Request.authenticate.failed'); } SettingsServer::raiseMemoryLimitIfNecessary(); } private static function shouldReloadAuthUsingTokenAuth($request) { if (is_null($request)) { $request = self::getDefaultRequest(); } if (!isset($request['token_auth'])) { // no token is given so we just keep the current loaded user return false; } // a token is specified, we need to reload auth in case it is different than the current one, even if it is empty $tokenAuth = Common::getRequestVar('token_auth', '', 'string', $request); // not using !== is on purpose as getTokenAuth() might return null whereas $tokenAuth is '' . In this case // we do not need to reload. return $tokenAuth != Access::getInstance()->getTokenAuth(); } /** * Returns array($class, $method) from the given string $class.$method * * @param string $parameter * @throws Exception * @return array */ private function extractModuleAndMethod($parameter) { $a = explode('.', $parameter); if (count($a) != 2) { throw new Exception("The method name is invalid. Expected 'module.methodName'"); } return $a; } /** * Helper method that processes an API request in one line using the variables in `$_GET` * and `$_POST`. * * @param string $method The API method to call, ie, `'Actions.getPageTitles'`. * @param array $paramOverride The parameter name-value pairs to use instead of what's * in `$_GET` & `$_POST`. * @param array $defaultRequest Default query parameters. If a query parameter is absent in `$request`, it will be loaded * from this. Defaults to `$_GET + $_POST`. * * To avoid using any parameters from $_GET or $_POST, set this to an empty `array()`. * @return mixed The result of the API request. See {@link process()}. */ public static function processRequest($method, $paramOverride = array(), $defaultRequest = null) { $params = array(); $params['format'] = 'original'; $params['serialize'] = '0'; $params['module'] = 'API'; $params['method'] = $method; $params['compare'] = '0'; $params = $paramOverride + $params; // process request $request = new Request($params, $defaultRequest); return $request->process(); } /** * Returns the original request parameters in the current query string as an array mapping * query parameter names with values. The result of this function will not be affected * by any modifications to `$_GET` and will not include parameters in `$_POST`. * * @return array */ public static function getRequestParametersGET() { if (empty($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])) { return array(); } $GET = UrlHelper::getArrayFromQueryString($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']); return $GET; } /** * Returns the URL for the current requested report w/o any filter parameters. * * @param string $module The API module. * @param string $action The API action. * @param array $queryParams Query parameter overrides. * @return string */ public static function getBaseReportUrl($module, $action, $queryParams = array()) { $params = array_merge($queryParams, array('module' => $module, 'action' => $action)); return Request::getCurrentUrlWithoutGenericFilters($params); } /** * Returns the current URL without generic filter query parameters. * * @param array $params Query parameter values to override in the new URL. * @return string */ public static function getCurrentUrlWithoutGenericFilters($params) { // unset all filter query params so the related report will show up in its default state, // unless the filter param was in $queryParams $genericFiltersInfo = DataTableGenericFilter::getGenericFiltersInformation(); foreach ($genericFiltersInfo as $filter) { foreach ($filter[1] as $queryParamName => $queryParamInfo) { if (!isset($params[$queryParamName])) { $params[$queryParamName] = null; } } } $params['compareDates'] = null; $params['comparePeriods'] = null; $params['compareSegments'] = null; return Url::getCurrentQueryStringWithParametersModified($params); } /** * Returns whether the DataTable result will have to be expanded for the * current request before rendering. * * @return bool * @ignore */ public static function shouldLoadExpanded() { // if filter_column_recursive & filter_pattern_recursive are supplied, and flat isn't supplied // we have to load all the child subtables. return Common::getRequestVar('filter_column_recursive', false) !== false && Common::getRequestVar('filter_pattern_recursive', false) !== false && !self::shouldLoadFlatten(); } /** * @return bool */ public static function shouldLoadFlatten() { return Common::getRequestVar('flat', false) == 1; } /** * Returns the segment query parameter from the original request, without modifications. * * @return array|bool */ public static function getRawSegmentFromRequest() { // we need the URL encoded segment parameter, we fetch it from _SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] instead of default URL decoded _GET $segmentRaw = false; $segment = Common::getRequestVar('segment', '', 'string'); if (!empty($segment)) { $request = Request::getRequestParametersGET(); if (!empty($request['segment'])) { $segmentRaw = $request['segment']; } } return $segmentRaw; } private function renameModuleAndActionInRequest() { if (empty($this->request['apiModule'])) { return; } if (empty($this->request['apiAction'])) { $this->request['apiAction'] = null; } list($this->request['apiModule'], $this->request['apiAction']) = $this->getRenamedModuleAndAction($this->request['apiModule'], $this->request['apiAction']); } /** * @return array */ private static function getDefaultRequest() { return $_GET + $_POST; } private function shouldDisablePostProcessing() { $shouldDisable = false; /** * After an API method returns a value, the value is post processed (eg, rows are sorted * based on the `filter_sort_column` query parameter, rows are truncated based on the * `filter_limit`/`filter_offset` parameters, amongst other things). * * If you're creating a plugin that needs to disable post processing entirely for * certain requests, use this event. * * @param bool &$shouldDisable Set this to true to disable datatable post processing for a request. * @param array $request The request parameters. */ Piwik::postEvent('Request.shouldDisablePostProcessing', [&$shouldDisable, $this->request]); if (!$shouldDisable) { $shouldDisable = self::isCurrentApiRequestTheRootApiRequest() && Common::getRequestVar('disable_root_datatable_post_processor', 0, 'int', $this->request) == 1; } return $shouldDisable; } }