request = $request; $this->outputFormat = $outputFormat; } /** * This method processes the data resulting from the API call. * * - If the data resulted from the API call is a DataTable then * - we apply the standard filters if the parameters have been found * in the URL. For example to offset,limit the Table you can add the following parameters to any API * call that returns a DataTable: filter_limit=10&filter_offset=20 * - we apply the filters that have been previously queued on the DataTable * @see DataTable::queueFilter() * - we apply the renderer that generate the DataTable in a given format (XML, PHP, HTML, JSON, etc.) * the format can be changed using the 'format' parameter in the request. * Example: format=xml * * - If there is nothing returned (void) we display a standard success message * * - If there is a PHP array returned, we try to convert it to a dataTable * It is then possible to convert this datatable to any requested format (xml/etc) * * - If a bool is returned we convert to a string (true is displayed as 'true' false as 'false') * * - If an integer / float is returned, we simply return it * * @param mixed $value The initial returned value, before post process. If set to null, success response is returned. * @param bool|string $apiModule The API module that was called * @param bool|string $apiMethod The API method that was called * @return mixed Usually a string, but can still be a PHP data structure if the format requested is 'original' */ public function getResponse($value = null, $apiModule = false, $apiMethod = false) { $this->apiModule = $apiModule; $this->apiMethod = $apiMethod; // when null or void is returned from the api call, we handle it as a successful operation if (!isset($value)) { return $this->handleSuccess(); } // If the returned value is an object DataTable we // apply the set of generic filters if asked in the URL // and we render the DataTable according to the format specified in the URL if ($value instanceof DataTable || $value instanceof DataTable\Map ) { return $this->handleDataTable($value); } // Case an array is returned from the API call, we convert it to the requested format // - if calling from inside the application (format = original) // => the data stays unchanged (ie. a standard php array or whatever data structure) // - if any other format is requested, we have to convert this data structure (which we assume // to be an array) to a DataTable in order to apply the requested DataTable_Renderer (for example XML) if (is_array($value)) { return $this->handleArray($value); } // original data structure requested, we return without process if ($this->outputFormat == 'original') { return $value; } if (is_object($value) || is_resource($value) ) { return $this->getResponseException(new Exception('The API cannot handle this data structure.')); } // bool // integer // float // serialized object return $this->handleScalar($value); } /** * Returns an error $message in the requested $format * * @param Exception $e * @throws Exception * @return string */ public function getResponseException(Exception $e) { $format = strtolower($this->outputFormat); if ($format == 'original') { throw $e; } try { $renderer = Renderer::factory($format); } catch (Exception $exceptionRenderer) { return "Error: " . $e->getMessage() . " and: " . $exceptionRenderer->getMessage(); } $e = $this->decorateExceptionWithDebugTrace($e); $renderer->setException($e); if ($format == 'php') { $renderer->setSerialize($this->caseRendererPHPSerialize()); } return $renderer->renderException(); } /** * @param Exception $e * @return Exception */ protected function decorateExceptionWithDebugTrace(Exception $e) { // If we are in tests, show full backtrace if (defined('PIWIK_PATH_TEST_TO_ROOT')) { if (self::DISPLAY_BACKTRACE_DEBUG) { $message = $e->getMessage() . " in \n " . $e->getFile() . ":" . $e->getLine() . " \n " . $e->getTraceAsString(); } else { $message = $e->getMessage() . "\n \n --> To temporarily debug this error further, set const DISPLAY_BACKTRACE_DEBUG=true; in " . basename(__FILE__); } return new Exception($message); } return $e; } /** * Returns true if the user requested to serialize the output data (&serialize=1 in the request) * * @param mixed $defaultSerializeValue Default value in case the user hasn't specified a value * @return bool */ protected function caseRendererPHPSerialize($defaultSerializeValue = 1) { $serialize = Common::getRequestVar('serialize', $defaultSerializeValue, 'int', $this->request); if ($serialize) { return true; } return false; } /** * Apply the specified renderer to the DataTable * * @param DataTable|array $dataTable * @return string */ protected function getRenderedDataTable($dataTable) { $format = strtolower($this->outputFormat); // if asked for original dataStructure if ($format == 'original') { // by default "original" data is not serialized if ($this->caseRendererPHPSerialize($defaultSerialize = 0)) { $dataTable = serialize($dataTable); } return $dataTable; } $method = Common::getRequestVar('method', '', 'string', $this->request); $renderer = Renderer::factory($format); $renderer->setTable($dataTable); $renderer->setRenderSubTables(Common::getRequestVar('expanded', false, 'int', $this->request)); $renderer->setHideIdSubDatableFromResponse(Common::getRequestVar('hideIdSubDatable', false, 'int', $this->request)); if ($format == 'php') { $renderer->setSerialize($this->caseRendererPHPSerialize()); $renderer->setPrettyDisplay(Common::getRequestVar('prettyDisplay', false, 'int', $this->request)); } else if ($format == 'html') { $renderer->setTableId($this->request['method']); } else if ($format == 'csv' || $format == 'tsv') { $renderer->setConvertToUnicode(Common::getRequestVar('convertToUnicode', true, 'int', $this->request)); } // prepare translation of column names if ($format == 'html' || $format == 'csv' || $format == 'tsv' || $format = 'rss') { $renderer->setApiMethod($method); $renderer->setIdSite(Common::getRequestVar('idSite', false, 'int', $this->request)); $renderer->setTranslateColumnNames(Common::getRequestVar('translateColumnNames', false, 'int', $this->request)); } return $renderer->render(); } /** * Returns a success $message in the requested $format * * @param string $message * @return string */ protected function handleSuccess($message = 'ok') { // return a success message only if no content has already been buffered, useful when APIs return raw text or html content to the browser if (!ob_get_contents()) { switch ($this->outputFormat) { case 'xml': @header("Content-Type: text/xml;charset=utf-8"); $return = "\n" . "\n" . "\t\n" . ""; break; case 'json': @header("Content-Type: application/json"); $return = '{"result":"success", "message":"' . $message . '"}'; break; case 'php': $return = array('result' => 'success', 'message' => $message); if ($this->caseRendererPHPSerialize()) { $return = serialize($return); } break; case 'csv': @header("Content-Type: application/"); @header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=piwik-report-export.csv"); $return = "message\n" . $message; break; default: $return = 'Success:' . $message; break; } return $return; } } /** * Converts the given scalar to an data table * * @param mixed $scalar * @return string */ protected function handleScalar($scalar) { $dataTable = new Simple(); $dataTable->addRowsFromArray(array($scalar)); return $this->getRenderedDataTable($dataTable); } /** * Handles the given data table * * @param DataTable $datatable * @return string */ protected function handleDataTable($datatable) { // if requested, flatten nested tables if (Common::getRequestVar('flat', '0', 'string', $this->request) == '1') { $flattener = new Flattener($this->apiModule, $this->apiMethod, $this->request); if (Common::getRequestVar('include_aggregate_rows', '0', 'string', $this->request) == '1') { $flattener->includeAggregateRows(); } $datatable = $flattener->flatten($datatable); } // if the flag disable_generic_filters is defined we skip the generic filters if (0 == Common::getRequestVar('disable_generic_filters', '0', 'string', $this->request)) { $genericFilter = new DataTableGenericFilter($this->request); $genericFilter->filter($datatable); } // we automatically safe decode all datatable labels (against xss) $datatable->queueFilter('SafeDecodeLabel'); // if the flag disable_queued_filters is defined we skip the filters that were queued if (Common::getRequestVar('disable_queued_filters', 0, 'int', $this->request) == 0) { $datatable->applyQueuedFilters(); } // use the ColumnDelete filter if hideColumns/showColumns is provided (must be done // after queued filters are run so processed metrics can be removed, too) $hideColumns = Common::getRequestVar('hideColumns', '', 'string', $this->request); $showColumns = Common::getRequestVar('showColumns', '', 'string', $this->request); if ($hideColumns !== '' || $showColumns !== '') { $datatable->filter('ColumnDelete', array($hideColumns, $showColumns)); } // apply label filter: only return rows matching the label parameter (more than one if more than one label) $label = $this->getLabelFromRequest($this->request); if (!empty($label)) { $addLabelIndex = Common::getRequestVar('labelFilterAddLabelIndex', 0, 'int', $this->request) == 1; $filter = new LabelFilter($this->apiModule, $this->apiMethod, $this->request); $datatable = $filter->filter($label, $datatable, $addLabelIndex); } return $this->getRenderedDataTable($datatable); } /** * Converts the given simple array to a data table * * @param array $array * @return string */ protected function handleArray($array) { if ($this->outputFormat == 'original') { // we handle the serialization. Because some php array have a very special structure that // couldn't be converted with the automatic DataTable->addRowsFromSimpleArray // the user may want to request the original PHP data structure serialized by the API // in case he has to setup serialize=1 in the URL if ($this->caseRendererPHPSerialize($defaultSerialize = 0)) { return serialize($array); } return $array; } $multiDimensional = $this->handleMultiDimensionalArray($array); if ($multiDimensional !== false) { return $multiDimensional; } return $this->getRenderedDataTable($array); } /** * Is this a multi dimensional array? * Multi dim arrays are not supported by the Datatable renderer. * We manually render these. * * array( * array( * 1, * 2 => array( 1, * 2 * ) * ), * array( 2, * 3 * ) * ); * * @param array $array * @return string|bool false if it isn't a multidim array */ protected function handleMultiDimensionalArray($array) { $first = reset($array); foreach ($array as $first) { if (is_array($first)) { foreach ($first as $key => $value) { // Yes, this is a multi dim array if (is_array($value)) { switch ($this->outputFormat) { case 'json': @header("Content-Type: application/json"); return self::convertMultiDimensionalArrayToJson($array); break; case 'php': if ($this->caseRendererPHPSerialize($defaultSerialize = 0)) { return serialize($array); } return $array; case 'xml': @header("Content-Type: text/xml;charset=utf-8"); return $this->getRenderedDataTable($array); default: break; } } } } } return false; } /** * Render a multidimensional array to Json * Handle DataTable|Set elements in the first dimension only, following case does not work: * array( * array( * DataTable, * 2 => array( * 1, * 2 * ), * ), * ); * * @param array $array can contain scalar, arrays, DataTable and Set * @return string */ public static function convertMultiDimensionalArrayToJson($array) { $isAssociative = Piwik::isAssociativeArray($array); if ($isAssociative) { $json = "{"; } else { $json = "["; } foreach ($array as $key => $value) { if ($isAssociative) { $json .= "\"" . $key . "\":"; } switch (true) { // Case dimension is a PHP array case (is_array($value)): $json .= Common::json_encode($value); break; // Case dimension is a Set or a DataTable case ($value instanceof DataTable\Map || $value instanceof DataTable): $XMLRenderer = new Json(); $XMLRenderer->setTable($value); $renderedReport = $XMLRenderer->render(); $json .= $renderedReport; break; // Case scalar default: $json .= Common::json_encode($value); break; } $json .= ","; } // Remove trailing "," $json = substr($json, 0, strlen($json) - 1); if ($isAssociative) { $json .= "}"; } else { $json .= "]"; } return $json; } /** * Returns the value for the label query parameter which can be either a string * (ie, label=...) or array (ie, label[]=...). * * @param array $request * @return array */ static public function getLabelFromRequest($request) { $label = Common::getRequestVar('label', array(), 'array', $request); if (empty($label)) { $label = Common::getRequestVar('label', '', 'string', $request); if (!empty($label)) { $label = array($label); } } $label = self::unsanitizeLabelParameter($label); return $label; } static public function unsanitizeLabelParameter($label) { // this is needed because Proxy uses Common::getRequestVar which in turn // uses Common::sanitizeInputValue. This causes the > that separates recursive labels // to become > and we need to undo that here. $label = Common::unsanitizeInputValues($label); return $label; } }