array( * array( * '2012-01-01,2012-01-01' => array(...), * '2012-01-02,2012-01-02' => array(...), * ) * ), * '1' => array( * array( * '2012-01-01,2012-01-01' => array(...), * ) * ) * ) * * Archive data can be either a numeric value or a serialized string blob. Every * piece of archive data is associated by it's archive name. For example, * the array(...) above could look like: * * array( * 'nb_visits' => 1, * 'nb_actions' => 2 * ) * * There is a special element '_metadata' in data rows that holds values treated * as DataTable metadata. */ private $data = array(); /** * The whole list of metric/record names that were used in the archive query. * * @var array */ private $dataNames; /** * The type of data that was queried for (ie, "blob" or "numeric"). * * @var string */ private $dataType; /** * The default values to use for each metric/record name that's being queried * for. * * @var array */ private $defaultRow; /** * The list of all site IDs that were queried for. * * @var array */ private $sitesId; /** * The list of all periods that were queried for. Each period is associated with * the period's range string. Eg, * * array( * '2012-01-01,2012-01-31' => new Period(...), * '2012-02-01,2012-02-28' => new Period(...), * ) * * @var \Piwik\Period[] */ private $periods; /** * Constructor. * * @param array $dataNames @see $this->dataNames * @param string $dataType @see $this->dataType * @param array $sitesId @see $this->sitesId * @param \Piwik\Period[] $periods @see $this->periods * @param array $defaultRow @see $this->defaultRow */ public function __construct($dataNames, $dataType, $sitesId, $periods, $segment, $defaultRow = null) { $this->dataNames = $dataNames; $this->dataType = $dataType; if ($defaultRow === null) { $defaultRow = array_fill_keys($dataNames, 0); } $this->sitesId = $sitesId; foreach ($periods as $period) { $this->periods[$period->getRangeString()] = $period; } $this->segment = $segment; $this->defaultRow = $defaultRow; } /** * Returns a reference to the data for a specific site & period. If there is * no data for the given site ID & period, it is set to the default row. * * @param int $idSite * @param string $period eg, '2012-01-01,2012-01-31' */ public function &get($idSite, $period) { if (!isset($this->data[$idSite][$period])) { $this->data[$idSite][$period] = $this->defaultRow; } return $this->data[$idSite][$period]; } /** * Set data for a specific site & period. If there is no data for the given site ID & period, * it is set to the default row. * * @param int $idSite * @param string $period eg, '2012-01-01,2012-01-31' * @param string $name eg 'nb_visits' * @param string $value eg 5 * @param array $meta Optional metadata to add to the row */ public function set($idSite, $period, $name, $value, array $meta = null) { $row = & $this->get($idSite, $period); $row[$name] = $value; if ($meta) { foreach ($meta as $k => $v) { $row[self::METADATA_CONTAINER_ROW_KEY][$k] = $v; } } } /** * Adds a new metadata to the data for specific site & period. If there is no * data for the given site ID & period, it is set to the default row. * * Note: Site ID and period range string are two special types of metadata. Since * the data stored in this class is indexed by site & period, this metadata is not * stored in individual data rows. * * @param int $idSite * @param string $period eg, '2012-01-01,2012-01-31' * @param string $name The metadata name. * @param mixed $value The metadata name. */ public function addMetadata($idSite, $period, $name, $value) { $row = & $this->get($idSite, $period); $row[self::METADATA_CONTAINER_ROW_KEY][$name] = $value; } /** * Returns archive data as an array indexed by metadata. * * @param array $resultIndices An array mapping metadata names to pretty labels * for them. Each archive data row will be indexed * by the metadata specified here. * * Eg, array('site' => 'idSite', 'period' => 'Date') * @return array */ public function getIndexedArray($resultIndices) { $indexKeys = array_keys($resultIndices); $result = $this->createOrderedIndex($indexKeys); foreach ($this->data as $idSite => $rowsByPeriod) { foreach ($rowsByPeriod as $period => $row) { // FIXME: This hack works around a strange bug that occurs when getting // archive IDs through ArchiveProcessing instances. When a table // does not already exist, for some reason the archive ID for // today (or from two days ago) will be added to the Archive // instances list. The Archive instance will then select data // for periods outside of the requested set. // working around the bug here, but ideally, we need to figure // out why incorrect idarchives are being selected. if (empty($this->periods[$period])) { continue; } $this->putRowInIndex($result, $indexKeys, $row, $idSite, $period); } } return $result; } /** * Returns archive data as a DataTable indexed by metadata. Indexed data will * be represented by Map instances. * * @param array $resultIndices An array mapping metadata names to pretty labels * for them. Each archive data row will be indexed * by the metadata specified here. * * Eg, array('site' => 'idSite', 'period' => 'Date') * @return DataTable|DataTable\Map */ public function getDataTable($resultIndices) { $dataTableFactory = new DataTableFactory( $this->dataNames, $this->dataType, $this->sitesId, $this->periods, $this->segment, $this->defaultRow); $index = $this->getIndexedArray($resultIndices); return $dataTableFactory->make($index, $resultIndices); } /** * See {@link DataTableFactory::makeMerged()} * * @param array $resultIndices * @return DataTable|DataTable\Map * @throws Exception */ public function getMergedDataTable($resultIndices) { $dataTableFactory = new DataTableFactory( $this->dataNames, $this->dataType, $this->sitesId, $this->periods, $this->segment, $this->defaultRow); $index = $this->getIndexedArray($resultIndices); return $dataTableFactory->makeMerged($index, $resultIndices); } /** * Returns archive data as a DataTable indexed by metadata. Indexed data will * be represented by Map instances. Each DataTable will have * its subtable IDs set. * * This function will only work if blob data was loaded and only one record * was loaded (not including subtables of the record). * * @param array $resultIndices An array mapping metadata names to pretty labels * for them. Each archive data row will be indexed * by the metadata specified here. * * Eg, array('site' => 'idSite', 'period' => 'Date') * @param int|null $idSubTable The subtable to return. * @param int|null $depth max depth for subtables. * @param bool $addMetadataSubTableId Whether to add the DB subtable ID as metadata * to each datatable, or not. * @throws Exception * @return DataTable|DataTable\Map */ public function getExpandedDataTable($resultIndices, $idSubTable = null, $depth = null, $addMetadataSubTableId = false) { $this->checkExpandedMethodPrerequisites(); $dataTableFactory = new DataTableFactory( $this->dataNames, 'blob', $this->sitesId, $this->periods, $this->segment, $this->defaultRow); $dataTableFactory->expandDataTable($depth, $addMetadataSubTableId); $dataTableFactory->useSubtable($idSubTable); $index = $this->getIndexedArray($resultIndices); return $dataTableFactory->make($index, $resultIndices); } /** * Returns metadata for a data row. * * @param array $data The data row. * @return array */ public static function getDataRowMetadata($data) { if (isset($data[self::METADATA_CONTAINER_ROW_KEY])) { return $data[self::METADATA_CONTAINER_ROW_KEY]; } else { return array(); } } /** * Removes all table metadata from a data row. * * @param array $data The data row. */ public static function removeMetadataFromDataRow(&$data) { unset($data[self::METADATA_CONTAINER_ROW_KEY]); } /** * Creates an empty index using a list of metadata names. If the 'site' and/or * 'period' metadata names are supplied, empty rows are added for every site/period * that was queried for. * * Using this function ensures consistent ordering in the indexed result. * * @param array $metadataNamesToIndexBy List of metadata names to index archive data by. * @return array */ private function createOrderedIndex($metadataNamesToIndexBy) { $result = array(); if (!empty($metadataNamesToIndexBy)) { $metadataName = array_shift($metadataNamesToIndexBy); if ($metadataName == DataTableFactory::TABLE_METADATA_SITE_INDEX) { $indexKeyValues = array_values($this->sitesId); } elseif ($metadataName == DataTableFactory::TABLE_METADATA_PERIOD_INDEX) { $indexKeyValues = array_keys($this->periods); } if (empty($metadataNamesToIndexBy)) { $result = array_fill_keys($indexKeyValues, array()); } else { foreach ($indexKeyValues as $key) { $result[$key] = $this->createOrderedIndex($metadataNamesToIndexBy); } } } return $result; } /** * Puts an archive data row in an index. */ private function putRowInIndex(&$index, $metadataNamesToIndexBy, $row, $idSite, $period) { $currentLevel = & $index; foreach ($metadataNamesToIndexBy as $metadataName) { if ($metadataName == DataTableFactory::TABLE_METADATA_SITE_INDEX) { $key = $idSite; } elseif ($metadataName == DataTableFactory::TABLE_METADATA_PERIOD_INDEX) { $key = $period; } else { $key = $row[self::METADATA_CONTAINER_ROW_KEY][$metadataName]; } if (!isset($currentLevel[$key])) { $currentLevel[$key] = array(); } $currentLevel = & $currentLevel[$key]; } $currentLevel = $row; } public function forEachBlobExpanded($callable, $idSubTable = null, $depth = null, $addMetadataSubTableId = false) { $this->checkExpandedMethodPrerequisites(); $dataTableFactory = new DataTableFactory( $this->dataNames, 'blob', $this->sitesId, $this->periods, $this->segment, $this->defaultRow); $dataTableFactory->expandDataTable($depth, $addMetadataSubTableId); $dataTableFactory->useSubtable($idSubTable); foreach ($this->data as $idSite => $periods) { foreach ($periods as $periodRange => $data) { // FIXME: This hack works around a strange bug that occurs when getting // archive IDs through ArchiveProcessing instances. When a table // does not already exist, for some reason the archive ID for // today (or from two days ago) will be added to the Archive // instances list. The Archive instance will then select data // for periods outside of the requested set. // working around the bug here, but ideally, we need to figure // out why incorrect idarchives are being selected. if (empty($this->periods[$periodRange])) { continue; } $tableMetadata = $dataTableFactory->getTableMetadataFor($idSite, $this->periods[$periodRange]); $callable($data, $dataTableFactory, $tableMetadata); } } } private function checkExpandedMethodPrerequisites() { if ($this->dataType != 'blob') { throw new Exception("DataCollection: cannot call getExpandedDataTable with " . "{$this->dataType} data types. Only works with blob data."); } if (count($this->dataNames) !== 1) { throw new Exception("DataCollection: cannot call getExpandedDataTable with " . "more than one record."); } } }