General->time_before_today_archive_considered_outdated; } static public function setBrowserTriggerArchiving($enabled) { if(!is_bool($enabled)) { throw new Exception('Browser trigger archiving must be set to true or false.'); } Piwik_SetOption(self::OPTION_BROWSER_TRIGGER_ARCHIVING, (int)$enabled, $autoload = true); Piwik_Common::clearCacheGeneral(); } static public function isBrowserTriggerArchivingEnabled() { $browserArchivingEnabled = Piwik_GetOption(self::OPTION_BROWSER_TRIGGER_ARCHIVING); if($browserArchivingEnabled !== false) { return (bool)$browserArchivingEnabled; } return (bool)Zend_Registry::get('config')->General->enable_browser_archiving_triggering; } public function getIdArchive() { return $this->idArchive; } /** * Sets object attributes that will be used throughout the process */ public function init() { $this->idsite = $this->site->getId(); $this->periodId = $this->period->getId(); $dateStartLocalTimezone = $this->period->getDateStart(); $dateEndLocalTimezone = $this->period->getDateEnd(); $this->tableArchiveNumeric = new Piwik_TablePartitioning_Monthly('archive_numeric'); $this->tableArchiveNumeric->setIdSite($this->idsite); $this->tableArchiveNumeric->setTimestamp($dateStartLocalTimezone->getTimestamp()); $this->tableArchiveBlob = new Piwik_TablePartitioning_Monthly('archive_blob'); $this->tableArchiveBlob->setIdSite($this->idsite); $this->tableArchiveBlob->setTimestamp($dateStartLocalTimezone->getTimestamp()); $dateStartUTC = $dateStartLocalTimezone->setTimezone($this->site->getTimezone()); $dateEndUTC = $dateEndLocalTimezone->setTimezone($this->site->getTimezone()); $this->startDatetimeUTC = $dateStartUTC->getDateStartUTC(); $this->endDatetimeUTC = $dateEndUTC->getDateEndUTC(); $this->startTimestampUTC = $dateStartUTC->getTimestamp(); $this->endTimestampUTC = strtotime($this->endDatetimeUTC); $this->minDatetimeArchiveProcessedUTC = $this->getMinTimeArchivedProcessed(); $db = Zend_Registry::get('db'); $this->compressBlob = $db->hasBlobDataType(); } public function getStartDatetimeUTC() { return $this->startDatetimeUTC; } public function getEndDatetimeUTC() { return $this->endDatetimeUTC; } public function isArchiveTemporary() { return $this->temporaryArchive; } /** * Returns the minimum archive processed datetime to look at * * @return string Datetime string, or false if must look at any archive available */ public function getMinTimeArchivedProcessed() { $this->temporaryArchive = false; // if the current archive is a DAY and if it's today, // we set this minDatetimeArchiveProcessedUTC that defines the lifetime value of today's archive if( $this->period->getNumberOfSubperiods() == 0 && ($this->startTimestampUTC > time() || ($this->startTimestampUTC <= time() && $this->endTimestampUTC > time())) ) { $this->temporaryArchive = true; $minDatetimeArchiveProcessedUTC = time() - self::getTodayArchiveTimeToLive(); // see #1150; if new archives are not triggered from the browser, // we still want to try and return the latest archive available for today (rather than return nothing) if($this->isArchivingDisabled()) { return false; } } // either // - if the period we're looking for is finished, we look for a ts_archived that // is greater than the last day of the archive // - if the period we're looking for is not finished, we look for a recent enough archive // recent enough means minDatetimeArchiveProcessedUTC = 00:00:01 this morning else { if($this->endTimestampUTC <= time()) { $minDatetimeArchiveProcessedUTC = $this->endTimestampUTC+1; } else { $this->temporaryArchive = true; $minDatetimeArchiveProcessedUTC = Piwik_Date::today() ->setTimezone($this->site->getTimezone()) ->getTimestamp(); } } return $minDatetimeArchiveProcessedUTC; } /** * This method returns the idArchive ; if necessary, it triggers the archiving process. * * If the archive was not processed yet, it will launch the archiving process. * If the current archive needs sub-archives (eg. a month archive needs all the days archive) * it will recursively launch the archiving (using this loadArchive() on the sub-periods) * * @return int|false The idarchive of the archive, false if the archive is not archived yet */ public function loadArchive() { $this->init(); $this->idArchive = $this->isArchived(); if($this->idArchive === false && $this->isArchivingDisabled()) { $this->isThereSomeVisits = false; } elseif($this->idArchive === false || $this->debugAlwaysArchive) { return null; } return $this->idArchive; } /** * @see loadArchive() */ public function launchArchiving() { $this->initCompute(); $this->compute(); $this->postCompute(); // we execute again the isArchived that does some initialization work $this->idArchive = $this->isArchived(); } /** * This methods reads the subperiods if necessary, * and computes the archive of the current period. */ abstract protected function compute(); /** * Init the object before launching the real archive processing */ protected function initCompute() { $this->loadNextIdarchive(); $this->insertNumericRecord('done', Piwik_ArchiveProcessing::DONE_ERROR); $this->logTable = Piwik_Common::prefixTable('log_visit'); $this->logVisitActionTable = Piwik_Common::prefixTable('log_link_visit_action'); $this->logActionTable = Piwik_Common::prefixTable('log_action'); $this->logConversionTable = Piwik_Common::prefixTable('log_conversion'); $temporary = 'definitive archive'; if($this->isArchiveTemporary()) { $temporary = 'temporary archive'; } Piwik::log("Processing archive '" . $this->period->getLabel() . "', " ."idsite = ". $this->idsite." ($temporary) - " ."UTC datetime [".$this->startDatetimeUTC." -> ".$this->endDatetimeUTC." ]..."); } /** * Post processing called at the end of the main archive processing. * Makes sure the new archive is marked as "successful" in the DB * * We also try to delete some stuff from memory but really there is still a lot... */ protected function postCompute() { // delete the first done = ERROR Piwik_Query("/* SHARDING_ID_SITE = ".$this->idsite." */ DELETE FROM ".$this->tableArchiveNumeric->getTableName()." WHERE idarchive = ? AND name = 'done'", array($this->idArchive) ); $flag = Piwik_ArchiveProcessing::DONE_OK; if($this->isArchiveTemporary()) { $flag = Piwik_ArchiveProcessing::DONE_OK_TEMPORARY; } $this->insertNumericRecord('done', $flag); Piwik_DataTable_Manager::getInstance()->deleteAll(); } /** * Returns the name of the numeric table where the archive numeric values are stored * * @return string */ public function getTableArchiveNumericName() { return $this->tableArchiveNumeric->getTableName(); } /** * Returns the name of the blob table where the archive blob values are stored * * @return string */ public function getTableArchiveBlobName() { return $this->tableArchiveBlob->getTableName(); } /** * Set the period * * @param Piwik_Period $period */ public function setPeriod( Piwik_Period $period ) { $this->period = $period; } /** * Set the site * * @param Piwik_Site $site */ public function setSite( Piwik_Site $site ) { $this->site = $site; } /** * Returns the timestamp of the first date of the period * * @return int */ public function getTimestampStartDate() { return $this->timestampDateStart; } // exposing the number of visits publicly (number used to compute conversions rates) protected $nb_visits = null; protected $nb_visits_converted = null; protected function setNumberOfVisits($nb_visits) { $this->nb_visits = $nb_visits; } public function getNumberOfVisits() { return $this->nb_visits; } protected function setNumberOfVisitsConverted($nb_visits_converted) { $this->nb_visits_converted = $nb_visits_converted; } public function getNumberOfVisitsConverted() { return $this->nb_visits_converted; } /** * Returns the idArchive we will use for the current archive * * @return int IdArchive to use when saving the current Archive */ protected function loadNextIdarchive() { $db = Zend_Registry::get('db'); $id = $db->fetchOne("/* SHARDING_ID_SITE = ".$this->idsite." */ SELECT max(idarchive) FROM ".$this->tableArchiveNumeric->getTableName()); if(empty($id)) { $id = 0; } $this->idArchive = $id + 1; } /** * @param string $name * @param int|float $value * @return Piwik_ArchiveProcessing_Record_Numeric */ public function insertNumericRecord($name, $value) { $record = new Piwik_ArchiveProcessing_Record_Numeric($name, $value); $this->insertRecord($record); return $record; } /** * @param string $name * @param string|array of string $aValues * @return true */ public function insertBlobRecord($name, $value) { if(is_array($value)) { $records = new Piwik_ArchiveProcessing_RecordArray($name, $value); foreach($records->get() as $record) { $this->insertRecord($record); } destroy($records); return true; } if($this->compressBlob) { $record = new Piwik_ArchiveProcessing_Record_Blob($name, $value); } else { $record = new Piwik_ArchiveProcessing_Record($name, $value); } $this->insertRecord($record); destroy($record); return true; } /** * Inserts a record in the right table (either NUMERIC or BLOB) * * @param Piwik_ArchiveProcessing_Record $record */ protected function insertRecord($record) { // table to use to save the data if(is_numeric($record->value)) { // We choose not to record records with a value of 0 if($record->value == 0) { return; } $table = $this->tableArchiveNumeric; } else { $table = $this->tableArchiveBlob; } // ignore duplicate idarchive // @see $query = "INSERT IGNORE INTO ".$table->getTableName()." (idarchive, idsite, date1, date2, period, ts_archived, name, value) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"; Piwik_Query($query, array( $this->idArchive, $this->idsite, $this->period->getDateStart()->toString('Y-m-d'), $this->period->getDateEnd()->toString('Y-m-d'), $this->periodId, date("Y-m-d H:i:s"), $record->name, $record->value, ) ); } /** * Returns the idArchive if the archive is available in the database. * Returns false if the archive needs to be computed. * * An archive is available if * - for today, the archive was computed less than minDatetimeArchiveProcessedUTC seconds ago * - for any other day, if the archive was computed once this day was finished * - for other periods, if the archive was computed once the period was finished * * @return int|false */ protected function isArchived() { $bindSQL = array( $this->idsite, $this->period->getDateStart()->toString('Y-m-d'), $this->period->getDateEnd()->toString('Y-m-d'), $this->periodId, ); $timeStampWhere = ''; if($this->minDatetimeArchiveProcessedUTC) { $timeStampWhere = " AND ts_archived >= ? "; $bindSQL[] = Piwik_Date::factory($this->minDatetimeArchiveProcessedUTC)->getDatetime(); } $sqlQuery = " SELECT idarchive, value, name, date1 as startDate FROM ".$this->tableArchiveNumeric->getTableName()." WHERE idsite = ? AND date1 = ? AND date2 = ? AND period = ? AND ( (name = 'done' AND value = ".Piwik_ArchiveProcessing::DONE_OK.") OR (name = 'done' AND value = ".Piwik_ArchiveProcessing::DONE_OK_TEMPORARY.") OR name = 'nb_visits') $timeStampWhere ORDER BY ts_archived DESC"; $results = Piwik_FetchAll($sqlQuery, $bindSQL ); if(empty($results)) { return false; } $idarchive = false; // we look for the more recent idarchive foreach($results as $result) { if($result['name'] == 'done') { $idarchive = $result['idarchive']; $this->timestampDateStart = Piwik_Date::factory($result['startDate'])->getTimestamp(); break; } } // case when we have a nb_visits entry in the archive, but the process is not finished yet or failed to finish // therefore we don't have the done=OK if($idarchive === false) { return false; } // we look for the nb_visits result for this most recent archive foreach($results as $result) { if($result['name'] == 'nb_visits' && $result['idarchive'] == $idarchive) { $this->isThereSomeVisits = ($result['value'] != 0); break; } } return $idarchive; } /** * Returns true if, for some reasons, triggering the archiving is disabled. * * @return bool */ protected function isArchivingDisabled() { if(!self::isBrowserTriggerArchivingEnabled() && !Piwik_Common::isPhpCliMode()) { return true; } return false; } }