period = $period; $this->site = $site; $this->segment = $segment; } /** * @return LogAggregator */ public function getLogAggregator() { if (empty($this->logAggregator)) { $this->logAggregator = new LogAggregator($this->getPeriod()->getDateStart(), $this->getPeriod()->getDateEnd(), $this->getSite(), $this->getSegment()); } return $this->logAggregator; } /** * @return Period */ protected function getPeriod() { return $this->period; } /** * @return Site */ public function getSite() { return $this->site; } /** * @return Segment */ public function getSegment() { return $this->segment; } public function getNumberOfVisitsConverted() { return $this->convertedVisitsMetricCached; } public function insertNumericRecords($numericRecords) { foreach ($numericRecords as $name => $value) { $this->insertNumericRecord($name, $value); } } public function insertNumericRecord($name, $value) { $value = round($value, 2); return $this->archiveWriter->insertRecord($name, $value); } public function preProcessArchive($requestedPlugin, $enforceProcessCoreMetricsOnly = false) { $this->idArchive = false; $this->setRequestedPlugin($requestedPlugin); if (!$enforceProcessCoreMetricsOnly) { $this->idArchive = $this->loadExistingArchiveIdFromDb($requestedPlugin); if ($this->isArchivingForcedToTrigger()) { $this->idArchive = false; $this->setNumberOfVisits(false); } if (!empty($this->idArchive)) { return $this->idArchive; } $visitsNotKnownYet = $this->getNumberOfVisits() === false; $createAnotherArchiveForVisitsSummary = !$this->doesRequestedPluginIncludeVisitsSummary($requestedPlugin) && $visitsNotKnownYet; if ($createAnotherArchiveForVisitsSummary) { // recursive archive creation in case we create another separate one, for VisitsSummary core metrics // We query VisitsSummary here, as it is needed in the call below ($this->getNumberOfVisits() > 0) $requestedPlugin = $this->getRequestedPlugin(); $this->preProcessArchive('VisitsSummary', $pleaseProcessCoreMetricsOnly = true); $this->setRequestedPlugin($requestedPlugin); if ($this->getNumberOfVisits() === false) { throw new Exception("preProcessArchive() is expected to set number of visits to a numeric value."); } } } return $this->computeNewArchive($requestedPlugin, $enforceProcessCoreMetricsOnly); } protected function setRequestedPlugin($plugin) { $this->requestedPlugin = $plugin; } /** * Returns the idArchive if the archive is available in the database for the requested plugin. * Returns false if the archive needs to be processed. * * @param $requestedPlugin * @return int or false */ protected function loadExistingArchiveIdFromDb($requestedPlugin) { $minDatetimeArchiveProcessedUTC = $this->getMinTimeArchiveProcessed(); $site = $this->getSite(); $period = $this->getPeriod(); $segment = $this->getSegment(); $idAndVisits = ArchiveSelector::getArchiveIdAndVisits($site, $period, $segment, $minDatetimeArchiveProcessedUTC, $requestedPlugin); if (!$idAndVisits) { return false; } list($idArchive, $visits, $visitsConverted) = $idAndVisits; $this->setNumberOfVisits($visits, $visitsConverted); return $idArchive; } protected function isArchivingForcedToTrigger() { $period = $this->getPeriod()->getLabel(); $debugSetting = 'always_archive_data_period'; // default if ($period == 'day') { $debugSetting = 'always_archive_data_day'; } elseif ($period == 'range') { $debugSetting = 'always_archive_data_range'; } return Config::getInstance()->Debug[$debugSetting]; } /** * A flag mechanism to store whether visits were selected from archive * * @param $visitsMetricCached * @param bool $convertedVisitsMetricCached */ protected function setNumberOfVisits($visitsMetricCached, $convertedVisitsMetricCached = false) { if($visitsMetricCached === false) { $this->visitsMetricCached = $this->convertedVisitsMetricCached = false; } else { $this->visitsMetricCached = (int)$visitsMetricCached; $this->convertedVisitsMetricCached = (int)$convertedVisitsMetricCached; } } public function getNumberOfVisits() { return $this->visitsMetricCached; } protected function doesRequestedPluginIncludeVisitsSummary($requestedPlugin) { $processAllReportsIncludingVisitsSummary = Rules::shouldProcessReportsAllPlugins($this->getSegment(), $this->getPeriod()->getLabel()); $doesRequestedPluginIncludeVisitsSummary = $processAllReportsIncludingVisitsSummary || $requestedPlugin == 'VisitsSummary'; return $doesRequestedPluginIncludeVisitsSummary; } protected function computeNewArchive($requestedPlugin, $enforceProcessCoreMetricsOnly) { $archiveWriter = new ArchiveWriter($this->getSite()->getId(), $this->getSegment(), $this->getPeriod(), $requestedPlugin, $this->isArchiveTemporary()); $archiveWriter->initNewArchive(); $this->archiveWriter = $archiveWriter; $visitsNotKnownYet = $this->getNumberOfVisits() === false; if ($visitsNotKnownYet || $this->doesRequestedPluginIncludeVisitsSummary($requestedPlugin) || $enforceProcessCoreMetricsOnly ) { $metrics = $this->aggregateCoreVisitsMetrics(); if (empty($metrics)) { $this->setNumberOfVisits(false); } else { $this->setNumberOfVisits($metrics['nb_visits'], $metrics['nb_visits_converted']); } } $this->logStatusDebug($requestedPlugin); $isVisitsToday = $this->getNumberOfVisits() > 0; if ($isVisitsToday && !$enforceProcessCoreMetricsOnly ) { $this->compute(); } $archiveWriter->finalizeArchive(); if ($isVisitsToday && $this->period->getLabel() != 'day') { ArchiveSelector::purgeOutdatedArchives($this->getPeriod()->getDateStart()); } return $archiveWriter->getIdArchive(); } /** * Returns the minimum archive processed datetime to look at * * @return int|bool Datetime timestamp, or false if must look at any archive available * * @public for tests */ public function getMinTimeArchiveProcessed() { $endDateTimestamp = self::determineIfArchivePermanent($this->getDateEnd()); $isArchiveTemporary = ($endDateTimestamp === false); $this->temporaryArchive = $isArchiveTemporary; if ($endDateTimestamp) { // Permanent archive return $endDateTimestamp; } // Temporary archive return Rules::getMinTimeProcessedForTemporaryArchive($this->getDateStart(), $this->getPeriod(), $this->getSegment(), $this->getSite()); } public function isArchiveTemporary() { if (is_null($this->temporaryArchive)) { throw new Exception("getMinTimeArchiveProcessed() should be called prior to isArchiveTemporary()"); } return $this->temporaryArchive; } abstract protected function aggregateCoreVisitsMetrics(); /** * @param $requestedPlugin */ protected function logStatusDebug($requestedPlugin) { $temporary = 'definitive archive'; if ($this->isArchiveTemporary()) { $temporary = 'temporary archive'; } Log::verbose( "'%s, idSite = %d (%s), segment '%s', report = '%s', UTC datetime [%s -> %s]", $this->getPeriod()->getLabel(), $this->getSite()->getId(), $temporary, $this->getSegment()->getString(), $requestedPlugin, $this->getDateStart()->getDateStartUTC(), $this->getDateEnd()->getDateEndUTC() ); } /** * This methods reads the subperiods if necessary, * and computes the archive of the current period. */ abstract protected function compute(); protected static function determineIfArchivePermanent(Date $dateEnd) { $now = time(); $endTimestampUTC = strtotime($dateEnd->getDateEndUTC()); if ($endTimestampUTC <= $now) { // - if the period we are looking for is finished, we look for a ts_archived that // is greater than the last day of the archive return $endTimestampUTC; } return false; } /** * @return Date */ public function getDateEnd() { return $this->getPeriod()->getDateEnd()->setTimezone($this->getSite()->getTimezone()); } /** * @return Date */ public function getDateStart() { return $this->getPeriod()->getDateStart()->setTimezone($this->getSite()->getTimezone()); } /** * @param string $name * @param string|array $values * @return bool|array */ public function insertBlobRecord($name, $values) { if (is_array($values)) { $clean = array(); foreach ($values as $id => $value) { // for the parent Table we keep the name // for example for the Table of searchEngines we keep the name 'referrer_search_engine' // but for the child table of 'Google' which has the ID = 9 the name would be 'referrer_search_engine_9' $newName = $name; if ($id != 0) { //FIXMEA: refactor $newName = $name . '_' . $id; } $value = $this->compress($value); $clean[] = array($newName, $value); } return $this->archiveWriter->insertBulkRecords($clean); } $values = $this->compress($values); $this->archiveWriter->insertRecord($name, $values); return array($name => $values); } protected function compress($data) { if (Db::get()->hasBlobDataType()) { return gzcompress($data); } return $data; } /** * Whether the specified plugin's reports should be archived * @param string $pluginName * @return bool */ public function shouldProcessReportsForPlugin($pluginName) { if (Rules::shouldProcessReportsAllPlugins($this->getSegment(), $this->getPeriod()->getLabel())) { return true; } // If any other segment, only process if the requested report belong to this plugin $pluginBeingProcessed = $this->getRequestedPlugin(); if ($pluginBeingProcessed == $pluginName) { return true; } if (!\Piwik\PluginsManager::getInstance()->isPluginLoaded($pluginBeingProcessed)) { return true; } return false; } protected function getRequestedPlugin() { return $this->requestedPlugin; } }