site = $site; $this->period = $period; $this->segment = $segment; } /** * If we want to archive only a single report, we can request that via this method. * It is up to each plugin's archiver to respect the setting. * * @param string $archiveOnlyReport * @api */ public function setArchiveOnlyReport($archiveOnlyReport) { $this->archiveOnlyReport = $archiveOnlyReport; } /** * Gets the report we want to archive specifically, or null if none was specified. * * @return string|null * @api */ public function getArchiveOnlyReport() { return $this->archiveOnlyReport; } /** * @ignore */ public function setRequestedPlugin($plugin) { $this->requestedPlugin = $plugin; } /** * @ignore */ public function onlyArchiveRequestedPlugin() { $this->onlyArchiveRequestedPlugin = true; } /** * @ignore */ public function shouldOnlyArchiveRequestedPlugin() { return $this->onlyArchiveRequestedPlugin; } /** * @ignore */ public function getRequestedPlugin() { return $this->requestedPlugin; } /** * Returns the period we are computing statistics for. * * @return Period * @api */ public function getPeriod() { return $this->period; } /** * Returns the array of Period which make up this archive. * * @return \Piwik\Period[] * @ignore */ public function getSubPeriods() { if ($this->getPeriod()->getLabel() == 'day') { return array( $this->getPeriod() ); } return $this->getPeriod()->getSubperiods(); } /** * @return array * @ignore */ public function getIdSites() { $idSite = $this->getSite()->getId(); $idSites = array($idSite); Piwik::postEvent('ArchiveProcessor.Parameters.getIdSites', array(&$idSites, $this->getPeriod())); return $idSites; } /** * Returns the site we are computing statistics for. * * @return Site * @api */ public function getSite() { return $this->site; } /** * The Segment used to limit the set of visits that are being aggregated. * * @return Segment * @api */ public function getSegment() { return $this->segment; } /** * Returns the end day of the period in the site's timezone. * * @return Date */ public function getDateEnd() { return $this->getPeriod()->getDateEnd()->setTimezone($this->getSite()->getTimezone()); } /** * Returns the start day of the period in the site's timezone. * * @return Date */ public function getDateStart() { return $this->getPeriod()->getDateStart()->setTimezone($this->getSite()->getTimezone()); } /** * Returns the start day of the period in the site's timezone (includes the time of day). * * @return Date */ public function getDateTimeStart() { return $this->getPeriod()->getDateTimeStart()->setTimezone($this->getSite()->getTimezone()); } /** * Returns the end day of the period in the site's timezone (includes the time of day). * * @return Date */ public function getDateTimeEnd() { return $this->getPeriod()->getDateTimeEnd()->setTimezone($this->getSite()->getTimezone()); } /** * @return bool */ public function isSingleSiteDayArchive() { return $this->isDayArchive() && $this->isSingleSite(); } /** * @return bool */ public function isDayArchive() { $period = $this->getPeriod(); $secondsInPeriod = $period->getDateEnd()->getTimestampUTC() - $period->getDateStart()->getTimestampUTC(); $oneDay = $secondsInPeriod < Date::NUM_SECONDS_IN_DAY; return $oneDay; } public function isSingleSite() { return count($this->getIdSites()) == 1; } public function logStatusDebug() { $temporary = 'definitive archive'; Log::debug( "%s archive, idSite = %d (%s), segment '%s', plugin = '%s', report = '%s', UTC datetime [%s -> %s]", $this->getPeriod()->getLabel(), $this->getSite()->getId(), $temporary, $this->getSegment()->getString(), $this->getRequestedPlugin(), $this->getArchiveOnlyReport(), $this->getDateStart()->getDateStartUTC(), $this->getDateEnd()->getDateEndUTC() ); } /** * Returns `true` if these parameters are part of an initial archiving request. * Returns `false` if these parameters are for an archiving request that was initiated * during archiving. * * @return bool */ public function isRootArchiveRequest() { return $this->isRootArchiveRequest; } /** * Sets whether these parameters are part of the initial archiving request or if they are * for a request that was initiated during archiving. * * @param $isRootArchiveRequest */ public function setIsRootArchiveRequest($isRootArchiveRequest) { $this->isRootArchiveRequest = $isRootArchiveRequest; } public function __toString() { return "[idSite = {$this->getSite()->getId()}, period = {$this->getPeriod()->getLabel()} {$this->getPeriod()->getRangeString()}, segment = {$this->getSegment()->getString()}, plugin = {$this->getRequestedPlugin()}, report = {$this->getArchiveOnlyReport()}]"; } /** * Returns whether the setArchiveOnlyReport() was handled by an Archiver. * * @return bool */ public function isPartialArchive() { if (!$this->getRequestedPlugin()) { // sanity check, partial archives are only for single reports return false; } return $this->isArchiveOnlyReportHandled; } /** * If a plugin's archiver handles the setArchiveOnlyReport() setting, it should call this method * so it is known that the archive only contains the requested report. This should be called * in an Archiver's __construct method. * * @param bool $isArchiveOnlyReportHandled */ public function setIsPartialArchive($isArchiveOnlyReportHandled) { $this->isArchiveOnlyReportHandled = $isArchiveOnlyReportHandled; } }