setName('climulti:request'); $this->setDescription('Parses and executes the given query. See Piwik\CliMulti. Intended only for system usage.'); $this->addArgument('url-query', InputArgument::REQUIRED, 'Matomo URL query string, for instance: "module=API&method=API.getPiwikVersion&token_auth=123456789"'); $this->addOption('superuser', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'If supplied, runs the code as superuser.'); } protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) { $this->recreateContainerWithWebEnvironment(); $this->initHostAndQueryString($input); if ($this->isTestModeEnabled()) { $indexFile = '/tests/PHPUnit/proxy/'; $this->resetDatabase(); } else { $indexFile = '/'; } $indexFile .= 'index.php'; if (!empty($_GET['pid'])) { $process = new Process($_GET['pid']); if ($process->hasFinished()) { return; } $process->startProcess(); } if ($input->getOption('superuser')) { StaticContainer::addDefinitions(array( '' => \DI\add(array( array('Environment.bootstrapped', \DI\value(function () { Access::getInstance()->setSuperUserAccess(true); })) )), )); } require_once PIWIK_INCLUDE_PATH . $indexFile; while (ob_get_level()) { echo ob_get_clean(); } if (!empty($process)) { $process->finishProcess(); } } private function isTestModeEnabled() { return !empty($_GET['testmode']); } /** * @param InputInterface $input */ protected function initHostAndQueryString(InputInterface $input) { $_GET = array(); $hostname = $input->getOption('matomo-domain'); Url::setHost($hostname); $query = $input->getArgument('url-query'); $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] = $query; $query = UrlHelper::getArrayFromQueryString($query); // NOTE: this method can create the StaticContainer now foreach ($query as $name => $value) { $_GET[$name] = urldecode($value); } } /** * We will be simulating an HTTP request here (by including index.php). * * To avoid weird side-effects (e.g. the logging output messing up the HTTP response on the CLI output) * we need to recreate the container with the default environment instead of the CLI environment. */ private function recreateContainerWithWebEnvironment() { StaticContainer::clearContainer(); Log::unsetInstance(); $this->environment = new Environment(null); $this->environment->init(); } private function resetDatabase() { Option::clearCache(); Db::destroyDatabaseObject(); } }