General->minimum_memory_limit; * * will read the value minimumMemoryLimit under the [General] section of the config file * * @package Piwik * @subpackage Piwik_Config */ class Piwik_Config { /** * When the user modifies the configuration file and there is one value missing, we suggest the default config file * * @var string */ protected $urlToPiwikHelpMissingValueInConfigurationFile = ''; protected $defaultConfig = null; protected $userConfig = null; protected $pathIniFileUserConfig = null; protected $pathIniFileDefaultConfig = null; protected $configFileUpdated = false; protected $doWriteFileWhenUpdated = true; protected $cachedConfigArray = array(); protected $isTestEnvironment = false; /** * Storing the correct cwd() because the value is not correct in the destructor * "The working directory in the script shutdown phase can be different with some SAPIs (e.g. Apache)." * * @see */ protected $correctCwd; /** * Returns default relative path for user configuration file * * @return string */ static public function getDefaultUserConfigPath() { return PIWIK_USER_PATH .'/config/config.ini.php'; } /** * Returns default relative path for global configuration file * * @return string */ static public function getDefaultDefaultConfigPath() { return PIWIK_USER_PATH .'/config/global.ini.php'; } /** * Builds the Config object, given the optional path for the user INI file * If not specified, it will use the default path * * @param string $pathIniFileUserConfig */ function __construct($pathIniFileUserConfig = null, $pathIniFileDefaultConfig = null) { if(is_null($pathIniFileUserConfig)) { $pathIniFileUserConfig = self::getDefaultUserConfigPath(); } $this->pathIniFileUserConfig = $pathIniFileUserConfig; if(is_null($pathIniFileDefaultConfig)) { $pathIniFileDefaultConfig = self::getDefaultDefaultConfigPath(); } $this->pathIniFileDefaultConfig = $pathIniFileDefaultConfig; // see $this->correctCwd = getcwd(); } /** * By default, when calling setting configuration values using * $config->database = array(...) * Piwik will automatically save the updated config file in __destruct() * This can be disabled (when setting partial configuration values during the installation process for example) */ public function disableSavingConfigurationFileUpdates() { $this->doWriteFileWhenUpdated = false; } public function init() { if(!is_readable($this->pathIniFileDefaultConfig)) { Piwik_ExitWithMessage(Piwik_TranslateException('General_ExceptionConfigurationFileNotFound', array($this->pathIniFileDefaultConfig))); } $this->defaultConfig = new Piwik_Config_Ini($this->pathIniFileDefaultConfig, null, true); if(is_null($this->defaultConfig) || count($this->defaultConfig->toArray()) == 0) { Piwik_ExitWithMessage(Piwik_TranslateException('General_ExceptionUnreadableFileDisabledMethod', array($this->pathIniFileDefaultConfig, "parse_ini_file()"))); } if(!is_readable($this->pathIniFileUserConfig)) { throw new Exception(Piwik_TranslateException('General_ExceptionConfigurationFileNotFound', array($this->pathIniFileUserConfig))); } $this->userConfig = new Piwik_Config_Ini($this->pathIniFileUserConfig, null, true); if(is_null($this->userConfig) || count($this->userConfig->toArray()) == 0) { Piwik_ExitWithMessage(Piwik_TranslateException('General_ExceptionUnreadableFileDisabledMethod', array($this->pathIniFileUserConfig, "parse_ini_file()"))); } } /** * At the script shutdown, we save the new configuration file, if the user has set some values */ function __destruct() { if($this->configFileUpdated === true && $this->doWriteFileWhenUpdated === true) { $configFile = "; DO NOT REMOVE THIS LINE\n"; $configFile .= "; file automatically generated or modified by Piwik; you can manually override the default values in global.ini.php by redefining them in this file.\n"; foreach($this->userConfig as $section => $arraySection) { $arraySection = $arraySection->toArray(); $configFile .= "[$section]\n"; foreach($arraySection as $name => $value) { if(is_numeric($name)) { $name = $section; $value = array($value); } if(is_array($value)) { foreach($value as $currentValue) { $configFile .= $name."[] = $currentValue\n"; } } else { if(!is_numeric($value)) { $value = "\"$value\""; } $configFile .= $name.' = '.$value."\n"; } } $configFile .= "\n"; } chdir($this->correctCwd); @file_put_contents($this->pathIniFileUserConfig, $configFile ); } } public function isFileWritable() { return is_writable($this->pathIniFileUserConfig); } /** * If called, we use the database_tests credentials */ public function setTestEnvironment() { $this->isTestEnvironment = true; $this->database = $this->database_tests->toArray(); // for unit tests, we set that no plugin is installed. This will force // the test initialization to create the plugins tables, execute ALTER queries, etc. $this->PluginsInstalled = array(); foreach(Piwik_Tracker_Config::$toRestoreFromGlobalConfig as $section) { $this->$section = $this->defaultConfig->$section->toArray(); } $this->disableSavingConfigurationFileUpdates(); } /** * Is the config file set to use the test values? * @return bool */ public function isTestEnvironment() { return $this->isTestEnvironment; } /** * Called when setting configuration values eg. * Zend_Registry::get('config')->MyConfigSection = 'foobar'; * * The values will be saved in the configuration file at the end of the script @see __destruct() * * @param string $name * @param mixed $values */ public function __set($name, $values) { $this->cachedConfigArray = array(); $this->checkWritePermissionOnFile(); if(is_null($this->userConfig)) { $this->userConfig = new Zend_Config(array(), true); } $values = self::encodeValues($values); if(is_array($values) || $this->userConfig->$name != $values) { $this->configFileUpdated = true; } $this->userConfig->$name = $values; } private function encodeValues($values) { if(is_array($values)) { foreach($values as &$value) { $value = self::encodeValues($value); } } else { $values = htmlentities($values, ENT_COMPAT); } return $values; } private function decodeValues($values) { if(is_array($values)) { foreach($values as &$value) { $value = self::decodeValues($value); } } else { $values = html_entity_decode($values, ENT_COMPAT); } return $values; } protected function checkWritePermissionOnFile() { static $enoughPermission = null; if(is_null($enoughPermission)) { if($this->doWriteFileWhenUpdated) { Piwik::checkDirectoriesWritableOrDie( array('/config/') ); } $enoughPermission = true; } return $enoughPermission; } /** * Loop through the Default and the User configuration objects and cache them in arrays. * This slightly helps reducing the Zend overhead when accessing config entries hundreds of times. */ protected function cacheConfigArray() { $allSections = array(); foreach($this->defaultConfig as $sectionName => $valueInDefaultConfig) { $allSections[] = $sectionName; } if(!is_null($this->userConfig)) { foreach($this->userConfig as $sectionName => $valueInUserConfig) { $allSections[] = $sectionName; } } $allSections = array_unique($allSections); foreach($allSections as $sectionName) { $section = array(); if(($valueInDefaultConfig = $this->defaultConfig->$sectionName) !== null) { $valueInDefaultConfig = $valueInDefaultConfig->toArray(); $section = array_merge($section, $valueInDefaultConfig); } if( !is_null($this->userConfig) && null !== ($valueInUserConfig = $this->userConfig->$sectionName)) { $valueInUserConfig = $valueInUserConfig->toArray(); $valueInUserConfig = self::decodeValues($valueInUserConfig); $section = array_merge($section, $valueInUserConfig); } $this->cachedConfigArray[$sectionName] = new Zend_Config($section, true); } } /** * Called when getting a configuration value, eg. Zend_Registry::get('config')->superuser->login * * @param string $name * @return mixed value * * @throws exception if the value was not found in the configuration file */ public function __get($name) { if(empty($this->cachedConfigArray)) { $this->cacheConfigArray(); } return $this->cachedConfigArray[$name]; } } /** * Subclasses Zend_Config_Ini so we can use our own parse_ini_file() wrapper. * * @package Piwik * @subpackage Piwik_Config */ class Piwik_Config_Ini extends Zend_Config_Ini { /** * Handle any errors from parse_ini_file * * @param integer $errno * @param string $errstr * @param string $errfile * @param integer $errline */ public function _parseFileErrorHandler($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline) { $this->_loadFileErrorHandler($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline); } /** * Load ini file configuration * * Derived from Zend_Config_Ini->_loadIniFile() and Zend_Config_Ini->_parseIniFile() * @license New BSD License * * @param string $filename * @return array */ protected function _loadIniFile($filename) { set_error_handler(array($this, '_parseFileErrorHandler')); $iniArray = _parse_ini_file($filename, true); restore_error_handler(); // Check if there was an error while loading the file if ($this->_loadFileErrorStr !== null) { throw new Zend_Config_Exception($this->_loadFileErrorStr); } return $iniArray; } }