pluginName = $aPluginName[1]; $date = Piwik_Common::getRequestVar('date', 'yesterday', 'string'); try { $this->idSite = Piwik_Common::getRequestVar('idSite', false, 'int'); $this->site = new Piwik_Site($this->idSite); $date = $this->getDateParameterInTimezone($date, $this->site->getTimezone()); $this->setDate($date); } catch(Exception $e){ // the date looks like YYYY-MM-DD,YYYY-MM-DD or other format $this->date = null; } } /** * Helper method to convert "today" or "yesterday" to the default timezone specified. * If the date is absolute, ie. YYYY-MM-DD, it will not be converted to the timezone * @param $date today, yesterday, YYYY-MM-DD * @param $defaultTimezone * @return Piwik_Date */ protected function getDateParameterInTimezone($date, $defaultTimezone ) { $timezone = null; // if the requested date is not YYYY-MM-DD, we need to ensure // it is relative to the website's timezone if(in_array($date, array('today', 'yesterday'))) { // today is at midnight; we really want to get the time now, so that // * if the website is UTC+12 and it is 5PM now in UTC, the calendar will allow to select the UTC "tomorrow" // * if the website is UTC-12 and it is 5AM now in UTC, the calendar will allow to select the UTC "yesterday" if($date == 'today') { $date = 'now'; } elseif($date == 'yesterday') { $date = 'yesterdaySameTime'; } $timezone = $defaultTimezone; } return Piwik_Date::factory($date, $timezone); } /** * Sets the date to be used by all other methods in the controller. * If the date has to be modified, it should be called just after the controller construct * @param $date * @return void */ protected function setDate(Piwik_Date $date) { $this->date = $date; $this->strDate = $this->date->toString(); } /** * Returns the name of the default method that will be called * when visiting: index.php?module=PluginName without the action parameter * * @return string */ function getDefaultAction() { return 'index'; } protected $standardColumnNameToTranslation = array( 'label' => 'General_ColumnLabel', 'nb_visits' => 'General_ColumnNbVisits', 'nb_actions' => 'General_ColumnNbActions', 'max_actions' => 'General_ColumnMaxActions', 'sum_visit_length' => 'General_ColumnSumVisitLength', 'nb_uniq_visitors' => 'General_ColumnNbUniqVisitors', 'nb_actions_per_visit' => 'General_ColumnActionsPerVisit', 'avg_time_on_site' => 'General_ColumnAvgTimeOnSite', 'bounce_rate' => 'General_ColumnBounceRate', 'revenue_per_visit' => 'General_ColumnValuePerVisit', 'goals_conversion_rate' => 'General_ColumnVisitsWithConversions', ); /** * Given an Object implementing Piwik_iView interface, we either: * - echo the output of the rendering if fetch = false * - returns the output of the rendering if fetch = true * * @param Piwik_ViewDataTable $view * @param bool $fetch * @return string|void */ protected function renderView( Piwik_ViewDataTable $view, $fetch = false) { Piwik_PostEvent( 'Controller.renderView', $this, array( 'view' => $view, 'controllerName' => $view->getCurrentControllerName(), 'controllerAction' => $view->getCurrentControllerAction(), 'apiMethodToRequestDataTable' => $view->getApiMethodToRequestDataTable(), 'controllerActionCalledWhenRequestSubTable' => $view->getControllerActionCalledWhenRequestSubTable(), ) ); $standardColumnNameToTranslation = array_map('Piwik_Translate', $this->standardColumnNameToTranslation); $view->setColumnsTranslations($standardColumnNameToTranslation); $view->main(); $rendered = $view->getView()->render(); if($fetch) { return $rendered; } echo $rendered; } /** * Returns a ViewDataTable object of an Evolution graph * for the last30 days/weeks/etc. of the current period, relative to the current date. * * @param string $currentModuleName * @param string $currentControllerAction * @param string $apiMethod * @return Piwik_ViewDataTable_GenerateGraphHTML_ChartEvolution */ protected function getLastUnitGraph($currentModuleName, $currentControllerAction, $apiMethod) { $view = Piwik_ViewDataTable::factory('graphEvolution'); $view->init( $currentModuleName, $currentControllerAction, $apiMethod ); // if the date is not yet a nicely formatted date range ie. YYYY-MM-DD,YYYY-MM-DD we build it // otherwise the current controller action is being called with the good date format already so it's fine // see constructor if( !is_null($this->date)) { $view->setParametersToModify( $this->getGraphParamsModified( array('date' => $this->strDate)) ); } return $view; } /** * Returns the array of new processed parameters once the parameters are applied. * For example: if you set range=last30 and date=2008-03-10, * the date element of the returned array will be "2008-02-10,2008-03-10" * * Parameters you can set: * - range: last30, previous10, etc. * - date: YYYY-MM-DD, today, yesterday * - period: day, week, month, year * * @param array paramsToSet = array( 'date' => 'last50', 'viewDataTable' =>'sparkline' ) */ protected function getGraphParamsModified($paramsToSet = array()) { if(!isset($paramsToSet['range'])) { $range = 'last30'; } else { $range = $paramsToSet['range']; } if(!isset($paramsToSet['date'])) { $endDate = $this->strDate; } else { $endDate = $paramsToSet['date']; } if(!isset($paramsToSet['period'])) { $period = Piwik_Common::getRequestVar('period'); } else { $period = $paramsToSet['period']; } $last30Relative = new Piwik_Period_Range($period, $range, $this->site->getTimezone() ); $last30Relative->setDefaultEndDate(Piwik_Date::factory($endDate)); $paramDate = $last30Relative->getDateStart()->toString() . "," . $last30Relative->getDateEnd()->toString(); $params = array_merge($paramsToSet , array( 'date' => $paramDate ) ); return $params; } /** * Returns a numeric value from the API. * Works only for API methods that originally returns numeric values (there is no cast here) * * @param string $methodToCall, eg. Referers.getNumberOfDistinctSearchEngines * @return int|float */ protected function getNumericValue( $methodToCall ) { $requestString = 'method='.$methodToCall.'&format=original'; $request = new Piwik_API_Request($requestString); return $request->process(); } /** * Returns the current URL to use in a img src=X to display a sparkline. * $action must be the name of a Controller method that requests data using the Piwik_ViewDataTable::factory * It will automatically build a sparkline by setting the viewDataTable=sparkline parameter in the URL. * It will also computes automatically the 'date' for the 'last30' days/weeks/etc. * * @param string $action, eg. method name of the controller to call in the img src * @param array array of name => value of parameters to set in the generated GET url * @return string the generated URL */ protected function getUrlSparkline( $action, $customParameters = array() ) { $params = $this->getGraphParamsModified( array( 'viewDataTable' => 'sparkline', 'action' => $action, 'module' => $this->pluginName) + $customParameters ); $url = Piwik_Url::getCurrentQueryStringWithParametersModified($params); return $url; } /** * Sets the first date available in the calendar * @param $minDate * @param $view * @return void */ protected function setMinDateView(Piwik_Date $minDate, $view) { $view->minDateYear = $minDate->toString('Y'); $view->minDateMonth = $minDate->toString('m'); $view->minDateDay = $minDate->toString('d'); } /** * Sets "today" in the calendar. Today does not always mean "UTC" today, eg. for websites in UTC+12. * @param $maxDate * @param $view * @return void */ protected function setMaxDateView(Piwik_Date $maxDate, $view) { $view->maxDateYear = $maxDate->toString('Y'); $view->maxDateMonth = $maxDate->toString('m'); $view->maxDateDay = $maxDate->toString('d'); } /** * Sets general variables to the view that are used by various templates and Javascript * @param $view * @return void */ protected function setGeneralVariablesView($view) { $view->date = $this->strDate; try { $this->setPeriodVariablesView($view); $period = Piwik_Period::factory(Piwik_Common::getRequestVar('period'), Piwik_Date::factory($this->strDate)); $view->prettyDate = $period->getLocalizedLongString(); $view->idSite = $this->idSite; if(is_null($this->site)) { throw new Exception("invalid website"); } $view->siteName = $this->site->getName(); $view->siteMainUrl = $this->site->getMainUrl(); $datetimeMinDate = $this->site->getCreationDate()->getDatetime(); $minDate = Piwik_Date::factory($datetimeMinDate, $this->site->getTimezone()); $this->setMinDateView($minDate, $view); $maxDate = Piwik_Date::factory('now', $this->site->getTimezone()); $this->setMaxDateView($maxDate, $view); $view->currentAdminMenuName = Piwik_GetCurrentAdminMenuName(); $view->debugTrackVisitsInsidePiwikUI = Zend_Registry::get('config')->Debug->track_visits_inside_piwik_ui; $view->isSuperUser = Zend_Registry::get('access')->isSuperUser(); } catch(Exception $e) { self::redirectToIndex(Piwik::getModule(), Piwik::getAction()); } } /** * Sets general period variables (available periods, current period, period labels) used by templates * @param $view * @return void */ public static function setPeriodVariablesView($view) { if(isset($view->period)) { return; } $currentPeriod = Piwik_Common::getRequestVar('period'); $availablePeriods = array('day', 'week', 'month', 'year'); if(!in_array($currentPeriod,$availablePeriods)) { throw new Exception("Period must be one of: ".implode(",",$availablePeriods)); } $periodNames = array( 'day' => array('singular' => Piwik_Translate('CoreHome_PeriodDay'), 'plural' => Piwik_Translate('CoreHome_PeriodDays')), 'week' => array('singular' => Piwik_Translate('CoreHome_PeriodWeek'), 'plural' => Piwik_Translate('CoreHome_PeriodWeeks')), 'month' => array('singular' => Piwik_Translate('CoreHome_PeriodMonth'), 'plural' => Piwik_Translate('CoreHome_PeriodMonths')), 'year' => array('singular' => Piwik_Translate('CoreHome_PeriodYear'), 'plural' => Piwik_Translate('CoreHome_PeriodYears')), ); $found = array_search($currentPeriod,$availablePeriods); if($found !== false) { unset($availablePeriods[$found]); } $view->period = $currentPeriod; $view->otherPeriods = $availablePeriods; $view->periodsNames = $periodNames; } /** * Helper method used to redirect the current http request to another module/action * If specified, will also redirect to a given website, period and /or date * * @param $moduleToRedirect eg. "MultiSites" * @param $actionToRedirect eg. "index" * @param $websiteId eg. 1 * @param $defaultPeriod eg. "day" * @param $defaultDate eg. "today" * @return issues a http header redirect and exits */ function redirectToIndex($moduleToRedirect, $actionToRedirect, $websiteId = null, $defaultPeriod = null, $defaultDate = null) { if(is_null($websiteId)) { $websiteId = $this->getDefaultWebsiteId(); } if(is_null($defaultDate)) { $defaultDate = $this->getDefaultDate(); } if(is_null($defaultPeriod)) { $defaultPeriod = $this->getDefaultPeriod(); } if($websiteId) { header("Location:index.php?module=".$moduleToRedirect ."&action=".$actionToRedirect ."&idSite=".$websiteId ."&period=".$defaultPeriod ."&date=".$defaultDate); exit; } if(Piwik::isUserIsSuperUser()) { Piwik_ExitWithMessage("Error: no website were found in this Piwik installation.
Check the table '". Piwik_Common::prefixTable('site') ."' that should contain your Piwik websites.", false, true); } $currentLogin = Piwik::getCurrentUserLogin(); if(!empty($currentLogin) && $currentLogin != 'anonymous') { $errorMessage = sprintf(Piwik_Translate('CoreHome_NoPrivileges'),$currentLogin); $errorMessage .= "

   getName() ."&action=logout'>› ". Piwik_Translate('General_Logout'). "
"; Piwik_ExitWithMessage($errorMessage, false, true); } Piwik_FrontController::dispatch(Piwik::getLoginPluginName(), false); exit; } /** * Returns default website that Piwik should load * @return Piwik_Site */ protected function getDefaultWebsiteId() { $defaultWebsiteId = false; // User preference: default website ID to load $defaultReport = Piwik_UsersManager_API::getInstance()->getUserPreference(Piwik::getCurrentUserLogin(), Piwik_UsersManager_API::PREFERENCE_DEFAULT_REPORT); if(is_numeric($defaultReport)) { $defaultWebsiteId = $defaultReport; } Piwik_PostEvent( 'Controller.getDefaultWebsiteId', $defaultWebsiteId ); if($defaultWebsiteId) { return $defaultWebsiteId; } $sitesId = Piwik_SitesManager_API::getInstance()->getSitesIdWithAtLeastViewAccess(); if(!empty($sitesId)) { return $sitesId[0]; } return false; } /** * Returns default date for Piwik reports * @return string today, 2010-01-01, etc. */ protected function getDefaultDate() { $userSettingsDate = Piwik_UsersManager_API::getInstance()->getUserPreference(Piwik::getCurrentUserLogin(), Piwik_UsersManager_API::PREFERENCE_DEFAULT_REPORT_DATE); if($userSettingsDate === false) { return Zend_Registry::get('config')->General->default_day; } if($userSettingsDate == 'yesterday') { return $userSettingsDate; } return 'today'; } /** * Returns default date for Piwik reports * @return string today, 2010-01-01, etc. */ protected function getDefaultPeriod() { $userSettingsDate = Piwik_UsersManager_API::getInstance()->getUserPreference(Piwik::getCurrentUserLogin(), Piwik_UsersManager_API::PREFERENCE_DEFAULT_REPORT_DATE); if($userSettingsDate === false) { return Zend_Registry::get('config')->General->default_period; } if(in_array($userSettingsDate, array('today','yesterday'))) { return 'day'; } return $userSettingsDate; } /** * Checks that the specified token matches the current logged in user token * Protection against CSRF * * @return throws exception if token doesn't match */ protected function checkTokenInUrl() { if(Piwik_Common::getRequestVar('token_auth', false) != Piwik::getCurrentUserTokenAuth()) { throw new Piwik_Access_NoAccessException(Piwik_TranslateException('General_ExceptionInvalidToken')); } } }