getSite()->getId(); $period = $params->getPeriod()->getId(); $dateStart = $params->getPeriod()->getDateStart(); $dateStartIso = $dateStart->toString('Y-m-d'); $dateEndIso = $params->getPeriod()->getDateEnd()->toString('Y-m-d'); $numericTable = ArchiveTableCreator::getNumericTable($dateStart); $minDatetimeIsoArchiveProcessedUTC = null; if ($minDatetimeArchiveProcessedUTC) { $minDatetimeIsoArchiveProcessedUTC = Date::factory($minDatetimeArchiveProcessedUTC)->getDatetime(); } $requestedPlugin = $params->getRequestedPlugin(); $segment = $params->getSegment(); $plugins = array("VisitsSummary", $requestedPlugin); $doneFlags = Rules::getDoneFlags($plugins, $segment); $doneFlagValues = Rules::getSelectableDoneFlagValues(); $results = self::getModel()->getArchiveIdAndVisits($numericTable, $idSite, $period, $dateStartIso, $dateEndIso, $minDatetimeIsoArchiveProcessedUTC, $doneFlags, $doneFlagValues); if (empty($results)) { return false; } $idArchive = self::getMostRecentIdArchiveFromResults($segment, $requestedPlugin, $results); $idArchiveVisitsSummary = self::getMostRecentIdArchiveFromResults($segment, "VisitsSummary", $results); list($visits, $visitsConverted) = self::getVisitsMetricsFromResults($idArchive, $idArchiveVisitsSummary, $results); if (false === $visits && false === $idArchive) { return false; } return array($idArchive, $visits, $visitsConverted); } protected static function getVisitsMetricsFromResults($idArchive, $idArchiveVisitsSummary, $results) { $visits = $visitsConverted = false; $archiveWithVisitsMetricsWasFound = ($idArchiveVisitsSummary !== false); if ($archiveWithVisitsMetricsWasFound) { $visits = $visitsConverted = 0; } foreach ($results as $result) { if (in_array($result['idarchive'], array($idArchive, $idArchiveVisitsSummary))) { $value = (int)$result['value']; if (empty($visits) && $result['name'] == self::NB_VISITS_RECORD_LOOKED_UP ) { $visits = $value; } if (empty($visitsConverted) && $result['name'] == self::NB_VISITS_CONVERTED_RECORD_LOOKED_UP ) { $visitsConverted = $value; } } } return array($visits, $visitsConverted); } protected static function getMostRecentIdArchiveFromResults(Segment $segment, $requestedPlugin, $results) { $idArchive = false; $namesRequestedPlugin = Rules::getDoneFlags(array($requestedPlugin), $segment); foreach ($results as $result) { if ($idArchive === false && in_array($result['name'], $namesRequestedPlugin) ) { $idArchive = $result['idarchive']; break; } } return $idArchive; } /** * Queries and returns archive IDs for a set of sites, periods, and a segment. * * @param array $siteIds * @param array $periods * @param Segment $segment * @param array $plugins List of plugin names for which data is being requested. * @return array Archive IDs are grouped by archive name and period range, ie, * array( * 'VisitsSummary.done' => array( * '2010-01-01' => array(1,2,3) * ) * ) * @throws */ public static function getArchiveIds($siteIds, $periods, $segment, $plugins) { if (empty($siteIds)) { throw new \Exception("Website IDs could not be read from the request, ie. idSite="); } $getArchiveIdsSql = "SELECT idsite, name, date1, date2, MAX(idarchive) as idarchive FROM %s WHERE idsite IN (" . Common::getSqlStringFieldsArray($siteIds) . ") AND " . self::getNameCondition($plugins, $segment) . " AND %s GROUP BY idsite, date1, date2"; $monthToPeriods = array(); foreach ($periods as $period) { /** @var Period $period */ $table = ArchiveTableCreator::getNumericTable($period->getDateStart()); $monthToPeriods[$table][] = $period; } // for every month within the archive query, select from numeric table $result = array(); foreach ($monthToPeriods as $table => $periods) { $firstPeriod = reset($periods); $bind = array_values($siteIds); if ($firstPeriod instanceof Range) { $dateCondition = "period = ? AND date1 = ? AND date2 = ?"; $bind[] = $firstPeriod->getId(); $bind[] = $firstPeriod->getDateStart()->toString('Y-m-d'); $bind[] = $firstPeriod->getDateEnd()->toString('Y-m-d'); } else { // we assume there is no range date in $periods $dateCondition = '('; foreach ($periods as $period) { if (strlen($dateCondition) > 1) { $dateCondition .= ' OR '; } $dateCondition .= "(period = ? AND date1 = ? AND date2 = ?)"; $bind[] = $period->getId(); $bind[] = $period->getDateStart()->toString('Y-m-d'); $bind[] = $period->getDateEnd()->toString('Y-m-d'); } $dateCondition .= ')'; } $sql = sprintf($getArchiveIdsSql, $table, $dateCondition); $archiveIds = Db::fetchAll($sql, $bind); // get the archive IDs foreach ($archiveIds as $row) { $archiveName = $row['name']; //FIXMEA duplicate with Archive.php $dateStr = $row['date1'] . "," . $row['date2']; $result[$archiveName][$dateStr][] = $row['idarchive']; } } return $result; } /** * Queries and returns archive data using a set of archive IDs. * * @param array $archiveIds The IDs of the archives to get data from. * @param array $recordNames The names of the data to retrieve (ie, nb_visits, nb_actions, etc.) * @param string $archiveDataType The archive data type (either, 'blob' or 'numeric'). * @param bool $loadAllSubtables Whether to pre-load all subtables * @throws Exception * @return array */ public static function getArchiveData($archiveIds, $recordNames, $archiveDataType, $loadAllSubtables) { // create the SQL to select archive data $inNames = Common::getSqlStringFieldsArray($recordNames); if ($loadAllSubtables) { $name = reset($recordNames); // select blobs w/ name like "$name_[0-9]+" w/o using RLIKE $nameEnd = strlen($name) + 2; $whereNameIs = "(name = ? OR (name LIKE ? AND SUBSTRING(name, $nameEnd, 1) >= '0' AND SUBSTRING(name, $nameEnd, 1) <= '9') )"; $bind = array($name, $name . '%'); } else { $whereNameIs = "name IN ($inNames)"; $bind = array_values($recordNames); } $getValuesSql = "SELECT value, name, idsite, date1, date2, ts_archived FROM %s WHERE idarchive IN (%s) AND " . $whereNameIs; // get data from every table we're querying $rows = array(); foreach ($archiveIds as $period => $ids) { if (empty($ids)) { throw new Exception("Unexpected: id archive not found for period '$period' '"); } // $period = "2009-01-04,2009-01-04", $date = Date::factory(substr($period, 0, 10)); if ($archiveDataType == 'numeric') { $table = ArchiveTableCreator::getNumericTable($date); } else { $table = ArchiveTableCreator::getBlobTable($date); } $sql = sprintf($getValuesSql, $table, implode(',', $ids)); $dataRows = Db::fetchAll($sql, $bind); foreach ($dataRows as $row) { $rows[] = $row; } } return $rows; } /** * Returns the SQL condition used to find successfully completed archives that * this instance is querying for. * * @param array $plugins * @param Segment $segment * @return string */ private static function getNameCondition(array $plugins, Segment $segment) { // the flags used to tell how the archiving process for a specific archive was completed, // if it was completed $doneFlags = Rules::getDoneFlags($plugins, $segment); $allDoneFlags = "'" . implode("','", $doneFlags) . "'"; $possibleValues = Rules::getSelectableDoneFlagValues(); // create the SQL to find archives that are DONE return "((name IN ($allDoneFlags)) AND (value IN (" . implode(',', $possibleValues) . ")))"; } }