idArchive = false; $this->idSite = $idSite; $this->segment = $segment; $this->period = $period; $this->doneFlag = Rules::getDoneStringFlagFor($segment, $period->getLabel(), $requestedPlugin); $this->isArchiveTemporary = $isArchiveTemporary; $this->dateStart = $this->period->getDateStart(); } protected function getArchiveLockName() { $numericTable = $this->getTableNumeric(); $dbLockName = "allocateNewArchiveId.$numericTable"; return $dbLockName; } /** * @return array * @throws \Exception */ protected function acquireArchiveTableLock() { $dbLockName = $this->getArchiveLockName(); if (Db::getDbLock($dbLockName, $maxRetries = 30) === false) { throw new Exception("allocateNewArchiveId: Cannot get named lock for table $numericTable."); } } protected function releaseArchiveTableLock() { $dbLockName = $this->getArchiveLockName(); Db::releaseDbLock($dbLockName); } public function getIdArchive() { if ($this->idArchive === false) { throw new Exception("Must call allocateNewArchiveId() first"); } return $this->idArchive; } public function initNewArchive() { $this->acquireLock(); $this->allocateNewArchiveId(); $this->logArchiveStatusAsIncomplete(); } protected function acquireLock() { $lockName = $this->getArchiveProcessorLockName(); $result = Db::getDbLock($lockName, $maxRetries = 30); if (!$result) { Log::debug("SELECT GET_LOCK failed to acquire lock. Proceeding anyway."); } } protected function allocateNewArchiveId() { $this->idArchive = $this->insertNewArchiveId(); return $this->idArchive; } protected function insertNewArchiveId() { $numericTable = $this->getTableNumeric(); $idSite = $this->idSite; $this->acquireArchiveTableLock(); $locked = self::PREFIX_SQL_LOCK . Common::generateUniqId(); $date = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $insertSql = "INSERT INTO $numericTable " . " SELECT ifnull(max(idarchive),0)+1, '" . $locked . "', " . (int)$idSite . ", '" . $date . "', '" . $date . "', 0, '" . $date . "', 0 " . " FROM $numericTable as tb1"; Db::get()->exec($insertSql); $this->releaseArchiveTableLock(); $selectIdSql = "SELECT idarchive FROM $numericTable WHERE name = ? LIMIT 1"; $id = Db::get()->fetchOne($selectIdSql, $locked); return $id; } protected function logArchiveStatusAsIncomplete() { $statusWhileProcessing = ArchiveProcessor::DONE_ERROR; $this->insertRecord($this->doneFlag, $statusWhileProcessing); } protected function getArchiveProcessorLockName() { return self::makeLockName($this->idSite, $this->period, $this->segment); } protected static function makeLockName($idsite, Period $period, Segment $segment) { $config = Config::getInstance(); $lockName = 'piwik.' . $config->database['dbname'] . '.' . $config->database['tables_prefix'] . '/' . $idsite . '/' . (!$segment->isEmpty() ? $segment->getHash() . '/' : '') . $period->getId() . '/' . $period->getDateStart()->toString('Y-m-d') . ',' . $period->getDateEnd()->toString('Y-m-d'); return $lockName . '/' . md5($lockName . SettingsPiwik::getSalt()); } public function finalizeArchive() { $this->deletePreviousArchiveStatus(); $this->logArchiveStatusAsFinal(); $this->releaseArchiveProcessorLock(); } protected function deletePreviousArchiveStatus() { // without advisory lock here, the DELETE would acquire Exclusive Lock $this->acquireArchiveTableLock(); Db::query("DELETE FROM " . $this->getTableNumeric() . " WHERE idarchive = ? AND (name = '" . $this->doneFlag . "' OR name LIKE '" . self::PREFIX_SQL_LOCK . "%')", array($this->getIdArchive()) ); $this->releaseArchiveTableLock(); } protected function logArchiveStatusAsFinal() { $status = ArchiveProcessor::DONE_OK; if ($this->isArchiveTemporary) { $status = ArchiveProcessor::DONE_OK_TEMPORARY; } $this->insertRecord($this->doneFlag, $status); } protected function releaseArchiveProcessorLock() { $lockName = $this->getArchiveProcessorLockName(); return Db::releaseDbLock($lockName); } public function insertBulkRecords($records) { // Using standard plain INSERT if there is only one record to insert if ($DEBUG_DO_NOT_USE_BULK_INSERT = false || count($records) == 1 ) { foreach ($records as $record) { $this->insertRecord($record[0], $record[1]); } return true; } $bindSql = $this->getInsertRecordBind(); $values = array(); $valueSeen = false; foreach ($records as $record) { // don't record zero if (empty($record[1])) continue; $bind = $bindSql; $bind[] = $record[0]; // name $bind[] = $record[1]; // value $values[] = $bind; $valueSeen = $record[1]; } if (empty($values)) return true; $tableName = $this->getTableNameToInsert($valueSeen); BatchInsert::tableInsertBatch($tableName, $this->getInsertFields(), $values); return true; } /** * Inserts a record in the right table (either NUMERIC or BLOB) * * @param string $name * @param mixed $value * * @return bool */ public function insertRecord($name, $value) { if ($this->isRecordZero($value)) { return false; } $tableName = $this->getTableNameToInsert($value); // duplicate idarchives are Ignored, see $query = "INSERT IGNORE INTO " . $tableName . " (" . implode(", ", $this->getInsertFields()) . ") VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"; $bindSql = $this->getInsertRecordBind(); $bindSql[] = $name; $bindSql[] = $value; Db::query($query, $bindSql); return true; } protected function getInsertRecordBind() { return array($this->getIdArchive(), $this->idSite, $this->dateStart->toString('Y-m-d'), $this->period->getDateEnd()->toString('Y-m-d'), $this->period->getId(), date("Y-m-d H:i:s")); } protected function getTableNameToInsert($value) { if (is_numeric($value)) { return $this->getTableNumeric(); } return ArchiveTableCreator::getBlobTable($this->dateStart); } protected function getTableNumeric() { return ArchiveTableCreator::getNumericTable($this->dateStart); } protected function getInsertFields() { return $this->fields; } protected function isRecordZero($value) { return ($value === '0' || $value === false || $value === 0 || $value === 0.0); } }