segmentExpression = $segmentExpression; } public function getSelectQueryString($select, $from, $where, $bind, $groupBy, $orderBy, $limit) { if (!is_array($from)) { $from = array($from); } if(!$this->segmentExpression->isEmpty()) { $this->segmentExpression->parseSubExpressionsIntoSqlExpressions($from); $segmentSql = $this->segmentExpression->getSql(); $where = $this->getWhereMatchBoth($where, $segmentSql['where']); $bind = array_merge($bind, $segmentSql['bind']); } $joins = $this->generateJoinsString($from); $joinWithSubSelect = $joins['joinWithSubSelect']; $from = $joins['sql']; if ($joinWithSubSelect) { $sql = $this->buildWrappedSelectQuery($select, $from, $where, $groupBy, $orderBy, $limit); } else { $sql = $this->buildSelectQuery($select, $from, $where, $groupBy, $orderBy, $limit); } return array( 'sql' => $sql, 'bind' => $bind ); } /** * Generate the join sql based on the needed tables * @param array $tables tables to join * @throws Exception if tables can't be joined * @return array */ private function generateJoinsString($tables) { $knownTables = array("log_visit", "log_link_visit_action", "log_conversion", "log_conversion_item"); $visitsAvailable = $actionsAvailable = $conversionsAvailable = $conversionItemAvailable = false; $joinWithSubSelect = false; $sql = ''; // make sure the tables are joined in the right order // base table first, then action before conversion // this way, conversions can be joined on idlink_va $actionIndex = array_search("log_link_visit_action", $tables); $conversionIndex = array_search("log_conversion", $tables); if ($actionIndex > 0 && $conversionIndex > 0 && $actionIndex > $conversionIndex) { $tables[$actionIndex] = "log_conversion"; $tables[$conversionIndex] = "log_link_visit_action"; } // same as above: action before visit $actionIndex = array_search("log_link_visit_action", $tables); $visitIndex = array_search("log_visit", $tables); if ($actionIndex > 0 && $visitIndex > 0 && $actionIndex > $visitIndex) { $tables[$actionIndex] = "log_visit"; $tables[$visitIndex] = "log_link_visit_action"; } foreach ($tables as $i => $table) { if (is_array($table)) { // join condition provided $alias = isset($table['tableAlias']) ? $table['tableAlias'] : $table['table']; $sql .= " LEFT JOIN " . Common::prefixTable($table['table']) . " AS " . $alias . " ON " . $table['joinOn']; continue; } if (!in_array($table, $knownTables)) { throw new Exception("Table '$table' can't be used for segmentation"); } $tableSql = Common::prefixTable($table) . " AS $table"; if ($i == 0) { // first table $sql .= $tableSql; } else { if ($actionsAvailable && $table == "log_conversion") { // have actions, need conversions => join on idlink_va $join = "log_conversion.idlink_va = log_link_visit_action.idlink_va " . "AND log_conversion.idsite = log_link_visit_action.idsite"; } else if ($actionsAvailable && $table == "log_visit") { // have actions, need visits => join on idvisit $join = "log_visit.idvisit = log_link_visit_action.idvisit"; } else if ($visitsAvailable && $table == "log_link_visit_action") { // have visits, need actions => we have to use a more complex join // we don't hande this here, we just return joinWithSubSelect=true in this case $joinWithSubSelect = true; $join = "log_link_visit_action.idvisit = log_visit.idvisit"; } else if ($conversionsAvailable && $table == "log_link_visit_action") { // have conversions, need actions => join on idlink_va $join = "log_conversion.idlink_va = log_link_visit_action.idlink_va"; } else if (($visitsAvailable && $table == "log_conversion") || ($conversionsAvailable && $table == "log_visit") ) { // have visits, need conversion (or vice versa) => join on idvisit // notice that joining conversions on visits has lower priority than joining it on actions $join = "log_conversion.idvisit = log_visit.idvisit"; // if conversions are joined on visits, we need a complex join if ($table == "log_conversion") { $joinWithSubSelect = true; } } elseif ($conversionItemAvailable && $table === 'log_visit') { $join = "log_conversion_item.idvisit = log_visit.idvisit"; } elseif ($conversionItemAvailable && $table === 'log_link_visit_action') { $join = "log_conversion_item.idvisit = log_link_visit_action.idvisit"; } elseif ($conversionItemAvailable && $table === 'log_conversion') { $join = "log_conversion_item.idvisit = log_conversion.idvisit"; } else { throw new Exception("Table '$table' can't be joined for segmentation"); } // the join sql the default way $sql .= " LEFT JOIN $tableSql ON $join"; } // remember which tables are available $visitsAvailable = ($visitsAvailable || $table == "log_visit"); $actionsAvailable = ($actionsAvailable || $table == "log_link_visit_action"); $conversionsAvailable = ($conversionsAvailable || $table == "log_conversion"); $conversionItemAvailable = ($conversionItemAvailable || $table == "log_conversion_item"); } $return = array( 'sql' => $sql, 'joinWithSubSelect' => $joinWithSubSelect ); return $return; } /** * Build a select query where actions have to be joined on visits (or conversions) * In this case, the query gets wrapped in another query so that grouping by visit is possible * @param string $select * @param string $from * @param string $where * @param string $groupBy * @param string $orderBy * @param string $limit * @throws Exception * @return string */ private function buildWrappedSelectQuery($select, $from, $where, $groupBy, $orderBy, $limit) { $matchTables = "(log_visit|log_conversion_item|log_conversion|log_action)"; preg_match_all("/". $matchTables ."\.[a-z0-9_\*]+/", $select, $matches); $neededFields = array_unique($matches[0]); if (count($neededFields) == 0) { throw new Exception("No needed fields found in select expression. " . "Please use a table prefix."); } $innerSelect = implode(", \n", $neededFields); $innerFrom = $from; $innerWhere = $where; $innerLimit = $limit; $innerGroupBy = "log_visit.idvisit"; $innerOrderBy = "NULL"; if($innerLimit && $orderBy) { // only When LIMITing we can apply to the inner query the same ORDER BY as the parent query $innerOrderBy = $orderBy; } if($innerLimit) { // When LIMITing, no need to GROUP BY (GROUPing by is done before the LIMIT which is super slow when large amount of rows is matched) $innerGroupBy = false; } $innerQuery = $this->buildSelectQuery($innerSelect, $innerFrom, $innerWhere, $innerGroupBy, $innerOrderBy, $innerLimit); $select = preg_replace('/'.$matchTables.'\./', 'log_inner.', $select); $from = " ( $innerQuery ) AS log_inner"; $where = false; $orderBy = preg_replace('/'.$matchTables.'\./', 'log_inner.', $orderBy); $groupBy = preg_replace('/'.$matchTables.'\./', 'log_inner.', $groupBy); $query = $this->buildSelectQuery($select, $from, $where, $groupBy, $orderBy, $limit); return $query; } /** * Build select query the normal way * * @param string $select fieldlist to be selected * @param string $from tablelist to select from * @param string $where where clause * @param string $groupBy group by clause * @param string $orderBy order by clause * @param string $limit limit by clause * @return string */ private function buildSelectQuery($select, $from, $where, $groupBy, $orderBy, $limit) { $sql = " SELECT $select FROM $from"; if ($where) { $sql .= " WHERE $where"; } if ($groupBy) { $sql .= " GROUP BY $groupBy"; } if ($orderBy) { $sql .= " ORDER BY $orderBy"; } $limit = (int)$limit; if ($limit >= 1) { $sql .= " LIMIT $limit"; } return $sql; } /** * @param $where * @param $segmentWhere * @return string * @throws */ protected function getWhereMatchBoth($where, $segmentWhere) { if (empty($segmentWhere) && empty($where)) { throw new \Exception("Segment where clause should be non empty."); } if (empty($segmentWhere)) { return $where; } if (empty($where)) { return $segmentWhere; } return "( $where ) AND ($segmentWhere)"; } }