logger = $logger ?: StaticContainer::get('Psr\Log\LoggerInterface'); $this->archivingStatus = StaticContainer::get(ArchivingStatus::class); } /** * Returns the archives IDs that have already been invalidated and have been since re-processed. * * These archives { archive name (includes segment hash) , idsite, date, period } will be deleted. * * @param string $archiveTable * @param array $idSites * @return array * @throws Exception */ public function getInvalidatedArchiveIdsSafeToDelete($archiveTable) { try { Db::get()->query('SET SESSION group_concat_max_len=' . (128 * 1024)); } catch (\Exception $ex) { $this->logger->info("Could not set group_concat_max_len MySQL session variable."); } $sql = "SELECT idsite, date1, date2, period, name, GROUP_CONCAT(idarchive, '.', value ORDER BY ts_archived DESC) as archives FROM `$archiveTable` WHERE name LIKE 'done%' AND ts_archived IS NOT NULL AND `value` NOT IN (" . ArchiveWriter::DONE_ERROR . ") GROUP BY idsite, date1, date2, period, name HAVING count(*) > 1"; $archiveIds = array(); $rows = Db::fetchAll($sql); foreach ($rows as $row) { $duplicateArchives = explode(',', $row['archives']); // do not consider purging partial archives, if they are the latest archive, // and we don't want to delete the latest archive if it is usable while (!empty($duplicateArchives)) { $pair = $duplicateArchives[0]; if (strpos($pair, '.') === false) { continue; // see below } list($idarchive, $value) = explode('.', $pair); array_shift($duplicateArchives); if ($value != ArchiveWriter::DONE_PARTIAL) { break; } } // if there is more than one archive, the older invalidated ones can be deleted if (!empty($duplicateArchives)) { foreach ($duplicateArchives as $pair) { if (strpos($pair, '.') === false) { $this->logger->info("GROUP_CONCAT cut off the query result, you may have to purge archives again."); break; } list($idarchive, $value) = explode('.', $pair); $archiveIds[] = $idarchive; // does not matter what the value is, the latest is usable so older archives can be purged } } } return $archiveIds; } public function getPlaceholderArchiveIds($archiveTable) { $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT idarchive FROM `$archiveTable` WHERE ts_archived IS NULL"; $result = Db::fetchAll($sql); $result = array_column($result, 'idarchive'); return $result; } public function updateArchiveAsInvalidated($archiveTable, $idSites, $allPeriodsToInvalidate, Segment $segment = null, $forceInvalidateNonexistantRanges = false, $name = null) { if (empty($idSites)) { return 0; } // select all idarchive/name pairs we want to invalidate $sql = "SELECT idarchive, idsite, period, date1, date2, `name`, `value` FROM `$archiveTable` WHERE idsite IN (" . implode(',', $idSites) . ")"; $periodCondition = ''; if (!empty($allPeriodsToInvalidate)) { $periodCondition .= " AND ("; $isFirst = true; /** @var Period $period */ foreach ($allPeriodsToInvalidate as $period) { if ($isFirst) { $isFirst = false; } else { $periodCondition .= " OR "; } if ($period->getLabel() == 'range') { // for ranges, we delete all ranges that contain the given date(s) $periodCondition .= "(period = " . (int)$period->getId() . " AND date2 >= '" . $period->getDateStart()->getDatetime() . "' AND date1 <= '" . $period->getDateEnd()->getDatetime() . "')"; } else { $periodCondition .= "(period = " . (int)$period->getId() . " AND date1 = '" . $period->getDateStart()->getDatetime() . "'" . " AND date2 = '" . $period->getDateEnd()->getDatetime() . "')"; } } $periodCondition .= ")"; } $sql .= $periodCondition; if (!empty($name)) { if (strpos($name, '.') !== false) { list($plugin, $name) = explode('.', $name, 2); } else { $plugin = $name; $name = null; } } if (empty($plugin)) { $doneFlag = Rules::getDoneFlagArchiveContainsAllPlugins($segment ?: new Segment('', [])); } else { $doneFlag = Rules::getDoneFlagArchiveContainsOnePlugin($segment ?: new Segment('', []), $plugin); } $nameCondition = "name LIKE '$doneFlag%'"; $sql .= " AND $nameCondition"; $archivesToInvalidate = Db::fetchAll($sql); $idArchives = array_column($archivesToInvalidate, 'idarchive'); // update each archive as invalidated if (!empty($idArchives)) { $idArchives = array_map('intval', $idArchives); $sql = "UPDATE `$archiveTable` SET `value` = " . ArchiveWriter::DONE_INVALIDATED . " WHERE idarchive IN (" . implode(',', $idArchives) . ") AND $nameCondition"; Db::query($sql); } // we add every archive we need to invalidate + the archives that do not already exist to archive_invalidations. // except for archives that are DONE_IN_PROGRESS. $archivesToCreateInvalidationRowsFor = []; foreach ($archivesToInvalidate as $row) { if ($row['name'] != $doneFlag) { // only look at done flags that equal the one we are explicitly adding continue; } $archivesToCreateInvalidationRowsFor[$row['idsite']][$row['period']][$row['date1']][$row['date2']] = $row['idarchive']; } $now = Date::now()->getDatetime(); $existingInvalidations = $this->getExistingInvalidations($idSites, $periodCondition, $nameCondition); $dummyArchives = []; foreach ($idSites as $idSite) { try { $siteCreationTime = Site::getCreationDateFor($idSite); } catch (\Exception $ex) { continue; } $siteCreationTime = Date::factory($siteCreationTime); foreach ($allPeriodsToInvalidate as $period) { if ($period->getLabel() == 'range' && !$forceInvalidateNonexistantRanges ) { continue; // range } if ($period->getDateEnd()->isEarlier($siteCreationTime)) { continue; // don't add entries if it is before the time the site was created } $date1 = $period->getDateStart()->toString(); $date2 = $period->getDateEnd()->toString(); $key = $this->makeExistingInvalidationArrayKey($idSite, $date1, $date2, $period->getId(), $doneFlag); if (!empty($existingInvalidations[$key])) { continue; // avoid adding duplicates where possible } $idArchive = $archivesToCreateInvalidationRowsFor[$idSite][$period->getId()][$date1][$date2] ?? null; $dummyArchives[] = [ 'idarchive' => $idArchive, 'name' => $doneFlag, 'report' => $name, 'idsite' => $idSite, 'date1' => $period->getDateStart()->getDatetime(), 'date2' => $period->getDateEnd()->getDatetime(), 'period' => $period->getId(), 'ts_invalidated' => $now, ]; } } if (!empty($dummyArchives)) { $fields = ['idarchive', 'name', 'report', 'idsite', 'date1', 'date2', 'period', 'ts_invalidated']; Db\BatchInsert::tableInsertBatch(Common::prefixTable('archive_invalidations'), $fields, $dummyArchives); } return count($idArchives); } private function getExistingInvalidations($idSites, $periodCondition, $nameCondition) { $table = Common::prefixTable('archive_invalidations'); $idSites = array_map('intval', $idSites); $sql = "SELECT idsite, date1, date2, period, name, COUNT(*) as `count` FROM `$table` WHERE idsite IN (" . implode(',', $idSites) . ") AND status = " . ArchiveInvalidator::INVALIDATION_STATUS_QUEUED . " $periodCondition AND $nameCondition GROUP BY idsite, date1, date2, period, name"; $rows = Db::fetchAll($sql); $invalidations = []; foreach ($rows as $row) { $key = $this->makeExistingInvalidationArrayKey($row['idsite'], $row['date1'], $row['date2'], $row['period'], $row['name']); $invalidations[$key] = $row['count']; } return $invalidations; } private function makeExistingInvalidationArrayKey($idSite, $date1, $date2, $period, $name) { return implode('.', [$idSite, $date1, $date2, $period, $name]); } /** * @param string $archiveTable Prefixed table name * @param int[] $idSites * @param string[][] $datesByPeriodType * @param Segment $segment * @return \Zend_Db_Statement * @throws Exception */ public function updateRangeArchiveAsInvalidated($archiveTable, $idSites, $allPeriodsToInvalidate, Segment $segment = null) { if (empty($idSites)) { return; } $bind = array(); $periodConditions = array(); if (!empty($allPeriodsToInvalidate)) { foreach ($allPeriodsToInvalidate as $period) { $dateConditions = array(); /** @var Period $period */ $dateConditions[] = "(date1 <= ? AND ? <= date2)"; $bind[] = $period->getDateStart(); $bind[] = $period->getDateEnd(); $dateConditionsSql = implode(" OR ", $dateConditions); $periodConditions[] = "(period = 5 AND ($dateConditionsSql))"; } } if ($segment) { $nameCondition = "name LIKE '" . Rules::getDoneFlagArchiveContainsAllPlugins($segment) . "%'"; } else { $nameCondition = "name LIKE 'done%'"; } $sql = "UPDATE $archiveTable SET value = " . ArchiveWriter::DONE_INVALIDATED . " WHERE $nameCondition AND idsite IN (" . implode(", ", $idSites) . ") AND (" . implode(" OR ", $periodConditions) . ")"; return Db::query($sql, $bind); } public function getTemporaryArchivesOlderThan($archiveTable, $purgeArchivesOlderThan) { $query = "SELECT idarchive FROM " . $archiveTable . " WHERE name LIKE 'done%' AND (( value = " . ArchiveWriter::DONE_OK_TEMPORARY . " AND ts_archived < ?) OR value = " . ArchiveWriter::DONE_ERROR . ")"; return Db::fetchAll($query, array($purgeArchivesOlderThan)); } public function deleteArchivesWithPeriod($numericTable, $blobTable, $period, $date) { $query = "DELETE FROM %s WHERE period = ? AND ts_archived < ?"; $bind = array($period, $date); $queryObj = Db::query(sprintf($query, $numericTable), $bind); $deletedRows = $queryObj->rowCount(); try { $queryObj = Db::query(sprintf($query, $blobTable), $bind); $deletedRows += $queryObj->rowCount(); } catch (Exception $e) { // Individual blob tables could be missing $this->logger->debug("Unable to delete archives by period from {blobTable}.", array( 'blobTable' => $blobTable, 'exception' => $e, )); } return $deletedRows; } public function getInvalidatedArchiveIdsAsOldOrOlderThan($archive) { $table = ArchiveTableCreator::getNumericTable(Date::factory($archive['date1'])); $sql = "SELECT idarchive FROM `$table` WHERE idsite = ? AND period = ? AND date1 = ? AND date2 = ? AND `name` = ? AND `value` IN (" . ArchiveWriter::DONE_INVALIDATED . ") AND idarchive <= ?"; $bind = [ $archive['idsite'], $archive['period'], $archive['date1'], $archive['date2'], $archive['name'], $archive['idarchive'], ]; $result = Db::fetchAll($sql, $bind); $result = array_column($result, 'idarchive'); return $result; } public function deleteArchiveIds($numericTable, $blobTable, $idsToDelete) { $idsToDelete = array_values($idsToDelete); $idsToDelete = array_map('intval', $idsToDelete); $query = "DELETE FROM %s WHERE idarchive IN (" . implode(',', $idsToDelete) . ")"; $queryObj = Db::query(sprintf($query, $numericTable), array()); $deletedRows = $queryObj->rowCount(); try { $queryObj = Db::query(sprintf($query, $blobTable), array()); $deletedRows += $queryObj->rowCount(); } catch (Exception $e) { // Individual blob tables could be missing $this->logger->debug("Unable to delete archive IDs from {blobTable}.", array( 'blobTable' => $blobTable, 'exception' => $e, )); } return $deletedRows; } public function deleteOlderArchives(Parameters $params, $name, $tsArchived, $idArchive) { $dateStart = $params->getPeriod()->getDateStart(); $dateEnd = $params->getPeriod()->getDateEnd(); $numericTable = ArchiveTableCreator::getNumericTable($dateStart); $blobTable = ArchiveTableCreator::getBlobTable($dateStart); $sql = "SELECT idarchive FROM `$numericTable` WHERE idsite = ? AND date1 = ? AND date2 = ? AND period = ? AND name = ? AND ts_archived < ? AND idarchive < ?"; $idArchives = Db::fetchAll($sql, [$params->getSite()->getId(), $dateStart->getDatetime(), $dateEnd->getDatetime(), $params->getPeriod()->getId(), $name, $tsArchived, $idArchive]); $idArchives = array_column($idArchives, 'idarchive'); if (empty($idArchives)) { return; } $this->deleteArchiveIds($numericTable, $blobTable, $idArchives); } public function getArchiveIdAndVisits($numericTable, $idSite, $period, $dateStartIso, $dateEndIso, $minDatetimeIsoArchiveProcessedUTC, $doneFlags, $doneFlagValues = null) { $bindSQL = array($idSite, $dateStartIso, $dateEndIso, $period, ); $sqlWhereArchiveName = self::getNameCondition($doneFlags, $doneFlagValues); $timeStampWhere = ''; if ($minDatetimeIsoArchiveProcessedUTC) { $timeStampWhere = " AND arc1.ts_archived >= ? "; $bindSQL[] = $minDatetimeIsoArchiveProcessedUTC; } // NOTE: we can't predict how many segments there will be so there could be lots of nb_visits/nb_visits_converted rows... have to select everything. $sqlQuery = "SELECT arc1.idarchive, arc1.value, arc1.name, arc1.ts_archived, arc1.date1 as startDate, arc2.value as " . ArchiveSelector::NB_VISITS_RECORD_LOOKED_UP . ", arc3.value as " . ArchiveSelector::NB_VISITS_CONVERTED_RECORD_LOOKED_UP . " FROM $numericTable arc1 LEFT JOIN $numericTable arc2 on arc2.idarchive = arc1.idarchive and (arc2.name = '" . ArchiveSelector::NB_VISITS_RECORD_LOOKED_UP . "') LEFT JOIN $numericTable arc3 on arc3.idarchive = arc1.idarchive and (arc3.name = '" . ArchiveSelector::NB_VISITS_CONVERTED_RECORD_LOOKED_UP . "') WHERE arc1.idsite = ? AND arc1.date1 = ? AND arc1.date2 = ? AND arc1.period = ? AND ($sqlWhereArchiveName) $timeStampWhere AND arc1.ts_archived IS NOT NULL ORDER BY arc1.ts_archived DESC, arc1.idarchive DESC"; $results = Db::fetchAll($sqlQuery, $bindSQL); return $results; } public function createArchiveTable($tableName, $tableNamePrefix) { $db = Db::get(); $sql = DbHelper::getTableCreateSql($tableNamePrefix); // replace table name template by real name $tableNamePrefix = Common::prefixTable($tableNamePrefix); $sql = str_replace($tableNamePrefix, $tableName, $sql); try { $db->query($sql); } catch (Exception $e) { // accept mysql error 1050: table already exists, throw otherwise if (!$db->isErrNo($e, '1050')) { throw $e; } } try { if (ArchiveTableCreator::NUMERIC_TABLE === ArchiveTableCreator::getTypeFromTableName($tableName)) { $sequence = new Sequence($tableName); $sequence->create(); } } catch (Exception $e) { } } public function getInstalledArchiveTables() { $allArchiveNumeric = Db::get()->fetchCol("SHOW TABLES LIKE '" . Common::prefixTable('archive_numeric%') . "'"); $allArchiveBlob = Db::get()->fetchCol("SHOW TABLES LIKE '" . Common::prefixTable('archive_blob%') ."'"); return array_merge($allArchiveBlob, $allArchiveNumeric); } public function allocateNewArchiveId($numericTable) { $sequence = new Sequence($numericTable); try { $idarchive = $sequence->getNextId(); } catch (Exception $e) { // edge case: sequence was not found, create it now $sequence->create(); $idarchive = $sequence->getNextId(); } return $idarchive; } public function updateArchiveStatus($numericTable, $archiveId, $doneFlag, $value) { Db::query("UPDATE $numericTable SET `value` = ? WHERE idarchive = ? and `name` = ?", array($value, $archiveId, $doneFlag) ); } public function insertRecord($tableName, $fields, $record, $name, $value) { // duplicate idarchives are Ignored, see https://github.com/piwik/piwik/issues/987 $query = "INSERT IGNORE INTO " . $tableName . " (" . implode(", ", $fields) . ") VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE " . end($fields) . " = ?"; $bindSql = $record; $bindSql[] = $name; $bindSql[] = $value; $bindSql[] = $value; Db::query($query, $bindSql); return true; } /** * Returns the site IDs for invalidated archives in an archive table. * * @param string $numericTable The numeric table to search through. * @return int[] */ public function getSitesWithInvalidatedArchive($numericTable) { $rows = Db::fetchAll("SELECT DISTINCT idsite FROM `$numericTable` WHERE `name` LIKE 'done%' AND `value` IN (" . ArchiveWriter::DONE_INVALIDATED . ")"); $result = array(); foreach ($rows as $row) { $result[] = $row['idsite']; } return $result; } /** * Get a list of IDs of archives that don't have any matching rows in the site table. Excludes temporary archives * that may still be in use, as specified by the $oldestToKeep passed in. * @param string $archiveTableName * @param string $oldestToKeep Datetime string * @return array of IDs */ public function getArchiveIdsForDeletedSites($archiveTableName) { $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT idsite FROM " . $archiveTableName; $rows = Db::getReader()->fetchAll($sql, array()); if (empty($rows)) { return array(); // nothing to delete } $idSitesUsed = array_column($rows, 'idsite'); $model = new \Piwik\Plugins\SitesManager\Model(); $idSitesExisting = $model->getSitesId(); $deletedSites = array_diff($idSitesUsed, $idSitesExisting); if (empty($deletedSites)) { return array(); } $deletedSites = array_values($deletedSites); $deletedSites = array_map('intval', $deletedSites); $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT idarchive FROM " . $archiveTableName . " WHERE idsite IN (".implode(',',$deletedSites).")"; $rows = Db::getReader()->fetchAll($sql, array()); return array_column($rows, 'idarchive'); } /** * Get a list of IDs of archives with segments that no longer exist in the DB. Excludes temporary archives that * may still be in use, as specified by the $oldestToKeep passed in. * @param string $archiveTableName * @param array $segments List of segments to match against * @param string $oldestToKeep Datetime string * @return array With keys idarchive, name, idsite */ public function getArchiveIdsForSegments($archiveTableName, array $segments, $oldestToKeep) { $segmentClauses = []; foreach ($segments as $segment) { if (!empty($segment['definition'])) { $segmentClauses[] = $this->getDeletedSegmentWhereClause($segment); } } if (empty($segmentClauses)) { return array(); } $segmentClauses = implode(' OR ', $segmentClauses); $sql = 'SELECT idarchive FROM ' . $archiveTableName . ' WHERE ts_archived < ?' . ' AND (' . $segmentClauses . ')'; $rows = Db::fetchAll($sql, array($oldestToKeep)); return array_column($rows, 'idarchive'); } private function getDeletedSegmentWhereClause(array $segment) { $idSite = (int)$segment['enable_only_idsite']; $segmentHash = Segment::getSegmentHash($segment['definition']); // Valid segment hashes are md5 strings - just confirm that it is so it's safe for SQL injection if (!ctype_xdigit($segmentHash)) { throw new Exception($segment . ' expected to be an md5 hash'); } $nameClause = 'name LIKE "done' . $segmentHash . '%"'; $idSiteClause = ''; if ($idSite > 0) { $idSiteClause = ' AND idsite = ' . $idSite; } elseif (! empty($segment['idsites_to_preserve'])) { // A segment for all sites was deleted, but there are segments for a single site with the same definition $idSitesToPreserve = array_map('intval', $segment['idsites_to_preserve']); $idSiteClause = ' AND idsite NOT IN (' . implode(',', $idSitesToPreserve) . ')'; } return "($nameClause $idSiteClause)"; } /** * Returns the SQL condition used to find successfully completed archives that * this instance is querying for. */ private static function getNameCondition($doneFlags, $possibleValues) { $allDoneFlags = "'" . implode("','", $doneFlags) . "'"; // create the SQL to find archives that are DONE $result = "((arc1.name IN ($allDoneFlags))"; if (!empty($possibleValues)) { $result .= " AND (arc1.value IN (" . implode(',', $possibleValues) . ")))"; } $result .= ')'; return $result; } /** * Marks an archive as in progress if it has not been already. This method must be thread * safe. */ public function startArchive($invalidation) { $table = Common::prefixTable('archive_invalidations'); // set archive value to in progress if not set already $statement = Db::query("UPDATE `$table` SET `status` = ?, ts_started = NOW() WHERE idinvalidation = ? AND status = ?", [ ArchiveInvalidator::INVALIDATION_STATUS_IN_PROGRESS, $invalidation['idinvalidation'], ArchiveInvalidator::INVALIDATION_STATUS_QUEUED, ]); if ($statement->rowCount() > 0) { // if we updated, then we've marked the archive as started return true; } // if we didn't get anything, some process either got there first, OR // the archive was started previously and failed in a way that kept it's done value // set to DONE_IN_PROGRESS. try to acquire the lock and if acquired, archiving isn' in process // so we can claim it. $lock = $this->archivingStatus->acquireArchiveInProgressLock($invalidation['idsite'], $invalidation['date1'], $invalidation['date2'], $invalidation['period'], $invalidation['name']); if (!$lock->isLocked()) { return false; // we couldn't claim the lock, archive is in progress } // remove similar invalidations w/ lesser idinvalidation values $bind = [ $invalidation['idsite'], $invalidation['period'], $invalidation['date1'], $invalidation['date2'], $invalidation['name'], ArchiveInvalidator::INVALIDATION_STATUS_IN_PROGRESS, ]; if (empty($invalidation['report'])) { $reportClause = "(report IS NULL OR report = '')"; } else { $reportClause = "report = ?"; $bind[] = $invalidation['report']; } $sql = "DELETE FROM " . Common::prefixTable('archive_invalidations') . " WHERE idinvalidation < ? AND idsite = ? AND " . "date1 = ? AND date2 = ? AND `period` = ? AND `name` = ? AND $reportClause"; Db::query($sql, $bind); return true; } public function isSimilarArchiveInProgress($invalidation) { $table = Common::prefixTable('archive_invalidations'); $bind = [ $invalidation['idsite'], $invalidation['period'], $invalidation['date1'], $invalidation['date2'], $invalidation['name'], ArchiveInvalidator::INVALIDATION_STATUS_IN_PROGRESS, ]; if (empty($invalidation['report'])) { $reportClause = "(report IS NULL OR report = '')"; } else { $reportClause = "report = ?"; $bind[] = $invalidation['report']; } $sql = "SELECT idinvalidation FROM `$table` WHERE idsite = ? AND `period` = ? AND date1 = ? AND date2 = ? AND `name` = ? AND `status` = ? AND ts_started IS NOT NULL AND $reportClause LIMIT 1"; $result = Db::fetchOne($sql, $bind); return !empty($result); } /** * Gets the next invalidated archive that should be archived in a table. * * @param int $idSite * @param string $archivingStartTime * @param int[]|null $idInvalidationsToExclude * @param bool $useLimit Whether to limit the result set to one result or not. Used in tests only. */ public function getNextInvalidatedArchive($idSite, $archivingStartTime, $idInvalidationsToExclude = null, $useLimit = true) { $table = Common::prefixTable('archive_invalidations'); $sql = "SELECT idinvalidation, idarchive, idsite, date1, date2, period, `name`, report, ts_invalidated FROM `$table` WHERE idsite = ? AND status != ? AND ts_invalidated <= ?"; $bind = [ $idSite, ArchiveInvalidator::INVALIDATION_STATUS_IN_PROGRESS, $archivingStartTime, ]; if (!empty($idInvalidationsToExclude)) { $idInvalidationsToExclude = array_map('intval', $idInvalidationsToExclude); $sql .= " AND idinvalidation NOT IN (" . implode(',', $idInvalidationsToExclude) . ')'; } // NOTE: order here is very important to ensure we process lower period archives first, and general 'all' archives before // segment archives, and so we use the latest idinvalidation $sql .= " ORDER BY date1 DESC, period ASC, CHAR_LENGTH(name) ASC, idinvalidation DESC"; if ($useLimit) { $sql .= " LIMIT 1"; return Db::fetchRow($sql, $bind); } else { return Db::fetchAll($sql, $bind); } } public function deleteInvalidations($archiveInvalidations) { $ids = array_column($archiveInvalidations, 'idinvalidation'); $ids = array_map('intval', $ids); $table = Common::prefixTable('archive_invalidations'); $sql = "DELETE FROM `$table` WHERE idinvalidation IN (" . implode(', ', $ids) . ")"; Db::query($sql); } public function removeInvalidationsLike($idSite, $start) { $idSitesClause = $this->getRemoveInvalidationsIdSitesClause($idSite); $table = Common::prefixTable('archive_invalidations'); $sql = "DELETE FROM `$table` WHERE $idSitesClause `name` LIKE ?"; Db::query($sql, ['done%.' . str_replace('_', "\\_", $start)]); } public function removeInvalidations($idSite, $plugin, $report) { $idSitesClause = $this->getRemoveInvalidationsIdSitesClause($idSite); $table = Common::prefixTable('archive_invalidations'); $sql = "DELETE FROM `$table` WHERE $idSitesClause `name` LIKE ? AND report = ?"; Db::query($sql, ['done%.' . str_replace('_', "\\_", $plugin), $report]); } public function isArchiveAlreadyInProgress($invalidatedArchive) { $table = Common::prefixTable('archive_invalidations'); $bind = [ $invalidatedArchive['idsite'], $invalidatedArchive['date1'], $invalidatedArchive['date2'], $invalidatedArchive['period'], $invalidatedArchive['name'], ]; $reportClause = "(report = '' OR report IS NULL)"; if (!empty($invalidatedArchive['report'])) { $reportClause = "report = ?"; $bind[] = $invalidatedArchive['report']; } $sql = "SELECT MAX(idinvalidation) FROM `$table` WHERE idsite = ? AND date1 = ? AND date2 = ? AND `period` = ? AND `name` = ? AND status = 1 AND $reportClause"; $inProgressInvalidation = Db::fetchOne($sql, $bind); return $inProgressInvalidation; } /** * Returns true if there is an archive that exists that can be used when aggregating an archive for $period. * * @param $idSite * @param Period $period * @return bool * @throws Exception */ public function hasChildArchivesInPeriod($idSite, Period $period) { $date = $period->getDateStart(); while ($date->isEarlier($period->getDateEnd()->addPeriod(1, 'month'))) { $archiveTable = ArchiveTableCreator::getNumericTable($date); $sql = "SELECT idarchive FROM `$archiveTable` WHERE idsite = ? AND date1 >= ? AND date2 <= ? AND period < ? AND `name` LIKE 'done%' AND `value` = " . ArchiveWriter::DONE_OK . " LIMIT 1"; $bind = [$idSite, $period->getDateStart()->getDatetime(), $period->getDateEnd()->getDatetime(), $period->getId()]; $result = (bool) Db::fetchOne($sql, $bind); if ($result) { return true; } $date = $date->addPeriod(1, 'month'); // move to next archive table } return false; } public function deleteInvalidationsForSites(array $idSites) { $idSites = array_map('intval', $idSites); $table = Common::prefixTable('archive_invalidations'); $sql = "DELETE FROM `$table` WHERE idsite IN (" . implode(',', $idSites) . ")"; Db::query($sql); } public function deleteInvalidationsForDeletedSites() { $siteTable = Common::prefixTable('site'); $table = Common::prefixTable('archive_invalidations'); $sql = "DELETE a FROM `$table` a LEFT JOIN `$siteTable` s ON a.idsite = s.idsite WHERE s.idsite IS NULL"; Db::query($sql); } private function getRemoveInvalidationsIdSitesClause($idSite) { if ($idSite === 'all') { return ''; } $idSites = is_array($idSite) ? $idSite : [$idSite]; $idSites = array_map('intval', $idSites); $idSitesStr = implode(',', $idSites); return "idsite IN ($idSitesStr) AND"; } public function releaseInProgressInvalidation($idinvalidation) { $table = Common::prefixTable('archive_invalidations'); $sql = "UPDATE $table SET status = " . ArchiveInvalidator::INVALIDATION_STATUS_QUEUED . ", ts_started = NULL WHERE idinvalidation = ?"; Db::query($sql, [$idinvalidation]); } public function resetFailedArchivingJobs() { $table = Common::prefixTable('archive_invalidations'); $sql = "UPDATE $table SET status = ? WHERE status = ? AND (ts_started IS NULL OR ts_started < ?)"; $bind = [ ArchiveInvalidator::INVALIDATION_STATUS_QUEUED, ArchiveInvalidator::INVALIDATION_STATUS_IN_PROGRESS, Date::now()->subDay(1)->getDatetime(), ]; $query = Db::query($sql, $bind); return $query->rowCount(); } }