1, 'week' => 2, 'month' => 3, 'year' => 4, 'range' => 5, ); /** * @see getKnownSegmentsToArchive * * @var array */ public static $cachedKnownSegmentsToArchive = null; const LABEL_ID_GOAL_IS_ECOMMERCE_CART = 'ecommerceAbandonedCart'; const LABEL_ID_GOAL_IS_ECOMMERCE_ORDER = 'ecommerceOrder'; /** * Should we process and display Unique Visitors? * -> Always process for day/week/month periods * For Year and Range, only process if it was enabled in the config file, * * @param string $periodLabel Period label (e.g., 'day') * @return bool */ static public function isUniqueVisitorsEnabled($periodLabel) { $generalSettings = Config::getInstance()->General; $settingName = "enable_processing_unique_visitors_$periodLabel"; $result = !empty($generalSettings[$settingName]) && $generalSettings[$settingName] == 1; // check enable_processing_unique_visitors_year_and_range for backwards compatibility if (($periodLabel == 'year' || $periodLabel == 'range') && isset($generalSettings['enable_processing_unique_visitors_year_and_range']) ) { $result |= $generalSettings['enable_processing_unique_visitors_year_and_range'] == 1; } return $result; } /** * Returns true if Segmentation is allowed for this user * * @return bool */ public static function isSegmentationEnabled() { return !Piwik::isUserIsAnonymous() || Config::getInstance()->General['anonymous_user_enable_use_segments_API']; } /** * Prefix class name (if needed) * * @param string $class * @return string */ static public function prefixClass($class) { if (!strncmp($class, Common::CLASSES_PREFIX, strlen(Common::CLASSES_PREFIX))) { return $class; } return Common::CLASSES_PREFIX . $class; } /** * Uninstallation helper */ static public function uninstall() { Schema::getInstance()->dropTables(); } /** * Returns true if Piwik is installed * * @since 0.6.3 * * @return bool True if installed; false otherwise */ static public function isInstalled() { try { return Schema::getInstance()->hasTables(); } catch (Exception $e) { return false; } } /** * Called on Core install, update, plugin enable/disable * Will clear all cache that could be affected by the change in configuration being made */ static public function deleteAllCacheOnUpdate() { AssetManager::removeMergedAssets(); View::clearCompiledTemplates(); Cache::deleteTrackerCache(); } /** * Cache for result of getPiwikUrl. * Can be overwritten for testing purposes only. * * @var string */ static public $piwikUrlCache = null; /** * Returns the cached the Piwik URL, eg. http://demo.piwik.org/ or http://example.org/piwik/ * If not found, then tries to cache it and returns the value. * * If the Piwik URL changes (eg. Piwik moved to new server), the value will automatically be refreshed in the cache. * * @return string */ static public function getPiwikUrl() { // Only set in tests if (self::$piwikUrlCache !== null) { return self::$piwikUrlCache; } $key = 'piwikUrl'; $url = Piwik_GetOption($key); if (Common::isPhpCliMode() // in case archive.php is triggered with domain localhost || Common::isArchivePhpTriggered() || defined('PIWIK_MODE_ARCHIVE') ) { return $url; } $currentUrl = Common::sanitizeInputValue(Url::getCurrentUrlWithoutFileName()); if (empty($url) // if URL changes, always update the cache || $currentUrl != $url ) { if (strlen($currentUrl) >= strlen('http://a/')) { Piwik_SetOption($key, $currentUrl, $autoLoad = true); } $url = $currentUrl; } return $url; } /** * Returns true if this appears to be a secure HTTPS connection * * @return bool */ static public function isHttps() { return Url::getCurrentScheme() === 'https'; } /** * Set response header, e.g., HTTP/1.0 200 Ok * * @param string $status Status * @return bool */ static public function setHttpStatus($status) { if (substr_compare(PHP_SAPI, '-fcgi', -5)) { @header($_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] . ' ' . $status); } else { // FastCGI @header('Status: ' . $status); } } /** * Workaround IE bug when downloading certain document types over SSL and * cache control headers are present, e.g., * * Cache-Control: no-cache * Cache-Control: no-store,max-age=0,must-revalidate * Pragma: no-cache * * @see http://support.microsoft.com/kb/316431/ * @see RFC2616 * * @param string $override One of "public", "private", "no-cache", or "no-store". (optional) */ static public function overrideCacheControlHeaders($override = null) { if ($override || self::isHttps()) { @header('Pragma: '); @header('Expires: '); if (in_array($override, array('public', 'private', 'no-cache', 'no-store'))) { @header("Cache-Control: $override, must-revalidate"); } else { @header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate'); } } } /* * File and directory operations */ /** * Copy recursively from $source to $target. * * @param string $source eg. './tmp/latest' * @param string $target eg. '.' * @param bool $excludePhp */ static public function copyRecursive($source, $target, $excludePhp = false) { if (is_dir($source)) { Common::mkdir($target, false); $d = dir($source); while (false !== ($entry = $d->read())) { if ($entry == '.' || $entry == '..') { continue; } $sourcePath = $source . '/' . $entry; if (is_dir($sourcePath)) { self::copyRecursive($sourcePath, $target . '/' . $entry, $excludePhp); continue; } $destPath = $target . '/' . $entry; self::copy($sourcePath, $destPath, $excludePhp); } $d->close(); } else { self::copy($source, $target, $excludePhp); } } /** * Copy individual file from $source to $target. * * @param string $source eg. './tmp/latest/index.php' * @param string $dest eg. './index.php' * @param bool $excludePhp * @throws Exception * @return bool */ static public function copy($source, $dest, $excludePhp = false) { static $phpExtensions = array('php', 'tpl', 'twig'); if ($excludePhp) { $path_parts = pathinfo($source); if (in_array($path_parts['extension'], $phpExtensions)) { return true; } } if (!@copy($source, $dest)) { @chmod($dest, 0755); if (!@copy($source, $dest)) { $message = "Error while creating/copying file to $dest.
" . self::getErrorMessageMissingPermissions(Common::getPathToPiwikRoot()); throw new Exception($message); } } return true; } /** * Returns friendly error message explaining how to fix permissions * * @param string $path to the directory missing permissions * @return string Error message */ static public function getErrorMessageMissingPermissions($path) { $message = "Please check that the web server has enough permission to write to these files/directories:
"; if (Common::isWindows()) { $message .= "On Windows, check that the folder is not read only and is writable. You can try to execute:
"; } else { $message .= "For example, on a Linux server if your Apache httpd user is www-data, you can try to execute:
" . "chown -R www-data:www-data " . $path . "
"; } $message .= self::getMakeWritableCommand($path); return $message; } /** * Recursively delete a directory * * @param string $dir Directory name * @param boolean $deleteRootToo Delete specified top-level directory as well */ static public function unlinkRecursive($dir, $deleteRootToo) { if (!$dh = @opendir($dir)) { return; } while (false !== ($obj = readdir($dh))) { if ($obj == '.' || $obj == '..') { continue; } if (!@unlink($dir . '/' . $obj)) { self::unlinkRecursive($dir . '/' . $obj, true); } } closedir($dh); if ($deleteRootToo) { @rmdir($dir); } return; } /** * Recursively find pathnames that match a pattern * @see glob() * * @param string $sDir directory * @param string $sPattern pattern * @param int $nFlags glob() flags * @return array */ public static function globr($sDir, $sPattern, $nFlags = null) { if (($aFiles = \_glob("$sDir/$sPattern", $nFlags)) == false) { $aFiles = array(); } if (($aDirs = \_glob("$sDir/*", GLOB_ONLYDIR)) != false) { foreach ($aDirs as $sSubDir) { if (is_link($sSubDir)) { continue; } $aSubFiles = self::globr($sSubDir, $sPattern, $nFlags); $aFiles = array_merge($aFiles, $aSubFiles); } } return $aFiles; } /** * Returns the help text displayed to suggest which command to run to give writable access to a file or directory * * @param string $realpath * @return string */ static private function getMakeWritableCommand($realpath) { if (Common::isWindows()) { return "cacls $realpath /t /g " . get_current_user() . ":f
"; } return "chmod -R 0755 $realpath
"; } /** * Checks that the directories Piwik needs write access are actually writable * Displays a nice error page if permissions are missing on some directories * * @param array $directoriesToCheck Array of directory names to check */ static public function dieIfDirectoriesNotWritable($directoriesToCheck = null) { $resultCheck = Piwik::checkDirectoriesWritable($directoriesToCheck); if (array_search(false, $resultCheck) === false) { return; } $directoryList = ''; foreach ($resultCheck as $dir => $bool) { $realpath = Common::realpath($dir); if (!empty($realpath) && $bool === false) { $directoryList .= self::getMakeWritableCommand($realpath); } } // Also give the chown since the chmod is only 755 if (!Common::isWindows()) { $realpath = Common::realpath(PIWIK_INCLUDE_PATH . '/'); $directoryList = "chown -R www-data:www-data " . $realpath . "
" . $directoryList; } // The error message mentions chmod 777 in case users can't chown $directoryMessage = "

Piwik couldn't write to some directories.

Try to Execute the following commands on your server, to allow Write access on these directories:

" . "
" . "

If this doesn't work, you can try to create the directories with your FTP software, and set the CHMOD to 0755 (or 0777 if 0755 is not enough). To do so with your FTP software, right click on the directories then click permissions.

" . "

After applying the modifications, you can refresh the page.

" . "

If you need more help, try Piwik.org.

"; Piwik_ExitWithMessage($directoryMessage, false, true); } /** * Checks if directories are writable and create them if they do not exist. * * @param array $directoriesToCheck array of directories to check - if not given default Piwik directories that needs write permission are checked * @return array directory name => true|false (is writable) */ static public function checkDirectoriesWritable($directoriesToCheck) { $resultCheck = array(); foreach ($directoriesToCheck as $directoryToCheck) { if (!preg_match('/^' . preg_quote(PIWIK_USER_PATH, '/') . '/', $directoryToCheck)) { $directoryToCheck = PIWIK_USER_PATH . $directoryToCheck; } // Create an empty directory $isFile = strpos($directoryToCheck, '.') !== false; if (!$isFile && !file_exists($directoryToCheck)) { Common::mkdir($directoryToCheck); } $directory = Common::realpath($directoryToCheck); $resultCheck[$directory] = false; if ($directory !== false // realpath() returns FALSE on failure && is_writable($directoryToCheck) ) { $resultCheck[$directory] = true; } } return $resultCheck; } /** * Check if this installation can be auto-updated. * For performance, we look for clues rather than an exhaustive test. * * @return bool */ static public function canAutoUpdate() { if (!is_writable(PIWIK_INCLUDE_PATH . '/') || !is_writable(PIWIK_DOCUMENT_ROOT . '/index.php') || !is_writable(PIWIK_INCLUDE_PATH . '/core') || !is_writable(PIWIK_USER_PATH . '/config/global.ini.php') ) { return false; } return true; } /** * Returns the help message when the auto update can't run because of missing permissions * * @return string */ static public function getAutoUpdateMakeWritableMessage() { $realpath = Common::realpath(PIWIK_INCLUDE_PATH . '/'); $message = ''; $message .= "chown -R www-data:www-data " . $realpath . "
"; $message .= "chmod -R 0755 " . $realpath . "
"; $message .= 'After you execute these commands (or change permissions via your FTP software), refresh the page and you should be able to use the "Automatic Update" feature.'; return $message; } /** * Generate default robots.txt, favicon.ico, etc to suppress * 404 (Not Found) errors in the web server logs, if Piwik * is installed in the web root (or top level of subdomain). * * @see misc/crossdomain.xml */ static public function createWebRootFiles() { $filesToCreate = array( '/robots.txt', '/favicon.ico', ); foreach ($filesToCreate as $file) { @file_put_contents(PIWIK_DOCUMENT_ROOT . $file, ''); } } /** * Generate Apache .htaccess files to restrict access */ static public function createHtAccessFiles() { // deny access to these folders $directoriesToProtect = array( '/config', '/core', '/lang', '/tmp', ); foreach ($directoriesToProtect as $directoryToProtect) { Common::createHtAccess(PIWIK_INCLUDE_PATH . $directoryToProtect, $overwrite = true); } // Allow/Deny lives in different modules depending on the Apache version $allow = "\nAllow from all\n\n\n\nAllow from all\n\n\n\nAllow from all\n\n"; $deny = "\nDeny from all\n\n\n\nDeny from all\n\n\n\nDeny from all\n\n"; // more selective allow/deny filters $allowAny = "\n" . $allow . "Satisfy any\n\n"; $allowStaticAssets = "\n" . $allow . "Satisfy any\n\n"; $denyDirectPhp = "\n" . $deny . "\n"; $directoriesToProtect = array( '/js' => $allowAny, '/libs' => $denyDirectPhp . $allowStaticAssets, '/vendor' => $denyDirectPhp . $allowStaticAssets, '/plugins' => $denyDirectPhp . $allowStaticAssets, '/misc/user' => $denyDirectPhp . $allowStaticAssets, ); foreach ($directoriesToProtect as $directoryToProtect => $content) { Common::createHtAccess(PIWIK_INCLUDE_PATH . $directoryToProtect, $overwrite = true, $content); } } /** * Generate IIS web.config files to restrict access * * Note: for IIS 7 and above */ static public function createWebConfigFiles() { @file_put_contents(PIWIK_INCLUDE_PATH . '/web.config', ' '); // deny direct access to .php files $directoriesToProtect = array( '/libs', '/vendor', '/plugins', ); foreach ($directoriesToProtect as $directoryToProtect) { @file_put_contents(PIWIK_INCLUDE_PATH . $directoryToProtect . '/web.config', ' '); } } /** * Get file integrity information (in PIWIK_INCLUDE_PATH). * * @return array(bool, string, ...) Return code (true/false), followed by zero or more error messages */ static public function getFileIntegrityInformation() { $messages = array(); $messages[] = true; $manifest = PIWIK_INCLUDE_PATH . '/config/manifest.inc.php'; if (!file_exists($manifest)) { $suffix = " If you are deploying Piwik from Git, this message is normal."; $messages[] = Piwik_Translate('General_WarningFileIntegrityNoManifest') . $suffix; return $messages; } require_once $manifest; $files = Manifest::$files; $hasMd5file = function_exists('md5_file'); $hasMd5 = function_exists('md5'); foreach ($files as $path => $props) { $file = PIWIK_INCLUDE_PATH . '/' . $path; if (!file_exists($file)) { $messages[] = Piwik_Translate('General_ExceptionMissingFile', $file); } else if (filesize($file) != $props[0]) { if (!$hasMd5 || in_array(substr($path, -4), array('.gif', '.ico', '.jpg', '.png', '.swf'))) { // files that contain binary data (e.g., images) must match the file size $messages[] = Piwik_Translate('General_ExceptionFilesizeMismatch', array($file, $props[0], filesize($file))); } else { // convert end-of-line characters and re-test text files $content = @file_get_contents($file); $content = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $content); if ((strlen($content) != $props[0]) || (@md5($content) !== $props[1]) ) { $messages[] = Piwik_Translate('General_ExceptionFilesizeMismatch', array($file, $props[0], filesize($file))); } } } else if ($hasMd5file && (@md5_file($file) !== $props[1])) { $messages[] = Piwik_Translate('General_ExceptionFileIntegrity', $file); } } if (count($messages) > 1) { $messages[0] = false; } if (!$hasMd5file) { $messages[] = Piwik_Translate('General_WarningFileIntegrityNoMd5file'); } return $messages; } /** * Test if php output is compressed * * @return bool True if php output is (or suspected/likely) to be compressed */ static public function isPhpOutputCompressed() { // Off = ''; On = '1'; otherwise, it's a buffer size $zlibOutputCompression = ini_get('zlib.output_compression'); // could be ob_gzhandler, ob_deflatehandler, etc $outputHandler = ini_get('output_handler'); // output handlers can be stacked $obHandlers = array_filter(ob_list_handlers(), create_function('$var', 'return $var !== "default output handler";')); // user defined handler via wrapper $autoPrependFile = ini_get('auto_prepend_file'); $autoAppendFile = ini_get('auto_append_file'); return !empty($zlibOutputCompression) || !empty($outputHandler) || !empty($obHandlers) || !empty($autoPrependFile) || !empty($autoAppendFile); } /** * Serve static files through php proxy. * * It performs the following actions: * - Checks the file is readable or returns "HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found" * - Returns "HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified" after comparing the HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE * with the modification date of the static file * - Will try to compress the static file according to HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING. Compressed files are store in * the /tmp directory. If compressing extensions are not available, a manually gzip compressed file * can be provided in the /tmp directory. It has to bear the same name with an added .gz extension. * Using manually compressed static files requires you to manually update the compressed file when * the static file is updated. * - Overrides server cache control config to allow caching * - Sends Very Accept-Encoding to tell proxies to store different version of the static file according * to users encoding capacities. * * Warning: * Compressed filed are stored in the /tmp directory. * If this method is used with two files bearing the same name but located in different locations, * there is a risk of conflict. One file could be served with the content of the other. * A future upgrade of this method would be to recreate the directory structure of the static file * within a /tmp/compressed-static-files directory. * * @param string $file The location of the static file to serve * @param string $contentType The content type of the static file. * @param bool $expireFarFuture If set to true, will set Expires: header in far future. * Should be set to false for files that don't have a cache buster (eg. piwik.js) */ static public function serveStaticFile($file, $contentType, $expireFarFuture = true) { if (file_exists($file)) { // conditional GET $modifiedSince = ''; if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE'])) { $modifiedSince = $_SERVER['HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE']; // strip any trailing data appended to header if (false !== ($semicolon = strpos($modifiedSince, ';'))) { $modifiedSince = substr($modifiedSince, 0, $semicolon); } } $fileModifiedTime = @filemtime($file); $lastModified = gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', $fileModifiedTime) . ' GMT'; // set HTTP response headers self::overrideCacheControlHeaders('public'); @header('Vary: Accept-Encoding'); @header('Content-Disposition: inline; filename=' . basename($file)); if ($expireFarFuture) { // Required by proxy caches potentially in between the browser and server to cache the request indeed @header("Expires: " . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', time() + 86400 * 100) . ' GMT'); } // Returns 304 if not modified since if ($modifiedSince === $lastModified) { self::setHttpStatus('304 Not Modified'); } else { // optional compression $compressed = false; $encoding = ''; $compressedFileLocation = PIWIK_USER_PATH . self::COMPRESSED_FILE_LOCATION . basename($file); $phpOutputCompressionEnabled = self::isPhpOutputCompressed(); if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING']) && !$phpOutputCompressionEnabled) { $acceptEncoding = $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING']; if (extension_loaded('zlib') && function_exists('file_get_contents') && function_exists('file_put_contents')) { if (preg_match('/(?:^|, ?)(deflate)(?:,|$)/', $acceptEncoding, $matches)) { $encoding = 'deflate'; $filegz = $compressedFileLocation . '.deflate'; } else if (preg_match('/(?:^|, ?)((x-)?gzip)(?:,|$)/', $acceptEncoding, $matches)) { $encoding = $matches[1]; $filegz = $compressedFileLocation . '.gz'; } if (!empty($encoding)) { // compress-on-demand and use cache if (!file_exists($filegz) || ($fileModifiedTime > @filemtime($filegz))) { $data = file_get_contents($file); if ($encoding == 'deflate') { $data = gzdeflate($data, 9); } else if ($encoding == 'gzip' || $encoding == 'x-gzip') { $data = gzencode($data, 9); } file_put_contents($filegz, $data); } $compressed = true; $file = $filegz; } } else { // manually compressed $filegz = $compressedFileLocation . '.gz'; if (preg_match('/(?:^|, ?)((x-)?gzip)(?:,|$)/', $acceptEncoding, $matches) && file_exists($filegz) && ($fileModifiedTime < @filemtime($filegz))) { $encoding = $matches[1]; $compressed = true; $file = $filegz; } } } @header('Last-Modified: ' . $lastModified); if (!$phpOutputCompressionEnabled) { @header('Content-Length: ' . filesize($file)); } if (!empty($contentType)) { @header('Content-Type: ' . $contentType); } if ($compressed) { @header('Content-Encoding: ' . $encoding); } if (!_readfile($file)) { self::setHttpStatus('505 Internal server error'); } } } else { self::setHttpStatus('404 Not Found'); } } /** * Create CSV (or other delimited) files * * @param string $filePath filename to create * @param array $fileSpec File specifications (delimiter, line terminator, etc) * @param array $rows Array of array corresponding to rows of values * @throws Exception if unable to create or write to file */ static public function createCSVFile($filePath, $fileSpec, $rows) { // Set up CSV delimiters, quotes, etc $delim = $fileSpec['delim']; $quote = $fileSpec['quote']; $eol = $fileSpec['eol']; $null = $fileSpec['null']; $escapespecial_cb = $fileSpec['escapespecial_cb']; $fp = @fopen($filePath, 'wb'); if (!$fp) { throw new Exception('Error creating the tmp file ' . $filePath . ', please check that the webserver has write permission to write this file.'); } foreach ($rows as $row) { $output = ''; foreach ($row as $value) { if (!isset($value) || is_null($value) || $value === false) { $output .= $null . $delim; } else { $output .= $quote . $escapespecial_cb($value) . $quote . $delim; } } // Replace delim with eol $output = substr_replace($output, $eol, -1); $ret = fwrite($fp, $output); if (!$ret) { fclose($fp); throw new Exception('Error writing to the tmp file ' . $filePath); } } fclose($fp); @chmod($filePath, 0777); } /* * PHP environment settings */ /** * Set maximum script execution time. * * @param int $executionTime max execution time in seconds (0 = no limit) */ static public function setMaxExecutionTime($executionTime) { // in the event one or the other is disabled... @ini_set('max_execution_time', $executionTime); @set_time_limit($executionTime); } /** * Get php memory_limit (in Megabytes) * * Prior to PHP 5.2.1, or on Windows, --enable-memory-limit is not a * compile-time default, so ini_get('memory_limit') may return false. * * @see http://www.php.net/manual/en/faq.using.php#faq.using.shorthandbytes * @return int|bool memory limit in megabytes, or false if there is no limit */ static public function getMemoryLimitValue() { if (($memory = ini_get('memory_limit')) > 0) { // handle shorthand byte options (case-insensitive) $shorthandByteOption = substr($memory, -1); switch ($shorthandByteOption) { case 'G': case 'g': return substr($memory, 0, -1) * 1024; case 'M': case 'm': return substr($memory, 0, -1); case 'K': case 'k': return substr($memory, 0, -1) / 1024; } return $memory / 1048576; } // no memory limit return false; } /** * Set PHP memory limit * * Note: system settings may prevent scripts from overriding the master value * * @param int $minimumMemoryLimit * @return bool true if set; false otherwise */ static public function setMemoryLimit($minimumMemoryLimit) { // in Megabytes $currentValue = self::getMemoryLimitValue(); if ($currentValue === false || ($currentValue < $minimumMemoryLimit && @ini_set('memory_limit', $minimumMemoryLimit . 'M')) ) { return true; } return false; } /** * Raise PHP memory limit if below the minimum required * * @return bool true if set; false otherwise */ static public function raiseMemoryLimitIfNecessary() { $memoryLimit = self::getMemoryLimitValue(); if ($memoryLimit === false) { return false; } $minimumMemoryLimit = Config::getInstance()->General['minimum_memory_limit']; if (Common::isArchivePhpTriggered() && Piwik::isUserIsSuperUser() ) { // archive.php: no time limit, high memory limit self::setMaxExecutionTime(0); $minimumMemoryLimitWhenArchiving = Config::getInstance()->General['minimum_memory_limit_when_archiving']; if ($memoryLimit < $minimumMemoryLimitWhenArchiving) { return self::setMemoryLimit($minimumMemoryLimitWhenArchiving); } return false; } if ($memoryLimit < $minimumMemoryLimit) { return self::setMemoryLimit($minimumMemoryLimit); } return false; } /** * Logging and error handling * * @var bool|null */ public static $shouldLog = null; /** * Log a message * * @param string $message */ static public function log($message = '') { if (is_null(self::$shouldLog)) { self::$shouldLog = self::shouldLoggerLog(); // It is possible that the logger is not setup: // - Tracker request, and debug disabled, // - and some scheduled tasks call code that tries and log something try { \Zend_Registry::get('logger_message'); } catch (Exception $e) { self::$shouldLog = false; } } if (self::$shouldLog) { \Zend_Registry::get('logger_message')->logEvent($message); } } /** * Returns if logging should work * @return bool */ static public function shouldLoggerLog() { try { $shouldLog = (Common::isPhpCliMode() || Config::getInstance()->log['log_only_when_cli'] == 0) && (Config::getInstance()->log['log_only_when_debug_parameter'] == 0 || isset($_REQUEST['debug'])); } catch (Exception $e) { $shouldLog = false; } return $shouldLog; } /** * Trigger E_USER_ERROR with optional message * * @param string $message */ static public function error($message = '') { trigger_error($message, E_USER_ERROR); } /** * Display the message in a nice red font with a nice icon * ... and dies * * @param string $message */ static public function exitWithErrorMessage($message) { $output = "\n" . "
" . "

" . $message . "

"; print(ScreenFormatter::getFormattedString($output)); exit; } /* * Profiling */ /** * Get total number of queries * * @return int number of queries */ static public function getQueryCount() { $profiler = \Zend_Registry::get('db')->getProfiler(); return $profiler->getTotalNumQueries(); } /** * Get total elapsed time (in seconds) * * @return int elapsed time */ static public function getDbElapsedSecs() { $profiler = \Zend_Registry::get('db')->getProfiler(); return $profiler->getTotalElapsedSecs(); } /** * Print number of queries and elapsed time */ static public function printQueryCount() { $totalTime = self::getDbElapsedSecs(); $queryCount = self::getQueryCount(); Piwik::log(sprintf("Total queries = %d (total sql time = %.2fs)", $queryCount, $totalTime)); } static function maxSumMsFirst($a, $b) { return $a['sum_time_ms'] < $b['sum_time_ms']; } /** * Print profiling report for the tracker * * @param Db $db Tracker database object (or null) */ static public function printSqlProfilingReportTracker($db = null) { if (is_null($db)) { $db = Tracker::getDatabase(); } $tableName = Common::prefixTable('log_profiling'); $all = $db->fetchAll('SELECT * FROM ' . $tableName); if ($all === false) { return; } uasort($all, 'self::maxSumMsFirst'); $infoIndexedByQuery = array(); foreach ($all as $infoQuery) { $query = $infoQuery['query']; $count = $infoQuery['count']; $sum_time_ms = $infoQuery['sum_time_ms']; $infoIndexedByQuery[$query] = array('count' => $count, 'sumTimeMs' => $sum_time_ms); } Piwik::getSqlProfilingQueryBreakdownOutput($infoIndexedByQuery); } /** * Outputs SQL Profiling reports * It is automatically called when enabling the SQL profiling in the config file enable_sql_profiler * * @throws Exception */ static function printSqlProfilingReportZend() { $profiler = \Zend_Registry::get('db')->getProfiler(); if (!$profiler->getEnabled()) { throw new Exception("To display the profiler you should enable enable_sql_profiler on your config/config.ini.php file"); } $infoIndexedByQuery = array(); foreach ($profiler->getQueryProfiles() as $query) { if (isset($infoIndexedByQuery[$query->getQuery()])) { $existing = $infoIndexedByQuery[$query->getQuery()]; } else { $existing = array('count' => 0, 'sumTimeMs' => 0); } $new = array('count' => $existing['count'] + 1, 'sumTimeMs' => $existing['count'] + $query->getElapsedSecs() * 1000); $infoIndexedByQuery[$query->getQuery()] = $new; } if (!function_exists('sortTimeDesc')) { function sortTimeDesc($a, $b) { return $a['sumTimeMs'] < $b['sumTimeMs']; } } uasort($infoIndexedByQuery, 'sortTimeDesc'); $str = '
SQL Profiler
'; $totalTime = $profiler->getTotalElapsedSecs(); $queryCount = $profiler->getTotalNumQueries(); $longestTime = 0; $longestQuery = null; foreach ($profiler->getQueryProfiles() as $query) { if ($query->getElapsedSecs() > $longestTime) { $longestTime = $query->getElapsedSecs(); $longestQuery = $query->getQuery(); } } $str .= 'Executed ' . $queryCount . ' queries in ' . round($totalTime, 3) . ' seconds'; $str .= '(Average query length: ' . round($totalTime / $queryCount, 3) . ' seconds)'; $str .= '
Queries per second: ' . round($queryCount / $totalTime, 1); $str .= '
Longest query length: ' . round($longestTime, 3) . " seconds ($longestQuery)"; Piwik::log($str); Piwik::getSqlProfilingQueryBreakdownOutput($infoIndexedByQuery); } /** * Log a breakdown by query * * @param array $infoIndexedByQuery */ static private function getSqlProfilingQueryBreakdownOutput($infoIndexedByQuery) { $output = '
Breakdown by query
'; foreach ($infoIndexedByQuery as $query => $queryInfo) { $timeMs = round($queryInfo['sumTimeMs'], 1); $count = $queryInfo['count']; $avgTimeString = ''; if ($count > 1) { $avgTimeMs = $timeMs / $count; $avgTimeString = " (average = " . round($avgTimeMs, 1) . "ms)"; } $query = preg_replace('/([\t\n\r ]+)/', ' ', $query); $output .= "Executed $count time" . ($count == 1 ? '' : 's') . " in " . $timeMs . "ms $avgTimeString
"; } Piwik::log($output); } /** * Print timer */ static public function printTimer() { Piwik::log(Zend_Registry::get('timer')); } /** * Print memory leak * * @param string $prefix * @param string $suffix */ static public function printMemoryLeak($prefix = '', $suffix = '
') { echo $prefix; echo \Zend_Registry::get('timer')->getMemoryLeak(); echo $suffix; } /** * Print memory usage * * @return string */ static public function getMemoryUsage() { $memory = false; if (function_exists('xdebug_memory_usage')) { $memory = xdebug_memory_usage(); } elseif (function_exists('memory_get_usage')) { $memory = memory_get_usage(); } if ($memory === false) { return "Memory usage function not found."; } $usage = number_format(round($memory / 1024 / 1024, 2), 2); return "$usage Mb"; } /* * Amounts, Percentages, Currency, Time, Math Operations, and Pretty Printing */ /** * Returns a list of currency symbols * * @return array array( currencyCode => symbol, ... ) */ static public function getCurrencyList() { static $currenciesList = null; if (is_null($currenciesList)) { require_once PIWIK_INCLUDE_PATH . '/core/DataFiles/Currencies.php'; $currenciesList = $GLOBALS['Piwik_CurrencyList']; } return $currenciesList; } /** * Computes the division of i1 by i2. If either i1 or i2 are not number, or if i2 has a value of zero * we return 0 to avoid the division by zero. * * @param number $i1 * @param number $i2 * @return number The result of the division or zero */ static public function secureDiv($i1, $i2) { if (is_numeric($i1) && is_numeric($i2) && floatval($i2) != 0) { return $i1 / $i2; } return 0; } /** * Safely compute a percentage. Return 0 to avoid division by zero. * * @param number $dividend * @param number $divisor * @param int $precision * @return number */ static public function getPercentageSafe($dividend, $divisor, $precision = 0) { if ($divisor == 0) { return 0; } return round(100 * $dividend / $divisor, $precision); } /** * Get currency symbol for a site * * @param int $idSite * @return string */ static public function getCurrency($idSite) { $symbols = self::getCurrencyList(); $site = new Site($idSite); $currency = $site->getCurrency(); if (isset($symbols[$currency])) { return $symbols[$currency][0]; } return ''; } /** * For the given value, based on the column name, will apply: pretty time, pretty money * @param int $idSite * @param string $columnName * @param mixed $value * @param bool $htmlAllowed * @return string */ static public function getPrettyValue($idSite, $columnName, $value, $htmlAllowed) { // Display time in human readable if (strpos($columnName, 'time') !== false) { // Little hack: Display 15s rather than 00:00:15, only for "(avg|min|max)_generation_time" $timeAsSentence = (substr($columnName, -16) == '_time_generation'); return Piwik::getPrettyTimeFromSeconds($value, $timeAsSentence); } // Add revenue symbol to revenues if (strpos($columnName, 'revenue') !== false && strpos($columnName, 'evolution') === false) { return Piwik::getPrettyMoney($value, $idSite, $htmlAllowed); } // Add % symbol to rates if (strpos($columnName, '_rate') !== false) { if (strpos($value, "%") === false) { return $value . "%"; } } return $value; } /** * Pretty format monetary value for a site * * @param int|string $value * @param int $idSite * @param bool $htmlAllowed * @return string */ static public function getPrettyMoney($value, $idSite, $htmlAllowed = true) { $currencyBefore = self::getCurrency($idSite); $space = ' '; if ($htmlAllowed) { $space = ' '; } $currencyAfter = ''; // manually put the currency symbol after the amount for euro // (maybe more currencies prefer this notation?) if (in_array($currencyBefore, array('€', 'kr'))) { $currencyAfter = $space . $currencyBefore; $currencyBefore = ''; } // if the input is a number (it could be a string or INPUT form), // and if this number is not an int, we round to precision 2 if (is_numeric($value)) { if ($value == round($value)) { // 0.0 => 0 $value = round($value); } else { $precision = GoalManager::REVENUE_PRECISION; $value = sprintf("%01." . $precision . "f", $value); } } $prettyMoney = $currencyBefore . $space . $value . $currencyAfter; return $prettyMoney; } /** * Pretty format a memory size value * * @param number $size size in bytes * @param string $unit The specific unit to use, if any. If null, the unit is determined by $size. * @param int $precision The precision to use when rounding. * @return string */ static public function getPrettySizeFromBytes($size, $unit = null, $precision = 1) { if ($size == 0) { return '0 M'; } $units = array('B', 'K', 'M', 'G', 'T'); foreach ($units as $currentUnit) { if ($size >= 1024 && $unit != $currentUnit) { $size = $size / 1024; } else { break; } } return round($size, $precision) . " " . $currentUnit; } /** * Pretty format a time * * @param int $numberOfSeconds * @param bool $displayTimeAsSentence If set to true, will output "5min 17s", if false "00:05:17" * @param bool $isHtml * @param bool $round to the full seconds * @return string */ static public function getPrettyTimeFromSeconds($numberOfSeconds, $displayTimeAsSentence = true, $isHtml = true, $round = false) { $numberOfSeconds = $round ? (int)$numberOfSeconds : (float)$numberOfSeconds; // Display 01:45:17 time format if ($displayTimeAsSentence === false) { $hours = floor($numberOfSeconds / 3600); $minutes = floor(($reminder = ($numberOfSeconds - $hours * 3600)) / 60); $seconds = floor($reminder - $minutes * 60); $time = sprintf("%02s", $hours) . ':' . sprintf("%02s", $minutes) . ':' . sprintf("%02s", $seconds); $centiSeconds = ($numberOfSeconds * 100) % 100; if ($centiSeconds) { $time .= '.' . sprintf("%02s", $centiSeconds); } return $time; } $secondsInYear = 86400 * 365.25; $years = floor($numberOfSeconds / $secondsInYear); $minusYears = $numberOfSeconds - $years * $secondsInYear; $days = floor($minusYears / 86400); $minusDays = $numberOfSeconds - $days * 86400; $hours = floor($minusDays / 3600); $minusDaysAndHours = $minusDays - $hours * 3600; $minutes = floor($minusDaysAndHours / 60); $seconds = $minusDaysAndHours - $minutes * 60; $precision = ($seconds > 0 && $seconds < 0.01 ? 3 : 2); $seconds = round($seconds, $precision); if ($years > 0) { $return = sprintf(Piwik_Translate('General_YearsDays'), $years, $days); } elseif ($days > 0) { $return = sprintf(Piwik_Translate('General_DaysHours'), $days, $hours); } elseif ($hours > 0) { $return = sprintf(Piwik_Translate('General_HoursMinutes'), $hours, $minutes); } elseif ($minutes > 0) { $return = sprintf(Piwik_Translate('General_MinutesSeconds'), $minutes, $seconds); } else { $return = sprintf(Piwik_Translate('General_Seconds'), $seconds); } if ($isHtml) { return str_replace(' ', ' ', $return); } return $return; } /** * Gets a prettified string representation of a number. The result will have * thousands separators and a decimal point specific to the current locale. * * @param number $value * @return string */ static public function getPrettyNumber($value) { $locale = localeconv(); $decimalPoint = $locale['decimal_point']; $thousandsSeparator = $locale['thousands_sep']; return number_format($value, 0, $decimalPoint, $thousandsSeparator); } /** * Returns the Javascript code to be inserted on every page to track * * @param int $idSite * @param string $piwikUrl http://path/to/piwik/directory/ * @return string */ static public function getJavascriptCode($idSite, $piwikUrl) { $jsCode = file_get_contents(PIWIK_INCLUDE_PATH . "/plugins/Zeitgeist/templates/javascriptCode.tpl"); $jsCode = htmlentities($jsCode); preg_match('~^(http|https)://(.*)$~D', $piwikUrl, $matches); $piwikUrl = @$matches[2]; $jsCode = str_replace('{$idSite}', $idSite, $jsCode); $jsCode = str_replace('{$piwikUrl}', Common::sanitizeInputValue($piwikUrl), $jsCode); return $jsCode; } /** * Generate a title for image tags * * @return string */ static public function getRandomTitle() { static $titles = array( 'Web analytics', 'Real Time Web Analytics', 'Analytics', 'Real Time Analytics', 'Analytics in Real time', 'Open Source Analytics', 'Open Source Web Analytics', 'Free Website Analytics', 'Free Web Analytics', 'Analytics Platform', ); $id = abs(intval(md5(Url::getCurrentHost()))); $title = $titles[$id % count($titles)]; return $title; } /** * Number of websites to show in the Website selector * * @return int */ static public function getWebsitesCountToDisplay() { $count = max(Config::getInstance()->General['site_selector_max_sites'], Config::getInstance()->General['autocomplete_min_sites']); return (int)$count; } /** * Segments to pre-process * * @return string */ static public function getKnownSegmentsToArchive() { if (self::$cachedKnownSegmentsToArchive === null) { $segments = Config::getInstance()->Segments; $cachedResult = isset($segments['Segments']) ? $segments['Segments'] : array(); Piwik_PostEvent('Piwik.getKnownSegmentsToArchiveAllSites', array(&$cachedResult)); self::$cachedKnownSegmentsToArchive = array_unique($cachedResult); } return self::$cachedKnownSegmentsToArchive; } static public function getKnownSegmentsToArchiveForSite($idSite) { $segments = array(); Piwik_PostEvent('Piwik.getKnownSegmentsToArchiveForSite', array(&$segments, $idSite)); return $segments; } /* * Access */ /** * Get current user email address * * @return string */ static public function getCurrentUserEmail() { if (!Piwik::isUserIsSuperUser()) { $user = Piwik_UsersManager_API::getInstance()->getUser(Piwik::getCurrentUserLogin()); return $user['email']; } return self::getSuperUserEmail(); } /** * Returns Super User login * * @return string */ static public function getSuperUserLogin() { return Access::getInstance()->getSuperUserLogin(); } /** * Returns Super User email * * @return string */ static public function getSuperUserEmail() { $superuser = Config::getInstance()->superuser; return $superuser['email']; } /** * Get current user login * * @return string login ID */ static public function getCurrentUserLogin() { return Access::getInstance()->getLogin(); } /** * Get current user's token auth * * @return string Token auth */ static public function getCurrentUserTokenAuth() { return Access::getInstance()->getTokenAuth(); } /** * Returns true if the current user is either the super user, or the user $theUser * Used when modifying user preference: this usually requires super user or being the user itself. * * @param string $theUser * @return bool */ static public function isUserIsSuperUserOrTheUser($theUser) { try { self::checkUserIsSuperUserOrTheUser($theUser); return true; } catch (Exception $e) { return false; } } /** * Check that current user is either the specified user or the superuser * * @param string $theUser * @throws NoAccessException if the user is neither the super user nor the user $theUser */ static public function checkUserIsSuperUserOrTheUser($theUser) { try { if (Piwik::getCurrentUserLogin() !== $theUser) { // or to the super user Piwik::checkUserIsSuperUser(); } } catch (NoAccessException $e) { throw new NoAccessException(Piwik_Translate('General_ExceptionCheckUserIsSuperUserOrTheUser', array($theUser))); } } /** * Returns true if the current user is the Super User * * @return bool */ static public function isUserIsSuperUser() { try { self::checkUserIsSuperUser(); return true; } catch (Exception $e) { return false; } } /** * Is user the anonymous user? * * @return bool True if anonymouse; false otherwise */ static public function isUserIsAnonymous() { return Piwik::getCurrentUserLogin() == 'anonymous'; } /** * Checks if user is not the anonymous user. * * @throws NoAccessException if user is anonymous. */ static public function checkUserIsNotAnonymous() { if (self::isUserIsAnonymous()) { throw new NoAccessException(Piwik_Translate('General_YouMustBeLoggedIn')); } } /** * Helper method user to set the current as Super User. * This should be used with great care as this gives the user all permissions. * * @param bool $bool true to set current user as super user */ static public function setUserIsSuperUser($bool = true) { Access::getInstance()->setSuperUser($bool); } /** * Check that user is the superuser * * @throws Exception if not the superuser */ static public function checkUserIsSuperUser() { Access::getInstance()->checkUserIsSuperUser(); } /** * Returns true if the user has admin access to the sites * * @param mixed $idSites * @return bool */ static public function isUserHasAdminAccess($idSites) { try { self::checkUserHasAdminAccess($idSites); return true; } catch (Exception $e) { return false; } } /** * Check user has admin access to the sites * * @param mixed $idSites * @throws Exception if user doesn't have admin access to the sites */ static public function checkUserHasAdminAccess($idSites) { Access::getInstance()->checkUserHasAdminAccess($idSites); } /** * Returns true if the user has admin access to any sites * * @return bool */ static public function isUserHasSomeAdminAccess() { try { self::checkUserHasSomeAdminAccess(); return true; } catch (Exception $e) { return false; } } /** * Check user has admin access to any sites * * @throws Exception if user doesn't have admin access to any sites */ static public function checkUserHasSomeAdminAccess() { Access::getInstance()->checkUserHasSomeAdminAccess(); } /** * Returns true if the user has view access to the sites * * @param mixed $idSites * @return bool */ static public function isUserHasViewAccess($idSites) { try { self::checkUserHasViewAccess($idSites); return true; } catch (Exception $e) { return false; } } /** * Check user has view access to the sites * * @param mixed $idSites * @throws Exception if user doesn't have view access to sites */ static public function checkUserHasViewAccess($idSites) { Access::getInstance()->checkUserHasViewAccess($idSites); } /** * Returns true if the user has view access to any sites * * @return bool */ static public function isUserHasSomeViewAccess() { try { self::checkUserHasSomeViewAccess(); return true; } catch (Exception $e) { return false; } } /** * Check user has view access to any sites * * @throws Exception if user doesn't have view access to any sites */ static public function checkUserHasSomeViewAccess() { Access::getInstance()->checkUserHasSomeViewAccess(); } /* * Current module, action, plugin */ /** * Returns the name of the Login plugin currently being used. * Must be used since it is not allowed to hardcode 'Login' in URLs * in case another Login plugin is being used. * * @return string */ static public function getLoginPluginName() { return \Zend_Registry::get('auth')->getName(); } /** * Returns the plugin currently being used to display the page * * @return Plugin */ static public function getCurrentPlugin() { return \Piwik\PluginsManager::getInstance()->getLoadedPlugin(Piwik::getModule()); } /** * Returns the current module read from the URL (eg. 'API', 'UserSettings', etc.) * * @return string */ static public function getModule() { return Common::getRequestVar('module', '', 'string'); } /** * Returns the current action read from the URL * * @return string */ static public function getAction() { return Common::getRequestVar('action', '', 'string'); } /** * Helper method used in API function to introduce array elements in API parameters. * Array elements can be passed by comma separated values, or using the notation * array[]=value1&array[]=value2 in the URL. * This function will handle both cases and return the array. * * @param array|string $columns * @return array */ static public function getArrayFromApiParameter($columns) { if (empty($columns)) { return array(); } if (is_array($columns)) { return $columns; } $array = explode(',', $columns); $array = array_unique($array); return $array; } /** * Redirect to module (and action) * * @param string $newModule Target module * @param string $newAction Target action * @param array $parameters Parameters to modify in the URL * @return bool false if the URL to redirect to is already this URL */ static public function redirectToModule($newModule, $newAction = '', $parameters = array()) { $newUrl = 'index.php' . Url::getCurrentQueryStringWithParametersModified( array('module' => $newModule, 'action' => $newAction) + $parameters ); Url::redirectToUrl($newUrl); } /* * Global database object */ /** * Create database object and connect to database * @param array|null $dbInfos */ static public function createDatabaseObject($dbInfos = null) { $config = Config::getInstance(); if (is_null($dbInfos)) { $dbInfos = $config->database; } Piwik_PostEvent('Reporting.getDatabaseConfig', array(&$dbInfos)); $dbInfos['profiler'] = $config->Debug['enable_sql_profiler']; $db = null; Piwik_PostEvent('Reporting.createDatabase', array(&$db)); if (is_null($db)) { $adapter = $dbInfos['adapter']; $db = @Adapter::factory($adapter, $dbInfos); } \Zend_Registry::set('db', $db); } /** * Disconnect from database */ static public function disconnectDatabase() { \Zend_Registry::get('db')->closeConnection(); } /** * Checks the database server version against the required minimum * version. * * @see config/global.ini.php * @since 0.4.4 * @throws Exception if server version is less than the required version */ static public function checkDatabaseVersion() { \Zend_Registry::get('db')->checkServerVersion(); } /** * Check database connection character set is utf8. * * @return bool True if it is (or doesn't matter); false otherwise */ static public function isDatabaseConnectionUTF8() { return \Zend_Registry::get('db')->isConnectionUTF8(); } /* * Global log object */ /* * User input validation */ /** * Returns true if the email is a valid email * * @param string $email * @return bool */ static public function isValidEmailString($email) { return (preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z0-9_.+-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9_.-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,7}$/D', $email) > 0); } /** * Returns true if the login is valid. * Warning: does not check if the login already exists! You must use UsersManager_API->userExists as well. * * @param string $userLogin * @throws Exception * @return bool */ static public function checkValidLoginString($userLogin) { if (!self::isChecksEnabled() && !empty($userLogin) ) { return; } $loginMinimumLength = 3; $loginMaximumLength = 100; $l = strlen($userLogin); if (!($l >= $loginMinimumLength && $l <= $loginMaximumLength && (preg_match('/^[A-Za-z0-9_.@+-]*$/D', $userLogin) > 0)) ) { throw new Exception(Piwik_TranslateException('UsersManager_ExceptionInvalidLoginFormat', array($loginMinimumLength, $loginMaximumLength))); } } /** * Should Piwik check that the login & password have minimum length and valid characters? * * @return bool True if checks enabled; false otherwise */ static public function isChecksEnabled() { return Config::getInstance()->General['disable_checks_usernames_attributes'] == 0; } /** * Is GD php extension (sparklines, graphs) available? * * @return bool */ static public function isGdExtensionEnabled() { static $gd = null; if (is_null($gd)) { $extensions = @get_loaded_extensions(); $gd = in_array('gd', $extensions) && function_exists('imageftbbox'); } return $gd; } /* * Date / Timezone */ /** * Determine if this php version/build supports timezone manipulation * (e.g., php >= 5.2, or compiled with EXPERIMENTAL_DATE_SUPPORT=1 for * php < 5.2). * * @return bool True if timezones supported; false otherwise */ static public function isTimezoneSupportEnabled() { return function_exists('date_create') && function_exists('date_default_timezone_set') && function_exists('timezone_identifiers_list') && function_exists('timezone_open') && function_exists('timezone_offset_get'); } /* * Database and table definition methods */ /** * Is the schema available? * * @return bool True if schema is available; false otherwise */ static public function isAvailable() { return Schema::getInstance()->isAvailable(); } /** * Get the SQL to create a specific Piwik table * * @param string $tableName * @return string SQL */ static public function getTableCreateSql($tableName) { return Schema::getInstance()->getTableCreateSql($tableName); } /** * Get the SQL to create Piwik tables * * @return array array of strings containing SQL */ static public function getTablesCreateSql() { return Schema::getInstance()->getTablesCreateSql(); } /** * Create database * * @param string|null $dbName */ static public function createDatabase($dbName = null) { Schema::getInstance()->createDatabase($dbName); } /** * Drop database */ static public function dropDatabase() { Schema::getInstance()->dropDatabase(); } /** * Create all tables */ static public function createTables() { Schema::getInstance()->createTables(); } /** * Creates an entry in the User table for the "anonymous" user. */ static public function createAnonymousUser() { Schema::getInstance()->createAnonymousUser(); } /** * Truncate all tables */ static public function truncateAllTables() { Schema::getInstance()->truncateAllTables(); } /** * Drop specific tables * * @param array $doNotDelete Names of tables to not delete */ static public function dropTables($doNotDelete = array()) { Schema::getInstance()->dropTables($doNotDelete); } /** * Names of all the prefixed tables in piwik * Doesn't use the DB * * @return array Table names */ static public function getTablesNames() { return Schema::getInstance()->getTablesNames(); } /** * Get list of tables installed * * @param bool $forceReload Invalidate cache * @return array Tables installed */ static public function getTablesInstalled($forceReload = true) { return Schema::getInstance()->getTablesInstalled($forceReload); } /** * Batch insert into table from CSV (or other delimited) file. * * @param string $tableName Name of table * @param array $fields Field names * @param string $filePath Path name of a file. * @param array $fileSpec File specifications (delimiter, line terminator, etc) * * @throws Exception * @return bool True if successful; false otherwise */ static public function createTableFromCSVFile($tableName, $fields, $filePath, $fileSpec) { // On Windows, MySQL expects forward slashes as directory separators if (Common::isWindows()) { $filePath = str_replace('\\', '/', $filePath); } $query = " '$filePath' REPLACE INTO TABLE `" . $tableName . "`"; if (isset($fileSpec['charset'])) { $query .= ' CHARACTER SET ' . $fileSpec['charset']; } $fieldList = '(' . join(',', $fields) . ')'; $query .= " FIELDS TERMINATED BY '" . $fileSpec['delim'] . "' ENCLOSED BY '" . $fileSpec['quote'] . "' "; if (isset($fileSpec['escape'])) { $query .= " ESCAPED BY '" . $fileSpec['escape'] . "'"; } $query .= " LINES TERMINATED BY '" . $fileSpec['eol'] . "' $fieldList "; /* * First attempt: assume web server and MySQL server are on the same machine; * this requires that the db user have the FILE privilege; however, since this is * a global privilege, it may not be granted due to security concerns */ $keywords = array(''); /* * Second attempt: using the LOCAL keyword means the client reads the file and sends it to the server; * the LOCAL keyword may trigger a known PHP PDO_MYSQL bug when MySQL not built with --enable-local-infile * @see http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=54158 */ $openBaseDir = ini_get('open_basedir'); $safeMode = ini_get('safe_mode'); if (empty($openBaseDir) && empty($safeMode)) { // php 5.x - LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE is disabled if open_basedir restrictions or safe_mode enabled $keywords[] = 'LOCAL '; } $exceptions = array(); foreach ($keywords as $keyword) { try { $queryStart = 'LOAD DATA ' . $keyword . 'INFILE '; $sql = $queryStart . $query; $result = @Db::exec($sql); if (empty($result) || $result < 0) { continue; } return true; } catch (Exception $e) { // echo $sql . ' ---- ' . $e->getMessage(); $code = $e->getCode(); $message = $e->getMessage() . ($code ? "[$code]" : ''); if (!Zend_Registry::get('db')->isErrNo($e, '1148')) { Piwik::log(sprintf("LOAD DATA INFILE failed... Error was: %s", $message)); } $exceptions[] = "\n Try #" . (count($exceptions) + 1) . ': ' . $queryStart . ": " . $message; } } if (count($exceptions)) { throw new Exception(implode(",", $exceptions)); } return false; } /** * Performs a batch insert into a specific table using either LOAD DATA INFILE or plain INSERTs, * as a fallback. On MySQL, LOAD DATA INFILE is 20x faster than a series of plain INSERTs. * * @param string $tableName PREFIXED table name! you must call Common::prefixTable() before passing the table name * @param array $fields array of unquoted field names * @param array $values array of data to be inserted * @param bool $throwException Whether to throw an exception that was caught while trying * LOAD DATA INFILE, or not. * @throws Exception * @return bool True if the bulk LOAD was used, false if we fallback to plain INSERTs */ static public function tableInsertBatch($tableName, $fields, $values, $throwException = false) { $filePath = PIWIK_USER_PATH . '/' . AssetManager::MERGED_FILE_DIR . $tableName . '-' . Common::generateUniqId() . '.csv'; if (Zend_Registry::get('db')->hasBulkLoader()) { try { // throw new Exception(''); $fileSpec = array( 'delim' => "\t", 'quote' => '"', // chr(34) 'escape' => '\\\\', // chr(92) 'escapespecial_cb' => create_function('$str', 'return str_replace(array(chr(92), chr(34)), array(chr(92).chr(92), chr(92).chr(34)), $str);'), 'eol' => "\r\n", 'null' => 'NULL', ); // hack for charset mismatch if (!self::isDatabaseConnectionUTF8() && !isset(Config::getInstance()->database['charset'])) { $fileSpec['charset'] = 'latin1'; } self::createCSVFile($filePath, $fileSpec, $values); if (!is_readable($filePath)) { throw new Exception("File $filePath could not be read."); } $rc = self::createTableFromCSVFile($tableName, $fields, $filePath, $fileSpec); if ($rc) { unlink($filePath); return true; } } catch (Exception $e) { Piwik::log(sprintf("LOAD DATA INFILE failed or not supported, falling back to normal INSERTs... Error was: %s", $e->getMessage())); if ($throwException) { throw $e; } } } // if all else fails, fallback to a series of INSERTs @unlink($filePath); self::tableInsertBatchIterate($tableName, $fields, $values); return false; } /** * Performs a batch insert into a specific table by iterating through the data * * NOTE: you should use tableInsertBatch() which will fallback to this function if LOAD DATA INFILE not available * * @param string $tableName PREFIXED table name! you must call Common::prefixTable() before passing the table name * @param array $fields array of unquoted field names * @param array $values array of data to be inserted * @param bool $ignoreWhenDuplicate Ignore new rows that contain unique key values that duplicate old rows */ static public function tableInsertBatchIterate($tableName, $fields, $values, $ignoreWhenDuplicate = true) { $fieldList = '(' . join(',', $fields) . ')'; $ignore = $ignoreWhenDuplicate ? 'IGNORE' : ''; foreach ($values as $row) { $query = "INSERT $ignore INTO " . $tableName . " $fieldList VALUES (" . Common::getSqlStringFieldsArray($row) . ")"; Db::query($query, $row); } } /** * Cached result of isLockprivilegeGranted function. * * Public so tests can simulate the situation where the lock tables privilege isn't granted. * * @var bool */ static public $lockPrivilegeGranted = null; /** * Checks whether the database user is allowed to lock tables. * * @return bool */ static public function isLockPrivilegeGranted() { if (is_null(self::$lockPrivilegeGranted)) { try { Db::lockTables(Common::prefixTable('log_visit')); Db::unlockAllTables(); self::$lockPrivilegeGranted = true; } catch (Exception $ex) { self::$lockPrivilegeGranted = false; } } return self::$lockPrivilegeGranted; } /** * Utility function that checks if an object type is in a set of types. * * @param mixed $o * @param array $types List of class names that $o is expected to be one of. * @throws Exception if $o is not an instance of the types contained in $types. */ static public function checkObjectTypeIs($o, $types) { foreach ($types as $type) { if ($o instanceof $type) { return; } } $oType = is_object($o) ? get_class($o) : gettype($o); throw new Exception("Invalid variable type '$oType', expected one of following: " . implode(', ', $types)); } /** * Returns true if an array is an associative array, false if otherwise. * * This method determines if an array is associative by checking that the * first element's key is 0, and that each successive element's key is * one greater than the last. * * @param array $array * @return bool */ static public function isAssociativeArray($array) { reset($array); if (!is_numeric(key($array)) || key($array) != 0 ) // first key must be 0 { return true; } // check that each key is == next key - 1 w/o actually indexing the array while (true) { $current = key($array); next($array); $next = key($array); if ($next === null) { break; } else if ($current + 1 != $next) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Checks if the filesystem Piwik stores sessions in is NFS or not. This * check is done in order to avoid using file based sessions on NFS system, * since on such a filesystem file locking can make file based sessions * incredibly slow. * * Note: In order to figure this out, we try to run the 'df' program. If * the 'exec' or 'shell_exec' functions are not available, we can't do * the check. * * @return bool True if on an NFS filesystem, false if otherwise or if we * can't use shell_exec or exec. */ public static function checkIfFileSystemIsNFS() { $sessionsPath = Session::getSessionsDirectory(); // this command will display details for the filesystem that holds the $sessionsPath // path, but only if its type is NFS. if not NFS, df will return one or less lines // and the return code 1. if NFS, it will return 0 and at least 2 lines of text. $command = "df -T -t nfs \"$sessionsPath\" 2>&1"; if (function_exists('exec')) // use exec { $output = $returnCode = null; @exec($command, $output, $returnCode); // check if filesystem is NFS if ($returnCode == 0 && count($output) > 1 ) { return true; } } else if (function_exists('shell_exec')) // use shell_exec { $output = @shell_exec($command); if ($output) { $output = explode("\n", $output); if (count($output) > 1) // check if filesystem is NFS { return true; } } } return false; // not NFS, or we can't run a program to find out } /** * Returns the option name of the option that stores the time the archive.php * script was last run. * * @param string $period * @param string $idSite * @return string */ public static function getArchiveCronLastRunOptionName($period, $idSite) { return "lastRunArchive" . $period . "_" . $idSite; } /** * Returns the class name of an object without its namespace. * * @param mixed|string $object * @return string */ public static function getUnnamespacedClassName($object) { $className = is_string($object) ? $object : get_class($object); $parts = explode('\\', $className); return end($parts); } }