pluginList = $pluginList; } /** * Loads plugin that are enabled */ public function loadActivatedPlugins() { $pluginsToLoad = $this->getActivatedPluginsFromConfig(); $this->loadPlugins($pluginsToLoad); } /** * Called during Tracker */ public function loadCorePluginsDuringTracker() { $pluginsToLoad = $this->pluginList->getActivatedPlugins(); $pluginsToLoad = array_diff($pluginsToLoad, $this->getTrackerPluginsNotToLoad()); $this->loadPlugins($pluginsToLoad); } /** * @return array names of plugins that have been loaded */ public function loadTrackerPlugins() { $cacheId = 'PluginsTracker'; $cache = Cache::getEagerCache(); if ($cache->contains($cacheId)) { $pluginsTracker = $cache->fetch($cacheId); } else { $this->unloadPlugins(); $this->loadActivatedPlugins(); $pluginsTracker = array(); foreach ($this->loadedPlugins as $pluginName => $plugin) { if ($this->isTrackerPlugin($plugin)) { $pluginsTracker[] = $pluginName; } } if (!empty($pluginsTracker)) { $cache->save($cacheId, $pluginsTracker); } } if (empty($pluginsTracker)) { $this->unloadPlugins(); return array(); } $pluginsTracker = array_diff($pluginsTracker, $this->getTrackerPluginsNotToLoad()); $this->doNotLoadAlwaysActivatedPlugins(); $this->loadPlugins($pluginsTracker); // we could simply unload all plugins first before loading plugins but this way it is much faster // since we won't have to create each plugin again and we won't have to parse each plugin metadata file // again etc $this->makeSureOnlyActivatedPluginsAreLoaded(); return $pluginsTracker; } /** * Do not load the specified plugins (used during testing, to disable Provider plugin) * @param array $plugins */ public function setTrackerPluginsNotToLoad($plugins) { $this->trackerPluginsNotToLoad = $plugins; } /** * Get list of plugins to not load * * @return array */ public function getTrackerPluginsNotToLoad() { return $this->trackerPluginsNotToLoad; } // If a plugin hooks onto at least an event starting with "Tracker.", we load the plugin during tracker const TRACKER_EVENT_PREFIX = 'Tracker.'; /** * @param $pluginName * @return bool */ public function isPluginOfficialAndNotBundledWithCore($pluginName) { static $gitModules; if (empty($gitModules)) { $gitModules = file_get_contents(PIWIK_INCLUDE_PATH . '/.gitmodules'); } // All submodules are officially maintained plugins $isSubmodule = false !== strpos($gitModules, "plugins/" . $pluginName . "\n"); return $isSubmodule; } /** * Update Plugins config * * @param array $pluginsToLoad Plugins */ private function updatePluginsConfig($pluginsToLoad) { $pluginsToLoad = $this->pluginList->sortPluginsAndRespectDependencies($pluginsToLoad); $section = PiwikConfig::getInstance()->Plugins; $section['Plugins'] = $pluginsToLoad; PiwikConfig::getInstance()->Plugins = $section; } /** * Update PluginsInstalled config * * @param array $plugins Plugins */ private function updatePluginsInstalledConfig($plugins) { $section = PiwikConfig::getInstance()->PluginsInstalled; $section['PluginsInstalled'] = $plugins; PiwikConfig::getInstance()->PluginsInstalled = $section; } public function clearPluginsInstalledConfig() { $this->updatePluginsInstalledConfig(array()); PiwikConfig::getInstance()->forceSave(); } /** * Returns true if plugin is always activated * * @param string $name Name of plugin * @return bool */ private function isPluginAlwaysActivated($name) { return in_array($name, $this->pluginToAlwaysActivate); } /** * Returns true if the plugin can be uninstalled. Any non-core plugin can be uninstalled. * * @param $name * @return bool */ private function isPluginUninstallable($name) { return !$this->isPluginBundledWithCore($name); } /** * Returns `true` if a plugin has been activated. * * @param string $name Name of plugin, eg, `'Actions'`. * @return bool * @api */ public function isPluginActivated($name) { return in_array($name, $this->pluginsToLoad) || ($this->doLoadAlwaysActivatedPlugins && $this->isPluginAlwaysActivated($name)); } /** * Checks whether the given plugin is activated, if not triggers an exception. * * @param string $pluginName * @throws PluginDeactivatedException */ public function checkIsPluginActivated($pluginName) { if (!$this->isPluginActivated($pluginName)) { throw new PluginDeactivatedException($pluginName); } } /** * Returns `true` if plugin is loaded (in memory). * * @param string $name Name of plugin, eg, `'Acions'`. * @return bool * @api */ public function isPluginLoaded($name) { return isset($this->loadedPlugins[$name]); } /** * Reads the directories inside the plugins/ directory and returns their names in an array * * @return array */ public function readPluginsDirectory() { $pluginsName = _glob(self::getPluginsDirectory() . '*', GLOB_ONLYDIR); $result = array(); if ($pluginsName != false) { foreach ($pluginsName as $path) { if (self::pluginStructureLooksValid($path)) { $result[] = basename($path); } } } return $result; } public static function getPluginsDirectory() { return PIWIK_INCLUDE_PATH . '/plugins/'; } /** * Deactivate plugin * * @param string $pluginName Name of plugin */ public function deactivatePlugin($pluginName) { $this->clearCache($pluginName); // execute deactivate() to let the plugin do cleanups $this->executePluginDeactivate($pluginName); $this->unloadPluginFromMemory($pluginName); $this->removePluginFromConfig($pluginName); /** * Event triggered after a plugin has been deactivated. * * @param string $pluginName The plugin that has been deactivated. */ Piwik::postEvent('PluginManager.pluginDeactivated', array($pluginName)); } /** * Tries to find the given components such as a Menu or Tasks implemented by plugins. * This method won't cache the found components. If you need to find the same component multiple times you might * want to cache the result to save a tiny bit of time. * * @param string $componentName The name of the component you want to look for. In case you request a * component named 'Menu' it'll look for a file named 'Menu.php' within the * root of all plugin folders that implement a class named * Piwik\Plugin\$PluginName\Menu. * @param string $expectedSubclass If not empty, a check will be performed whether a found file extends the * given subclass. If the requested file exists but does not extend this class * a warning will be shown to advice a developer to extend this certain class. * * @return \stdClass[] */ public function findComponents($componentName, $expectedSubclass) { $plugins = $this->getPluginsLoadedAndActivated(); $components = array(); foreach ($plugins as $plugin) { $component = $plugin->findComponent($componentName, $expectedSubclass); if (!empty($component)) { $components[] = $component; } } return $components; } public function findMultipleComponents($directoryWithinPlugin, $expectedSubclass) { $plugins = $this->getPluginsLoadedAndActivated(); $found = array(); foreach ($plugins as $plugin) { $components = $plugin->findMultipleComponents($directoryWithinPlugin, $expectedSubclass); if (!empty($components)) { $found = array_merge($found, $components); } } return $found; } /** * Uninstalls a Plugin (deletes plugin files from the disk) * Only deactivated plugins can be uninstalled * * @param $pluginName * @throws \Exception * @return bool */ public function uninstallPlugin($pluginName) { if ($this->isPluginLoaded($pluginName)) { throw new \Exception("To uninstall the plugin $pluginName, first disable it in Matomo > Settings > Plugins"); } $this->loadAllPluginsAndGetTheirInfo(); SettingsStorage\Backend\PluginSettingsTable::removeAllSettingsForPlugin($pluginName); SettingsStorage\Backend\MeasurableSettingsTable::removeAllSettingsForPlugin($pluginName); $this->executePluginDeactivate($pluginName); $this->executePluginUninstall($pluginName); $this->removePluginFromPluginsInstalledConfig($pluginName); $this->unloadPluginFromMemory($pluginName); $this->removePluginFromConfig($pluginName); $this->removeInstalledVersionFromOptionTable($pluginName); $this->clearCache($pluginName); self::deletePluginFromFilesystem($pluginName); if ($this->isPluginInFilesystem($pluginName)) { return false; } /** * Event triggered after a plugin has been uninstalled. * * @param string $pluginName The plugin that has been uninstalled. */ Piwik::postEvent('PluginManager.pluginUninstalled', array($pluginName)); return true; } /** * @param string $pluginName */ private function clearCache($pluginName) { $this->resetTransientCache(); Filesystem::deleteAllCacheOnUpdate($pluginName); } public static function deletePluginFromFilesystem($plugin) { Filesystem::unlinkRecursive(PIWIK_INCLUDE_PATH . '/plugins/' . $plugin, $deleteRootToo = true); } /** * Install loaded plugins * * @throws * @return array Error messages of plugin install fails */ public function installLoadedPlugins() { Log::debug("Loaded plugins: " . implode(", ", array_keys($this->getLoadedPlugins()))); foreach ($this->getLoadedPlugins() as $plugin) { $this->installPluginIfNecessary($plugin); } } /** * Activate the specified plugin and install (if needed) * * @param string $pluginName Name of plugin * @throws \Exception */ public function activatePlugin($pluginName) { $plugins = $this->pluginList->getActivatedPlugins(); if (in_array($pluginName, $plugins)) { // plugin is already activated return; } if (!$this->isPluginInFilesystem($pluginName)) { throw new \Exception("Plugin '$pluginName' cannot be found in the filesystem in plugins/ directory."); } $this->deactivateThemeIfTheme($pluginName); // Load plugin $plugin = $this->loadPlugin($pluginName); if ($plugin === null) { throw new \Exception("The plugin '$pluginName' was found in the filesystem, but could not be loaded.'"); } $this->installPluginIfNecessary($plugin); $plugin->activate(); EventDispatcher::getInstance()->postPendingEventsTo($plugin); $this->pluginsToLoad[] = $pluginName; $this->updatePluginsConfig($this->pluginsToLoad); PiwikConfig::getInstance()->forceSave(); $this->clearCache($pluginName); /** * Event triggered after a plugin has been activated. * * @param string $pluginName The plugin that has been activated. */ Piwik::postEvent('PluginManager.pluginActivated', array($pluginName)); } public function isPluginInFilesystem($pluginName) { $existingPlugins = $this->readPluginsDirectory(); $isPluginInFilesystem = array_search($pluginName, $existingPlugins) !== false; return $this->isValidPluginName($pluginName) && $isPluginInFilesystem; } /** * Returns the currently enabled theme. * * If no theme is enabled, the **Morpheus** plugin is returned (this is the base and default theme). * * @return Plugin * @api */ public function getThemeEnabled() { $plugins = $this->getLoadedPlugins(); $theme = false; foreach ($plugins as $plugin) { /* @var $plugin Plugin */ if ($plugin->isTheme() && $this->isPluginActivated($plugin->getPluginName()) ) { if ($plugin->getPluginName() != self::DEFAULT_THEME) { return $plugin; // enabled theme (not default) } $theme = $plugin; // default theme } } return $theme; } /** * @param string $themeName * @throws \Exception * @return Theme */ public function getTheme($themeName) { $plugins = $this->getLoadedPlugins(); foreach ($plugins as $plugin) { if ($plugin->isTheme() && $plugin->getPluginName() == $themeName) { return new Theme($plugin); } } throw new \Exception('Theme not found : ' . $themeName); } public function getNumberOfActivatedPluginsExcludingAlwaysActivated() { $counter = 0; $pluginNames = $this->getLoadedPluginsName(); foreach ($pluginNames as $pluginName) { if ($this->isPluginActivated($pluginName) && !$this->isPluginAlwaysActivated($pluginName)) { $counter++; } } return $counter; } /** * Returns info regarding all plugins. Loads plugins that can be loaded. * * @return array An array that maps plugin names with arrays of plugin information. Plugin * information consists of the following entries: * * - **activated**: Whether the plugin is activated. * - **alwaysActivated**: Whether the plugin should always be activated, * or not. * - **uninstallable**: Whether the plugin is uninstallable or not. * - **invalid**: If the plugin is invalid, this property will be set to true. * If the plugin is not invalid, this property will not exist. * - **info**: If the plugin was loaded, will hold the plugin information. * See {@link Piwik\Plugin::getInformation()}. * @api */ public function loadAllPluginsAndGetTheirInfo() { /** @var Translator $translator */ $translator = StaticContainer::get('Piwik\Translation\Translator'); $plugins = array(); $listPlugins = array_merge( $this->readPluginsDirectory(), $this->pluginList->getActivatedPlugins() ); $listPlugins = array_unique($listPlugins); foreach ($listPlugins as $pluginName) { // Hide plugins that are never going to be used if ($this->isPluginBogus($pluginName)) { continue; } // If the plugin is not core and looks bogus, do not load if ($this->isPluginThirdPartyAndBogus($pluginName)) { $info = array( 'invalid' => true, 'activated' => false, 'alwaysActivated' => false, 'uninstallable' => true, ); } else { $translator->addDirectory(self::getPluginsDirectory() . $pluginName . '/lang'); $this->loadPlugin($pluginName); $info = array( 'activated' => $this->isPluginActivated($pluginName), 'alwaysActivated' => $this->isPluginAlwaysActivated($pluginName), 'uninstallable' => $this->isPluginUninstallable($pluginName), ); } $plugins[$pluginName] = $info; } $loadedPlugins = $this->getLoadedPlugins(); foreach ($loadedPlugins as $oPlugin) { $pluginName = $oPlugin->getPluginName(); $info = array( 'info' => $oPlugin->getInformation(), 'activated' => $this->isPluginActivated($pluginName), 'alwaysActivated' => $this->isPluginAlwaysActivated($pluginName), 'missingRequirements' => $oPlugin->getMissingDependenciesAsString(), 'uninstallable' => $this->isPluginUninstallable($pluginName), ); $plugins[$pluginName] = $info; } return $plugins; } protected static function isManifestFileFound($path) { return file_exists($path . "/" . MetadataLoader::PLUGIN_JSON_FILENAME); } /** * Returns `true` if the plugin is bundled with core or `false` if it is third party. * * @param string $name The name of the plugin, eg, `'Actions'`. * @return bool */ public function isPluginBundledWithCore($name) { return $this->isPluginEnabledByDefault($name) || in_array($name, $this->pluginList->getCorePluginsDisabledByDefault()) || $name == self::DEFAULT_THEME; } /** * @param $pluginName * @return bool * @ignore */ public function isPluginThirdPartyAndBogus($pluginName) { if ($this->isPluginBundledWithCore($pluginName)) { return false; } if ($this->isPluginBogus($pluginName)) { return true; } $path = $this->getPluginsDirectory() . $pluginName; if (!$this->isManifestFileFound($path)) { return true; } return false; } /** * Load AND activates the specified plugins. It will also overwrite all previously loaded plugins, so it acts * as a setter. * * @param array $pluginsToLoad Array of plugins to load. */ public function loadPlugins(array $pluginsToLoad) { $this->resetTransientCache(); $this->pluginsToLoad = $this->makePluginsToLoad($pluginsToLoad); $this->reloadActivatedPlugins(); } /** * Disable plugin loading. */ public function doNotLoadPlugins() { $this->doLoadPlugins = false; } /** * Disable loading of "always activated" plugins. */ public function doNotLoadAlwaysActivatedPlugins() { $this->doLoadAlwaysActivatedPlugins = false; } /** * Execute postLoad() hook for loaded plugins */ public function postLoadPlugins() { $plugins = $this->getLoadedPlugins(); foreach ($plugins as $plugin) { $plugin->postLoad(); } } /** * Returns an array containing the plugins class names (eg. 'UserCountry' and NOT 'UserCountry') * * @return array */ public function getLoadedPluginsName() { return array_keys($this->getLoadedPlugins()); } /** * Returns an array mapping loaded plugin names with their plugin objects, eg, * * array( * 'UserCountry' => Plugin $pluginObject, * 'UserLanguage' => Plugin $pluginObject, * ); * * @return Plugin[] */ public function getLoadedPlugins() { return $this->loadedPlugins; } /** * @param string $piwikVersion * @return Plugin[] */ public function getIncompatiblePlugins($piwikVersion) { $plugins = $this->getLoadedPlugins(); $incompatible = array(); foreach ($plugins as $plugin) { if ($plugin->hasMissingDependencies($piwikVersion)) { $incompatible[] = $plugin; } } return $incompatible; } /** * Returns an array of plugins that are currently loaded and activated, * mapping loaded plugin names with their plugin objects, eg, * * array( * 'UserCountry' => Plugin $pluginObject, * 'UserLanguage' => Plugin $pluginObject, * ); * * @return Plugin[] */ public function getPluginsLoadedAndActivated() { if (is_null($this->pluginsLoadedAndActivated)) { $enabled = $this->getActivatedPlugins(); if (empty($enabled)) { return array(); } $plugins = $this->getLoadedPlugins(); $enabled = array_combine($enabled, $enabled); $plugins = array_intersect_key($plugins, $enabled); $this->pluginsLoadedAndActivated = $plugins; } return $this->pluginsLoadedAndActivated; } /** * Returns a list of all names of currently activated plugin eg, * * array( * 'UserCountry' * 'UserLanguage' * ); * * @return string[] */ public function getActivatedPlugins() { return $this->pluginsToLoad; } public function getActivatedPluginsFromConfig() { $plugins = $this->pluginList->getActivatedPlugins(); return $this->makePluginsToLoad($plugins); } /** * Returns a Plugin object by name. * * @param string $name The name of the plugin, eg, `'Actions'`. * @throws \Exception If the plugin has not been loaded. * @return Plugin */ public function getLoadedPlugin($name) { if (!isset($this->loadedPlugins[$name]) || is_null($this->loadedPlugins[$name])) { throw new \Exception("The plugin '$name' has not been loaded."); } return $this->loadedPlugins[$name]; } /** * Load the plugins classes installed. * Register the observers for every plugin. */ private function reloadActivatedPlugins() { $pluginsToPostPendingEventsTo = array(); foreach ($this->pluginsToLoad as $pluginName) { $pluginsToPostPendingEventsTo = $this->reloadActivatedPlugin($pluginName, $pluginsToPostPendingEventsTo); } // post pending events after all plugins are successfully loaded foreach ($pluginsToPostPendingEventsTo as $plugin) { EventDispatcher::getInstance()->postPendingEventsTo($plugin); } } private function reloadActivatedPlugin($pluginName, $pluginsToPostPendingEventsTo) { if ($this->isPluginLoaded($pluginName) || $this->isPluginThirdPartyAndBogus($pluginName)) { return $pluginsToPostPendingEventsTo; } $newPlugin = $this->loadPlugin($pluginName); if ($newPlugin === null) { return $pluginsToPostPendingEventsTo; } $requirements = $newPlugin->getMissingDependencies(); if (!empty($requirements)) { foreach ($requirements as $requirement) { $possiblePluginName = $requirement['requirement']; if (in_array($possiblePluginName, $this->pluginsToLoad, $strict = true)) { $pluginsToPostPendingEventsTo = $this->reloadActivatedPlugin($possiblePluginName, $pluginsToPostPendingEventsTo); } } } if ($newPlugin->hasMissingDependencies()) { $this->unloadPluginFromMemory($pluginName); // at this state we do not know yet whether current user has super user access. We do not even know // if someone is actually logged in. $message = Piwik::translate('CorePluginsAdmin_WeCouldNotLoadThePluginAsItHasMissingDependencies', array($pluginName, $newPlugin->getMissingDependenciesAsString())); $message .= ' '; $message .= Piwik::translate('General_PleaseContactYourPiwikAdministrator'); $notification = new Notification($message); $notification->context = Notification::CONTEXT_ERROR; Notification\Manager::notify('PluginManager_PluginUnloaded', $notification); return $pluginsToPostPendingEventsTo; } $pluginsToPostPendingEventsTo[] = $newPlugin; return $pluginsToPostPendingEventsTo; } public function getIgnoredBogusPlugins() { $ignored = array(); foreach ($this->pluginsToLoad as $pluginName) { if ($this->isPluginThirdPartyAndBogus($pluginName)) { $ignored[] = $pluginName; } } return $ignored; } /** * Returns the name of all plugins found in this Piwik instance * (including those not enabled and themes) * * @return array */ public static function getAllPluginsNames() { $pluginList = StaticContainer::get('Piwik\Application\Kernel\PluginList'); $pluginsToLoad = array_merge( self::getInstance()->readPluginsDirectory(), $pluginList->getCorePluginsDisabledByDefault() ); $pluginsToLoad = array_values(array_unique($pluginsToLoad)); return $pluginsToLoad; } /** * Loads the plugin filename and instantiates the plugin with the given name, eg. UserCountry. * Contrary to loadPlugins() it does not activate the plugin, it only loads it. * * @param string $pluginName * @throws \Exception * @return Plugin|null */ public function loadPlugin($pluginName) { if (isset($this->loadedPlugins[$pluginName])) { return $this->loadedPlugins[$pluginName]; } $newPlugin = $this->makePluginClass($pluginName); $this->addLoadedPlugin($pluginName, $newPlugin); return $newPlugin; } public function isValidPluginName($pluginName) { return (bool) preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z]([a-zA-Z0-9_]*)$/D', $pluginName); } /** * @param $pluginName * @return Plugin * @throws \Exception */ protected function makePluginClass($pluginName) { $pluginFileName = sprintf("%s/%s.php", $pluginName, $pluginName); $pluginClassName = $pluginName; if (!$this->isValidPluginName($pluginName)) { throw new \Exception(sprintf("The plugin filename '%s' is not a valid plugin name", $pluginFileName)); } $path = self::getPluginsDirectory() . $pluginFileName; if (!file_exists($path)) { // Create the smallest minimal Piwik Plugin // Eg. Used for Morpheus default theme which does not have a Morpheus.php file return new Plugin($pluginName); } require_once $path; $namespacedClass = $this->getClassNamePlugin($pluginName); if (!class_exists($namespacedClass, false)) { throw new \Exception("The class $pluginClassName couldn't be found in the file '$path'"); } $newPlugin = new $namespacedClass; if (!($newPlugin instanceof Plugin)) { throw new \Exception("The plugin $pluginClassName in the file $path must inherit from Plugin."); } return $newPlugin; } protected function getClassNamePlugin($pluginName) { $className = $pluginName; if ($pluginName == 'API') { $className = 'Plugin'; } return "\\Piwik\\Plugins\\$pluginName\\$className"; } private function resetTransientCache() { $this->pluginsLoadedAndActivated = null; } /** * Unload plugin * * @param Plugin|string $plugin * @throws \Exception */ public function unloadPlugin($plugin) { $this->resetTransientCache(); if (!($plugin instanceof Plugin)) { $oPlugin = $this->loadPlugin($plugin); if ($oPlugin === null) { unset($this->loadedPlugins[$plugin]); return; } $plugin = $oPlugin; } unset($this->loadedPlugins[$plugin->getPluginName()]); } /** * Unload all loaded plugins */ public function unloadPlugins() { $this->resetTransientCache(); $pluginsLoaded = $this->getLoadedPlugins(); foreach ($pluginsLoaded as $plugin) { $this->unloadPlugin($plugin); } } /** * Install a specific plugin * * @param Plugin $plugin * @throws \Piwik\Plugin\PluginException if installation fails */ private function executePluginInstall(Plugin $plugin) { try { $plugin->install(); } catch (\Exception $e) { throw new \Piwik\Plugin\PluginException($plugin->getPluginName(), $e->getMessage()); } } /** * Add a plugin in the loaded plugins array * * @param string $pluginName plugin name without prefix (eg. 'UserCountry') * @param Plugin $newPlugin * @internal */ public function addLoadedPlugin($pluginName, Plugin $newPlugin) { $this->resetTransientCache(); $this->loadedPlugins[$pluginName] = $newPlugin; } /** * Return names of all installed plugins. * * @return array * @api */ public function getInstalledPluginsName() { $pluginNames = Config::getInstance()->PluginsInstalled['PluginsInstalled']; return $pluginNames; } /** * Returns names of plugins that should be loaded, but cannot be since their * files cannot be found. * * @return array * @api */ public function getMissingPlugins() { $missingPlugins = array(); $plugins = $this->pluginList->getActivatedPlugins(); foreach ($plugins as $pluginName) { // if a plugin is listed in the config, but is not loaded, it does not exist in the folder if (!$this->isPluginLoaded($pluginName) && !$this->isPluginBogus($pluginName) ) { $missingPlugins[] = $pluginName; } } return $missingPlugins; } /** * Install a plugin, if necessary * * @param Plugin $plugin */ private function installPluginIfNecessary(Plugin $plugin) { $pluginName = $plugin->getPluginName(); $saveConfig = false; // is the plugin already installed or is it the first time we activate it? $pluginsInstalled = $this->getInstalledPluginsName(); if (!$this->isPluginInstalled($pluginName)) { $this->executePluginInstall($plugin); $pluginsInstalled[] = $pluginName; $this->updatePluginsInstalledConfig($pluginsInstalled); $updater = new Updater(); $updater->markComponentSuccessfullyUpdated($plugin->getPluginName(), $plugin->getVersion(), $isNew = true); $saveConfig = true; /** * Event triggered after a new plugin has been installed. * * Note: Might be triggered more than once if the config file is not writable * * @param string $pluginName The plugin that has been installed. */ Piwik::postEvent('PluginManager.pluginInstalled', array($pluginName)); } if ($saveConfig) { PiwikConfig::getInstance()->forceSave(); $this->clearCache($pluginName); } } public function isTrackerPlugin(Plugin $plugin) { if (!$this->isPluginInstalled($plugin->getPluginName())) { return false; } if ($plugin->isTrackerPlugin()) { return true; } $dimensions = VisitDimension::getDimensions($plugin); if (!empty($dimensions)) { return true; } $dimensions = ActionDimension::getDimensions($plugin); if (!empty($dimensions)) { return true; } $hooks = $plugin->getListHooksRegistered(); $hookNames = array_keys($hooks); foreach ($hookNames as $name) { if (strpos($name, self::TRACKER_EVENT_PREFIX) === 0) { return true; } if ($name === 'Request.initAuthenticationObject') { return true; } } $dimensions = ConversionDimension::getDimensions($plugin); if (!empty($dimensions)) { return true; } return false; } private static function pluginStructureLooksValid($path) { $name = basename($path); return file_exists($path . "/" . $name . ".php") || self::isManifestFileFound($path); } /** * @param $pluginName */ private function removePluginFromPluginsInstalledConfig($pluginName) { $pluginsInstalled = Config::getInstance()->PluginsInstalled['PluginsInstalled']; $key = array_search($pluginName, $pluginsInstalled); if ($key !== false) { unset($pluginsInstalled[$key]); } $this->updatePluginsInstalledConfig($pluginsInstalled); } /** * @param $pluginName */ private function removePluginFromPluginsConfig($pluginName) { $pluginsEnabled = $this->pluginList->getActivatedPlugins(); $key = array_search($pluginName, $pluginsEnabled); if ($key !== false) { unset($pluginsEnabled[$key]); } $this->updatePluginsConfig($pluginsEnabled); } /** * @param $pluginName * @return bool */ private function isPluginBogus($pluginName) { $bogusPlugins = array( 'PluginMarketplace', //defines a plugin.json but 1.x Piwik plugin 'DoNotTrack', // Removed in 2.0.3 'AnonymizeIP', // Removed in 2.0.3 ); return in_array($pluginName, $bogusPlugins); } private function deactivateThemeIfTheme($pluginName) { // Only one theme enabled at a time $themeEnabled = $this->getThemeEnabled(); if ($themeEnabled && $themeEnabled->getPluginName() != self::DEFAULT_THEME) { $themeAlreadyEnabled = $themeEnabled->getPluginName(); $plugin = $this->loadPlugin($pluginName); if ($plugin->isTheme()) { $this->deactivatePlugin($themeAlreadyEnabled); } } } /** * @param $pluginName */ private function executePluginDeactivate($pluginName) { if (!$this->isPluginBogus($pluginName)) { $plugin = $this->loadPlugin($pluginName); if ($plugin !== null) { $plugin->deactivate(); } } } /** * @param $pluginName */ private function unloadPluginFromMemory($pluginName) { $this->unloadPlugin($pluginName); $key = array_search($pluginName, $this->pluginsToLoad); if ($key !== false) { unset($this->pluginsToLoad[$key]); } } /** * @param $pluginName */ private function removePluginFromConfig($pluginName) { $this->removePluginFromPluginsConfig($pluginName); PiwikConfig::getInstance()->forceSave(); } /** * @param $pluginName */ private function executePluginUninstall($pluginName) { try { $plugin = $this->getLoadedPlugin($pluginName); $plugin->uninstall(); } catch (\Exception $e) { } if (empty($plugin)) { return; } try { $visitDimensions = VisitDimension::getAllDimensions(); foreach (VisitDimension::getDimensions($plugin) as $dimension) { $this->uninstallDimension(VisitDimension::INSTALLER_PREFIX, $dimension, $visitDimensions); } } catch (\Exception $e) { } try { $actionDimensions = ActionDimension::getAllDimensions(); foreach (ActionDimension::getDimensions($plugin) as $dimension) { $this->uninstallDimension(ActionDimension::INSTALLER_PREFIX, $dimension, $actionDimensions); } } catch (\Exception $e) { } try { $conversionDimensions = ConversionDimension::getAllDimensions(); foreach (ConversionDimension::getDimensions($plugin) as $dimension) { $this->uninstallDimension(ConversionDimension::INSTALLER_PREFIX, $dimension, $conversionDimensions); } } catch (\Exception $e) { } } /** * @param VisitDimension|ActionDimension|ConversionDimension $dimension * @param VisitDimension[]|ActionDimension[]|ConversionDimension[] $allDimensions * @return bool */ private function doesAnotherPluginDefineSameColumnWithDbEntry($dimension, $allDimensions) { $module = $dimension->getModule(); $columnName = $dimension->getColumnName(); foreach ($allDimensions as $dim) { if ($dim->getColumnName() === $columnName && $dim->hasColumnType() && $dim->getModule() !== $module) { return true; } } return false; } /** * @param string $prefix column installer prefix * @param ConversionDimension|VisitDimension|ActionDimension $dimension * @param VisitDimension[]|ActionDimension[]|ConversionDimension[] $allDimensions */ private function uninstallDimension($prefix, Dimension $dimension, $allDimensions) { if (!$this->doesAnotherPluginDefineSameColumnWithDbEntry($dimension, $allDimensions)) { $dimension->uninstall(); $this->removeInstalledVersionFromOptionTable($prefix . $dimension->getColumnName()); } } /** * @param $pluginName * @return bool */ public function isPluginInstalled($pluginName) { $pluginsInstalled = $this->getInstalledPluginsName(); return in_array($pluginName, $pluginsInstalled); } private function removeInstalledVersionFromOptionTable($name) { $updater = new Updater(); $updater->markComponentSuccessfullyUninstalled($name); } private function makeSureOnlyActivatedPluginsAreLoaded() { foreach ($this->getLoadedPlugins() as $pluginName => $plugin) { if (!in_array($pluginName, $this->pluginsToLoad)) { $this->unloadPlugin($plugin); } } } /** * Reading the plugins from the global.ini.php config file * * @return array */ protected function getPluginsFromGlobalIniConfigFile() { return $this->pluginList->getPluginsBundledWithPiwik(); } /** * @param $name * @return bool */ protected function isPluginEnabledByDefault($name) { $pluginsBundledWithPiwik = $this->getPluginsFromGlobalIniConfigFile(); if (empty($pluginsBundledWithPiwik)) { return false; } return in_array($name, $pluginsBundledWithPiwik); } /** * @param array $pluginsToLoad * @return array */ private function makePluginsToLoad(array $pluginsToLoad) { $pluginsToLoad = array_unique($pluginsToLoad); if ($this->doLoadAlwaysActivatedPlugins) { $pluginsToLoad = array_merge($pluginsToLoad, $this->pluginToAlwaysActivate); } $pluginsToLoad = array_unique($pluginsToLoad); $pluginsToLoad = $this->pluginList->sortPlugins($pluginsToLoad); return $pluginsToLoad; } public function loadPluginTranslations() { /** @var Translator $translator */ $translator = StaticContainer::get('Piwik\Translation\Translator'); foreach ($this->getAllPluginsNames() as $pluginName) { $translator->addDirectory(self::getPluginsDirectory() . $pluginName . '/lang'); } } }