contains($transientCacheKey)) { $idSites = $transientCache->fetch($transientCacheKey); } else { // this may be called 100 times during one page request and may go to DB, therefore have to cache $idSites = Site::getIdSitesFromIdSitesString($idSites); sort($idSites);// we sort to reuse the cache key as often as possible $transientCache->save($transientCacheKey, $idSites); } // it is important to not use either idsite, or idsites in the cache key but to include both for security reasons // otherwise someone may specify idSite=5&idSites=7 and if then a plugin is eg only looking at idSites param // we could return a wrong result (eg API.getSegmentsMetadata) if (count($idSites) <= 5) { $cacheKey .= '_' . implode('_', $idSites); // we keep the cache key readable when possible } else { $cacheKey .= '_' . md5(implode('_', $idSites)); // we need to shorten it } } $lazyCacheId = CacheId::pluginAware($cacheKey); $cache = PiwikCache::getLazyCache(); if ($cache->contains($lazyCacheId)) { $mapApiToReport = $cache->fetch($lazyCacheId); } else { $reports = new static(); $reports = $reports->getAllReports(); $mapApiToReport = array(); foreach ($reports as $report) { $key = $report->getModule() . '.' . ucfirst($report->getAction()); if (isset($mapApiToReport[$key]) && $report->getParameters()) { // sometimes there are multiple reports with same module/action but different parameters. // we might pick the "wrong" one. At some point we should compare all parameters and if there is // a report which parameters mach $_REQUEST then we should prefer that report continue; } $mapApiToReport[$key] = get_class($report); } $cache->save($lazyCacheId, $mapApiToReport); } return $mapApiToReport; } /** * Returns a list of all available reports. Even not enabled reports will be returned. They will be already sorted * depending on the order and category of the report. * @return \Piwik\Plugin\Report[] * @api */ public function getAllReports() { $reports = $this->getAllReportClasses(); $cacheId = CacheId::languageAware('Reports' . md5(implode('', $reports))); $cache = PiwikCache::getTransientCache(); if (!$cache->contains($cacheId)) { $instances = array(); /** * Triggered to add new reports that cannot be picked up automatically by the platform. * This is useful if the plugin allows a user to create reports / dimensions dynamically. For example * CustomDimensions or CustomVariables. There are a variable number of dimensions in this case and it * wouldn't be really possible to create a report file for one of these dimensions as it is not known * how many Custom Dimensions will exist. * * **Example** * * public function addReport(&$reports) * { * $reports[] = new MyCustomReport(); * } * * @param Report[] $reports An array of reports */ Piwik::postEvent('Report.addReports', array(&$instances)); foreach ($reports as $report) { $instances[] = new $report(); } /** * Triggered to filter / restrict reports. * * **Example** * * public function filterReports(&$reports) * { * foreach ($reports as $index => $report) { * if ($report->getCategory() === 'Actions') {} * unset($reports[$index]); // remove all reports having this action * } * } * } * * @param Report[] $reports An array of reports */ Piwik::postEvent('Report.filterReports', array(&$instances)); @usort($instances, array($this, 'sort')); $cache->save($cacheId, $instances); } return $cache->fetch($cacheId); } /** * API metadata are sorted by category/name, * with a little tweak to replicate the standard Piwik category ordering * * @param Report $a * @param Report $b * @return int */ private function sort($a, $b) { return $this->compareCategories($a->getCategoryId(), $a->getSubcategoryId(), $a->getOrder(), $b->getCategoryId(), $b->getSubcategoryId(), $b->getOrder()); } public function compareCategories($catIdA, $subcatIdA, $orderA, $catIdB, $subcatIdB, $orderB) { if (!isset($this->categoryList)) { $this->categoryList = CategoryList::get(); } $catA = $this->categoryList->getCategory($catIdA); $catB = $this->categoryList->getCategory($catIdB); // in case there is a category class for both reports if (isset($catA) && isset($catB)) { if ($catA->getOrder() == $catB->getOrder()) { // same category order, compare subcategory order $subcatA = $catA->getSubcategory($subcatIdA); $subcatB = $catB->getSubcategory($subcatIdB); // both reports have a subcategory with custom subcategory class if ($subcatA && $subcatB) { if ($subcatA->getOrder() == $subcatB->getOrder()) { // same subcategory order, compare order of report if ($orderA == $orderB) { return 0; } return $orderA < $orderB ? -1 : 1; } return $subcatA->getOrder() < $subcatB->getOrder() ? -1 : 1; } elseif ($subcatA) { return 1; } elseif ($subcatB) { return -1; } if ($orderA == $orderB) { return 0; } return $orderA < $orderB ? -1 : 1; } return $catA->getOrder() < $catB->getOrder() ? -1 : 1; } elseif (isset($catA)) { return -1; } elseif (isset($catB)) { return 1; } if ($catIdA === $catIdB) { // both have same category, compare order if ($orderA == $orderB) { return 0; } return $orderA < $orderB ? -1 : 1; } return strnatcasecmp($catIdA, $catIdB); } /** * Returns class names of all Report metadata classes. * * @return string[] * @api */ public function getAllReportClasses() { return Plugin\Manager::getInstance()->findMultipleComponents('Reports', '\\Piwik\\Plugin\\Report'); } }