superuser['salt']; } return $salt; } /** * Should Piwik check that the login & password have minimum length and valid characters? * * @return bool True if checks enabled; false otherwise */ public static function isUserCredentialsSanityCheckEnabled() { return Config::getInstance()->General['disable_checks_usernames_attributes'] == 0; } /** * @see getKnownSegmentsToArchive * * @var array */ public static $cachedKnownSegmentsToArchive = null; /** * Segments to pre-process * * @return string */ static public function getKnownSegmentsToArchive() { if (self::$cachedKnownSegmentsToArchive === null) { $segments = Config::getInstance()->Segments; $cachedResult = isset($segments['Segments']) ? $segments['Segments'] : array(); Piwik_PostEvent('Piwik.getKnownSegmentsToArchiveAllSites', array(&$cachedResult)); self::$cachedKnownSegmentsToArchive = array_unique($cachedResult); } return self::$cachedKnownSegmentsToArchive; } public static function getKnownSegmentsToArchiveForSite($idSite) { $segments = array(); Piwik_PostEvent('Piwik.getKnownSegmentsToArchiveForSite', array(&$segments, $idSite)); return $segments; } /** * Number of websites to show in the Website selector * * @return int */ public static function getWebsitesCountToDisplay() { $count = max(Config::getInstance()->General['site_selector_max_sites'], Config::getInstance()->General['autocomplete_min_sites']); return (int)$count; } /** * Cache for result of getPiwikUrl. * Can be overwritten for testing purposes only. * * @var string */ static public $piwikUrlCache = null; /** * Returns the cached the Piwik URL, eg. or * If not found, then tries to cache it and returns the value. * * If the Piwik URL changes (eg. Piwik moved to new server), the value will automatically be refreshed in the cache. * * @return string */ public static function getPiwikUrl() { // Only set in tests if (self::$piwikUrlCache !== null) { return self::$piwikUrlCache; } $key = 'piwikUrl'; $url = Piwik_GetOption($key); if (Common::isPhpCliMode() // in case archive.php is triggered with domain localhost || SettingsServer::isArchivePhpTriggered() || defined('PIWIK_MODE_ARCHIVE') ) { return $url; } $currentUrl = Common::sanitizeInputValue(Url::getCurrentUrlWithoutFileName()); if (empty($url) // if URL changes, always update the cache || $currentUrl != $url ) { if (strlen($currentUrl) >= strlen('http://a/')) { Piwik_SetOption($key, $currentUrl, $autoLoad = true); } $url = $currentUrl; } return $url; } /** * Returns true if Segmentation is allowed for this user * * @return bool */ public static function isSegmentationEnabled() { return !Piwik::isUserIsAnonymous() || Config::getInstance()->General['anonymous_user_enable_use_segments_API']; } /** * Should we process and display Unique Visitors? * -> Always process for day/week/month periods * For Year and Range, only process if it was enabled in the config file, * * @param string $periodLabel Period label (e.g., 'day') * @return bool */ public static function isUniqueVisitorsEnabled($periodLabel) { $generalSettings = Config::getInstance()->General; $settingName = "enable_processing_unique_visitors_$periodLabel"; $result = !empty($generalSettings[$settingName]) && $generalSettings[$settingName] == 1; // check enable_processing_unique_visitors_year_and_range for backwards compatibility if (($periodLabel == 'year' || $periodLabel == 'range') && isset($generalSettings['enable_processing_unique_visitors_year_and_range']) ) { $result |= $generalSettings['enable_processing_unique_visitors_year_and_range'] == 1; } return $result; } }