Tracker['tracker_cache_file_ttl']; } /** * Returns array containing data about the website: goals, URLs, etc. * * @param int $idSite * @return array */ public static function getCacheWebsiteAttributes($idSite) { if ('all' == $idSite) { return array(); } $idSite = (int) $idSite; if ($idSite <= 0) { return array(); } $cache = self::getCache(); $cacheId = $idSite; $cacheContent = $cache->fetch($cacheId); if (false !== $cacheContent) { return $cacheContent; } Tracker::initCorePiwikInTrackerMode(); $content = array(); Access::doAsSuperUser(function () use (&$content, $idSite) { /** * Triggered to get the attributes of a site entity that might be used by the * Tracker. * * Plugins add new site attributes for use in other tracking events must * use this event to put those attributes in the Tracker Cache. * * **Example** * * public function getSiteAttributes($content, $idSite) * { * $sql = "SELECT info FROM " . Common::prefixTable('myplugin_extra_site_info') . " WHERE idsite = ?"; * $content['myplugin_site_data'] = Db::fetchOne($sql, array($idSite)); * } * * @param array &$content Array mapping of site attribute names with values. * @param int $idSite The site ID to get attributes for. */ Piwik::postEvent('Tracker.Cache.getSiteAttributes', array(&$content, $idSite)); Common::printDebug("Website $idSite tracker cache was re-created."); }); // if nothing is returned from the plugins, we don't save the content // this is not expected: all websites are expected to have at least one URL if (!empty($content)) { $cache->save($cacheId, $content, self::getTtl()); } Tracker::restoreTrackerPlugins(); return $content; } /** * Clear general (global) cache */ public static function clearCacheGeneral() { self::getCache()->delete(self::$cacheIdGeneral); } /** * Returns contents of general (global) cache. * If the cache file tmp/cache/tracker/general.php does not exist yet, create it * * @return array */ public static function getCacheGeneral() { $cache = self::getCache(); $cacheContent = $cache->fetch(self::$cacheIdGeneral); if (false !== $cacheContent) { return $cacheContent; } Tracker::initCorePiwikInTrackerMode(); $cacheContent = array( 'isBrowserTriggerEnabled' => Rules::isBrowserTriggerEnabled(), 'lastTrackerCronRun' => Option::get('lastTrackerCronRun'), ); /** * Triggered before the [general tracker cache](/guides/all-about-tracking#the-tracker-cache) * is saved to disk. This event can be used to add extra content to the cache. * * Data that is used during tracking but is expensive to compute/query should be * cached to keep tracking efficient. One example of such data are options * that are stored in the option table. Querying data for each tracking * request means an extra unnecessary database query for each visitor action. Using * a cache solves this problem. * * **Example** * * public function setTrackerCacheGeneral(&$cacheContent) * { * $cacheContent['MyPlugin.myCacheKey'] = Option::get('MyPlugin_myOption'); * } * * @param array &$cacheContent Array of cached data. Each piece of data must be * mapped by name. */ Piwik::postEvent('Tracker.setTrackerCacheGeneral', array(&$cacheContent)); self::setCacheGeneral($cacheContent); Common::printDebug("General tracker cache was re-created."); Tracker::restoreTrackerPlugins(); return $cacheContent; } /** * Store data in general (global cache) * * @param mixed $value * @return bool */ public static function setCacheGeneral($value) { $cache = self::getCache(); return $cache->save(self::$cacheIdGeneral, $value, self::getTtl()); } /** * Regenerate Tracker cache files * * @param array|int $idSites Array of idSites to clear cache for */ public static function regenerateCacheWebsiteAttributes($idSites = array()) { if (!is_array($idSites)) { $idSites = array($idSites); } foreach ($idSites as $idSite) { self::deleteCacheWebsiteAttributes($idSite); self::getCacheWebsiteAttributes($idSite); } } /** * Delete existing Tracker cache * * @param string $idSite (website ID of the site to clear cache for */ public static function deleteCacheWebsiteAttributes($idSite) { self::getCache()->delete((int) $idSite); } /** * Deletes all Tracker cache files */ public static function deleteTrackerCache() { self::getCache()->flushAll(); } }