tablePrefixed = Common::prefixTable($this->table); } public function setNow(Date $now) { $this->now = $now; } private function getNow() { if (isset($this->now)) { return $this->now; } return Date::now(); } public function logFailure($idFailure, Request $request) { $isVisitExcluded = $request->getMetadata('CoreHome', 'isVisitExcluded'); if ($isVisitExcluded === null) { try { $visitExcluded = new VisitExcluded($request); $isVisitExcluded = $visitExcluded->isExcluded(); } catch (InvalidRequestParameterException $e) { // we ignore this error and assume visit is not excluded... happens eg when using `cip` and request was // not authenticated... $isVisitExcluded = false; } } if ($isVisitExcluded) { return; } $idSite = (int) $request->getIdSiteUnverified(); $idFailure = (int) $idFailure; if ($idSite > 9999999 || $idSite < 0 || $this->hasLoggedFailure($idSite, $idFailure)) { return; // we prevent creating huge amount of entries in the cache } $params = $this->getParamsWithTokenAnonymized($request); $sql = sprintf('INSERT INTO %s (`idsite`, `idfailure`, `date_first_occurred`, `request_url`) VALUES(?,?,?,?) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE idsite=idsite;', $this->tablePrefixed); PiwikDb::get()->query($sql, array($idSite, $idFailure, $this->getNow()->getDatetime(), http_build_query($params))); } private function hasLoggedFailure($idSite, $idFailure) { $sql = sprintf('SELECT idsite FROM %s WHERE idsite = ? and idfailure = ?', $this->tablePrefixed); $row = PiwikDb::fetchRow($sql, array($idSite, $idFailure)); return !empty($row); } private function getParamsWithTokenAnonymized(Request $request) { // eg if there is a typo in the token auth we want to replace it as well to not accidentally leak a token // eg imagine a super user tries to issue an API request for a site and sending the wrong parameter for a token... // an admin may have view access for this and can see the super users token $token = $request->getTokenAuth(); $params = $request->getRawParams(); foreach (array('token_auth', 'token', 'tokenauth', 'token__auth') as $key) { if (isset($params[$key])) { $params[$key] = '__TOKEN_AUTH__'; } } foreach ($params as $key => $value) { if (!empty($token) && $value === $token) { $params[$key] = '__TOKEN_AUTH__'; // user accidentally posted the token in a wrong field } elseif (!empty($value) && is_string($value) && Common::mb_strlen($value) >= 29 && Common::mb_strlen($value) <= 36 && ctype_xdigit($value)) { $params[$key] = '__TOKEN_AUTH__'; // user maybe posted a token in a different field... it looks like it might be a token } } return $params; } public function removeFailuresOlderThanDays($days) { $minutesAgo = $this->getNow()->subDay($days)->getDatetime(); PiwikDb::query(sprintf('DELETE FROM %s WHERE date_first_occurred < ?', $this->tablePrefixed), array($minutesAgo)); } public function getAllFailures() { $failures = PiwikDb::fetchAll(sprintf('SELECT * FROM %s', $this->tablePrefixed)); return $this->enrichFailures($failures); } public function getFailuresForSites($idSites) { if (empty($idSites)) { return array(); } $idSites = array_map('intval', $idSites); $idSites = implode(',', $idSites); $failures = PiwikDb::fetchAll(sprintf('SELECT * FROM %s WHERE idsite IN (%s)', $this->tablePrefixed, $idSites)); return $this->enrichFailures($failures); } public function deleteTrackingFailure($idSite, $idFailure) { PiwikDb::query(sprintf('DELETE FROM %s WHERE idsite = ? and idfailure = ?', $this->tablePrefixed), array($idSite, $idFailure)); } public function deleteTrackingFailures($idSites) { if (!empty($idSites)) { $idSites = array_map('intval', $idSites); $idSites = implode(',', $idSites); PiwikDb::query(sprintf('DELETE FROM %s WHERE idsite IN(%s)', $this->tablePrefixed, $idSites)); } } public function deleteAllTrackingFailures() { PiwikDb::query(sprintf('DELETE FROM %s', $this->tablePrefixed)); } private function enrichFailures($failures) { foreach ($failures as &$failure) { try { $failure['site_name'] = Site::getNameFor($failure['idsite']); } catch (UnexpectedWebsiteFoundException $e) { $failure['site_name'] = Piwik::translate('General_Unknown'); } $failure['pretty_date_first_occurred'] = Date::factory($failure['date_first_occurred'])->getLocalized(Date::DATETIME_FORMAT_SHORT); parse_str($failure['request_url'], $params); if (empty($params['url'])) { $params['url'] = ' ';// workaround it using the default provider in request constructor } $request = new Request($params); $failure['url'] = trim($request->getParam('url')); $failure['problem'] = ''; $failure['solution'] = ''; $failure['solution_url'] = ''; switch ($failure['idfailure']) { case self::FAILURE_ID_INVALID_SITE: $failure['problem'] = Piwik::translate('CoreAdminHome_TrackingFailureInvalidSiteProblem'); $failure['solution'] = Piwik::translate('CoreAdminHome_TrackingFailureInvalidSiteSolution'); $failure['solution_url'] = ''; break; case self::FAILURE_ID_NOT_AUTHENTICATED: $failure['problem'] = Piwik::translate('CoreAdminHome_TrackingFailureAuthenticationProblem'); $failure['solution'] = Piwik::translate('CoreAdminHome_TrackingFailureAuthenticationSolution'); $failure['solution_url'] = ''; break; } } /** * @ignore * internal use only */ Piwik::postEvent('Tracking.makeFailuresHumanReadable', array(&$failures)); return $failures; } }