getGoalDefinitions($idSite); $convertedGoals = array(); foreach ($goals as $goal) { $convertedUrl = $this->detectGoalMatch($goal, $action, $visitor, $request); if (!is_null($convertedUrl)) { $convertedGoals[] = array('url' => $convertedUrl) + $goal; } } return $convertedGoals; } /** * Detects if an Action matches a given goal. If it does, the URL that triggered the goal * is returned. Otherwise null is returned. * * @param array $goal * @param Action $action * @param VisitProperties $visitor * @param Request $request * @return bool|null if a goal is matched, a string of the Action URL is returned, or if no goal was matched it returns null */ public function detectGoalMatch($goal, Action $action, VisitProperties $visitor, Request $request) { $actionType = $action->getActionType(); $attribute = $goal['match_attribute']; // handle numeric match attributes specifically if (in_array($attribute, self::$NUMERIC_MATCH_ATTRIBUTES)) { return $this->detectNumericGoalMatch($goal, $action, $visitor, $request); } // if the attribute to match is not the type of the current action if ((($attribute == 'url' || $attribute == 'title') && $actionType != Action::TYPE_PAGE_URL) || ($attribute == 'file' && $actionType != Action::TYPE_DOWNLOAD) || ($attribute == 'external_website' && $actionType != Action::TYPE_OUTLINK) || ($attribute == 'manually') || self::isEventMatchingGoal($goal) && $actionType != Action::TYPE_EVENT ) { return null; } switch ($attribute) { case 'title': // Matching on Page Title $actionToMatch = $action->getActionName(); break; case 'event_action': $actionToMatch = $action->getEventAction(); break; case 'event_name': $actionToMatch = $action->getEventName(); break; case 'event_category': $actionToMatch = $action->getEventCategory(); break; // url, external_website, file, manually... default: $actionToMatch = $action->getActionUrlRaw(); break; } $pattern_type = $goal['pattern_type']; $match = $this->isUrlMatchingGoal($goal, $pattern_type, $actionToMatch); if (!$match) { return null; } return $action->getActionUrl(); } private function detectNumericGoalMatch($goal, Action $action, VisitProperties $visitProperties, Request $request) { switch ($goal['match_attribute']) { case 'visit_duration': $firstActionTime = $visitProperties->getProperty('visit_first_action_time'); if (empty($firstActionTime)) { return null; } $visitDurationInSecs = $request->getCurrentTimestamp() - ((int) $firstActionTime); $valueToMatchAgainst = $visitDurationInSecs / 60; break; default: return null; } $pattern = (float) $goal['pattern']; Common::printDebug("Matching {$goal['match_attribute']} (current value = $valueToMatchAgainst, idGoal = {$goal['idgoal']}) {$goal['pattern_type']} $pattern."); switch ($goal['pattern_type']) { case 'greater_than': $matches = $valueToMatchAgainst > $pattern; break; default: return null; } if ($matches) { Common::printDebug("Conversion detected for idGoal = , idGoal = {$goal['idgoal']}."); return $action->getActionUrl(); } else { return null; } } public function detectGoalId($idSite, Request $request) { if (!Common::isGoalPluginEnabled()) { return null; } $idGoal = $request->getParam('idgoal'); $goals = $this->getGoalDefinitions($idSite); if (!isset($goals[$idGoal])) { throw new InvalidRequestParameterException('idGoal ' . $idGoal . ' does not exist'); } $goal = $goals[$idGoal]; $url = $request->getParam('url'); $goal['url'] = PageUrl::excludeQueryParametersFromUrl($url, $idSite); return $goal; } /** * Records one or several goals matched in this request. * * @param Visitor $visitor * @param array $visitorInformation * @param array $visitCustomVariables * @param Action $action */ public function recordGoals(VisitProperties $visitProperties, Request $request) { $visitorInformation = $visitProperties->getProperties(); $visitCustomVariables = $request->getMetadata('CustomVariables', 'visitCustomVariables') ?: array(); /** @var Action $action */ $action = $request->getMetadata('Actions', 'action'); $goal = $this->getGoalFromVisitor($visitProperties, $request, $action); // Copy Custom Variables from Visit row to the Goal conversion // Otherwise, set the Custom Variables found in the cookie sent with this request $goal += $visitCustomVariables; $maxCustomVariables = CustomVariables::getNumUsableCustomVariables(); for ($i = 1; $i <= $maxCustomVariables; $i++) { if (isset($visitorInformation['custom_var_k' . $i]) && strlen($visitorInformation['custom_var_k' . $i]) ) { $goal['custom_var_k' . $i] = $visitorInformation['custom_var_k' . $i]; } if (isset($visitorInformation['custom_var_v' . $i]) && strlen($visitorInformation['custom_var_v' . $i]) ) { $goal['custom_var_v' . $i] = $visitorInformation['custom_var_v' . $i]; } } // some goals are converted, so must be ecommerce Order or Cart Update $isRequestEcommerce = $request->getMetadata('Ecommerce', 'isRequestEcommerce'); if ($isRequestEcommerce) { $this->recordEcommerceGoal($visitProperties, $request, $goal, $action); } else { $this->recordStandardGoals($visitProperties, $request, $goal, $action); } } /** * Returns rounded decimal revenue, or if revenue is integer, then returns as is. * * @param int|float $revenue * @return int|float */ protected function getRevenue($revenue) { if (round($revenue) != $revenue) { $revenue = round($revenue, self::REVENUE_PRECISION); } $revenue = Common::forceDotAsSeparatorForDecimalPoint($revenue); return $revenue; } /** * Records an Ecommerce conversion in the DB. Deals with Items found in the request. * Will deal with 2 types of conversions: Ecommerce Order and Ecommerce Cart update (Add to cart, Update Cart etc). * * @param array $conversion * @param Visitor $visitor * @param Action $action * @param array $visitInformation */ protected function recordEcommerceGoal(VisitProperties $visitProperties, Request $request, $conversion, $action) { $isThereExistingCartInVisit = $request->getMetadata('Goals', 'isThereExistingCartInVisit'); if ($isThereExistingCartInVisit) { Common::printDebug("There is an existing cart for this visit"); } $visitor = Visitor::makeFromVisitProperties($visitProperties, $request); $isGoalAnOrder = $request->getMetadata('Ecommerce', 'isGoalAnOrder'); if ($isGoalAnOrder) { $debugMessage = 'The conversion is an Ecommerce order'; $orderId = $request->getParam('ec_id'); $conversion['idorder'] = $orderId; $conversion['idgoal'] = self::IDGOAL_ORDER; $conversion['buster'] = Common::hashStringToInt($orderId); $conversionDimensions = ConversionDimension::getAllDimensions(); $conversion = $this->triggerHookOnDimensions($request, $conversionDimensions, 'onEcommerceOrderConversion', $visitor, $action, $conversion); } // If Cart update, select current items in the previous Cart else { $debugMessage = 'The conversion is an Ecommerce Cart Update'; $conversion['buster'] = 0; $conversion['idgoal'] = self::IDGOAL_CART; $conversionDimensions = ConversionDimension::getAllDimensions(); $conversion = $this->triggerHookOnDimensions($request, $conversionDimensions, 'onEcommerceCartUpdateConversion', $visitor, $action, $conversion); } Common::printDebug($debugMessage . ':' . var_export($conversion, true)); // INSERT or Sync items in the Cart / Order for this visit & order $items = $this->getEcommerceItemsFromRequest($request); if (false === $items) { return; } $itemsCount = 0; foreach ($items as $item) { $itemsCount += $item[GoalManager::INTERNAL_ITEM_QUANTITY]; } $conversion['items'] = $itemsCount; if ($isThereExistingCartInVisit) { $recorded = $this->getModel()->updateConversion( $visitProperties->getProperty('idvisit'), self::IDGOAL_CART, $conversion); } else { $recorded = $this->insertNewConversion($conversion, $visitProperties->getProperties(), $request, $action); } if ($recorded) { $this->recordEcommerceItems($conversion, $items); } } /** * Returns Items read from the request string * @return array|bool */ private function getEcommerceItemsFromRequest(Request $request) { $items = $request->getParam('ec_items'); if (empty($items)) { Common::printDebug("There are no Ecommerce items in the request"); // we still record an Ecommerce order without any item in it return array(); } if (!is_array($items)) { Common::printDebug("Error while json_decode the Ecommerce items = " . var_export($items, true)); return false; } $items = Common::unsanitizeInputValues($items); $cleanedItems = $this->getCleanedEcommerceItems($items); return $cleanedItems; } /** * Loads the Ecommerce items from the request and records them in the DB * * @param array $goal * @param array $items * @throws Exception * @return int Number of items in the cart */ protected function recordEcommerceItems($goal, $items) { $itemInCartBySku = array(); foreach ($items as $item) { $itemInCartBySku[$item[0]] = $item; } $itemsInDb = $this->getModel()->getAllItemsCurrentlyInTheCart($goal, self::ITEM_IDORDER_ABANDONED_CART); // Look at which items need to be deleted, which need to be added or updated, based on the SKU $skuFoundInDb = $itemsToUpdate = array(); foreach ($itemsInDb as $itemInDb) { $skuFoundInDb[] = $itemInDb['idaction_sku']; // Ensure price comparisons will have the same assumption $itemInDb['price'] = $this->getRevenue($itemInDb['price']); $itemInDbOriginal = $itemInDb; $itemInDb = array_values($itemInDb); // Cast all as string, because what comes out of the fetchAll() are strings $itemInDb = $this->getItemRowCast($itemInDb); //Item in the cart in the DB, but not anymore in the cart if (!isset($itemInCartBySku[$itemInDb[0]])) { $itemToUpdate = array_merge($itemInDb, array('deleted' => 1, 'idorder_original_value' => $itemInDbOriginal['idorder_original_value'] ) ); $itemsToUpdate[] = $itemToUpdate; Common::printDebug("Item found in the previous Cart, but no in the current cart/order"); Common::printDebug($itemToUpdate); continue; } $newItem = $itemInCartBySku[$itemInDb[0]]; $newItem = $this->getItemRowCast($newItem); if (count($itemInDb) != count($newItem)) { Common::printDebug("ERROR: Different format in items from cart and DB"); throw new Exception(" Item in DB and Item in cart have a different format, this is not expected... " . var_export($itemInDb, true) . var_export($newItem, true)); } Common::printDebug("Item has changed since the last cart. Previous item stored in cart in database:"); Common::printDebug($itemInDb); Common::printDebug("New item to UPDATE the previous row:"); $newItem['idorder_original_value'] = $itemInDbOriginal['idorder_original_value']; Common::printDebug($newItem); $itemsToUpdate[] = $newItem; } // Items to UPDATE $this->updateEcommerceItems($goal, $itemsToUpdate); // Items to INSERT $itemsToInsert = array(); foreach ($items as $item) { if (!in_array($item[0], $skuFoundInDb)) { $itemsToInsert[] = $item; } } $this->insertEcommerceItems($goal, $itemsToInsert); } /** * Reads items from the request, then looks up the names from the lookup table * and returns a clean array of items ready for the database. * * @param array $items * @return array $cleanedItems */ private function getCleanedEcommerceItems($items) { // Clean up the items array $cleanedItems = array(); foreach ($items as $item) { $name = $category = $category2 = $category3 = $category4 = $category5 = false; $price = 0; $quantity = 1; // items are passed in the request as an array: ( $sku, $name, $category, $price, $quantity ) if (empty($item[self::INDEX_ITEM_SKU])) { continue; } $sku = $item[self::INDEX_ITEM_SKU]; if (!empty($item[self::INDEX_ITEM_NAME])) { $name = $item[self::INDEX_ITEM_NAME]; } if (!empty($item[self::INDEX_ITEM_CATEGORY])) { $category = $item[self::INDEX_ITEM_CATEGORY]; } if (isset($item[self::INDEX_ITEM_PRICE]) && is_numeric($item[self::INDEX_ITEM_PRICE]) ) { $price = $this->getRevenue($item[self::INDEX_ITEM_PRICE]); } if (!empty($item[self::INDEX_ITEM_QUANTITY]) && is_numeric($item[self::INDEX_ITEM_QUANTITY]) ) { $quantity = (int)$item[self::INDEX_ITEM_QUANTITY]; } // self::INDEX_ITEM_* are in order $cleanedItems[] = array( self::INTERNAL_ITEM_SKU => $sku, self::INTERNAL_ITEM_NAME => $name, self::INTERNAL_ITEM_CATEGORY => $category, self::INTERNAL_ITEM_CATEGORY2 => $category2, self::INTERNAL_ITEM_CATEGORY3 => $category3, self::INTERNAL_ITEM_CATEGORY4 => $category4, self::INTERNAL_ITEM_CATEGORY5 => $category5, self::INTERNAL_ITEM_PRICE => $price, self::INTERNAL_ITEM_QUANTITY => $quantity ); } // Lookup Item SKUs, Names & Categories Ids $actionsToLookupAllItems = array(); // Each item has 7 potential "ids" to lookup in the lookup table $columnsInEachRow = 1 + 1 + self::MAXIMUM_PRODUCT_CATEGORIES; foreach ($cleanedItems as $item) { $actionsToLookup = array(); list($sku, $name, $category, $price, $quantity) = $item; $actionsToLookup[] = array(trim($sku), Action::TYPE_ECOMMERCE_ITEM_SKU); $actionsToLookup[] = array(trim($name), Action::TYPE_ECOMMERCE_ITEM_NAME); // Only one category if (!is_array($category)) { $actionsToLookup[] = array(trim($category), Action::TYPE_ECOMMERCE_ITEM_CATEGORY); } // Multiple categories else { $countCategories = 0; foreach ($category as $productCategory) { $productCategory = trim($productCategory); if (empty($productCategory)) { continue; } $countCategories++; if ($countCategories > self::MAXIMUM_PRODUCT_CATEGORIES) { break; } $actionsToLookup[] = array($productCategory, Action::TYPE_ECOMMERCE_ITEM_CATEGORY); } } // Ensure that each row has the same number of columns, fill in the blanks for ($i = count($actionsToLookup); $i < $columnsInEachRow; $i++) { $actionsToLookup[] = array(false, Action::TYPE_ECOMMERCE_ITEM_CATEGORY); } $actionsToLookupAllItems = array_merge($actionsToLookupAllItems, $actionsToLookup); } $actionsLookedUp = TableLogAction::loadIdsAction($actionsToLookupAllItems); // Replace SKU, name & category by their ID action foreach ($cleanedItems as $index => &$item) { // SKU $item[0] = $actionsLookedUp[$index * $columnsInEachRow + 0]; // Name $item[1] = $actionsLookedUp[$index * $columnsInEachRow + 1]; // Categories $item[2] = $actionsLookedUp[$index * $columnsInEachRow + 2]; $item[3] = $actionsLookedUp[$index * $columnsInEachRow + 3]; $item[4] = $actionsLookedUp[$index * $columnsInEachRow + 4]; $item[5] = $actionsLookedUp[$index * $columnsInEachRow + 5]; $item[6] = $actionsLookedUp[$index * $columnsInEachRow + 6]; } return $cleanedItems; } /** * Updates the cart items in the DB * that have been modified since the last cart update * * @param array $goal * @param array $itemsToUpdate * * @return void */ protected function updateEcommerceItems($goal, $itemsToUpdate) { if (empty($itemsToUpdate)) { return; } Common::printDebug("Goal data used to update ecommerce items:"); Common::printDebug($goal); foreach ($itemsToUpdate as $item) { $newRow = $this->getItemRowEnriched($goal, $item); Common::printDebug($newRow); $this->getModel()->updateEcommerceItem($item['idorder_original_value'], $newRow); } } private function getModel() { return new Model(); } /** * Inserts in the cart in the DB the new items * that were not previously in the cart * * @param array $goal * @param array $itemsToInsert * * @return void */ protected function insertEcommerceItems($goal, $itemsToInsert) { if (empty($itemsToInsert)) { return; } Common::printDebug("Ecommerce items that are added to the cart/order"); Common::printDebug($itemsToInsert); $items = array(); foreach ($itemsToInsert as $item) { $items[] = $this->getItemRowEnriched($goal, $item); } $this->getModel()->createEcommerceItems($items); } protected function getItemRowEnriched($goal, $item) { $newRow = array( 'idaction_sku' => (int)$item[self::INTERNAL_ITEM_SKU], 'idaction_name' => (int)$item[self::INTERNAL_ITEM_NAME], 'idaction_category' => (int)$item[self::INTERNAL_ITEM_CATEGORY], 'idaction_category2' => (int)$item[self::INTERNAL_ITEM_CATEGORY2], 'idaction_category3' => (int)$item[self::INTERNAL_ITEM_CATEGORY3], 'idaction_category4' => (int)$item[self::INTERNAL_ITEM_CATEGORY4], 'idaction_category5' => (int)$item[self::INTERNAL_ITEM_CATEGORY5], 'price' => Common::forceDotAsSeparatorForDecimalPoint($item[self::INTERNAL_ITEM_PRICE]), 'quantity' => $item[self::INTERNAL_ITEM_QUANTITY], 'deleted' => isset($item['deleted']) ? $item['deleted'] : 0, //deleted 'idorder' => isset($goal['idorder']) ? $goal['idorder'] : self::ITEM_IDORDER_ABANDONED_CART, //idorder = 0 in log_conversion_item for carts 'idsite' => $goal['idsite'], 'idvisitor' => $goal['idvisitor'], 'server_time' => $goal['server_time'], 'idvisit' => $goal['idvisit'] ); return $newRow; } public function getGoalColumn($column) { if (array_key_exists($column, $this->currentGoal)) { return $this->currentGoal[$column]; } return false; } /** * Records a standard non-Ecommerce goal in the DB (URL/Title matching), * linking the conversion to the action that triggered it * @param $goal * @param Visitor $visitor * @param Action $action * @param $visitorInformation */ protected function recordStandardGoals(VisitProperties $visitProperties, Request $request, $goal, $action) { $visitor = Visitor::makeFromVisitProperties($visitProperties, $request); $convertedGoals = $request->getMetadata('Goals', 'goalsConverted') ?: array(); foreach ($convertedGoals as $convertedGoal) { $this->currentGoal = $convertedGoal; Common::printDebug("- Goal " . $convertedGoal['idgoal'] . " matched. Recording..."); $conversion = $goal; $conversion['idgoal'] = $convertedGoal['idgoal']; $conversion['url'] = $convertedGoal['url']; if (!is_null($action)) { $conversion['idaction_url'] = $action->getIdActionUrl(); $conversion['idlink_va'] = $action->getIdLinkVisitAction(); } // If multiple Goal conversions per visit, set a cache buster if ($convertedGoal['allow_multiple'] == 0) { $conversion['buster'] = 0; } else { $lastActionTime = $visitProperties->getProperty('visit_last_action_time'); if (empty($lastActionTime)) { $conversion['buster'] = $this->makeRandomMySqlUnsignedInt(10); } else { $conversion['buster'] = $this->makeRandomMySqlUnsignedInt(2) . Common::mb_substr($visitProperties->getProperty('visit_last_action_time'), 2); } } $conversionDimensions = ConversionDimension::getAllDimensions(); $conversion = $this->triggerHookOnDimensions($request, $conversionDimensions, 'onGoalConversion', $visitor, $action, $conversion); $this->insertNewConversion($conversion, $visitProperties->getProperties(), $request, $action, $convertedGoal); } } private function makeRandomMySqlUnsignedInt($length) { // mysql int unsgined max value is 4294967295 so we want to allow max 39999... $randomInt = Common::getRandomString(1, '123'); $randomInt .= Common::getRandomString($length - 1, '0123456789'); return $randomInt; } /** * Helper function used by other record* methods which will INSERT or UPDATE the conversion in the DB * * @param array $conversion * @param array $visitInformation * @param Request $request * @param Action|null $action * @return bool */ protected function insertNewConversion($conversion, $visitInformation, Request $request, $action, $convertedGoal = null) { /** * Triggered before persisting a new [conversion entity](/guides/persistence-and-the-mysql-backend#conversions). * * This event can be used to modify conversion information or to add new information to be persisted. * * This event is deprecated, use [Dimensions]( instead. * * @param array $conversion The conversion entity. Read [this](/guides/persistence-and-the-mysql-backend#conversions) * to see what it contains. * @param array $visitInformation The visit entity that we are tracking a conversion for. See what * information it contains [here](/guides/persistence-and-the-mysql-backend#visits). * @param \Piwik\Tracker\Request $request An object describing the tracking request being processed. * @param Action|null $action An action object like ActionPageView or ActionDownload, or null if no action is * supposed to be processed. * @deprecated * @ignore */ Piwik::postEvent('Tracker.newConversionInformation', array(&$conversion, $visitInformation, $request, $action)); if (!empty($convertedGoal) && $this->isEventMatchingGoal($convertedGoal) && !empty($convertedGoal['event_value_as_revenue']) ) { $eventValue = ActionEvent::getEventValue($request); if ($eventValue != '') { $conversion['revenue'] = $eventValue; } } $newGoalDebug = $conversion; $newGoalDebug['idvisitor'] = bin2hex($newGoalDebug['idvisitor']); Common::printDebug($newGoalDebug); $idorder = $request->getParam('ec_id'); $wasInserted = $this->getModel()->createConversion($conversion); if (!$wasInserted && !empty($idorder) ) { $idSite = $request->getIdSite(); throw new InvalidRequestParameterException("Invalid non-unique idsite/idorder combination ($idSite, $idorder), conversion was not inserted."); } return $wasInserted; } /** * Casts the item array so that array comparisons work nicely * @param array $row * @return array */ protected function getItemRowCast($row) { return array( (string)(int)$row[self::INTERNAL_ITEM_SKU], (string)(int)$row[self::INTERNAL_ITEM_NAME], (string)(int)$row[self::INTERNAL_ITEM_CATEGORY], (string)(int)$row[self::INTERNAL_ITEM_CATEGORY2], (string)(int)$row[self::INTERNAL_ITEM_CATEGORY3], (string)(int)$row[self::INTERNAL_ITEM_CATEGORY4], (string)(int)$row[self::INTERNAL_ITEM_CATEGORY5], (string)$row[self::INTERNAL_ITEM_PRICE], (string)$row[self::INTERNAL_ITEM_QUANTITY], ); } /** * @param $goal * @param $pattern_type * @param $url * @return bool * @throws \Exception */ protected function isUrlMatchingGoal($goal, $pattern_type, $url) { $url = Common::unsanitizeInputValue($url); $goal['pattern'] = Common::unsanitizeInputValue($goal['pattern']); $match = $this->isGoalPatternMatchingUrl($goal, $pattern_type, $url); if (!$match) { // Users may set Goal matching URL as URL encoded $goal['pattern'] = urldecode($goal['pattern']); $match = $this->isGoalPatternMatchingUrl($goal, $pattern_type, $url); } return $match; } /** * @param ConversionDimension[] $dimensions * @param string $hook * @param Visitor $visitor * @param Action|null $action * @param array|null $valuesToUpdate If null, $this->visitorInfo will be updated * * @return array|null The updated $valuesToUpdate or null if no $valuesToUpdate given */ private function triggerHookOnDimensions(Request $request, $dimensions, $hook, $visitor, $action, $valuesToUpdate) { foreach ($dimensions as $dimension) { $value = $dimension->$hook($request, $visitor, $action, $this); if (false !== $value) { if (is_float($value)) { $value = Common::forceDotAsSeparatorForDecimalPoint($value); } $fieldName = $dimension->getColumnName(); $visitor->setVisitorColumn($fieldName, $value); $valuesToUpdate[$fieldName] = $value; } } return $valuesToUpdate; } private function getGoalFromVisitor(VisitProperties $visitProperties, Request $request, $action) { $lastVisitTime = $visitProperties->getProperty('visit_last_action_time'); if (!$lastVisitTime) { $lastVisitTime = $request->getCurrentTimestamp(); // fallback in case visit_last_action_time is not set } if (!empty($lastVisitTime) && is_numeric($lastVisitTime)) { // visit last action time might be 2020-05-05 00:00:00 // we want it to prevent this being converted to a timestamp of 2020 // resulting in some day in 1970 $lastVisitTime = Date::getDatetimeFromTimestamp($lastVisitTime); } $goal = array( 'idvisit' => $visitProperties->getProperty('idvisit'), 'idvisitor' => $visitProperties->getProperty('idvisitor'), 'server_time' => $lastVisitTime, ); $visitDimensions = VisitDimension::getAllDimensions(); $visit = Visitor::makeFromVisitProperties($visitProperties, $request); foreach ($visitDimensions as $dimension) { $value = $dimension->onAnyGoalConversion($request, $visit, $action); if (false !== $value) { $goal[$dimension->getColumnName()] = $value; } } return $goal; } /** * @param $goal * @param $pattern_type * @param $url * @return bool */ protected function isGoalPatternMatchingUrl($goal, $pattern_type, $url) { switch ($pattern_type) { case 'regex': $pattern = self::formatRegex($goal['pattern']); if (!$goal['case_sensitive']) { $pattern .= 'i'; } $match = (@preg_match($pattern, $url) == 1); break; case 'contains': if ($goal['case_sensitive']) { $matched = strpos($url, $goal['pattern']); } else { $matched = stripos($url, $goal['pattern']); } $match = ($matched !== false); break; case 'exact': if ($goal['case_sensitive']) { $matched = strcmp($goal['pattern'], $url); } else { $matched = strcasecmp($goal['pattern'], $url); } $match = ($matched == 0); break; default: try { StaticContainer::get('Psr\Log\LoggerInterface')->warning(Piwik::translate('General_ExceptionInvalidGoalPattern', array($pattern_type))); } catch (\Exception $e) { } $match = false; break; } return $match; } /** * Formats a goal regex pattern to a usable regex * * @param string $pattern * @return string */ public static function formatRegex($pattern) { if (strpos($pattern, '/') !== false && strpos($pattern, '\\/') === false ) { $pattern = str_replace('/', '\\/', $pattern); } return '/' . $pattern . '/'; } public static function isEventMatchingGoal($goal) { return in_array($goal['match_attribute'], array('event_action', 'event_name', 'event_category')); } }