visitorInfo` will be empty. * * @param VisitProperties $visitProperties * @param Request $request * @return bool If `true` the tracking request will be aborted. */ public function processRequestParams(VisitProperties $visitProperties, Request $request) { return false; } /** * This is the third method called when processing a tracker request. * * Derived classes should use this method to set request metadata that needs request metadata * from other plugins, or to override request metadata from other plugins to change * tracking behavior. * * When this method is called, you can assume all available request metadata from all plugins * will be initialized (but not at their final value). Also, `$visitProperties->visitorInfo` * will contain the values of the visitor's last known visit (if any). * * @param VisitProperties $visitProperties * @param Request $request * @return bool If `true` the tracking request will be aborted. */ public function afterRequestProcessed(VisitProperties $visitProperties, Request $request) { return false; } /** * This method is called before recording a new visit. You can set/change visit information here * to change what gets inserted into `log_visit`. * * Only implement this method if you cannot use a Dimension for the same thing. * * @param VisitProperties $visitProperties * @param Request $request */ public function onNewVisit(VisitProperties $visitProperties, Request $request) { // empty } /** * This method is called before updating an existing visit. You can set/change visit information * here to change what gets recorded in `log_visit`. * * Only implement this method if you cannot use a Dimension for the same thing. * * @param array &$valuesToUpdate * @param VisitProperties $visitProperties * @param Request $request */ public function onExistingVisit(&$valuesToUpdate, VisitProperties $visitProperties, Request $request) { // empty } /** * This method is called last. Derived classes should use this method to insert log data. They * should also only read request metadata, and not set it. * * When this method is called, you can assume all request metadata have their final values. Also, * `$visitProperties->visitorInfo` will contain the properties of the visitor's current visit (in * other words, the values in the array were persisted to the DB before this method was called). * * @param VisitProperties $visitProperties * @param Request $request */ public function recordLogs(VisitProperties $visitProperties, Request $request) { // empty } }