isDebugModeEnabled() && TrackerConfig::getConfigValue('enable_sql_profiler')) { $this->timer = new Timer(); TrackerDb::enableProfiling(); } } public function getOutput() { $this->outputAccessControlHeaders(); if (is_null($this->content) && ob_get_level() > 0) { $this->content = ob_get_clean(); } return $this->content; } /** * Echos an error message & other information, then exits. * * @param Tracker $tracker * @param Exception $e * @param int $statusCode eg 500 */ public function outputException(Tracker $tracker, Exception $e, $statusCode) { Common::sendResponseCode($statusCode); $this->logExceptionToErrorLog($e); if ($tracker->isDebugModeEnabled()) { Common::sendHeader('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8'); $trailer = 'Backtrace:
' . $e->getTraceAsString() . '
'; $headerPage = file_get_contents(PIWIK_INCLUDE_PATH . '/plugins/Morpheus/templates/simpleLayoutHeader.tpl'); $footerPage = file_get_contents(PIWIK_INCLUDE_PATH . '/plugins/Morpheus/templates/simpleLayoutFooter.tpl'); $headerPage = str_replace('{$HTML_TITLE}', 'Matomo › Error', $headerPage); echo $headerPage . '

' . $this->getMessageFromException($e) . '

' . $trailer . $footerPage; } else { $this->outputApiResponse($tracker); } } public function outputResponse(Tracker $tracker) { if (!$tracker->shouldRecordStatistics()) { Common::sendResponseCode(503); $this->outputApiResponse($tracker); Common::printDebug("Logging disabled, display transparent logo"); } elseif (!$tracker->hasLoggedRequests()) { if (!$this->isHttpGetRequest() || !empty($_GET) || !empty($_POST)) { Common::sendResponseCode(400); } Common::printDebug("Empty request => Matomo page"); echo "This resource is part of Matomo. Keep full control of your data with the leading free and open source web analytics & conversion optimisation platform.
\n"; echo "This file is the endpoint for the Matomo tracking API. If you want to access the Matomo UI or use the Reporting API, please use index.php instead."; } else { $this->outputApiResponse($tracker); Common::printDebug("Nothing to notice => default behaviour"); } Common::printDebug("End of the page."); if ($tracker->isDebugModeEnabled() && $tracker->isDatabaseConnected() && TrackerDb::isProfilingEnabled() ) { $db = Tracker::getDatabase(); $db->recordProfiling(); Profiler::displayDbTrackerProfile($db); } if ($tracker->isDebugModeEnabled()) { Common::printDebug($_COOKIE); Common::printDebug((string)$this->timer); } } private function outputAccessControlHeaders() { if (!$this->isHttpGetRequest()) { $origin = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_ORIGIN']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_ORIGIN'] : '*'; Common::sendHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: ' . $origin); Common::sendHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true'); } } private function isHttpGetRequest() { $requestMethod = isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']) ? $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] : 'GET'; return strtoupper($requestMethod) === 'GET'; } private function getOutputBuffer() { return ob_get_contents(); } protected function hasAlreadyPrintedOutput() { return strlen($this->getOutputBuffer()) > 0; } private function outputApiResponse(Tracker $tracker) { if ($tracker->isDebugModeEnabled()) { return; } if ($this->hasAlreadyPrintedOutput()) { return; } $request = $_GET + $_POST; if ($this->isHttpGetRequest()) { Common::sendHeader('Cache-Control: no-store'); } if (array_key_exists('send_image', $request) && $request['send_image'] === '0') { Common::sendResponseCode(204); return; } $this->outputTransparentGif(); } private function outputTransparentGif() { $transGifBase64 = "R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAAAAACH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAICRAEAOw=="; Common::sendHeader('Content-Type: image/gif'); echo base64_decode($transGifBase64); } /** * Gets the error message to output when a tracking request fails. * * @param Exception $e * @return string */ protected function getMessageFromException($e) { // Note: duplicated from FormDatabaseSetup.isAccessDenied // Avoid leaking the username/db name when access denied if ($e->getCode() == 1044 || $e->getCode() == 42000) { return "Error while connecting to the Matomo database - please check your credentials in config/config.ini.php file"; } if (Common::isPhpCliMode()) { return $e->getMessage() . "\n" . $e->getTraceAsString(); } return $e->getMessage(); } protected function logExceptionToErrorLog($e) { error_log(sprintf("Error in Matomo (tracker): %s", str_replace("\n", " ", $this->getMessageFromException($e)))); } }