spamFilter = new ReferrerSpamFilter(); if (false === $ip) { $ip = $request->getIp(); } if (false === $userAgent) { $userAgent = $request->getUserAgent(); } $this->request = $request; $this->idSite = $request->getIdSite(); $this->userAgent = $userAgent; $this->ip = $ip; } /** * Test if the current visitor is excluded from the statistics. * * Plugins can for example exclude visitors based on the * - IP * - If a given cookie is found * * @return bool True if the visit must not be saved, false otherwise */ public function isExcluded() { $excluded = false; if ($this->isNonHumanBot()) { Common::printDebug('Search bot detected, visit excluded'); $excluded = true; } /* * Requests built with piwik.js will contain a rec=1 parameter. This is used as * an indication that the request is made by a JS enabled device. By default, Piwik * doesn't track non-JS visitors. */ if (!$excluded) { $toRecord = $this->request->getParam($parameterForceRecord = 'rec'); if (!$toRecord) { Common::printDebug(@$_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] . ' parameter ' . $parameterForceRecord . ' not found in URL, request excluded'); $excluded = true; Common::printDebug("'$parameterForceRecord' parameter not found."); } } /** * Triggered on every tracking request. * * This event can be used to tell the Tracker not to record this particular action or visit. * * @param bool &$excluded Whether the request should be excluded or not. Initialized * to `false`. Event subscribers should set it to `true` in * order to exclude the request. */ Piwik::postEvent('Tracker.isExcludedVisit', array(&$excluded)); /* * Following exclude operations happen after the hook. * These are of higher priority and should not be overwritten by plugins. */ // Checking if the Piwik ignore cookie is set if (!$excluded) { $excluded = $this->isIgnoreCookieFound(); if ($excluded) { Common::printDebug("Ignore cookie found."); } } // Checking for excluded IPs if (!$excluded) { $excluded = $this->isVisitorIpExcluded(); if ($excluded) { Common::printDebug("IP excluded."); } } // Check if user agent should be excluded if (!$excluded) { $excluded = $this->isUserAgentExcluded(); if ($excluded) { Common::printDebug("User agent excluded."); } } // Check if Referrer URL is a known spam if (!$excluded) { $excluded = $this->isReferrerSpamExcluded(); if ($excluded) { Common::printDebug("Referrer URL is blacklisted as spam."); } } if (!$excluded) { if ($this->isPrefetchDetected()) { $excluded = true; Common::printDebug("Prefetch request detected, not a real visit so we Ignore this visit/pageview"); } } if ($excluded) { Common::printDebug("Visitor excluded."); return true; } return false; } protected function isPrefetchDetected() { return (isset($_SERVER["HTTP_X_PURPOSE"]) && in_array($_SERVER["HTTP_X_PURPOSE"], array("preview", "instant"))) || (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_MOZ']) && $_SERVER['HTTP_X_MOZ'] == "prefetch"); } /** * Live/Bing/MSN bot and Googlebot are evolving to detect cloaked websites. * As a result, these sophisticated bots exhibit characteristics of * browsers (cookies enabled, executing JavaScript, etc). * * @see \DeviceDetector\Parser\Bot * * @return boolean */ protected function isNonHumanBot() { $allowBots = $this->request->getParam('bots'); $deviceDetector = DeviceDetectorFactory::getInstance($this->userAgent); return !$allowBots && ($deviceDetector->isBot() || $this->isIpInRange()); } private function isIpInRange() { $cache = PiwikCache::getTransientCache(); $ip = IP::fromBinaryIP($this->ip); $key = 'VisitExcludedIsIpInRange' . $ip->toString(); if ($cache->contains($key)) { $isInRanges = $cache->fetch($key); } else { $isInRanges = $ip->isInRanges($this->getBotIpRanges()); $cache->save($key, $isInRanges); } return $isInRanges; } protected function getBotIpRanges() { return array( // Google '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', // Live/Bing/MSN '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', // Yahoo '', '', '', // Chinese bot hammering websites '' ); } /** * Looks for the ignore cookie that users can set in the Piwik admin screen. * @return bool */ protected function isIgnoreCookieFound() { if (IgnoreCookie::isIgnoreCookieFound()) { Common::printDebug('Piwik ignore cookie was found, visit not tracked.'); return true; } return false; } /** * Checks if the visitor ip is in the excluded list * * @return bool */ protected function isVisitorIpExcluded() { $websiteAttributes = Cache::getCacheWebsiteAttributes($this->idSite); if (!empty($websiteAttributes['excluded_ips'])) { $ip = IP::fromBinaryIP($this->ip); if ($ip->isInRanges($websiteAttributes['excluded_ips'])) { Common::printDebug('Visitor IP ' . $ip->toString() . ' is excluded from being tracked'); return true; } } return false; } /** * Returns true if the specified user agent should be excluded for the current site or not. * * Visits whose user agent string contains one of the excluded_user_agents strings for the * site being tracked (or one of the global strings) will be excluded. * * @internal param string $this ->userAgent The user agent string. * @return bool */ protected function isUserAgentExcluded() { $websiteAttributes = Cache::getCacheWebsiteAttributes($this->idSite); if (!empty($websiteAttributes['excluded_user_agents'])) { foreach ($websiteAttributes['excluded_user_agents'] as $excludedUserAgent) { // if the excluded user agent string part is in this visit's user agent, this visit should be excluded if (stripos($this->userAgent, $excludedUserAgent) !== false) { return true; } } } return false; } /** * Returns true if the Referrer is a known spammer. * * @return bool */ protected function isReferrerSpamExcluded() { return $this->spamFilter->isSpam($this->request); } }