request = $request; $this->visitorInfo = $visitorInfo; $this->customVariables = $customVariables; $this->configId = $configId; } /** * This methods tries to see if the visitor has visited the website before. * * We have to split the visitor into one of the category * - Known visitor * - New visitor */ public function recognize() { $this->setIsVisitorKnown(false); $configId = $this->configId; $idVisitor = $this->request->getVisitorId(); $isVisitorIdToLookup = !empty($idVisitor); if ($isVisitorIdToLookup) { $this->visitorInfo['idvisitor'] = $idVisitor; Common::printDebug("Matching visitors with: visitorId=" . bin2hex($this->visitorInfo['idvisitor']) . " OR configId=" . bin2hex($configId)); } else { Common::printDebug("Visitor doesn't have the piwik cookie..."); } $selectCustomVariables = ''; // No custom var were found in the request, so let's copy the previous one in a potential conversion later if (!$this->customVariables) { $maxCustomVariables = CustomVariables::getMaxCustomVariables(); for ($index = 1; $index <= $maxCustomVariables; $index++) { $selectCustomVariables .= ', custom_var_k' . $index . ', custom_var_v' . $index; } } $persistedVisitAttributes = self::getVisitFieldsPersist(); array_unshift($persistedVisitAttributes, 'visit_first_action_time'); array_unshift($persistedVisitAttributes, 'visit_last_action_time'); $persistedVisitAttributes = array_unique($persistedVisitAttributes); $selectFields = implode(", ", $persistedVisitAttributes); $select = "SELECT $selectFields $selectCustomVariables "; $from = "FROM " . Common::prefixTable('log_visit'); list($timeLookBack, $timeLookAhead) = $this->getWindowLookupThisVisit(); $shouldMatchOneFieldOnly = $this->shouldLookupOneVisitorFieldOnly($isVisitorIdToLookup); // Two use cases: // 1) there is no visitor ID so we try to match only on config_id (heuristics) // Possible causes of no visitor ID: no browser cookie support, direct Tracking API request without visitor ID passed, // importing server access logs with, etc. // In this case we use config_id heuristics to try find the visitor in tahhhe past. There is a risk to assign // this page view to the wrong visitor, but this is better than creating artificial visits. // 2) there is a visitor ID and we trust it (config setting trust_visitors_cookies, OR it was set using &cid= in tracking API), // and in these cases, we force to look up this visitor id $whereCommon = "visit_last_action_time >= ? AND visit_last_action_time <= ? AND idsite = ?"; $bindSql = array( $timeLookBack, $timeLookAhead, $this->request->getIdSite() ); if ($shouldMatchOneFieldOnly) { if ($isVisitorIdToLookup) { $whereCommon .= ' AND idvisitor = ?'; $bindSql[] = $this->visitorInfo['idvisitor']; } else { $whereCommon .= ' AND config_id = ?'; $bindSql[] = $configId; } $sql = "$select $from WHERE " . $whereCommon . " ORDER BY visit_last_action_time DESC LIMIT 1"; } // We have a config_id AND a visitor_id. We match on either of these. // Why do we also match on config_id? // we do not trust the visitor ID only. Indeed, some browsers, or browser addons, // cause the visitor id from the 1st party cookie to be different on each page view! // It is not acceptable to create a new visit every time such browser does a page view, // so we also backup by searching for matching config_id. // We use a UNION here so that each sql query uses its own INDEX else { // will use INDEX index_idsite_config_datetime (idsite, config_id, visit_last_action_time) $where = ' AND config_id = ? AND user_id IS NULL '; $bindSql[] = $configId; $sqlConfigId = "$select , 0 as priority $from WHERE $whereCommon $where ORDER BY visit_last_action_time DESC LIMIT 1 "; // will use INDEX index_idsite_idvisitor (idsite, idvisitor) $bindSql[] = $timeLookBack; $bindSql[] = $timeLookAhead; $bindSql[] = $this->request->getIdSite(); $where = ' AND idvisitor = ?'; $bindSql[] = $this->visitorInfo['idvisitor']; $sqlVisitorId = "$select , 1 as priority $from WHERE $whereCommon $where ORDER BY visit_last_action_time DESC LIMIT 1 "; // We join both queries and favor the one matching the visitor_id if it did match $sql = " ( $sqlConfigId ) UNION ( $sqlVisitorId ) ORDER BY priority DESC LIMIT 1"; } $visitRow = Tracker::getDatabase()->fetch($sql, $bindSql); $isNewVisitForced = $this->request->getParam('new_visit'); $isNewVisitForced = !empty($isNewVisitForced); $enforceNewVisit = $isNewVisitForced || Config::getInstance()->Debug['tracker_always_new_visitor']; if (!$enforceNewVisit && $visitRow && count($visitRow) > 0 ) { // These values will be used throughout the request foreach($persistedVisitAttributes as $field) { $this->visitorInfo[$field] = $visitRow[$field]; } $this->visitorInfo['visit_last_action_time'] = strtotime($visitRow['visit_last_action_time']); $this->visitorInfo['visit_first_action_time'] = strtotime($visitRow['visit_first_action_time']); // Custom Variables copied from Visit in potential later conversion if (!empty($selectCustomVariables)) { $maxCustomVariables = CustomVariables::getMaxCustomVariables(); for ($i = 1; $i <= $maxCustomVariables; $i++) { if (isset($visitRow['custom_var_k' . $i]) && strlen($visitRow['custom_var_k' . $i]) ) { $this->visitorInfo['custom_var_k' . $i] = $visitRow['custom_var_k' . $i]; } if (isset($visitRow['custom_var_v' . $i]) && strlen($visitRow['custom_var_v' . $i]) ) { $this->visitorInfo['custom_var_v' . $i] = $visitRow['custom_var_v' . $i]; } } } $this->setIsVisitorKnown(true); Common::printDebug("The visitor is known (idvisitor = " . bin2hex($this->visitorInfo['idvisitor']) . ", config_id = " . bin2hex($configId) . ", idvisit = {$this->visitorInfo['idvisit']}, last action = " . date("r", $this->visitorInfo['visit_last_action_time']) . ", first action = " . date("r", $this->visitorInfo['visit_first_action_time']) . ", visit_goal_buyer' = " . $this->visitorInfo['visit_goal_buyer'] . ")"); //Common::printDebug($this->visitorInfo); } else { Common::printDebug("The visitor was not matched with an existing visitor..."); } } /** * By default, we look back 30 minutes to find a previous visitor (for performance reasons). * In some cases, it is useful to look back and count unique visitors more accurately. You can set custom lookback window in * [Tracker] window_look_back_for_visitor * * The returned value is the window range (Min, max) that the matched visitor should fall within * * @return array( datetimeMin, datetimeMax ) */ protected function getWindowLookupThisVisit() { $visitStandardLength = Config::getInstance()->Tracker['visit_standard_length']; $lookBackNSecondsCustom = Config::getInstance()->Tracker['window_look_back_for_visitor']; $lookAheadNSeconds = $visitStandardLength; $lookBackNSeconds = $visitStandardLength; if ($lookBackNSecondsCustom > $lookBackNSeconds) { $lookBackNSeconds = $lookBackNSecondsCustom; } $timeLookBack = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $this->request->getCurrentTimestamp() - $lookBackNSeconds); $timeLookAhead = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $this->request->getCurrentTimestamp() + $lookAheadNSeconds); return array($timeLookBack, $timeLookAhead); } protected function shouldLookupOneVisitorFieldOnly($isVisitorIdToLookup) { $isForcedUserIdMustMatch = (false !== $this->request->getForcedUserId()); if($isForcedUserIdMustMatch) { // if &iud was set, we must try and match both idvisitor and config_id return false; } // This setting would be enabled for Intranet websites, to ensure that visitors using all the same computer config, same IP // are not counted as 1 visitor. In this case, we want to enforce and trust the visitor ID from the cookie. $trustCookiesOnly = Config::getInstance()->Tracker['trust_visitors_cookies']; if($isVisitorIdToLookup && $trustCookiesOnly) { return true; } // If a &cid= was set, we force to select this visitor (or create a new one) $isForcedVisitorIdMustMatch = ($this->request->getForcedVisitorId() != null); if($isForcedVisitorIdMustMatch) { return true; } if( !$isVisitorIdToLookup ) { return true; } return false; } /** * @return array */ public static function getVisitFieldsPersist() { $fields = array( 'idvisitor', 'idvisit', 'user_id', 'visit_exit_idaction_url', 'visit_exit_idaction_name', 'visitor_returning', 'visitor_days_since_first', 'visitor_days_since_order', 'visitor_count_visits', 'visit_goal_buyer', 'location_country', 'location_region', 'location_city', 'location_latitude', 'location_longitude', 'referer_name', 'referer_keyword', 'referer_type', ); $dimensions = VisitDimension::getAllDimensions(); foreach ($dimensions as $dimension) { if ($dimension->hasImplementedEvent('onExistingVisit')) { $fields[] = $dimension->getColumnName(); } /** * This event collects a list of [visit entity]() properties that should be loaded when reading * the existing visit. Properties that appear in this list will be available in other tracking * events such as 'onExistingVisit'. * * Plugins can use this event to load additional visit entity properties for later use during tracking. */ foreach ($dimension->getRequiredVisitFields() as $field) { $fields[] = $field; } } /** * @ignore */ Piwik::postEvent('Tracker.getVisitFieldsToPersist', array(&$fields)); return $fields; } public function getVisitorInfo() { return $this->visitorInfo; } public function clearVisitorInfo() { $this->visitorInfo = array(); } public function setVisitorColumn($column, $value) { $this->visitorInfo[$column] = $value; } public function getVisitorColumn($column) { if (array_key_exists($column, $this->visitorInfo)) { return $this->visitorInfo[$column]; } return false; } public function isVisitorKnown() { return $this->visitorKnown === true; } public function setIsVisitorKnown($isVisitorKnown) { return $this->visitorKnown = $isVisitorKnown; } }