* public function getClientSideTranslationKeys(&$result) * { * $result[] = "MyPlugin_MyTranslation"; * } * * * Callback Signature: function (array &$result) */ const GET_CLIENT_SIDE_TRANSLATION_KEYS_EVENT = 'Translate.getClientSideTranslationKeys'; static private $instance = null; static private $languageToLoad = null; private $loadedLanguage = false; /** * @return \Piwik\Translate */ static public function getInstance() { if (self::$instance == null) { self::$instance = new self; } return self::$instance; } /** * Clean a string that may contain HTML special chars, single/double quotes, HTML entities, leading/trailing whitespace * * @param string $s * @return string */ static public function clean($s) { return html_entity_decode(trim($s), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); } public function loadEnglishTranslation() { $this->loadCoreTranslationFile('en'); } public function unloadEnglishTranslation() { $GLOBALS['Piwik_translations'] = array(); } public function reloadLanguage($language = false) { if (empty($language)) { $language = $this->getLanguageToLoad(); } $this->unloadEnglishTranslation(); $this->loadEnglishTranslation(); $this->loadCoreTranslation($language); PluginsManager::getInstance()->loadPluginTranslations($language); } /** * Reads the specified code translation file in memory. * * @param bool|string $language 2 letter language code. If not specified, will detect current user translation, or load default translation. * @return void */ public function loadCoreTranslation($language = false) { if (empty($language)) { $language = $this->getLanguageToLoad(); } if ($this->loadedLanguage == $language) { return; } $this->loadCoreTranslationFile($language); } private function loadCoreTranslationFile($language) { $path = PIWIK_INCLUDE_PATH . '/lang/' . $language . '.json'; if (!Filesystem::isValidFilename($language) || !is_readable($path)) { throw new Exception(Piwik_TranslateException('General_ExceptionLanguageFileNotFound', array($language))); } $data = file_get_contents($path); $translations = json_decode($data, true); $this->mergeTranslationArray($translations); $this->setLocale(); $this->loadedLanguage = $language; } public function mergeTranslationArray($translation) { if (!isset($GLOBALS['Piwik_translations'])) { $GLOBALS['Piwik_translations'] = array(); } // we could check that no string overlap here $GLOBALS['Piwik_translations'] = array_replace_recursive($GLOBALS['Piwik_translations'], $translation); } /** * @return string the language filename prefix, eg 'en' for english * @throws exception if the language set is not a valid filename */ public function getLanguageToLoad() { if (is_null(self::$languageToLoad)) { $lang = Common::getRequestVar('language', '', 'string'); Piwik_PostEvent('Translate.getLanguageToLoad', array(&$lang)); self::$languageToLoad = $lang; } return self::$languageToLoad; } /** Reset the cached language to load. Used in tests. */ static public function reset() { self::$languageToLoad = null; } public function getLanguageLoaded() { return $this->loadedLanguage; } public function getLanguageDefault() { return Config::getInstance()->General['default_language']; } /** * Generate javascript translations array */ public function getJavascriptTranslations() { $translations = &$GLOBALS['Piwik_translations']; $clientSideTranslations = array(); foreach ($this->getClientSideTranslationKeys() as $key) { list($plugin, $stringName) = explode("_", $key, 2); $clientSideTranslations[$key] = $translations[$plugin][$stringName]; } $js = 'var translations = ' . Common::json_encode($clientSideTranslations) . ';'; $js .= "\n" . 'if(typeof(piwik_translations) == \'undefined\') { var piwik_translations = new Object; }' . 'for(var i in translations) { piwik_translations[i] = translations[i];} '; $js .= 'function _pk_translate(translationStringId) { ' . 'if( typeof(piwik_translations[translationStringId]) != \'undefined\' ){ return piwik_translations[translationStringId]; }' . 'return "The string "+translationStringId+" was not loaded in javascript. Make sure it is added in the Translate.getClientSideTranslationKeys hook.";}'; return $js; } /** * Returns the list of client side translations by key. These translations will be outputted * to the translation JavaScript. */ private function getClientSideTranslationKeys() { $result = array(); Piwik_PostEvent(self::GET_CLIENT_SIDE_TRANSLATION_KEYS_EVENT, array(&$result)); $result = array_unique($result); return $result; } /** * Set locale * * @see http://php.net/setlocale */ private function setLocale() { $locale = $GLOBALS['Piwik_translations']['General']['Locale']; $locale_variant = str_replace('UTF-8', 'UTF8', $locale); setlocale(LC_ALL, $locale, $locale_variant); setlocale(LC_CTYPE, ''); } }