pathUpdateFileCore = PIWIK_INCLUDE_PATH . '/core/Updates/'; $this->pathUpdateFilePlugins = PIWIK_INCLUDE_PATH . '/plugins/%s/Updates/'; ColumnUpdater::setUpdater($this); } /** * Add component to check * * @param string $name * @param string $version */ public function addComponentToCheck($name, $version) { $this->componentsToCheck[$name] = $version; } /** * Record version of successfully completed component update * * @param string $name * @param string $version */ public static function recordComponentSuccessfullyUpdated($name, $version) { try { Option::set(self::getNameInOptionTable($name), $version, $autoLoad = 1); } catch (\Exception $e) { // case when the option table is not yet created (before 0.2.10) } } /** * Retrieve the current version of a recorded component * @param string $name * @return false|string * @throws \Exception */ public static function getCurrentRecordedComponentVersion($name) { try { $currentVersion = Option::get(self::getNameInOptionTable($name)); } catch (\Exception $e) { // mysql error 1146: table doesn't exist if (Db::get()->isErrNo($e, '1146')) { // case when the option table is not yet created (before 0.2.10) $currentVersion = false; } else { // failed for some other reason throw $e; } } return $currentVersion; } /** * Returns the flag name to use in the option table to record current schema version * @param string $name * @return string */ private static function getNameInOptionTable($name) { return 'version_' . $name; } /** * Returns a list of components (core | plugin) that need to run through the upgrade process. * * @return array( componentName => array( file1 => version1, [...]), [...]) */ public function getComponentsWithUpdateFile() { $this->componentsWithNewVersion = $this->getComponentsWithNewVersion(); $this->componentsWithUpdateFile = $this->loadComponentsWithUpdateFile(); return $this->componentsWithUpdateFile; } /** * Component has a new version? * * @param string $componentName * @return bool TRUE if compoment is to be updated; FALSE if not */ public function hasNewVersion($componentName) { return isset($this->componentsWithNewVersion) && isset($this->componentsWithNewVersion[$componentName]); } /** * Does one of the new versions involve a major database update? * Note: getSqlQueriesToExecute() must be called before this method! * * @return bool */ public function hasMajorDbUpdate() { return $this->hasMajorDbUpdate; } /** * Returns the list of SQL queries that would be executed during the update * * @return array of SQL queries * @throws \Exception */ public function getSqlQueriesToExecute() { $queries = array(); $classNames = array(); foreach ($this->componentsWithUpdateFile as $componentName => $componentUpdateInfo) { foreach ($componentUpdateInfo as $file => $fileVersion) { require_once $file; // prefixed by PIWIK_INCLUDE_PATH $className = $this->getUpdateClassName($componentName, $fileVersion); if (!class_exists($className, false)) { throw new \Exception("The class $className was not found in $file"); } if (in_array($className, $classNames)) { continue; // prevent from getting updates from Piwik\Columns\Updater multiple times } $classNames[] = $className; $queriesForComponent = call_user_func(array($className, 'getSql')); foreach ($queriesForComponent as $query => $error) { $queries[] = $query . ';'; } $this->hasMajorDbUpdate = $this->hasMajorDbUpdate || call_user_func(array($className, 'isMajorUpdate')); } // unfortunately had to extract this query from the Option class $queries[] = 'UPDATE `' . Common::prefixTable('option') . '` '. 'SET option_value = \'' . $fileVersion . '\' '. 'WHERE option_name = \'' . self::getNameInOptionTable($componentName) . '\';'; } return $queries; } public function getUpdateClassName($componentName, $fileVersion) { $suffix = strtolower(str_replace(array('-', '.'), '_', $fileVersion)); $className = 'Updates_' . $suffix; if ($componentName == 'core') { return '\\Piwik\\Updates\\' . $className; } if (ColumnUpdater::isDimensionComponent($componentName)) { return '\\Piwik\\Columns\\Updater'; } return '\\Piwik\\Plugins\\' . $componentName . '\\' . $className; } /** * Update the named component * * @param string $componentName 'core', or plugin name * @throws \Exception|UpdaterErrorException * @return array of warning strings if applicable */ public function update($componentName) { $warningMessages = array(); foreach ($this->componentsWithUpdateFile[$componentName] as $file => $fileVersion) { try { require_once $file; // prefixed by PIWIK_INCLUDE_PATH $className = $this->getUpdateClassName($componentName, $fileVersion); if (!in_array($className, $this->updatedClasses) && class_exists($className, false)) { // update() call_user_func(array($className, 'update')); // makes sure to call Piwik\Columns\Updater only once as one call updates all dimensions at the same // time for better performance $this->updatedClasses[] = $className; } self::recordComponentSuccessfullyUpdated($componentName, $fileVersion); } catch (UpdaterErrorException $e) { throw $e; } catch (\Exception $e) { $warningMessages[] = $e->getMessage(); } } // to debug, create core/Updates/X.php, update the core/Version.php, throw an Exception in the try, and comment the following line self::recordComponentSuccessfullyUpdated($componentName, $this->componentsWithNewVersion[$componentName][self::INDEX_NEW_VERSION]); return $warningMessages; } /** * Construct list of update files for the outdated components * * @return array( componentName => array( file1 => version1, [...]), [...]) */ private function loadComponentsWithUpdateFile() { $componentsWithUpdateFile = array(); foreach ($this->componentsWithNewVersion as $name => $versions) { $currentVersion = $versions[self::INDEX_CURRENT_VERSION]; $newVersion = $versions[self::INDEX_NEW_VERSION]; if ($name == 'core') { $pathToUpdates = $this->pathUpdateFileCore . '*.php'; } elseif (ColumnUpdater::isDimensionComponent($name)) { $componentsWithUpdateFile[$name][PIWIK_INCLUDE_PATH . '/core/Columns/Updater.php'] = $newVersion; } else { $pathToUpdates = sprintf($this->pathUpdateFilePlugins, $name) . '*.php'; } if (!empty($pathToUpdates)) { $files = _glob($pathToUpdates); if ($files == false) { $files = array(); } foreach ($files as $file) { $fileVersion = basename($file, '.php'); if ( // if the update is from a newer version version_compare($currentVersion, $fileVersion) == -1 // but we don't execute updates from non existing future releases && version_compare($fileVersion, $newVersion) <= 0 ) { $componentsWithUpdateFile[$name][$file] = $fileVersion; } } } if (isset($componentsWithUpdateFile[$name])) { // order the update files by version asc uasort($componentsWithUpdateFile[$name], "version_compare"); } else { // there are no update file => nothing to do, update to the new version is successful self::recordComponentSuccessfullyUpdated($name, $newVersion); } } return $componentsWithUpdateFile; } /** * Construct list of outdated components * * @throws \Exception * @return array array( componentName => array( oldVersion, newVersion), [...]) */ public function getComponentsWithNewVersion() { $componentsToUpdate = array(); // we make sure core updates are processed before any plugin updates if (isset($this->componentsToCheck['core'])) { $coreVersions = $this->componentsToCheck['core']; unset($this->componentsToCheck['core']); $this->componentsToCheck = array_merge(array('core' => $coreVersions), $this->componentsToCheck); } $recordedCoreVersion = self::getCurrentRecordedComponentVersion('core'); if ($recordedCoreVersion === false) { // This should not happen $recordedCoreVersion = Version::VERSION; self::recordComponentSuccessfullyUpdated('core', $recordedCoreVersion); } foreach ($this->componentsToCheck as $name => $version) { $currentVersion = self::getCurrentRecordedComponentVersion($name); if (ColumnUpdater::isDimensionComponent($name)) { $isComponentOutdated = $currentVersion !== $version; } else { // note: when versionCompare == 1, the version in the DB is newer, we choose to ignore $isComponentOutdated = version_compare($currentVersion, $version) == -1; } if ($isComponentOutdated || $currentVersion === false) { $componentsToUpdate[$name] = array( self::INDEX_CURRENT_VERSION => $currentVersion, self::INDEX_NEW_VERSION => $version ); } } return $componentsToUpdate; } /** * Performs database update(s) * * @param string $file Update script filename * @param array $sqlarray An array of SQL queries to be executed * @throws UpdaterErrorException */ static function updateDatabase($file, $sqlarray) { foreach ($sqlarray as $update => $ignoreError) { self::executeMigrationQuery($update, $ignoreError, $file); } } /** * Executes a database update query. * * @param string $updateSql Update SQL query. * @param int|false $errorToIgnore A MySQL error code to ignore. * @param string $file The Update file that's calling this method. */ public static function executeMigrationQuery($updateSql, $errorToIgnore, $file) { try { Db::exec($updateSql); } catch (\Exception $e) { self::handleQueryError($e, $updateSql, $errorToIgnore, $file); } } /** * Handle an error that is thrown from a database query. * * @param \Exception $e the exception thrown. * @param string $updateSql Update SQL query. * @param int|false $errorToIgnore A MySQL error code to ignore. * @param string $file The Update file that's calling this method. * @throws UpdaterErrorException */ public static function handleQueryError($e, $updateSql, $errorToIgnore, $file) { if (($errorToIgnore === false) || !self::isDbErrorOneOf($e, $errorToIgnore) ) { $message = $file . ":\nError trying to execute the query '" . $updateSql . "'.\nThe error was: " . $e->getMessage(); throw new UpdaterErrorException($message); } } /** * Returns whether an exception is a DB error with a code in the $errorCodesToIgnore list. * * @param int $error * @param int|int[] $errorCodesToIgnore * @return boolean */ public static function isDbErrorOneOf($error, $errorCodesToIgnore) { $errorCodesToIgnore = is_array($errorCodesToIgnore) ? $errorCodesToIgnore : array($errorCodesToIgnore); foreach ($errorCodesToIgnore as $code) { if (Db::get()->isErrNo($error, $code)) { return true; } } return false; } } /** * Exception thrown by updater if a non-recoverable error occurs * */ class UpdaterErrorException extends \Exception { }