array(1054, 1091), 'ALTER TABLE `' . Common::prefixTable('log_visit') . '` ADD `visit_entry_idaction_name` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AFTER `visit_entry_idaction_url`, ADD `visit_exit_idaction_name` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AFTER `visit_exit_idaction_url`, CHANGE `visit_exit_idaction_url` `visit_exit_idaction_url` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, CHANGE `visit_entry_idaction_url` `visit_entry_idaction_url` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, CHANGE `referer_type` `referer_type` TINYINT UNSIGNED NULL DEFAULT NULL, ADD visitor_count_visits SMALLINT(5) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AFTER `visitor_returning`, ADD visitor_days_since_last SMALLINT(5) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, ADD visitor_days_since_first SMALLINT(5) UNSIGNED NOT NULL ' => 1060, 'ALTER TABLE `' . Common::prefixTable('log_visit') . '` ADD custom_var_k1 VARCHAR(100) DEFAULT NULL, ADD custom_var_v1 VARCHAR(100) DEFAULT NULL, ADD custom_var_k2 VARCHAR(100) DEFAULT NULL, ADD custom_var_v2 VARCHAR(100) DEFAULT NULL, ADD custom_var_k3 VARCHAR(100) DEFAULT NULL, ADD custom_var_v3 VARCHAR(100) DEFAULT NULL, ADD custom_var_k4 VARCHAR(100) DEFAULT NULL, ADD custom_var_v4 VARCHAR(100) DEFAULT NULL, ADD custom_var_k5 VARCHAR(100) DEFAULT NULL, ADD custom_var_v5 VARCHAR(100) DEFAULT NULL ' => 1060, 'ALTER TABLE `' . Common::prefixTable('log_link_visit_action') . '` ADD `idsite` INT( 10 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AFTER `idlink_va` , ADD `idvisitor` BINARY(8) NOT NULL AFTER `idsite`, ADD `idaction_name_ref` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AFTER `idaction_name` ' => 1060, 'ALTER TABLE `' . Common::prefixTable('log_link_visit_action') . '` ADD `server_time` DATETIME AFTER `idsite`, ADD INDEX `index_idsite_servertime` ( `idsite` , `server_time` ) ' => 1060, 'ALTER TABLE `' . Common::prefixTable('log_conversion') . '` DROP `referer_idvisit`, ADD `idvisitor` BINARY(8) NOT NULL AFTER `idsite` ' => array(1060, 1091), 'ALTER TABLE `' . Common::prefixTable('log_conversion') . '` ADD visitor_count_visits SMALLINT(5) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, ADD visitor_days_since_first SMALLINT(5) UNSIGNED NOT NULL ' => 1060, 'ALTER TABLE `' . Common::prefixTable('log_conversion') . '` ADD custom_var_k1 VARCHAR(100) DEFAULT NULL, ADD custom_var_v1 VARCHAR(100) DEFAULT NULL, ADD custom_var_k2 VARCHAR(100) DEFAULT NULL, ADD custom_var_v2 VARCHAR(100) DEFAULT NULL, ADD custom_var_k3 VARCHAR(100) DEFAULT NULL, ADD custom_var_v3 VARCHAR(100) DEFAULT NULL, ADD custom_var_k4 VARCHAR(100) DEFAULT NULL, ADD custom_var_v4 VARCHAR(100) DEFAULT NULL, ADD custom_var_k5 VARCHAR(100) DEFAULT NULL, ADD custom_var_v5 VARCHAR(100) DEFAULT NULL ' => array(1060, 1061), // Migrate 128bits IDs inefficiently stored as 8bytes (256 bits) into 64bits 'UPDATE ' . Common::prefixTable('log_visit') . ' SET idvisitor = binary(unhex(substring(visitor_idcookie,1,16))), config_id = binary(unhex(substring(config_md5config,1,16))) ' => 1054, 'UPDATE ' . Common::prefixTable('log_conversion') . ' SET idvisitor = binary(unhex(substring(visitor_idcookie,1,16))) ' => 1054, // Drop migrated fields 'ALTER TABLE `' . Common::prefixTable('log_visit') . '` DROP visitor_idcookie, DROP config_md5config ' => 1091, 'ALTER TABLE `' . Common::prefixTable('log_conversion') . '` DROP visitor_idcookie ' => 1091, // Recreate INDEX on new field 'ALTER TABLE `' . Common::prefixTable('log_visit') . '` ADD INDEX `index_idsite_datetime_config` (idsite, visit_last_action_time, config_id) ' => 1061, // Backfill action logs as best as we can 'UPDATE ' . Common::prefixTable('log_link_visit_action') . ' as action, ' . Common::prefixTable('log_visit') . ' as visit SET action.idsite = visit.idsite, action.server_time = visit.visit_last_action_time, action.idvisitor = visit.idvisitor WHERE action.idvisit=visit.idvisit ' => false, 'ALTER TABLE `' . Common::prefixTable('log_link_visit_action') . '` CHANGE `server_time` `server_time` DATETIME NOT NULL ' => false, // New index used max once per request, in case this table grows significantly in the future 'ALTER TABLE `' . Common::prefixTable('option') . '` ADD INDEX ( `autoload` ) ' => 1061, // new field for websites 'ALTER TABLE `' . Common::prefixTable('site') . '` ADD `group` VARCHAR( 250 ) NOT NULL' => 1060, ); } static function update() { // first we disable the plugins and keep an array of warnings messages $pluginsToDisableMessage = array( 'GeoIP' => "GeoIP plugin was disabled, because it is not compatible with the new Piwik 1.2. \nYou can download the latest version of the plugin, compatible with Piwik 1.2.\nClick here.", 'EntryPage' => "EntryPage plugin is not compatible with this version of Piwik, it was disabled.", ); $disabledPlugins = array(); foreach ($pluginsToDisableMessage as $pluginToDisable => $warningMessage) { if (\Piwik\Plugin\Manager::getInstance()->isPluginActivated($pluginToDisable)) { \Piwik\Plugin\Manager::getInstance()->deactivatePlugin($pluginToDisable); $disabledPlugins[] = $warningMessage; } } // Run the SQL Updater::updateDatabase(__FILE__, self::getSql()); // Outputs warning message, pointing users to the plugin download page if (!empty($disabledPlugins)) { throw new \Exception("The following plugins were disabled during the upgrade:" . ""); } } }