migration = $factory; } public function getMigrations(Updater $updater) { // Renaming old archived records now that the plugin is called Referrers $migrations = array(); $tables = \Piwik\DbHelper::getTablesInstalled(); foreach ($tables as $tableName) { if (strpos($tableName, 'archive_') !== false) { $migrations[] = $this->migration->db->sql('UPDATE `' . $tableName . '` SET `name`=REPLACE(`name`, \'Referers_\', \'Referrers_\') WHERE `name` LIKE \'Referers_%\''); } } $errorCodeTableNotFound = '1146'; // Rename custom segments containing Referers segments $migrations[] = $this->migration->db->sql('UPDATE `' . Common::prefixTable('segment') . '` SET `definition`=REPLACE(`definition`, \'referer\', \'referrer\') WHERE `definition` LIKE \'%referer%\'', $errorCodeTableNotFound); // Rename Referrers reports within scheduled reports $query = 'UPDATE `' . Common::prefixTable('report') . '` SET `reports`=REPLACE(`reports`, \'Referer\', \'Referrer\') WHERE `reports` LIKE \'%Referer%\''; $migrations[] = $this->migration->db->sql($query, $errorCodeTableNotFound); // Rename Referrers widgets in custom dashboards $query = 'UPDATE `' . Common::prefixTable('user_dashboard') . '` SET `layout`=REPLACE(`layout`, \'Referer\', \'Referrer\') WHERE `layout` LIKE \'%Referer%\''; $migrations[] = $this->migration->db->sql($query, $errorCodeTableNotFound); $query = 'UPDATE `' . Common::prefixTable('option') . '` SET `option_name` = \'version_ScheduledReports\' WHERE `option_name` = \'version_PDFReports\' '; $migrations[] = $this->migration->db->sql($query, Updater\Migration\Db::ERROR_CODE_DUPLICATE_ENTRY); // http://forum.piwik.org/read.php?2,106895 $migrations[] = $this->migration->plugin->activate('Referrers'); $migrations[] = $this->migration->plugin->activate('ScheduledReports'); return $migrations; } public function doUpdate(Updater $updater) { // delete schema version_ Option::delete('version_Referers'); $updater->executeMigrations(__FILE__, $this->getMigrations($updater)); // old plugins deleted in 2.0-a17 update file } }