0; if ($minimumPhpInvalid) { $piwik_errorMessage .= "

To run Piwik you need at least PHP version $piwik_minimumPHPVersion

Unfortunately it seems your webserver is using PHP version $piwik_currentPHPVersion.

Please try to update your PHP version, Piwik is really worth it! Nowadays most web hosts support PHP $piwik_minimumPHPVersion.

Also see the FAQ: My Web host supports PHP4 by default. How can I enable PHP5?

"; } else { $piwik_zend_compatibility_mode = ini_get("zend.ze1_compatibility_mode"); if ($piwik_zend_compatibility_mode == 1) { $piwik_errorMessage .= "

Piwik is not compatible with the directive zend.ze1_compatibility_mode = On

It seems your php.ini file has

zend.ze1_compatibility_mode = On
It makes PHP5 behave like PHP4. If you want to use Piwik you need to set
zend.ze1_compatibility_mode = Off
in your php.ini configuration file, and restart your web server. You may have to ask your system administrator.

"; } if (!class_exists('ArrayObject')) { $piwik_errorMessage .= "

Piwik and Zend Framework require the SPL extension

It appears your PHP was compiled with

. To enjoy Piwik, you need PHP compiled without that configure option.

"; } if (!extension_loaded('session')) { $piwik_errorMessage .= "

Piwik and Zend_Session require the session extension

It appears your PHP was compiled with

. To enjoy Piwik, you need PHP compiled without that configure option.

"; } if (!function_exists('ini_set')) { $piwik_errorMessage .= "

Piwik and Zend_Session require the ini_set() function

It appears your PHP has disabled this function. To enjoy Piwik, you need remove

from your
directive in php.ini, and restart your webserver.

"; } $autoloadPath = '/vendor/autoload.php'; $autoloader = PIWIK_INCLUDE_PATH . $autoloadPath; if(!file_exists($autoloader)) { $piwik_errorMessage .= "

It appears the composer tool is not yet installed. You can install Composer in a few easy steps. In the piwik directory, run in the command line the following (eg. via ssh):

 curl -sS https://getcomposer.org/installer | php".
                    "\n php composer.phar install

This will download and install composer, and initialize composer for Piwik (eg. download the twig library in vendor/twig).
Then reload this page to access your analytics reports.

Note: if for some reasons you cannot execute this command, install the latest Piwik release from builds.piwik.org.

"; } } if (!function_exists('Piwik_ExitWithMessage')) { /** * Displays info/warning/error message in a friendly UI and exits. * * @param string $message Main message, must be html encoded before calling * @param bool|string $optionalTrace Backtrace; will be displayed in lighter color * @param bool $optionalLinks If true, will show links to the Piwik website for help * @param bool $optionalLinkBack If true, displays a link to go back */ function Piwik_ExitWithMessage($message, $optionalTrace = false, $optionalLinks = false, $optionalLinkBack = false) { @header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8'); if ($optionalTrace) { $optionalTrace = 'Backtrace:
' . $optionalTrace . '
'; } if ($optionalLinks) { $optionalLinks = ''; } if($optionalLinkBack) { $optionalLinkBack = 'Go Back
'; } $headerPage = file_get_contents(PIWIK_INCLUDE_PATH . '/plugins/Zeitgeist/templates/simpleLayoutHeader.tpl'); $footerPage = file_get_contents(PIWIK_INCLUDE_PATH . '/plugins/Zeitgeist/templates/simpleLayoutFooter.tpl'); $headerPage = str_replace('{$HTML_TITLE}', 'Piwik › Error', $headerPage); $content = '

' . $message . '

' . $optionalLinkBack . 'Go to Piwik
Login' . '

' . ' ' . $optionalTrace . ' ' . $optionalLinks; echo $headerPage . $content . $footerPage; exit; } } if (!empty($piwik_errorMessage)) { Piwik_ExitWithMessage($piwik_errorMessage, false, true); }