## Introduction The js/ folder contains: * index.php - a servlet described below * piwik.js - the uncompressed piwik.js source for you to study or reference * README.md - this documentation file ### Why Use "js/index.php"? * js/index.php (or implicitly as "js/") can be used to serve up the minified piwik.js * it supports conditional-GET and Last-Modified, so piwik.js can be cached by the browser * it supports deflate/gzip compression if your web server (e.g., Apache without mod_deflate or mod_gzip), shrinking the data transfer to 8K * js/index.php (or implicitly as "js/") can also act as a proxy to piwik.php * If you are concerned about the impact of browser-based privacy filters which attempt to block tracking, you can change your tracking code to use "js/" instead of "piwik.js" and "piwik.php", respectively. Note that in order for [Page Overlay](https://matomo.org/docs/page-overlay/) to work, the Piwik tracker method `setAPIUrl()` needs to be called with its parameter pointing to the root directory of Piwik. E.g.: ```js _paq.push(['setAPIUrl', u]); ``` ## Deployment * piwik.js is minified using YUICompressor 2.4.8. To install YUICompressor run: ```bash $ cd /path/to/piwik/js/ $ wget https://github.com/yui/yuicompressor/releases/download/v2.4.8/yuicompressor-2.4.8.zip $ unzip yuicompressor-2.4.8.zip ``` To compress the code containing the evil "eval", run: ```bash $ cd /path/to/piwik/js/ $ sed '//,/<\/DEBUG>/d' < piwik.js | sed 's/eval/replacedEvilString/' | java -jar yuicompressor-2.4.8.jar --type js --line-break 1000 | sed 's/replacedEvilString/eval/' | sed 's/^[/][*]/\/*!/' > piwik.min.js && cp piwik.min.js ../piwik.js ``` This will generate the minify /path/to/piwik/js/piwik.min.js and copy it to /path/to/piwik/piwik.js. Both "js/piwik.min.js" and "piwik.js" need to be committed. We recommend to execute this command under Linux. It has not been tested with Windows and MacOS might add a trailing newline which fails tests. * In a production environment, the tests/javascript folder is not used and can be removed (if present). * We use /*! to include Piwik's license header in the minified source. Read Stallman's "The JavaScript Trap" for more information. * Information about the current version number you have installed can be found under [What version of Piwik do I have?](https://matomo.org/faq/how-to-update/faq_8/).