'en_EN.UTF-8', 'General_TranslatorName' => '-', 'General_TranslatorEmail' => 'hello@piwik.org', 'General_EnglishLanguageName' => 'English', 'General_OriginalLanguageName' => 'English', 'General_HelloUser' => 'Hello, %s!', 'General_OpenSourceWebAnalytics' => 'Open Source Web Analytics', 'General_Dashboard' => 'Dashboard', 'General_MultiSitesSummary' => 'All Websites', 'General_API' => 'API', 'General_Widgets' => 'Widgets', 'General_Settings' => 'Settings', 'General_GiveUsYourFeedback' => 'Give us Feedback!', 'General_Unknown' => 'Unknown', 'General_Required' => '%s required', 'General_Error' => 'Error', 'General_Warning' => 'Warning', 'General_BackToHomepage' => 'Back to Piwik homepage', 'General_Yes' => 'Yes', 'General_No' => 'No', 'General_Delete' => 'Delete', 'General_Edit' => 'Edit', 'General_Ok' => 'Ok', 'General_Close' => 'Close', 'General_Logout' => 'Sign out', 'General_Done' => 'Done', 'General_LoadingData' => 'Loading data...', 'General_Loading' => 'Loading...', 'General_ErrorRequest' => 'Oops… problem during the request, please try again.', 'General_Next' => 'Next', 'General_Previous' => 'Previous', 'General_Search' => 'Search', 'General_Others' => 'Others', 'General_Table' => 'Table', 'General_Piechart' => 'Piechart', 'General_TagCloud' => 'Tag Cloud', 'General_VBarGraph' => 'Vertical bar graph', 'General_Export' => 'Export', 'General_ExportAsImage_js' => 'Export as Image', 'General_SaveImageOnYourComputer_js' => 'To save the image on your computer, right click on the image and select "Save Image As..."', 'General_Refresh' => 'Refresh the page', 'General_Visitors' => 'Visitors', 'General_ColumnNbUniqVisitors' => 'Unique visitors', 'General_ColumnNbVisits' => 'Visits', 'General_ColumnNbActions' => 'Actions', 'General_ColumnMaxActions' => 'Maximum actions in one visit', 'General_ColumnSumVisitLength' => 'Total time spent by visitors (in seconds)', 'General_ColumnLabel' => 'Label', 'General_ColumnActionsPerVisit' => 'Actions per Visit', 'General_ColumnAvgTimeOnSite' => 'Avg. Time on Website', 'General_ColumnBounceRate' => 'Bounce Rate', 'General_ColumnPageviews' => 'Pageviews', 'General_ColumnUniquePageviews' => 'Unique Pageviews', 'General_ColumnValuePerVisit' => 'Value per Visit', 'General_ColumnVisitsWithConversions' => 'Visits with Conversions', 'General_Save' => 'Save', 'General_Website' => 'Website', 'General_RequiresFlash' => 'Displaying Graphs in Piwik requires Flash', 'General_GraphHelp' => 'More information about displaying graphs in Piwik.', 'General_NoDataForGraph' => 'No data for this graph.', 'General_NoDataForTagCloud' => 'No data for this tag cloud.', 'General_DisplayNormalTable' => 'Display normal table', 'General_DisplayMoreData' => 'Display more data', 'General_PiwikIsACollaborativeProjectYouCanContribute' => '%s Piwik %s is a collaborative project. %s If you like Piwik, you can help! Check out %s How to contribute to Piwik?%s ', 'General_YouAreCurrentlyViewingDemoOfPiwik' => 'You are currently viewing the demo of %s; %sdownload%s the full version! Check out %s', 'General_PiwikXIsAvailablePleaseUpdateNow' => 'Piwik %s is available. %s Please update now!%s (see %s changes%s).', 'General_BackToPiwik' => 'Back to Piwik', 'General_ShortMonth_1' => 'Jan', 'General_ShortMonth_2' => 'Feb', 'General_ShortMonth_3' => 'Mar', 'General_ShortMonth_4' => 'Apr', 'General_ShortMonth_5' => 'May', 'General_ShortMonth_6' => 'Jun', 'General_ShortMonth_7' => 'Jul', 'General_ShortMonth_8' => 'Aug', 'General_ShortMonth_9' => 'Sep', 'General_ShortMonth_10' => 'Oct', 'General_ShortMonth_11' => 'Nov', 'General_ShortMonth_12' => 'Dec', 'General_LongMonth_1' => 'January', 'General_LongMonth_2' => 'February', 'General_LongMonth_3' => 'March', 'General_LongMonth_4' => 'April', 'General_LongMonth_5' => 'May', 'General_LongMonth_6' => 'June', 'General_LongMonth_7' => 'July', 'General_LongMonth_8' => 'August', 'General_LongMonth_9' => 'September', 'General_LongMonth_10' => 'October', 'General_LongMonth_11' => 'November', 'General_LongMonth_12' => 'December', 'General_ShortDay_1' => 'Mon', 'General_ShortDay_2' => 'Tue', 'General_ShortDay_3' => 'Wed', 'General_ShortDay_4' => 'Thu', 'General_ShortDay_5' => 'Fri', 'General_ShortDay_6' => 'Sat', 'General_ShortDay_7' => 'Sun', 'General_LongDay_1' => 'Monday', 'General_LongDay_2' => 'Tuesday', 'General_LongDay_3' => 'Wednesday', 'General_LongDay_4' => 'Thursday', 'General_LongDay_5' => 'Friday', 'General_LongDay_6' => 'Saturday', 'General_LongDay_7' => 'Sunday', 'General_ExceptionDatabaseVersion' => 'Your %s version is %s but Piwik requires at least %s.', 'CorePluginsAdmin_Plugins' => 'Plugins', 'CorePluginsAdmin_PluginsManagement' => 'Plugins Management', 'CorePluginsAdmin_MainDescription' => 'Plugins extend and expand the functionality of Piwik. Once a plugin is installed, you may activate it or deactivate it here.', 'CorePluginsAdmin_Plugin' => 'Plugin', 'CorePluginsAdmin_Version' => 'Version', 'CorePluginsAdmin_Description' => 'Description', 'CorePluginsAdmin_Status' => 'Status', 'CorePluginsAdmin_Action' => 'Action', 'CorePluginsAdmin_PluginHomepage' => 'Plugin Homepage', 'CorePluginsAdmin_Activated' => 'Activated', 'CorePluginsAdmin_Active' => 'Active', 'CorePluginsAdmin_Inactive' => 'Inactive', 'CorePluginsAdmin_ActivatedHelp' => 'This plugin cannot be deactivated', 'CorePluginsAdmin_Deactivate' => 'Deactivate', 'CorePluginsAdmin_Activate' => 'Activate', 'CorePluginsAdmin_MenuPlugins' => 'Plugins', 'API_QuickDocumentation' => '

API quick documentation

If you don\'t have data for today you can first generate some data using the Visits Generator script.

You can try the different formats available for every method. It is very easy to extract any data you want from Piwik!

For more information have a look at the official API Documentation or the API Reference.

User authentication

If you want to request the data in your scripts, in a crontab, etc. you need to add the parameter &token_auth=%s to the API calls URLs that require authentication.

This token_auth is as secret as your login and password, do not share it!

', 'API_LoadedAPIs' => 'Loaded successfully %s APIs', 'CoreHome_NoPrivileges' => 'You are logged in as \'%s\' but it seems you don\'t have any permission set in Piwik.
Ask your Piwik administrator to give you \'view\' access to a website.', 'CoreHome_JavascriptDisabled' => 'JavaScript must be enabled in order for you to use Piwik in standard view.
However, it seems JavaScript is either disabled or not supported by your browser.
To use standard view, enable JavaScript by changing your browser options, then %stry again%s.
', 'CoreHome_TableNoData' => 'No data for this table.', 'CoreHome_CategoryNoData' => 'No data in this category. Try to "Include all population".', 'CoreHome_ShowJSCode' => 'Show the JavaScript code to insert', 'CoreHome_IncludeAllPopulation_js' => 'Include all population', 'CoreHome_ExcludeLowPopulation_js' => 'Exclude low population', 'CoreHome_PageOf_js' => '%s of %s', 'CoreHome_Loading_js' => 'Loading...', 'CoreHome_DayFormat' => '%longDay% %day% %longMonth% %longYear%', 'CoreHome_PeriodDay' => 'Day', 'CoreHome_PeriodWeek' => 'Week', 'CoreHome_PeriodMonth' => 'Month', 'CoreHome_PeriodYear' => 'Year', 'CoreHome_PeriodDays' => 'days', 'CoreHome_PeriodWeeks' => 'weeks', 'CoreHome_PeriodMonths' => 'months', 'CoreHome_PeriodYears' => 'years', 'CoreHome_DaySu_js' => 'Su', 'CoreHome_DayMo_js' => 'Mo', 'CoreHome_DayTu_js' => 'Tu', 'CoreHome_DayWe_js' => 'We', 'CoreHome_DayTh_js' => 'Th', 'CoreHome_DayFr_js' => 'Fr', 'CoreHome_DaySa_js' => 'Sa', 'CoreHome_ShortDay_1_js' => 'Sun', 'CoreHome_ShortDay_2_js' => 'Mon', 'CoreHome_ShortDay_3_js' => 'Tue', 'CoreHome_ShortDay_4_js' => 'Wed', 'CoreHome_ShortDay_5_js' => 'Thu', 'CoreHome_ShortDay_6_js' => 'Fri', 'CoreHome_ShortDay_7_js' => 'Sat', 'CoreHome_LongDay_1_js' => 'Sunday', 'CoreHome_LongDay_2_js' => 'Monday', 'CoreHome_LongDay_3_js' => 'Tuesday', 'CoreHome_LongDay_4_js' => 'Wednesday', 'CoreHome_LongDay_5_js' => 'Thursday', 'CoreHome_LongDay_6_js' => 'Friday', 'CoreHome_LongDay_7_js' => 'Saturday', 'CoreHome_ShortMonth_1_js' => 'Jan', 'CoreHome_ShortMonth_2_js' => 'Feb', 'CoreHome_ShortMonth_3_js' => 'Mar', 'CoreHome_ShortMonth_4_js' => 'Apr', 'CoreHome_ShortMonth_5_js' => 'May', 'CoreHome_ShortMonth_6_js' => 'Jun', 'CoreHome_ShortMonth_7_js' => 'Jul', 'CoreHome_ShortMonth_8_js' => 'Aug', 'CoreHome_ShortMonth_9_js' => 'Sep', 'CoreHome_ShortMonth_10_js' => 'Oct', 'CoreHome_ShortMonth_11_js' => 'Nov', 'CoreHome_ShortMonth_12_js' => 'Dec', 'CoreHome_MonthJanuary_js' => 'January', 'CoreHome_MonthFebruary_js' => 'February', 'CoreHome_MonthMarch_js' => 'March', 'CoreHome_MonthApril_js' => 'April', 'CoreHome_MonthMay_js' => 'May', 'CoreHome_MonthJune_js' => 'June', 'CoreHome_MonthJuly_js' => 'July', 'CoreHome_MonthAugust_js' => 'August', 'CoreHome_MonthSeptember_js' => 'September', 'CoreHome_MonthOctober_js' => 'October', 'CoreHome_MonthNovember_js' => 'November', 'CoreHome_MonthDecember_js' => 'December', 'CoreUpdater_UpdateTitle' => 'Update', 'CoreUpdater_DatabaseUpgradeRequired' => 'Database Upgrade Required', 'CoreUpdater_YourDatabaseIsOutOfDate' => 'Your Piwik database is out-of-date, and must be upgraded before you can continue.', 'CoreUpdater_PiwikWillBeUpgradedFromVersionXToVersionY' => 'Piwik database will be upgraded from version %s to the new version %s.', 'CoreUpdater_TheFollowingPluginsWillBeUpgradedX' => 'The following plugins will be updated: %s.', 'CoreUpdater_TheUpgradeProcessMayFailExecuteCommand' => 'If you have a large Piwik database, updates might take too long to run in the browser. In this situation, you can execute the updates from your command line: %s', 'CoreUpdater_TheUpgradeProcessMayTakeAWhilePleaseBePatient' => 'The database upgrade process may take a while, so please be patient.', 'CoreUpdater_UpgradePiwik' => 'Upgrade Piwik', 'CoreUpdater_ErrorDIYHelp' => 'If you are an advanced user and encounter an error in the database upgrade:', 'CoreUpdater_ErrorDIYHelp_1' => 'identify and correct the source of the problem (e.g., memory_limit or max_execution_time)', 'CoreUpdater_ErrorDIYHelp_2' => 'execute the remaining queries in the update that failed', 'CoreUpdater_ErrorDIYHelp_3' => 'manually update the `option` table in your Piwik database, setting the value of version_core to the version of the failed update', 'CoreUpdater_ErrorDIYHelp_4' => 're-run the updater (through the browser or command-line) to continue with the remaining updates', 'CoreUpdater_ErrorDIYHelp_5' => 'report the problem (and solution) so that Piwik can be improved', 'CoreUpdater_HelpMessageContent' => 'Check the %s Piwik FAQ %s which explains most common errors during update. %s Ask your system administrator - they may be able to help you with the error which is most likely related to your server or MySQL setup.', 'CoreUpdater_CriticalErrorDuringTheUpgradeProcess' => 'Critical Error during the update process:', 'CoreUpdater_HelpMessageIntroductionWhenError' => 'The above is the core error message. It should help explain the cause, but if you require further help please:', 'CoreUpdater_HelpMessageIntroductionWhenWarning' => 'The update completed successfuly, however there were issues during the process. Please read the above descriptions for details. For further help:', 'CoreUpdater_UpgradeComplete' => 'Upgrade complete!', 'CoreUpdater_WarningMessages' => 'Warning messages:', 'CoreUpdater_ErrorDuringPluginsUpdates' => 'Error during plugin updates:', 'CoreUpdater_WeAutomaticallyDeactivatedTheFollowingPlugins' => 'We automatically deactivated the following plugins: %s', 'CoreUpdater_PiwikHasBeenSuccessfullyUpgraded' => 'Piwik has been successfully updated!', 'CoreUpdater_ContinueToPiwik' => 'Continue to Piwik', 'CoreUpdater_UpdateAutomatically' => 'Update Automatically', 'CoreUpdater_ThereIsNewVersionAvailableForUpdate' => 'There is a new version of Piwik available for update', 'CoreUpdater_YouCanUpgradeAutomaticallyOrDownloadPackage' => 'You can update to version %s automatically or download the package and install it manually:', 'CoreUpdater_DownloadX' => 'Download %s', 'CoreUpdater_UpdateHasBeenCancelledExplanation' => 'Piwik One Click Update has been cancelled. If you can\'t fix the above error message, it is recommended that you manually update Piwik. %s Please check out the %sUpdate documentation%s to get started!', 'CoreUpdater_DownloadingUpdateFromX' => 'Downloading update from %s', 'CoreUpdater_UnpackingTheUpdate' => 'Unpacking the update', 'CoreUpdater_VerifyingUnpackedFiles' => 'Verifying the unpacked files', 'CoreUpdater_CreatingBackupOfConfigurationFile' => 'Creating a backup of the configuration file in %s', 'CoreUpdater_InstallingTheLatestVersion' => 'Installing the latest version', 'CoreUpdater_PiwikUpdatedSuccessfully' => 'Piwik updated successfully!', 'CoreUpdater_EmptyDatabaseError' => 'Database %s is empty. You must edit or remove your Piwik configuration file.', 'CoreUpdater_ExceptionAlreadyLatestVersion' => 'Your Piwik version %s is up to date.', 'CoreUpdater_ExceptionArchiveIncompatible' => 'Incompatible archive: %s', 'CoreUpdater_ExceptionArchiveEmpty' => 'Empty archive.', 'CoreUpdater_ExceptionArchiveIncomplete' => 'Archive is incomplete: some files are missing (eg. %s).', 'Actions_Actions' => 'Actions', 'Actions_SubmenuPages' => 'Pages', 'Actions_SubmenuPageTitles' => 'Page titles', 'Actions_SubmenuOutlinks' => 'Outlinks', 'Actions_SubmenuDownloads' => 'Downloads', 'Actions_ColumnClicks' => 'Clicks', 'Actions_ColumnUniqueClicks' => 'Unique Clicks', 'Actions_ColumnDownloads' => 'Downloads', 'Actions_ColumnUniqueDownloads' => 'Unique Downloads', 'Actions_ColumnPageName' => 'Page Name', 'Actions_ColumnPageURL' => 'Page URL', 'Actions_ColumnClickedURL' => 'Clicked URL', 'Actions_ColumnDownloadURL' => 'Download URL', 'Dashboard_Dashboard' => 'Dashboard', 'Dashboard_AddWidget' => 'Add a widget...', 'Dashboard_DeleteWidgetConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this widget from the dashboard?', 'Dashboard_SelectWidget' => 'Select the widget to add in the dashboard', 'Dashboard_AddPreviewedWidget_js' => 'Add previewed widget to the dashboard', 'Dashboard_WidgetPreview_js' => 'Widget preview', 'Dashboard_Close_js' => 'Close', 'Dashboard_TitleWidgetInDashboard_js' => 'Widget already in dashboard', 'Dashboard_TitleClickToAdd_js' => 'Click to add to dashboard', 'Dashboard_LoadingWidget_js' => 'Loading widget, please wait...', 'Dashboard_WidgetNotFound_js' => 'Widget not found', 'Referers_Referers' => 'Referers', 'Referers_SearchEngines' => 'Search Engines', 'Referers_Keywords' => 'Keywords', 'Referers_DirectEntry' => 'Direct Entry', 'Referers_Websites' => 'Websites', 'Referers_Campaigns' => 'Campaigns', 'Referers_MetricsFromRefererTypeGraphLegend' => '%s (from %s)', 'Referers_Evolution' => 'Evolution over the period', 'Referers_Type' => 'Referer Type', 'Referers_ColumnRefererType' => 'Referer Type', 'Referers_ColumnSearchEngine' => 'Search Engine', 'Referers_ColumnWebsite' => 'Website', 'Referers_ColumnWebsitePage' => 'Website Page', 'Referers_ColumnKeyword' => 'Keyword', 'Referers_ColumnCampaign' => 'Campaign', 'Referers_DetailsByRefererType' => 'Details by Referer Type', 'Referers_TypeDirectEntries' => '%s direct entries', 'Referers_TypeSearchEngines' => '%s from search engines', 'Referers_TypeWebsites' => '%s from websites', 'Referers_TypeCampaigns' => '%s from campaigns', 'Referers_Distinct' => 'Distinct Referers by Referer Type', 'Referers_DistinctSearchEngines' => 'distinct search engines', 'Referers_DistinctKeywords' => 'distinct keywords', 'Referers_DistinctCampaigns' => 'distinct campaigns', 'Referers_DistinctWebsites' => 'distinct websites', 'Referers_UsingNDistinctUrls' => ' (using %2s distinct urls)', 'Referers_SubmenuEvolution' => 'Evolution', 'Referers_SubmenuSearchEngines' => 'Search Engines & Keywords', 'Referers_SubmenuWebsites' => 'Websites', 'Referers_SubmenuCampaigns' => 'Campaigns', 'Referers_WidgetKeywords' => 'List of Keywords', 'Referers_WidgetCampaigns' => 'List of Campaigns', 'Referers_WidgetExternalWebsites' => 'List of external Websites', 'Referers_WidgetSearchEngines' => 'Best search engines', 'Referers_WidgetOverview' => 'Overview', 'UserSettings_VisitorSettings' => 'Visitor Settings', 'UserSettings_BrowserFamilies' => 'Browser families', 'UserSettings_Browsers' => 'Browsers', 'UserSettings_Plugins' => 'Plugins', 'UserSettings_Configurations' => 'Configurations', 'UserSettings_OperatingSystems' => 'Operating systems', 'UserSettings_Resolutions' => 'Resolutions', 'UserSettings_WideScreen' => 'Wide Screen', 'UserSettings_ColumnBrowserFamily' => 'Browser family', 'UserSettings_ColumnBrowser' => 'Browser', 'UserSettings_ColumnPlugin' => 'Plugin', 'UserSettings_ColumnConfiguration' => 'Configuration', 'UserSettings_ColumnOperatingSystem' => 'Operating system', 'UserSettings_ColumnResolution' => 'Resolution', 'UserSettings_ColumnTypeOfScreen' => 'Type of screen', 'UserSettings_WidgetResolutions' => 'Screen resolutions', 'UserSettings_WidgetBrowsers' => 'Visitor browsers', 'UserSettings_WidgetPlugins' => 'List of Plugins', 'UserSettings_WidgetWidescreen' => 'Normal / Widescreen', 'UserSettings_WidgetBrowserFamilies' => 'Browsers by family', 'UserSettings_WidgetOperatingSystems' => 'Operating systems', 'UserSettings_WidgetGlobalVisitors' => 'Global visitors configuration', 'UserSettings_SubmenuSettings' => 'Settings', 'UserCountry_Country' => 'Country', 'UserCountry_Continent' => 'Continent', 'UserCountry_DistinctCountries' => '%s distinct countries', 'UserCountry_SubmenuLocations' => 'Locations', 'UserCountry_WidgetContinents' => 'Visitor continents', 'UserCountry_WidgetCountries' => 'Visitor countries', 'UserCountry_country_ac' => 'Ascension Islands', 'UserCountry_country_ad' => 'Andorra', 'UserCountry_country_ae' => 'United Arab Emirates', 'UserCountry_country_af' => 'Afghanistan', 'UserCountry_country_ag' => 'Antigua and Barbuda', 'UserCountry_country_ai' => 'Anguilla', 'UserCountry_country_al' => 'Albania', 'UserCountry_country_am' => 'Armenia', 'UserCountry_country_an' => 'Netherlands Antilles', 'UserCountry_country_ao' => 'Angola', 'UserCountry_country_aq' => 'Antarctica', 'UserCountry_country_ar' => 'Argentina', 'UserCountry_country_as' => 'American Samoa', 'UserCountry_country_at' => 'Austria', 'UserCountry_country_au' => 'Australia', 'UserCountry_country_aw' => 'Aruba', 'UserCountry_country_ax' => 'Aland Islands', 'UserCountry_country_az' => 'Azerbaijan', 'UserCountry_country_ba' => 'Bosnia and Herzegovina', 'UserCountry_country_bb' => 'Barbados', 'UserCountry_country_bd' => 'Bangladesh', 'UserCountry_country_be' => 'Belgium', 'UserCountry_country_bf' => 'Burkina Faso', 'UserCountry_country_bg' => 'Bulgaria', 'UserCountry_country_bh' => 'Bahrain', 'UserCountry_country_bi' => 'Burundi', 'UserCountry_country_bj' => 'Benin', 'UserCountry_country_bl' => 'Saint Barthelemy', 'UserCountry_country_bm' => 'Bermuda', 'UserCountry_country_bn' => 'Bruneo', 'UserCountry_country_bo' => 'Bolivia', 'UserCountry_country_br' => 'Brazil', 'UserCountry_country_bs' => 'Bahamas', 'UserCountry_country_bt' => 'Bhutan', 'UserCountry_country_bu' => 'Burma', 'UserCountry_country_bv' => 'Bouvet Island', 'UserCountry_country_bw' => 'Botswana', 'UserCountry_country_by' => 'Belarus', 'UserCountry_country_bz' => 'Belize', 'UserCountry_country_ca' => 'Canada', 'UserCountry_country_cc' => 'Cocos (Keeling) Islands', 'UserCountry_country_cd' => 'Congo, The Democratic Republic of the', 'UserCountry_country_cf' => 'Central African Republic', 'UserCountry_country_cg' => 'Congo', 'UserCountry_country_ch' => 'Switzerland', 'UserCountry_country_ci' => 'Cote D\'Ivoire', 'UserCountry_country_ck' => 'Cook Islands', 'UserCountry_country_cl' => 'Chile', 'UserCountry_country_cm' => 'Cameroon', 'UserCountry_country_cn' => 'China', 'UserCountry_country_co' => 'Colombia', 'UserCountry_country_cp' => 'Clipperton Island', 'UserCountry_country_cr' => 'Costa Rica', 'UserCountry_country_cs' => 'Serbia Montenegro', 'UserCountry_country_cu' => 'Cuba', 'UserCountry_country_cv' => 'Cape Verde', 'UserCountry_country_cx' => 'Christmas Island', 'UserCountry_country_cy' => 'Cyprus', 'UserCountry_country_cz' => 'Czech Republic', 'UserCountry_country_de' => 'Germany', 'UserCountry_country_dg' => 'Diego Garcia', 'UserCountry_country_dj' => 'Djibouti', 'UserCountry_country_dk' => 'Denmark', 'UserCountry_country_dm' => 'Dominica', 'UserCountry_country_do' => 'Dominican Republic', 'UserCountry_country_dz' => 'Algeria', 'UserCountry_country_ea' => 'Ceuta, Melilla', 'UserCountry_country_ec' => 'Ecuador', 'UserCountry_country_ee' => 'Estonia', 'UserCountry_country_eg' => 'Egypt', 'UserCountry_country_eh' => 'Western Sahara', 'UserCountry_country_er' => 'Eritrea', 'UserCountry_country_es' => 'Spain', 'UserCountry_country_et' => 'Ethiopia', 'UserCountry_country_eu' => 'European Union', 'UserCountry_country_fi' => 'Finland', 'UserCountry_country_fj' => 'Fiji', 'UserCountry_country_fk' => 'Falkland Islands (Malvinas)', 'UserCountry_country_fm' => 'Micronesia, Federated States of', 'UserCountry_country_fo' => 'Faroe Islands', 'UserCountry_country_fr' => 'France', 'UserCountry_country_fx' => 'France, Metropolitan', 'UserCountry_country_ga' => 'Gabon', 'UserCountry_country_gb' => 'Great Britain', 'UserCountry_country_gd' => 'Grenada', 'UserCountry_country_ge' => 'Georgia', 'UserCountry_country_gf' => 'French Guyana', 'UserCountry_country_gg' => 'Guernsey', 'UserCountry_country_gh' => 'Ghana', 'UserCountry_country_gi' => 'Gibraltar', 'UserCountry_country_gl' => 'Greenland', 'UserCountry_country_gm' => 'Gambia', 'UserCountry_country_gn' => 'Guinea', 'UserCountry_country_gp' => 'Guadeloupe', 'UserCountry_country_gq' => 'Equatorial Guinea', 'UserCountry_country_gr' => 'Greece', 'UserCountry_country_gs' => 'South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands', 'UserCountry_country_gt' => 'Guatemala', 'UserCountry_country_gu' => 'Guam', 'UserCountry_country_gw' => 'Guinea-Bissau', 'UserCountry_country_gy' => 'Guyana', 'UserCountry_country_hk' => 'Hong Kong', 'UserCountry_country_hm' => 'Heard Island and McDonald Islands', 'UserCountry_country_hn' => 'Honduras', 'UserCountry_country_hr' => 'Croatia', 'UserCountry_country_ht' => 'Haiti', 'UserCountry_country_hu' => 'Hungary', 'UserCountry_country_ic' => 'Canary Islands', 'UserCountry_country_id' => 'Indonesia', 'UserCountry_country_ie' => 'Ireland', 'UserCountry_country_il' => 'Israel', 'UserCountry_country_im' => 'Man Island', 'UserCountry_country_in' => 'India', 'UserCountry_country_io' => 'British Indian Ocean Territory', 'UserCountry_country_iq' => 'Iraq', 'UserCountry_country_ir' => 'Iran, Islamic Republic of', 'UserCountry_country_is' => 'Iceland', 'UserCountry_country_it' => 'Italy', 'UserCountry_country_je' => 'Jersey', 'UserCountry_country_jm' => 'Jamaica', 'UserCountry_country_jo' => 'Jordan', 'UserCountry_country_jp' => 'Japan', 'UserCountry_country_ke' => 'Kenya', 'UserCountry_country_kg' => 'Kyrgyzstan', 'UserCountry_country_kh' => 'Cambodia', 'UserCountry_country_ki' => 'Kiribati', 'UserCountry_country_km' => 'Comoros', 'UserCountry_country_kn' => 'Saint Kitts and Nevis', 'UserCountry_country_kp' => 'Korea, Democratic People\'s Republic of', 'UserCountry_country_kr' => 'Korea, Republic of', 'UserCountry_country_kw' => 'Kuwait', 'UserCountry_country_ky' => 'Cayman Islands', 'UserCountry_country_kz' => 'Kazakhstan', 'UserCountry_country_la' => 'Laos', 'UserCountry_country_lb' => 'Lebanon', 'UserCountry_country_lc' => 'Saint Lucia', 'UserCountry_country_li' => 'Liechtenstein', 'UserCountry_country_lk' => 'Sri Lanka', 'UserCountry_country_lr' => 'Liberia', 'UserCountry_country_ls' => 'Lesotho', 'UserCountry_country_lt' => 'Lithuania', 'UserCountry_country_lu' => 'Luxembourg', 'UserCountry_country_lv' => 'Latvia', 'UserCountry_country_ly' => 'Libya', 'UserCountry_country_ma' => 'Morocco', 'UserCountry_country_mc' => 'Monaco', 'UserCountry_country_md' => 'Moldova, Republic of', 'UserCountry_country_me' => 'Montenegro', 'UserCountry_country_mf' => 'Saint Martin', 'UserCountry_country_mg' => 'Madagascar', 'UserCountry_country_mh' => 'Marshall Islands', 'UserCountry_country_mk' => 'Macedonia', 'UserCountry_country_ml' => 'Mali', 'UserCountry_country_mm' => 'Myanmar', 'UserCountry_country_mn' => 'Mongolia', 'UserCountry_country_mo' => 'Macau', 'UserCountry_country_mp' => 'Northern Mariana Islands', 'UserCountry_country_mq' => 'Martinique', 'UserCountry_country_mr' => 'Mauritania', 'UserCountry_country_ms' => 'Montserrat', 'UserCountry_country_mt' => 'Malta', 'UserCountry_country_mu' => 'Mauritius', 'UserCountry_country_mv' => 'Maldives', 'UserCountry_country_mw' => 'Malawi', 'UserCountry_country_mx' => 'Mexico', 'UserCountry_country_my' => 'Malaysia', 'UserCountry_country_mz' => 'Mozambique', 'UserCountry_country_na' => 'Namibia', 'UserCountry_country_nc' => 'New Caledonia', 'UserCountry_country_ne' => 'Niger', 'UserCountry_country_nf' => 'Norfolk Island', 'UserCountry_country_ng' => 'Nigeria', 'UserCountry_country_ni' => 'Nicaragua', 'UserCountry_country_nl' => 'Netherlands', 'UserCountry_country_no' => 'Norway', 'UserCountry_country_np' => 'Nepal', 'UserCountry_country_nr' => 'Nauru', 'UserCountry_country_nt' => 'Neutral Zone', 'UserCountry_country_nu' => 'Niue', 'UserCountry_country_nz' => 'New Zealand', 'UserCountry_country_om' => 'Oman', 'UserCountry_country_pa' => 'Panama', 'UserCountry_country_pe' => 'Peru', 'UserCountry_country_pf' => 'French Polynesia', 'UserCountry_country_pg' => 'Papua New Guinea', 'UserCountry_country_ph' => 'Philippines', 'UserCountry_country_pk' => 'Pakistan', 'UserCountry_country_pl' => 'Poland', 'UserCountry_country_pm' => 'Saint Pierre and Miquelon', 'UserCountry_country_pn' => 'Pitcairn', 'UserCountry_country_pr' => 'Puerto Rico', 'UserCountry_country_ps' => 'Palestinian Territory', 'UserCountry_country_pt' => 'Portugal', 'UserCountry_country_pw' => 'Palau', 'UserCountry_country_py' => 'Paraguay', 'UserCountry_country_qa' => 'Qatar', 'UserCountry_country_re' => 'Reunion Island', 'UserCountry_country_ro' => 'Romania', 'UserCountry_country_ru' => 'Russia', 'UserCountry_country_rs' => 'Serbia', 'UserCountry_country_rw' => 'Rwanda', 'UserCountry_country_sa' => 'Saudi Arabia', 'UserCountry_country_sb' => 'Solomon Islands', 'UserCountry_country_sc' => 'Seychelles', 'UserCountry_country_sd' => 'Sudan', 'UserCountry_country_se' => 'Sweden', 'UserCountry_country_sf' => 'Finland', 'UserCountry_country_sg' => 'Singapore', 'UserCountry_country_sh' => 'Saint Helena', 'UserCountry_country_si' => 'Slovenia', 'UserCountry_country_sj' => 'Svalbard', 'UserCountry_country_sk' => 'Slovakia', 'UserCountry_country_sl' => 'Sierra Leone', 'UserCountry_country_sm' => 'San Marino', 'UserCountry_country_sn' => 'Senegal', 'UserCountry_country_so' => 'Somalia', 'UserCountry_country_sr' => 'Suriname', 'UserCountry_country_st' => 'Sao Tome and Principe', 'UserCountry_country_su' => 'Old U.S.S.R', 'UserCountry_country_sv' => 'El Salvador', 'UserCountry_country_sy' => 'Syrian Arab Republic', 'UserCountry_country_sz' => 'Swaziland', 'UserCountry_country_ta' => 'Tristan da Cunha', 'UserCountry_country_tc' => 'Turks and Caicos Islands', 'UserCountry_country_td' => 'Chad', 'UserCountry_country_tf' => 'French Southern Territories', 'UserCountry_country_tg' => 'Togo', 'UserCountry_country_th' => 'Thailand', 'UserCountry_country_tj' => 'Tajikistan', 'UserCountry_country_tk' => 'Tokelau', 'UserCountry_country_tl' => 'East Timor', 'UserCountry_country_tm' => 'Turkmenistan', 'UserCountry_country_tn' => 'Tunisia', 'UserCountry_country_to' => 'Tonga', 'UserCountry_country_tp' => 'East Timor', 'UserCountry_country_tr' => 'Turkey', 'UserCountry_country_tt' => 'Trinidad and Tobago', 'UserCountry_country_tv' => 'Tuvalu', 'UserCountry_country_tw' => 'Taiwan', 'UserCountry_country_tz' => 'Tanzania, United Republic of', 'UserCountry_country_ua' => 'Ukraine', 'UserCountry_country_ug' => 'Uganda', 'UserCountry_country_uk' => 'United Kingdom', 'UserCountry_country_um' => 'United States Minor Outlying Islands', 'UserCountry_country_us' => 'United States', 'UserCountry_country_uy' => 'Uruguay', 'UserCountry_country_uz' => 'Uzbekistan', 'UserCountry_country_va' => 'Vatican City', 'UserCountry_country_vc' => 'Saint Vincent and the Grenadines', 'UserCountry_country_ve' => 'Venezuela', 'UserCountry_country_vg' => 'Virgin Islands, British', 'UserCountry_country_vi' => 'Virgin Islands, U.S.', 'UserCountry_country_vn' => 'Vietnam', 'UserCountry_country_vu' => 'Vanuatu', 'UserCountry_country_wf' => 'Wallis and Futuna', 'UserCountry_country_ws' => 'Samoa', 'UserCountry_country_ye' => 'Yemen', 'UserCountry_country_yt' => 'Mayotte', 'UserCountry_country_yu' => 'Yugoslavia', 'UserCountry_country_za' => 'South Africa', 'UserCountry_country_zm' => 'Zambia', 'UserCountry_country_zr' => 'Zaire', 'UserCountry_country_zw' => 'Zimbabwe', 'UserCountry_continent_eur' => 'Europe', 'UserCountry_continent_afr' => 'Africa', 'UserCountry_continent_asi' => 'Asia', 'UserCountry_continent_ams' => 'South and Central America', 'UserCountry_continent_amn' => 'North America', 'UserCountry_continent_oce' => 'Oceania', 'VisitsSummary_VisitsSummary' => 'Visits Summary', 'VisitsSummary_NbVisits' => '%s visits', 'VisitsSummary_NbUniqueVisitors' => '%s unique visitors', 'VisitsSummary_NbActions' => '%s actions (page views)', 'VisitsSummary_TotalTime' => '%s total time spent by the visitors', 'VisitsSummary_MaxNbActions' => '%s max actions in one visit', 'VisitsSummary_NbVisitsBounced' => '%s visits have bounced (left the website after one page)', 'VisitsSummary_EvolutionOverLastPeriods' => 'Evolution over the last %s', 'VisitsSummary_Report' => 'Report', 'VisitsSummary_GenerateTime' => '%s seconds to generate the page', 'VisitsSummary_GenerateQueries' => '%s queries executed', 'VisitsSummary_WidgetLastVisits' => 'Last visits graph', 'VisitsSummary_WidgetVisits' => 'Visits overview', 'VisitsSummary_WidgetLastVisitors' => 'Last unique visitors graph', 'VisitsSummary_WidgetOverviewGraph' => 'Overview with graph', 'VisitsSummary_SubmenuOverview' => 'Overview', 'VisitFrequency_Evolution' => 'Evolution over the period', 'VisitFrequency_ColumnReturningVisits' => 'Returning Visits', 'VisitFrequency_ColumnActionsByReturningVisits' => 'Actions by Returning Visits', 'VisitFrequency_ColumnMaximumActionsByAReturningVisit' => 'Maximum Actions by a Returning Visit', 'VisitFrequency_ColumnTotalTimeSpentByReturningVisits' => 'Total time spent by Returning Visits (in seconds)', 'VisitFrequency_ColumnBounceRateForReturningVisits' => 'Bounce rate for Returning Visits', 'VisitFrequency_ReturnVisits' => '%s returning visits', 'VisitFrequency_ReturnActions' => '%s actions by the returning visits', 'VisitFrequency_ReturnMaxActions' => '%s maximum actions by a returning visit', 'VisitFrequency_ReturnTotalTime' => '%s total time spent by returning visits', 'VisitFrequency_ReturnBounceRate' => '%s returning visits have bounced (left the website after one page)', 'VisitFrequency_WidgetOverview' => 'Frequency overview', 'VisitFrequency_WidgetGraphReturning' => 'Graph returning visits', 'VisitFrequency_SubmenuFrequency' => 'Frequency', 'VisitTime_LocalTime' => 'Visits per local time', 'VisitTime_ServerTime' => 'Visits per server time', 'VisitTime_ColumnServerTime' => 'Server time', 'VisitTime_ColumnLocalTime' => 'Local time', 'VisitTime_WidgetLocalTime' => 'Visits by local time', 'VisitTime_WidgetServerTime' => 'Visits by server time', 'VisitTime_SubmenuTimes' => 'Times', 'VisitTime_NHour' => '%sh', 'VisitorInterest_VisitsPerDuration' => 'Visits per visit duration', 'VisitorInterest_VisitsPerNbOfPages' => 'Visits per number of pages', 'VisitorInterest_ColumnVisitDuration' => 'Visit duration', 'VisitorInterest_ColumnPagesPerVisit' => 'Pages per visit', 'VisitorInterest_WidgetLengths' => 'Length of Visits', 'VisitorInterest_WidgetPages' => 'Pages per visit', 'VisitorInterest_SubmenuFrequencyLoyalty' => 'Frequency & Loyalty', 'VisitorInterest_PlusXMin' => '%s min', 'VisitorInterest_BetweenXYMinutes' => '%1s-%1s min', 'VisitorInterest_OnePage' => '1 page', 'VisitorInterest_NPages' => '%s pages', 'VisitorInterest_BetweenXYSeconds' => '%1s-%2ss', 'Login_LoginPasswordNotCorrect' => 'Username & Password not correct', 'Login_Login' => 'Username', 'Login_Password' => 'Password', 'Login_PasswordRepeat' => 'Password (repeat)', 'Login_ChangePassword' => 'Change password', 'Login_LoginOrEmail' => 'Login or E-mail', 'Login_LogIn' => 'Sign in', 'Login_Logout' => 'Sign out', 'Login_LostYourPassword' => 'Lost your password?', 'Login_RemindPassword' => 'Send password reset', 'Login_PasswordResetToken' => 'Password reset token', 'Login_PasswordReminder' => 'Please enter your username or e-mail address. You will receive an e-mail with information to reset your password.', 'Login_PasswordsDoNotMatch' => 'Passwords do not match.', 'Login_PasswordSuccessfullyChanged' => 'Password successfully changed!', 'Login_InvalidUsernameEmail' => 'Invalid username and/or e-mail address', 'Login_InvalidOrExpiredToken' => 'Token is invalid or has expired', 'Login_MailTopicPasswordRecovery' => 'Password recovery', 'Login_MailPasswordRecoveryBody' => "Hi %s,\n\nA password reset request was received from %s.\n\nTo reset your password:\n\n1) Go to the Password Reset Form at:\n\t%s\n\n2) Enter the following token:\n\t%s\n\n3) Fill out the form (entering your new password twice) and submit.\n\nNote: this token will expire in 24 hrs.\n", 'Login_PasswordSent' => 'Information to reset your password has been sent. Check your e-mail.', 'Login_ContactAdmin' => 'Possible reason: your host may have disabled the mail() function.
Please contact your Piwik administrator.', 'UsersManager_UsersManagement' => 'Users Management', 'UsersManager_UsersManagementMainDescription' => 'Create new users or update the existing users. You can then set their permissions above.', 'UsersManager_ManageAccess' => 'Manage access', 'UsersManager_MainDescription' => 'Decide which users have which Piwik access on your Websites. You can also set the permissions on all the Websites at once.', 'UsersManager_Sites' => 'Websites', 'UsersManager_AllWebsites' => 'All websites', 'UsersManager_ApplyToAllWebsites' => 'Apply to all websites', 'UsersManager_User' => 'User', 'UsersManager_PrivNone' => 'No access', 'UsersManager_PrivView' => 'View', 'UsersManager_PrivAdmin' => 'Admin', 'UsersManager_ChangeAllConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to change \'%s\' permissions on all the websites?', 'UsersManager_Login' => 'Login', 'UsersManager_Password' => 'Password', 'UsersManager_Email' => 'Email', 'UsersManager_Alias' => 'Alias', 'UsersManager_Edit' => 'Edit', 'UsersManager_AddUser' => 'Add a new user', 'UsersManager_MenuUsers' => 'Users', 'UsersManager_DeleteConfirm_js' => 'Are you sure you want to delete the user %s?', 'UsersManager_ExceptionLoginExists' => 'Login \'%s\' already exists.', 'UsersManager_ExceptionEmailExists' => 'User with email \'%s\' already exists.', 'UsersManager_ExceptionInvalidLoginFormat' => 'The login must be between %s and %s characters long and contain only letters, numbers, or the characters \'_\' or \'-\' or \'.\'', 'UsersManager_ExceptionInvalidPassword' => 'The password length must be between 6 and 26 characters.', 'UsersManager_ExceptionInvalidEmail' => 'The email doesn\'t have a valid format.', 'UsersManager_ExceptionDeleteDoesNotExist' => 'User \'%s\' doesn\'t exist therefore it can\'t be deleted.', 'UsersManager_ExceptionAdminAnonymous' => 'You cannot grant \'admin\' access to the \'anonymous\' user.', 'UsersManager_ExceptionEditAnonymous' => 'The anonymous user cannot be edited or deleted. It is used by Piwik to define a user that has not logged in yet. For example, you can make your statistics public by granting the \'view\' access to the \'anonymous\' user.', 'UsersManager_ExceptionSuperUser' => 'Requested user is the Super User and cannot be queried, edited or deleted via the API. You can manually edit the Super User details in your Piwik configuration file.', 'UsersManager_ExceptionUserDoesNotExist' => 'User \'%s\' doesn\'t exist.', 'UsersManager_ExceptionAccessValues' => 'The parameter access must have one of the following values : [ %s ]', 'SitesManager_Sites' => 'Websites', 'SitesManager_WebsitesManagement' => 'Websites Management', 'SitesManager_MainDescription' => 'Your Web Analytics reports need Websites! Add, update, delete Websites, and show the JavaScript to insert in your pages.', 'SitesManager_JsTrackingTag' => 'JavaScript Tracking Tag', 'SitesManager_JsTrackingTagHelp' => 'Here is the JavaScript Tracking tag to include on all your pages', 'SitesManager_ShowTrackingTag' => 'show tracking tag', 'SitesManager_NoWebsites' => 'You don\'t have any website to administrate.', 'SitesManager_AddSite' => 'Add a new website', 'SitesManager_AliasUrlHelp' => 'It is recommended, but not required, to specify the various URLs that your visitors use to access this website. Alias URLs for a website will not appear in the Referers > Websites report. Note that it is not necessary to specify the URLs with and without \'www\' as Piwik automatically considers both.', 'SitesManager_Id' => 'Id', 'SitesManager_Name' => 'Name', 'SitesManager_Urls' => 'URLs', 'SitesManager_MenuSites' => 'Websites', 'SitesManager_DeleteConfirm_js' => 'Are you sure you want to delete the website %s?', 'SitesManager_ExceptionDeleteSite' => 'It is not possible to delete this website as it is the only registered website. Add a new website first, then delete this one.', 'SitesManager_ExceptionNoUrl' => 'You must specify at least one URL for the website.', 'SitesManager_ExceptionEmptyName' => 'The website name can\'t be empty.', 'SitesManager_ExceptionInvalidUrl' => 'The url \'%s\' is not a valid URL.', 'Installation_Installation' => 'Installation', 'Installation_InstallationStatus' => 'Installation status', 'Installation_PercentDone' => '%s %% Done', 'Installation_NoConfigFound' => 'The Piwik configuration file couldn\'t be found and you are trying to access a Piwik page.
  » You can install Piwik now
If you installed Piwik before and have some tables in your DB, don\'t worry, you can reuse the same tables and keep your existing data!', 'Installation_DatabaseSetup' => 'Database setup', 'Installation_DatabaseSetupServer' => 'database server', 'Installation_DatabaseSetupLogin' => 'login', 'Installation_DatabaseSetupPassword' => 'password', 'Installation_DatabaseSetupDatabaseName' => 'database name', 'Installation_DatabaseSetupTablePrefix' => 'table prefix', 'Installation_DatabaseSetupAdapter' => 'adapter', 'Installation_DatabaseErrorConnect' => 'Error while trying to connect to the database server', 'Installation_DatabaseCheck' => 'Database check', 'Installation_DatabaseServerVersion' => 'Database server version', 'Installation_DatabaseCreation' => 'Database creation', 'Installation_DatabaseClientCharset' => 'Database client character set', 'Installation_ConnectionCharacterSetNotUtf8' => 'Client connection to the database server is not set to UTF8 by default. This is not critical issue: Piwik should work correctly. However for consistency, it is recommended that you do one of the following: ', 'Installation_DatabaseTimezone' => 'Database timezone', 'Installation_TimezoneMismatch' => 'PHP date.timezone is not the same as the database server timezone. This might cause issues with reports not showing data for the right hours of the day. More information at %s', 'Installation_JsTag' => 'JavaScript tag', 'Installation_JsTagHelp' => '

To count all visitors, you must insert the JavaScript code on all of your pages.

Your pages do not have to be made with PHP, Piwik will work on all kinds of pages (whether it is HTML, ASP, Perl or any other languages).

Here is the code you have to insert: (copy and paste on all your pages)

', 'Installation_JsTagHelpTitle' => 'How to insert the tag in your websites?', 'Installation_LargePiwikInstances' => 'Help for large Piwik instances', 'Installation_JsTagArchivingHelp' => 'For medium and high traffic websites, check out the How to setup auto archiving page to make Piwik run really fast!', 'Installation_Congratulations' => 'Congratulations', 'Installation_CongratulationsHelp' => '

Congratulations! Your Piwik installation is complete.

Make sure your JavaScript code is entered on your pages, and wait for your first visitors!

', 'Installation_ContinueToPiwik' => 'Continue to Piwik', 'Installation_SetupWebsite' => 'Setup a website', 'Installation_SetupWebSiteName' => 'website name', 'Installation_SetupWebSiteURL' => 'website URL', 'Installation_SetupWebsiteError' => 'There was an error when adding the website', 'Installation_SetupWebsiteSetupSuccess' => 'Website %s created with success!', 'Installation_GeneralSetup' => 'General Setup', 'Installation_GeneralSetupSuccess' => 'General Setup configured with success', 'Installation_SuperUserLogin' => 'super user login', 'Installation_Password' => 'password', 'Installation_PasswordRepeat' => 'password (repeat)', 'Installation_Email' => 'email', 'Installation_SecurityNewsletter' => 'email me with major Piwik upgrades and security alerts', 'Installation_CommunityNewsletter' => 'email me with community updates (new plugins, new features, etc.)', 'Installation_PasswordDoNotMatch' => 'password do not match', 'Installation_SubmitGo' => 'Go!', 'Installation_Requirements' => 'Piwik Requirements', 'Installation_Optional' => 'Optional', 'Installation_Legend' => 'Legend', 'Installation_Extension' => 'extension', 'Installation_SystemCheck' => 'System check', 'Installation_SystemCheckPhp' => 'PHP version', 'Installation_SystemCheckExtensions' => 'Other required extensions', 'Installation_SystemCheckDatabaseHelp' => 'Piwik requires either the mysqli extension or both the PDO and pdo_mysql extensions.', 'Installation_SystemCheckPdoAndMysqliHelp' => "On a Linux server you can compile php with the following options: %s\nIn your php.ini, add the following lines: %s", 'Installation_SystemCheckPhpPdoAndMysqliSite' => 'More information on: PHP PDO and MYSQLI.', 'Installation_SystemCheckWinPdoAndMysqliHelp' => 'On a Windows server you can add the following lines to your php.ini: %s', 'Installation_SystemCheckSplHelp' => 'You need to configure and rebuild PHP with the Standard PHP Library (SPL) enabled (by default).', 'Installation_SystemCheckZlibHelp' => 'You need to configure and rebuild PHP with "zlib" support enabled, --with-zlib.', 'Installation_SystemCheckIconvHelp' => 'You need to configure and rebuild PHP with "iconv" support enabled, --with-iconv.', 'Installation_SystemCheckDomHelp' => 'DOM is part of PHP core. You probably need to install the dom module, e.g., php-5-dom.', 'Installation_SystemCheckJson' => 'JSON', 'Installation_SystemCheckJsonHelp' => 'You need to configure and rebuild PHP with either "json" or "xml" extensions enabled.', 'Installation_SystemCheckJsonSite' => 'More information on: PHP JSON.', 'Installation_SystemCheckXml' => 'XML', 'Installation_SystemCheckXmlHelp' => 'Some third-party plugins and developer libraries may require the "xml" extension.', 'Installation_SystemCheckXmlSite' => 'More information on: PHP XML.', 'Installation_SystemCheckWriteDirs' => 'Directories with write access', 'Installation_SystemCheckWriteDirsHelp' => 'To fix this error on your Linux system, try typing in the following command(s)', 'Installation_SystemCheckMemoryLimit' => 'Memory limit', 'Installation_SystemCheckMemoryLimitHelp' => 'On a high traffic website, the archiving process may require more memory than currently allowed. If necessary, change the memory_limit directive in your php.ini file.', 'Installation_SystemCheckOpenURL' => 'Open URL', 'Installation_SystemCheckOpenURLHelp' => 'Newsletter subscriptions, update notifications, and one-click updates requires the "curl" extension, allow_url_fopen=On, or fsockopen() enabled.', 'Installation_SystemCheckGD' => 'GD > 2.x (graphics)', 'Installation_SystemCheckGDHelp' => 'The sparklines (small graphs) will not work.', 'Installation_SystemCheckFunctions' => 'Required functions', 'Installation_SystemCheckTimeLimitHelp' => 'On a high traffic website, executing the archiving process may require more time than currently allowed. If necessary, change the max_execution_time directive in your php.ini file.', 'Installation_SystemCheckMailHelp' => 'Feedback and Lost Password messages will not be sent without mail().', 'Installation_SystemCheckError' => 'An error occured - must be fixed before you proceed', 'Installation_SystemCheckWarning' => 'Piwik will work normally but some features may be missing', 'Installation_SystemCheckProtocol' => 'Protocol', 'Installation_SystemCheckProtocolHelp' => 'If you are behind a reverse proxy, add these lines to config/config.ini.php under the [General] section:', 'Installation_Tables' => 'Creating the tables', 'Installation_TablesWithSameNamesFound' => 'Some %s tables in your database %s have the same names as the tables Piwik is trying to create', 'Installation_TablesFound' => 'The following tables have been found in the database', 'Installation_TablesWarningHelp' => 'Either choose to reuse the existing database tables or select a clean install to erase all existing data in the database.', 'Installation_TablesReuse' => 'Reuse the existing tables', 'Installation_TablesDelete' => 'Delete the detected tables', 'Installation_TablesDeletedSuccess' => 'Existing Piwik tables deleted with success', 'Installation_TablesCreatedSuccess' => 'Tables created with success!', 'Installation_DatabaseCreatedSuccess' => 'Database %s created with success!', 'Installation_GoBackAndDefinePrefix' => 'Go back and define a Prefix for the Piwik Tables', 'Installation_ConfirmDeleteExistingTables' => 'Are you sure you want to delete the tables: %s from your database? WARNING: DATA FROM THESE TABLES CANNOT BE RECOVERED!', 'Installation_Welcome' => 'Welcome!', 'Installation_WelcomeHelp' => '

Piwik is an open source web analytics software that makes it easy to get the information you want from your visitors.

This process is split up into %s easy steps and will take around 5 minutes.

', 'Installation_ErrorInvalidState' => 'Error: it seems you try to skip a step of the Installation process, or your cookies are disabled, or the Piwik configuration file is already created. %sMake sure your cookies are enabled%s and go back %s to the first page of the installation %s.', 'Provider_WidgetProviders' => 'Providers', 'Provider_ColumnProvider' => 'Provider', 'Provider_SubmenuLocationsProvider' => 'Locations & Provider', 'Goals_ColumnConversions' => 'Conversions', 'Goals_ColumnConversionRate' => 'Conversion Rate', 'Goals_ColumnRevenue' => 'Revenue', 'DBStats_DatabaseUsage' => 'Database usage', 'DBStats_MainDescription' => 'Piwik is storing all your web analytics data in the MySQL database. Currently, Piwik tables are using %s.', 'DBStats_LearnMore' => 'To learn more about how Piwik processes data and how to make Piwik work well for medium and high traffic websites, check out the documentation %s.', 'DBStats_Table' => 'Table', 'DBStats_RowCount' => 'Row count', 'DBStats_DataSize' => 'Data size', 'DBStats_IndexSize' => 'Index size', 'DBStats_TotalSize' => 'Total size', 'TranslationsAdmin_MenuTranslations' => 'Translations', 'TranslationsAdmin_MenuLanguages' => 'Languages', 'TranslationsAdmin_Plugin' => 'Plugin', 'TranslationsAdmin_Definition' => 'Definition', 'TranslationsAdmin_DefaultString' => 'Default string (English)', 'TranslationsAdmin_TranslationString' => 'Translation string (current language: %s)', 'TranslationsAdmin_Translations' => 'Translations', 'TranslationsAdmin_FixPermissions' => 'Please fix filesystem permissions', 'TranslationsAdmin_AvailableLanguages' => 'Available languages', 'TranslationsAdmin_AddLanguage' => 'Add language', 'TranslationsAdmin_LanguageCode' => 'Language code', 'TranslationsAdmin_Export' => 'Export language', 'TranslationsAdmin_Import' => 'Import language', 'SecurityInfo_Security' => 'Security', 'SecurityInfo_SecurityInformation' => 'PHP Security Information', 'SecurityInfo_PluginDescription' => 'Based on PhpSecInfo from the PHP Security Consortium, this plugin provides security information about your PHP environment and offers suggestions for improvement. It is a tool in a multilayered security approach. It does not replace secure development practices nor audit the code/application.', 'SecurityInfo_Test' => 'Test', 'SecurityInfo_Result' => 'Result', 'Live_VisitorLog' => 'Visitor Log', 'Live_Date' => 'Date', 'Live_Time' => 'Time', 'Live_Referrer_URL' => 'Referrer URL', );