, * Bertrand Mansion * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * The names of the authors may not be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS * IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY * OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * @category HTML * @package HTML_QuickForm2 * @author Alexey Borzov * @author Bertrand Mansion * @author Thomas Schulz * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php New BSD License * @version SVN: $Id: Array.php 294052 2010-01-26 20:00:22Z avb $ * @link http://pear.php.net/package/HTML_QuickForm2 */ /** * Abstract base class for QuickForm2 renderers */ // require_once 'HTML/QuickForm2/Renderer.php'; /** * A renderer for HTML_QuickForm2 building an array of form elements * * Based on Array renderer from HTML_QuickForm 3.x package * * The form array structure is the following: *
 * array(
 *   'id'               => form's "id" attribute (string),
 *   'frozen'           => whether the form is frozen (bool),
 *   'attributes'       => attributes for <form> tag (string),
 *   // if form contains required elements:
 *   'required_note'    => note about the required elements (string),
 *   // if 'group_hiddens' option is true:
 *   'hidden'           => array with html of hidden elements (array),
 *   // if 'group_errors' option is true:
 *   'errors' => array(
 *     '1st element id' => 'Error for the 1st element',
 *     ...
 *     'nth element id' => 'Error for the nth element'
 *   ),
 *   'elements' => array(
 *     element_1,
 *     ...
 *     element_N
 *   )
 * );
* Where element_i is an array of the form *
 * array(
 *   'id'        => element id (string),
 *   'type'      => type of the element (string),
 *   'frozen'    => whether element is frozen (bool),
 *   // if element has a label:
 *   'label'     => 'label for the element',
 *   // note that if 'static_labels' option is true and element's label is an
 *   // array then there will be several 'label_*' keys corresponding to
 *   // labels' array keys
 *   'required'  => whether element is required (bool),
 *   // if a validation error is present and 'group_errors' option is false:
 *   'error'     => error associated with the element (string),
 *   // if some style was associated with an element:
 *   'style'     => 'some information about element style (e.g. for Smarty)',
 *   // if element is not a Container
 *   'value'     => element value (mixed),
 *   'html'      => HTML for the element (string),
 *   // if element is a Container
 *   'attributes' => container attributes (string)
 *   // only for groups, if separator is set:
 *   'separator'  => separator for group elements (mixed),
 *   'elements'   => array(
 *     element_1,
 *     ...
 *     element_N
 *   )
 * );
* * While almost everything in this class is defined as public, its properties * and those methods that are not published (i.e. not in array returned by * exportMethods()) will be available to renderer plugins only. * * The following methods are published: * - {@link reset()} * - {@link toArray()} * - {@link setStyleForId()} * * @category HTML * @package HTML_QuickForm2 * @author Alexey Borzov * @author Bertrand Mansion * @author Thomas Schulz * @version Release: @package_version@ */ class HTML_QuickForm2_Renderer_Array extends HTML_QuickForm2_Renderer { /** * An array being generated * @var array */ public $array = array(); /** * Array with references to 'elements' fields of currently processed containers * @var unknown_type */ public $containers = array(); /** * Whether the form contains required elements * @var bool */ public $hasRequired = false; /** * Additional style information for elements * @var array */ public $styles = array(); /** * Constructor, adds a new 'static_labels' option */ protected function __construct() { $this->options['static_labels'] = false; } public function exportMethods() { return array( 'reset', 'toArray', 'setStyleForId' ); } /** * Resets the accumulated data * * This method is called automatically by startForm() method, but should * be called manually before calling other rendering methods separately. * * @return HTML_QuickForm2_Renderer_Array */ public function reset() { $this->array = array(); $this->containers = array(); $this->hasRequired = false; return $this; } /** * Returns the resultant array * * @return array */ public function toArray() { return $this->array; } /** * Creates an array with fields that are common to all elements * * @param HTML_QuickForm2_Node Element being rendered * @return array */ public function buildCommonFields(HTML_QuickForm2_Node $element) { $ary = array( 'id' => $element->getId(), 'frozen' => $element->toggleFrozen() ); if ($labels = $element->getLabel()) { if (!is_array($labels) || !$this->options['static_labels']) { $ary['label'] = $labels; } else { foreach ($labels as $key => $label) { $key = is_int($key)? $key + 1: $key; if (1 === $key) { $ary['label'] = $label; } else { $ary['label_' . $key] = $label; } } } } if (($error = $element->getError()) && $this->options['group_errors']) { $this->array['errors'][$ary['id']] = $error; } elseif ($error) { $ary['error'] = $error; } if (isset($this->styles[$ary['id']])) { $ary['style'] = $this->styles[$ary['id']]; } if (!$element instanceof HTML_QuickForm2_Container) { $ary['html'] = $element->__toString(); } else { $ary['elements'] = array(); $ary['attributes'] = $element->getAttributes(true); } return $ary; } /** * Stores an array representing "scalar" element in the form array * * @param array */ public function pushScalar(array $element) { if (!empty($element['required'])) { $this->hasRequired = true; } if (empty($this->containers)) { $this->array += $element; } else { $this->containers[count($this->containers) - 1][] = $element; } } /** * Stores an array representing a Container in the form array * * @param array */ public function pushContainer(array $container) { if (!empty($container['required'])) { $this->hasRequired = true; } if (empty($this->containers)) { $this->array += $container; $this->containers = array(&$this->array['elements']); } else { $cntIndex = count($this->containers) - 1; $myIndex = count($this->containers[$cntIndex]); $this->containers[$cntIndex][$myIndex] = $container; $this->containers[$cntIndex + 1] =& $this->containers[$cntIndex][$myIndex]['elements']; } } /** * Sets a style for element rendering * * "Style" is some information that is opaque to Array Renderer but may be * of use to e.g. template engine that receives the resultant array. * * @param string|array Element id or array ('element id' => 'style') * @param sting Element style if $idOrStyles is not an array * @return HTML_QuickForm2_Renderer_Array */ public function setStyleForId($idOrStyles, $style = null) { if (is_array($idOrStyles)) { $this->styles = array_merge($this->styles, $idOrStyles); } else { $this->styles[$idOrStyles] = $style; } return $this; } /**#@+ * Implementations of abstract methods from {@link HTML_QuickForm2_Renderer} */ public function renderElement(HTML_QuickForm2_Node $element) { $ary = $this->buildCommonFields($element) + array( 'value' => $element->getValue(), 'type' => $element->getType(), 'required' => $element->isRequired(), ); $this->pushScalar($ary); } public function renderHidden(HTML_QuickForm2_Node $element) { if ($this->options['group_hiddens']) { $this->array['hidden'][] = $element->__toString(); } else { $this->renderElement($element); } } public function startForm(HTML_QuickForm2_Node $form) { $this->reset(); $this->array = $this->buildCommonFields($form); if ($this->options['group_errors']) { $this->array['errors'] = array(); } if ($this->options['group_hiddens']) { $this->array['hidden'] = array(); } $this->containers = array(&$this->array['elements']); } public function finishForm(HTML_QuickForm2_Node $form) { $this->finishContainer($form); if ($this->hasRequired) { $this->array['required_note'] = $this->options['required_note']; } } public function startContainer(HTML_QuickForm2_Node $container) { $ary = $this->buildCommonFields($container) + array( 'required' => $container->isRequired(), 'type' => $container->getType() ); $this->pushContainer($ary); } public function finishContainer(HTML_QuickForm2_Node $container) { array_pop($this->containers); } public function startGroup(HTML_QuickForm2_Node $group) { $ary = $this->buildCommonFields($group) + array( 'required' => $group->isRequired(), 'type' => $group->getType() ); if ($separator = $group->getSeparator()) { $ary['separator'] = $separator; } $this->pushContainer($ary); } public function finishGroup(HTML_QuickForm2_Node $group) { $this->finishContainer($group); } /**#@-*/ } ?>