archiveNumericValuesGeneral($aNames, 'sum'); } /** * Get the maximum value for all values for the given field names $aNames over the period * See @archiveNumericValuesGeneral for more information * * @param string|array * @return Piwik_ArchiveProcessing_Record_Numeric * */ public function archiveNumericValuesMax( $aNames ) { return $this->archiveNumericValuesGeneral($aNames, 'max'); } /** * Given a list of fields names, the method will fetch all their values over the period, and archive them using the given operation. * * For example if $operationToApply = 'sum' and $aNames = array('nb_visits', 'sum_time_visit') * it will sum all values of nb_visits for the period (for example give the number of visits for the month by summing the visits of every day) * * @param array|string $aNames Array of strings or string containg the field names to select * @param string $operationToApply Available operations = sum, max, min * @return Piwik_ArchiveProcessing_Record_Numeric Returns the record if $aNames is a string, * an array of Piwik_ArchiveProcessing_Record_Numeric indexed by their field names if aNames is an array of strings */ private function archiveNumericValuesGeneral($aNames, $operationToApply) { if(!is_array($aNames)) { $aNames = array($aNames); } // fetch the numeric values and apply the operation on them $results = array(); foreach($this->archives as $archive) { foreach($aNames as $name) { if(!isset($results[$name])) { $results[$name] = 0; } $valueToSum = $archive->getNumeric($name); if($valueToSum !== false) { switch ($operationToApply) { case 'sum': $results[$name] += $valueToSum; break; case 'max': $results[$name] = max($results[$name], $valueToSum); break; case 'min': $results[$name] = min($results[$name], $valueToSum); break; default: throw new Exception("Operation not applicable."); break; } } } } // build the Record Numeric objects $records = array(); foreach($results as $name => $value) { $records[$name] = new Piwik_ArchiveProcessing_Record_Numeric( $name, $value ); } // if asked for only one field to sum if(count($records) == 1) { return $records[$name]; } // returns the array of records once summed return $records; } /** * This powerful method will compute the sum of DataTables over the period for the given fields $aRecordName. * The resulting DataTable will be then added to queue of data to be recorded in the database. * It will usually be called in a plugin that listens to the hook 'ArchiveProcessing_Period.compute' * * For example if $aRecordName = 'UserCountry_country' the method will select all UserCountry_country DataTable for the period * (eg. the 31 dataTable of the last month), sum them, and create the Piwik_ArchiveProcessing_Record_BlobArray so that * the resulting dataTable is AUTOMATICALLY recorded in the database. * * * This method works on recursive dataTable. For example for the 'Actions' it will select all subtables of all dataTable of all the sub periods * and get the sum. * * It returns an array that gives information about the "final" DataTable. The array gives for every field name, the number of rows in the * final DataTable (ie. the number of distinct LABEL over the period) (eg. the number of distinct keywords over the last month) * * @param string|array Field name(s) of DataTable to select so we can get the sum * @return array array ( * nameTable1 => number of rows, * nameTable2 => number of rows, * ) */ public function archiveDataTable( $aRecordName ) { if(!is_array($aRecordName)) { $aRecordName = array($aRecordName); } $nameToCount = array(); foreach($aRecordName as $recordName) { $table = $this->getRecordDataTableSum($recordName); $nameToCount[$recordName]['level0'] = $table->getRowsCount(); $nameToCount[$recordName]['recursive'] = $table->getRowsCountRecursive(); $record = new Piwik_ArchiveProcessing_Record_BlobArray($recordName, $table->getSerialized()); } return $nameToCount; } /** * This method selects all DataTables that have the name $name over the period. * It calls the appropriate methods that sum all these tables together. * The resulting DataTable is returned. * * @param string $name * @return Piwik_DataTable */ protected function getRecordDataTableSum( $name ) { $table = new Piwik_DataTable; foreach($this->archives as $archive) { $archive->preFetchBlob($name); $datatableToSum = $archive->getDataTable($name); $archive->loadSubDataTables($name, $datatableToSum); $table->addDataTable($datatableToSum); $archive->freeBlob($name); } return $table; } /** * Main method to process logs for a period. * The only logic done here is computing the number of visits, actions, etc. * * All the other reports are computed inside plugins listening to the event 'ArchiveProcessing_Period.compute'. * See some of the plugins for an example. * * @return void */ protected function compute() { $this->archives = $this->archivesSubperiods; $this->archiveNumericValuesMax( 'max_actions' ); $toSum = array( 'nb_uniq_visitors', 'nb_visits', 'nb_actions', 'sum_visit_length', 'bounce_count', ); $record = $this->archiveNumericValuesSum($toSum); $this->isThereSomeVisits = ($record['nb_visits']->value != 0); if($this->isThereSomeVisits === false) { return; } Piwik_PostEvent('ArchiveProcessing_Period.compute', $this); } /** * Called at the end of the archiving process. * Does some cleaning job in the database. * * @return void */ protected function postCompute() { parent::postCompute(); // we delete records that are now out of date // in the case of a period we delete archives that were archived before the end of the period // and only if they are at least 1 day old (so we don't delete archives computed today that may be stil valid) $blobTable = $this->tableArchiveBlob->getTableName(); $numericTable = $this->tableArchiveNumeric->getTableName(); $query = " DELETE FROM %s WHERE period > ? AND DATE(ts_archived) <= date2 AND date(ts_archived) < date_sub(CURRENT_DATE(), INTERVAL 1 DAY) "; Zend_Registry::get('db')->query(sprintf($query, $blobTable), Piwik::$idPeriods['day']); Zend_Registry::get('db')->query(sprintf($query, $numericTable), Piwik::$idPeriods['day']); } }