value1, param2=>value2) */ static public function getArrayFromQueryString( $urlQuery ) { if(strlen($urlQuery) == 0) { return array(); } if($urlQuery[0] == '?') { $urlQuery = substr($urlQuery, 1); } $separator = '&'; $urlQuery = $separator . $urlQuery; // $urlQuery = str_replace(array('%20'), ' ', $urlQuery); $refererQuery = trim($urlQuery); $values = explode($separator, $refererQuery); $nameToValue = array(); foreach($values as $value) { if( false !== strpos($value, '=')) { $exploded = explode('=',$value); $nameToValue[$exploded[0]] = $exploded[1]; } } return $nameToValue; } /** * Returns true if the string is a valid filename * File names that start with a-Z or 0-9 and contain a-Z, 0-9, underscore(_), dash(-), and dot(.) will be accepted. * File names beginning with anything but a-Z or 0-9 will be rejected (including .htaccess for example). * File names containing anything other than above mentioned will also be rejected (file names with spaces won't be accepted). * * @param string filename * @return bool * */ static public function isValidFilename($filename) { return (false !== ereg("(^[a-zA-Z0-9]+([a-zA-Z\_0-9\.-]*))$" , $filename)); } /** * Returns true if the string passed may be a URL. * We don't need a precise test here because the value comes from the website * tracked source code and the URLs may look very strange. * * @param string $url * @return bool */ static function isLookLikeUrl( $url ) { return ereg('^(ftp|news|http|https)?://[A-Za-z0-9\/_.-?&]*', $url); } /** * Returns the variable after cleaning operations. * NB: The variable still has to be escaped before going into a SQL Query! * * If an array is passed the cleaning is done recursively on all the sub-arrays. \ * The keys of the array are filtered as well! * * How this method works: * - The variable returned has been htmlspecialchars to avoid the XSS security problem. * - The single quotes are not protected so "Piwik's amazing" will still be "Piwik's amazing". * * - Transformations are: * - '&' (ampersand) becomes '&' * - '"'(double quote) becomes '"' * - '<' (less than) becomes '<' * - '>' (greater than) becomes '>' * - It handles the magic_quotes setting. * - A non string value is returned without modification * * @param mixed The variable to be cleaned * @return mixed The variable after cleaning */ static public function sanitizeInputValues($value) { if(is_numeric($value)) { return $value; } elseif(is_string($value)) { $value = htmlspecialchars($value, Piwik_Common::HTML_ENCODING_QUOTE_STYLE, 'UTF-8'); /* Undo the damage caused by magic_quotes */ if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { $value = stripslashes($value); } } elseif (is_array($value)) { foreach (array_keys($value) as $key) { $newKey = $key; $newKey = Piwik_Common::sanitizeInputValues($newKey); if ($key != $newKey) { $value[$newKey] = $value[$key]; unset($value[$key]); } $value[$newKey] = Piwik_Common::sanitizeInputValues($value[$newKey]); } } elseif( !is_null($value) && !is_bool($value) ) { throw new Exception("The value to escape has not a supported type. Value = ".var_export($value, true)); } return $value; } /** * Returns a variable from the $_REQUEST superglobal. * If the variable doesn't have a value or an empty value, returns the defaultValue if specified. * If the variable doesn't have neither a value nor a default value provided, an exception is raised. * * @param string $varName name of the variable * @param string $varDefault default value. If '', and if the type doesn't match, exit() ! * @param string $varType Expected type, the value must be one of the following: array, numeric, int, integer, string * * @exception if the variable type is not known * @exception if the variable we want to read doesn't have neither a value nor a default value specified * * @return mixed The variable after cleaning */ static public function getRequestVar($varName, $varDefault = null, $varType = null, $requestArrayToUse = null) { if(is_null($requestArrayToUse)) { $requestArrayToUse = $_REQUEST; } $varDefault = self::sanitizeInputValues( $varDefault ); if($varType == 'int') { // settype accepts only integer // 'int' is simply a shortcut for 'integer' $varType = 'integer'; } // there is no value $varName in the REQUEST so we try to use the default value if(empty($varName) || !isset($requestArrayToUse[$varName]) || ( !is_array($requestArrayToUse[$varName]) && strlen($requestArrayToUse[$varName]) === 0 ) ) { if( is_null($varDefault)) { throw new Exception("\$varName '$varName' doesn't have value in \$_REQUEST and doesn't have a" . " \$varDefault value"); } else { if( !is_null($varType) && in_array($varType, array('string', 'integer', 'array')) ) { settype($varDefault, $varType); } return $varDefault; } } // Normal case, there is a value available in REQUEST for the requested varName $value = self::sanitizeInputValues( $requestArrayToUse[$varName] ); if( !is_null($varType)) { $ok = false; if($varType == 'string') { if(is_string($value)) $ok = true; } elseif($varType == 'numeric') { if(is_numeric($value) || $value==(int)$value || $value==(float)$value) $ok = true; } elseif($varType == 'integer') { if(is_int($value) || $value==(int)$value) $ok = true; } elseif($varType == 'float') { if(is_float($value) || $value==(float)$value) $ok = true; } elseif($varType == 'array') { if(is_array($value)) $ok = true; } else { throw new Exception("\$varType specified is not known. It should be one of the following: array, numeric, int, integer, float, string"); } // The type is not correct if($ok === false) { if($varDefault === null) { throw new Exception("\$varName '$varName' doesn't have a correct type in \$_REQUEST and doesn't " . "have a \$varDefault value"); } // we return the default value with the good type set else { settype($varDefault, $varType); return $varDefault; } } } return $value; } /** * Returns a 32 characters long uniq ID * * @return string 32 chars */ static public function generateUniqId() { return md5(uniqid(rand(), true)); } /** * Returns a 3 letters ID for the operating system part, given a user agent string. * @see modules/DataFiles/OS.php for the list of OS (also available in $GLOBALS['Piwik_Oslist']) * If the OS cannot be identified in the user agent, returns 'UNK' * * @param string $userAgent * * @return string */ static public function getOs($userAgent) { require_once "modules/DataFiles/OS.php"; $osNameToId = $GLOBALS['Piwik_Oslist']; foreach($osNameToId as $key => $value) { if ($ok = ereg($key, $userAgent)) { return $value; } } return 'UNK'; } /** * Returns the browser information from the user agent string. * * @see modules/DataFiles/Browsers.php for the list of OS (also available in $GLOBALS['Piwik_BrowserList']) * * @param string $userAgent * @return array array( 'name' => '', // 2 letters ID or 'UNK' for an unknown browser * 'major_number' => '', // 2 in firefox 2.0.12 * 'minor_number' => '', // 0 in firefox 2.0.12 * 'version' => '' // major_number.minor_number * ); */ static public function getBrowserInfo($userAgent) { require_once "modules/DataFiles/Browsers.php"; $browsers = $GLOBALS['Piwik_BrowserList']; $info = array( 'name' => 'UNK', 'major_number' => '', 'minor_number' => '', 'version' => '' ); $browser = ''; foreach($browsers as $key => $value) { if(!empty($browser)) $browser .= "|"; $browser .= $key; } $results = array(); // added fix for Mozilla Suite detection if ((preg_match_all("/(mozilla)[\/\sa-z;.0-9-(]+rv:([0-9]+)([.0-9a-z]+)\) gecko\/[0-9]{8}$/i", $userAgent, $results)) || (preg_match_all("/($browser)[\/\sa-z(]*([0-9]+)([\.0-9a-z]+)?/i", $userAgent, $results)) ) { $count = count($results[0])-1; // browser code $info['name'] = $browsers[strtolower($results[1][$count])]; // majeur version number (7 in mozilla 1.7 $info['major_number'] = $results[2][$count]; // is an minor version number ? If not, 0 $match = array(); preg_match('/([.\0-9]+)?([\.a-z0-9]+)?/i', $results[3][$count], $match); if(isset($match[1])) { // find minor version number (7 in mozilla 1.7, 9 in firefox 0.9.3) $info['minor_number'] = substr($match[1], 0, 2); } else { $info['minor_number'] = '.0'; } $info['version'] = $info['major_number'] . $info['minor_number']; } return $info; } /** * Returns the best possible IP of the current user, in the format A.B.C.D * * @return string ip */ static public function getIp() { if(isset($_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP']) && ($ip = Piwik_Common::getFirstIpFromList($_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP'])) && strpos($ip, "unknown") === false) { return $ip; } elseif(isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']) && $ip = Piwik_Common::getFirstIpFromList($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']) && isset($ip) && !empty($ip) && strpos($ip, "unknown")===false ) { return $ip; } elseif( isset($_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP']) && strlen( Piwik_Common::getFirstIpFromList($_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP']) ) != 0 ) { return Piwik_Common::getFirstIpFromList($_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP']); } else if( isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']) && strlen ($ip = Piwik_Common::getFirstIpFromList($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'])) != 0) { return $ip; } elseif(isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])) { return Piwik_Common::getFirstIpFromList($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']); } else { return ''; } } /** * Returns the first element of a comma separated list of IPs * * @param string $ip * * @return string first element before ',' */ static private function getFirstIpFromList($ip) { $p = strpos($ip, ','); if($p!==false) { return trim(Piwik_Common::sanitizeInputValues(substr($ip, 0, $p))); } return trim(Piwik_Common::sanitizeInputValues($ip)); } /** * Returns the continent of a given country * * @param string Country 2 letters isocode * * @return string Continent (3 letters code : afr, asi, eur, amn, ams, oce) */ static public function getContinent($country) { require_once "modules/DataFiles/Countries.php"; $countryList = $GLOBALS['Piwik_CountryList']; if(isset($countryList[$country][0])) { return $countryList[$country][0]; } else { return 'unk'; } } /** * Returns the visitor country based only on the Browser 'accepted language' information * * @param string $lang browser lang * * @return string 2 letters ISO code */ static public function getCountry( $lang ) { require_once "modules/DataFiles/Countries.php"; $countryList = $GLOBALS['Piwik_CountryList']; $replaceLangCodeByCountryCode = array( // replace cs language (Serbia Montenegro country code) with czech country code 'cs' => 'cz', // replace sv language (El Salvador country code) with sweden country code 'sv' => 'se', // replace fa language (Unknown country code) with Iran country code 'fa' => 'ir', // replace ja language (Unknown country code) with japan country code 'ja' => 'jp', // replace ko language (Unknown country code) with corée country code 'ko' => 'kr', // replace he language (Unknown country code) with Israel country code 'he' => 'il', // replace da language (Unknown country code) with Danemark country code 'da' => 'dk', // replace gb code with UK country code 'gb' => 'uk', ); if(empty($lang) || strlen($lang) < 2) { return 'xx'; } $lang = str_replace( array_keys($replaceLangCodeByCountryCode), array_values($replaceLangCodeByCountryCode), $lang ); // Ex: "fr" if(strlen($lang) == 2) { if(isset($countryList[$lang])) { return $lang; } } // when comma $offcomma = strpos($lang, ','); if($offcomma == 2) { // in 'fr,en-us', keep first two chars $domain = substr($lang, 0, 2); if(isset($countryList[$domain])) { return $domain; } // catch the second language Ex: "fr" in "en,fr" $domain = substr($lang, 3, 2); if(isset($countryList[$domain])) { return $domain; } } // detect second code Ex: "be" in "fr-be" $off = strpos($lang, '-'); if($off!==false) { $domain = substr($lang, $off+1, 2); if(isset($countryList[$domain])) { return $domain; } } // catch the second language Ex: "fr" in "en;q=1.0,fr;q=0.9" if(preg_match("/^[a-z]{2};q=[01]\.[0-9],(?P[a-z]{2});/", $lang, $parts)) { $domain = $parts['domain']; if(isset($GLOBALS['countryList'][$domain][0])) { return $domain; } } // finally try with the first ever langage code $domain = substr($lang, 0, 2); if(isset($countryList[$domain])) { return $domain; } // at this point we really can't guess the country return 'xx'; } /** * Generate random string * * @param string $length string length * @param string $alphabet characters allowed in random string * * @return string random string with given length */ public static function getRandomString($length = 16, $alphabet = "abcdefghijklmnoprstuvwxyz0123456789") { $chars = $alphabet; $str = ''; list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ", microtime()); $seed = ((float)$sec+(float)$usec)*100000; mt_srand($seed); for($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) { $rand_key = mt_rand(0, strlen($chars)-1); $str .= substr($chars, $rand_key, 1); } return str_shuffle($str); } }