name = $cookieName; if(is_null($expire) || !is_numeric($expire) || $expire <= 0) { $this->expire = $this->getDefaultExpire(); } if($this->isCookieFound()) { $this->loadContentFromCookie(); } } /** * Returns true if the visitor already has the cookie. * @return bool */ public function isCookieFound() { return isset($_COOKIE[$this->name]); } /** * Returns the default expiry time, 10 years * @return int Timestamp in 10 years */ protected function getDefaultExpire() { return time() + 86400*365*10; } /** * We don't use the setcookie function because it is buggy for some PHP versions. * * Taken from */ protected function setCookie($Name, $Value, $Expires, $Path = '', $Domain = '', $Secure = false, $HTTPOnly = false) { if (!empty($Domain)) { // Fix the domain to accept domains with and without 'www.'. if (strtolower(substr($Domain, 0, 4)) == 'www.') $Domain = substr($Domain, 4); $Domain = '.' . $Domain; // Remove port information. $Port = strpos($Domain, ':'); if ($Port !== false) $Domain = substr($Domain, 0, $Port); } $header = 'Set-Cookie: ' . rawurlencode($Name) . '=' . rawurlencode($Value) . (empty($Expires) ? '' : '; expires=' . gmdate('D, d-M-Y H:i:s', $Expires) . ' GMT') . (empty($Path) ? '' : '; path=' . $Path) . (empty($Domain) ? '' : '; domain=' . $Domain) . (!$Secure ? '' : '; secure') . (!$HTTPOnly ? '' : '; HttpOnly'); header($header, false); } /** * We set the privacy policy header * * @return void */ protected function setP3PHeader() { header("P3P: CP='OTI DSP COR NID STP UNI OTPa OUR'"); } /** * Delete the cookie * * @return void */ public function delete() { $this->setP3PHeader(); setcookie($this->name, false, time() - 86400); } /** * Saves the cookie (set the Cookie header). * You have to call this method before sending any text to the browser or you would get the * "Header already sent" error. */ public function save() { $this->setP3PHeader(); $this->setCookie( $this->name, $this->generateContentString(), $this->expire); } /** * Load the cookie content into a php array. * Parses the cookie string to extract the different variables. * Unserialize the array when necessary. * Decode the non numeric values that were base64 encoded. * * @return void */ protected function loadContentFromCookie() { $cookieStr = $_COOKIE[$this->name]; $values = explode( self::VALUE_SEPARATOR, $cookieStr); foreach($values as $nameValue) { $equalPos = strpos($nameValue, '='); $varName = substr($nameValue,0,$equalPos); $varValue = substr($nameValue,$equalPos+1); // no numeric value are base64 encoded so we need to decode them if(!is_numeric($varValue)) { $varValue = base64_decode($varValue); // some of the values may be serialized array so we try to unserialize it if( ($arrayValue = @unserialize($varValue)) !== false // we set the unserialized version only for arrays as you can have set a serialized string on purpose && is_array($arrayValue) ) { $varValue = $arrayValue; } } $this->set($varName, $varValue); } } /** * Returns the string to save in the cookie from the $this->value array of values. * It goes through the array and generates the cookie content string. * @return string Cookie content */ protected function generateContentString() { $cookieStr = ''; foreach($this->value as $name=>$value) { if(is_array($value)) { $value = serialize($value); } $value = base64_encode($value); $cookieStr .= "$name=$value" . self::VALUE_SEPARATOR; } $cookieStr = substr($cookieStr, 0, strlen($cookieStr)-1); return $cookieStr; } /** * Registers a new name => value association in the cookie. * * Registering new values is optimal if the value is a numeric value. * If the value is a string, it will be saved as a base64 encoded string. * If the value is an array, it will be saved as a serialized and base64 encoded * string which is not very good in terms of bytes usage. * You should save arrays only when you are sure about their maximum data size. * A cookie has to stay small and its size shouldn't increase over time! * * @param string Name of the value to save; the name will be used to retrieve this value * @param string|array|numeric Value to save * */ public function set( $name, $value ) { $name = self::escapeValue($name); $this->value[$name] = $value; } /** * Returns the value defined by $name from the cookie. * * @param string|integer Index name of the value to return * @return mixed The value if found, false if the value is not found */ public function get( $name ) { $name = self::escapeValue($name); return isset($this->value[$name]) ? self::escapeValue($this->value[$name]) : false; } /** * Returns an easy to read cookie dump * * @return string The cookie dump */ public function __toString() { $str = "<-- Content of the cookie '{$this->name}'
\n"; foreach($this->value as $name => $value ) { $str .= $name . " = " . var_export($this->get($name), true) . "
\n"; } $str .= "-->
\n"; return $str; } /** * Escape values from the cookie before sending them back to the client * (when using the get() method). * * @return mixed The value once cleaned. */ static protected function escapeValue( $value ) { return Piwik_Common::sanitizeInputValues($value); } } //$c = new Piwik_Cookie( 'piwik_logstats', 86400); //echo $c; //$c->set(1,1); //$c->set('test',1); //$c->set('test2','test=432:gea785'); //$c->set('test3',array('test=432:gea785')); //$c->set('test4',array(array(0=>1),1=>'test')); //echo $c; //echo "
"; //$v=$c->get('more!'); //if(empty($v)) $c->set('more!',1); //$c->set('more!', array($c->get('more!'))); //$c->save(); //$c->delete();