renderTable($this->table); } protected function renderTable($table) { if($table instanceof Piwik_DataTable_Array) { $str = $header = ''; $prefixColumns = $table->getNameKey() . $this->separator; foreach($table->getArray() as $currentLinePrefix => $dataTable) { $returned = explode("\n",$this->renderTable($dataTable)); // get the columns names if(empty($header)) { $header = $returned[0]; } $returned = array_slice($returned,1); // case empty datatable we dont print anything in the CSV export // when in xml we would output if(!empty($returned)) { foreach($returned as &$row) { $row = $currentLinePrefix . $this->separator . $row; } $str .= "\n" . implode("\n", $returned); } } // var_dump($header);exit; if(!empty($header)) { $str = $prefixColumns . $header . $str; } } else { $str = $this->renderDataTable($table); } return $this->output($str); } protected function renderDataTable( $table ) { if($table instanceof Piwik_DataTable_Simple && $table->getRowsCount() ==1) { $str = 'value' . $this->lineEnd . $table->getRowFromId(0)->getColumn('value'); return $str; } $csv = array(); // keep track of all the existing columns in the csv file $allColumns = array(); foreach($table->getRows() as $row) { $csvRow = array(); // COLUMNS $columns = $row->getColumns(); foreach($columns as $name => $value) { if(!isset($allColumns[$name])) { $allColumns[$name] = true; } $csvRow[$name] = $value; } if($this->exportDetail) { // DETAILS $details = $row->getDetails(); foreach($details as $name => $value) { //if a detail and a column have the same name make sure they dont overwrite $name = 'detail_'.$name; $allColumns[$name] = true; $csvRow[$name] = $value; } } if($this->exportIdSubtable) { // ID SUB DATATABLE $idsubdatatable = $row->getIdSubDataTable(); if($idsubdatatable !== false) { $csvRow['idsubdatatable'] = $idsubdatatable; } } $csv[] = $csvRow; } // now we make sure that all the rows in the CSV array have all the columns foreach($csv as &$row) { foreach($allColumns as $columnName => $true) { if(!isset($row[$columnName])) { $row[$columnName] = ''; } } } // var_dump($csv);exit; $str = ''; // specific case, we have only one column and this column wasn't named properly (indexed by a number) // we don't print anything in the CSV file => an empty line if(sizeof($allColumns) == 1 && reset($allColumns) && !is_string(key($allColumns))) { $str .= ''; } else { $keys = array_keys($allColumns); $str .= implode($this->separator, $keys); } // we render the CSV foreach($csv as $theRow) { $rowStr = ''; foreach($allColumns as $columnName => $true) { $rowStr .= $theRow[$columnName] . $this->separator; } // remove the last separator $rowStr = substr_replace($rowStr,"",-strlen($this->separator)); $str .= $this->lineEnd . $rowStr; } return $str; } protected function output( $str ) { if(empty($str)) { return 'No data available'; } // silent fail otherwise unit tests fail @header("Content-type: application/"); @header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=piwik-report-export.csv"); return $str; } }