1, 'week' => 2, 'month' => 3, 'year' => 4, ); /** * ending WITHOUT slashs */ static public function getPathToPiwikRoot() { return realpath( dirname(__FILE__). "/../" ); } /** * path without trailing slash */ static public function createHtAccess( $path ) { @file_put_contents($path . "/.htaccess", "Deny from all"); } // path without trailing slash!! static public function mkdir( $path, $mode = 0755, $denyAccess = true ) { $path = PIWIK_INCLUDE_PATH . '/' . $path; if(!is_dir($path)) { $directoryParent = realpath(dirname($path)); // test that the dir we are trying to write has write access if( is_writable($directoryParent) ) { mkdir($path, $mode, true); } } if($denyAccess) { Piwik::createHtAccess($path); } } /** * Throws an exception if the directories are not writable */ static public function checkDirectoriesWritable() { $directoriesToCheck = array( '/config', '/tmp', '/tmp/templates_c', '/tmp/cache', ); $resultCheck = array(); foreach($directoriesToCheck as $name) { $directoryToCheck = PIWIK_INCLUDE_PATH . $name; $directory = realpath($directoryToCheck); $resultCheck[$directory] = false; if(!is_writable($directoryToCheck)) { Piwik::mkdir($directoryToCheck, 0755, false); } if(is_writable($directoryToCheck)) { $resultCheck[$directory] = true; } } return $resultCheck; } static public function getJavascriptCode($idSite, $piwikUrl, $actionName = "''") { $jsTag = file_get_contents( PIWIK_INCLUDE_PATH . "/modules/LogStats/javascriptTag.tpl"); $jsTag = nl2br(htmlentities($jsTag)); $jsTag = str_replace('{$actionName}', $actionName, $jsTag); $jsTag = str_replace('{$idSite}', $idSite, $jsTag); $jsTag = str_replace('{$piwikUrl}', $piwikUrl, $jsTag); $jsTag = str_replace('{$hrefTitle}', Piwik::getRandomTitle(), $jsTag); return $jsTag; } static public function getMemoryLimitValue() { if($memory = ini_get('memory_limit')) { return substr($memory, 0, strlen($memory) - 1); } return false; } static public function setMemoryLimit($minimumMemoryLimit) { $currentValue = self::getMemoryLimitValue(); if( ($currentValue === false || $currentValue < $minimumMemoryLimit ) && @ini_set('memory_limit', $minimumMemoryLimit.'M')) { return true; } return false; } static public function raiseMemoryLimitIfNecessary() { $minimumMemoryLimit = Zend_Registry::get('config')->General->minimumMemoryLimit; if(self::getMemoryLimitValue() < $minimumMemoryLimit) { return self::setMemoryLimit($minimumMemoryLimit); } return false; } static public function log($message = '') { Zend_Registry::get('logger_message')->log($message); Zend_Registry::get('logger_message')->log( "
" . PHP_EOL); } static public function error($message = '') { trigger_error($message, E_USER_ERROR); } /** * Display the message in a nice red font with a nice icon * ... and dies */ static public function exitWithErrorMessage( $message ) { print("


" ); exit; } /** * Computes the division of i1 by i2. If either i1 or i2 are not number, or if i2 has a value of zero * we return 0 to avoid the division by zero. * * @param numeric $i1 * @param numeric $i2 * @return numeric The result of the division or zero */ static public function secureDiv( $i1, $i2 ) { if ( is_numeric($i1) && is_numeric($i2) && floatval($i2) != 0) { return $i1 / $i2; } return 0; } static public function getQueryCount() { $profiler = Zend_Registry::get('db')->getProfiler(); return $profiler->getTotalNumQueries(); } static public function getDbElapsedSecs() { $profiler = Zend_Registry::get('db')->getProfiler(); return $profiler->getTotalElapsedSecs(); } static public function printQueryCount() { $totalTime = self::getDbElapsedSecs(); $queryCount = self::getQueryCount(); Piwik::log("Total queries = $queryCount (total sql time = ".round($totalTime,2)."s)"); } static public function printLogStatsSQLProfiling() { function maxSumMsFirst($a,$b) { return $a['sum_time_ms'] < $b['sum_time_ms']; } $db = Zend_Registry::get('db'); $all = $db->fetchAll(' SELECT *, sum_time_ms / count as avg_time_ms FROM '.Piwik::prefixTable('log_profiling') ); usort($all, 'maxSumMsFirst'); $str='

Query Profiling
'; foreach($all as $infoQuery) { $query = $infoQuery['query']; $count = $infoQuery['count']; $sum_time_ms = $infoQuery['sum_time_ms']; $avg_time_ms = round($infoQuery['avg_time_ms'],1); $query = str_replace("\t", "", $query); $str .= " $query
$count times, $sum_time_ms ms total
$avg_time_ms ms average

"; } Piwik::log($str); } static function printZendProfiler() { $profiler = Zend_Registry::get('db')->getProfiler(); if(!$profiler->getEnabled()) { throw new Exception("To display the profiler you should turn on profiling on your config/config.ini.php file"); } $totalTime = $profiler->getTotalElapsedSecs(); $queryCount = $profiler->getTotalNumQueries(); $longestTime = 0; $longestQuery = null; foreach ($profiler->getQueryProfiles() as $query) { if ($query->getElapsedSecs() > $longestTime) { $longestTime = $query->getElapsedSecs(); $longestQuery = $query->getQuery(); } } $str = ''; $str .= '
Executed ' . $queryCount . ' queries in ' . $totalTime . ' seconds' . "\n"; $str .= '
Average query length: ' . $totalTime / $queryCount . ' seconds' . "\n"; $str .= '
Queries per second: ' . $queryCount / $totalTime . "\n"; $str .= '
Longest query length: ' . $longestTime . "\n"; $str .= '
Longest query:
' . $longestQuery . "\n"; Piwik::log($str); foreach($profiler->getQueryProfiles() as $query) { if(isset($indexByQuery[$query->getQuery()])) { $existing = $indexByQuery[$query->getQuery()]; } else { $existing = array( 'count' => 0, 'sumTimeSeconds' => 0); } $new = array( 'count' => $existing['count'] + 1, 'sumTimeSeconds' => $existing['count'] + $query->getElapsedSecs() ); $indexByQuery[$query->getQuery()] = $new; } function sortTimeDesc($a,$b) { return $a['sumTimeSeconds'] < $b['sumTimeSeconds']; } uasort( $indexByQuery, 'sortTimeDesc'); var_dump($indexByQuery); } static public function printTimer() { echo Zend_Registry::get('timer'); } static public function printMemoryUsage( $prefixString = null ) { $memory = false; if(function_exists('xdebug_memory_usage')) { $memory = xdebug_memory_usage(); } elseif(function_exists('memory_get_usage')) { $memory = memory_get_usage(); } if($memory !== false) { $usage = round( $memory / 1024 / 1024, 2); if(!is_null($prefixString)) { Piwik::log($prefixString); } Piwik::log("Memory usage = $usage Mb"); Piwik::log(); } else { Piwik::log("Memory usage function not found."); } } static public function isNumeric($value) { return !is_array($value) && ereg('^([-]{0,1}[0-9]{1,}[.]{0,1}[0-9]*)$', $value); } static public function getRandomTitle() { $titles = array( 'Web analytics', 'Website analytics', 'Analytics', 'Web analytics api', 'Open source analytics', 'Open source web analytics', 'Free analytics', 'Analytics software', 'Free web analytics', 'Free web statistics', 'Web 2.0 analytics', 'Web analytic', 'Web statistics', 'Web stats', 'Web 2.0 stats', 'Statistics web 2.0', ); $id = abs(intval(md5(substr(Piwik_Url::getCurrentHost(),7)))); $title = $titles[ $id % count($titles)]; return $title; } static public function loadPlugins() { Piwik_PluginsManager::getInstance()->setLanguageToLoad( Piwik_Translate::getInstance()->getLanguageToLoad() ); Piwik_PluginsManager::getInstance()->setPluginsToLoad( Zend_Registry::get('config')->Plugins->Plugins->toArray() ); } static public function terminateLoadPlugins() { Piwik_PluginsManager::getInstance()->installLoadedPlugins(); } static public function getTableCreateSql( $tableName ) { $tables = Piwik::getTablesCreateSql(); if(!isset($tables[$tableName])) { throw new Exception("The table '$tableName' SQL creation code couldn't be found."); } return $tables[$tableName]; } static public function getTablesCreateSql() { $config = Zend_Registry::get('config'); $prefixTables = $config->database->tables_prefix; $tables = array( 'user' => "CREATE TABLE {$prefixTables}user ( login VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL, password CHAR(32) NOT NULL, alias VARCHAR(45) NOT NULL, email VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL, token_auth CHAR(32) NOT NULL, date_registered TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, PRIMARY KEY(login), UNIQUE INDEX uniq_keytoken(token_auth) ) ", 'access' => "CREATE TABLE {$prefixTables}access ( login VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL, idsite INTEGER UNSIGNED NOT NULL, access VARCHAR(10) NULL, PRIMARY KEY(login, idsite) ) ", 'site' => "CREATE TABLE {$prefixTables}site ( idsite INTEGER(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, name VARCHAR(90) NOT NULL, main_url VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, ts_created TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, PRIMARY KEY(idsite) ) ", 'site_url' => "CREATE TABLE {$prefixTables}site_url ( idsite INTEGER(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, url VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(idsite, url) ) ", 'logger_message' => "CREATE TABLE {$prefixTables}logger_message ( idlogger_message INTEGER UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, timestamp TIMESTAMP NULL, message TINYTEXT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(idlogger_message) ) ", 'logger_api_call' => "CREATE TABLE {$prefixTables}logger_api_call ( idlogger_api_call INTEGER UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, class_name VARCHAR(255) NULL, method_name VARCHAR(255) NULL, parameter_names_default_values TINYTEXT NULL, parameter_values TINYTEXT NULL, execution_time FLOAT NULL, caller_ip BIGINT NULL, timestamp TIMESTAMP NULL, returned_value TINYTEXT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(idlogger_api_call) ) ", 'logger_error' => "CREATE TABLE {$prefixTables}logger_error ( idlogger_error INTEGER UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, timestamp TIMESTAMP NULL, message TINYTEXT NULL, errno INTEGER UNSIGNED NULL, errline INTEGER UNSIGNED NULL, errfile VARCHAR(255) NULL, backtrace TEXT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(idlogger_error) ) ", 'logger_exception' => "CREATE TABLE {$prefixTables}logger_exception ( idlogger_exception INTEGER UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, timestamp TIMESTAMP NULL, message TINYTEXT NULL, errno INTEGER UNSIGNED NULL, errline INTEGER UNSIGNED NULL, errfile VARCHAR(255) NULL, backtrace TEXT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(idlogger_exception) ) ", 'log_action' => "CREATE TABLE {$prefixTables}log_action ( idaction INTEGER(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, type TINYINT UNSIGNED NULL, PRIMARY KEY(idaction) ) ", 'log_visit' => "CREATE TABLE {$prefixTables}log_visit ( idvisit INTEGER(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, idsite INTEGER(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, visitor_localtime TIME NOT NULL, visitor_idcookie CHAR(32) NOT NULL, visitor_returning TINYINT(1) NOT NULL, visit_first_action_time DATETIME NOT NULL, visit_last_action_time DATETIME NOT NULL, visit_server_date DATE NOT NULL, visit_exit_idaction INTEGER(11) NOT NULL, visit_entry_idaction INTEGER(11) NOT NULL, visit_total_actions SMALLINT(5) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, visit_total_time SMALLINT(5) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, referer_type INTEGER UNSIGNED NULL, referer_name VARCHAR(70) NULL, referer_url TEXT NOT NULL, referer_keyword VARCHAR(255) NULL, config_md5config CHAR(32) NOT NULL, config_os CHAR(3) NOT NULL, config_browser_name VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL, config_browser_version VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL, config_resolution VARCHAR(9) NOT NULL, config_color_depth TINYINT(2) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, config_pdf TINYINT(1) NOT NULL, config_flash TINYINT(1) NOT NULL, config_java TINYINT(1) NOT NULL, config_director TINYINT(1) NOT NULL, config_quicktime TINYINT(1) NOT NULL, config_realplayer TINYINT(1) NOT NULL, config_windowsmedia TINYINT(1) NOT NULL, config_cookie TINYINT(1) NOT NULL, location_ip BIGINT(11) NOT NULL, location_browser_lang VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL, location_country CHAR(3) NOT NULL, location_continent CHAR(3) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(idvisit) ) ", 'log_link_visit_action' => "CREATE TABLE {$prefixTables}log_link_visit_action ( idlink_va INTEGER(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, idvisit INTEGER(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, idaction INTEGER(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, idaction_ref INTEGER(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, time_spent_ref_action INTEGER(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(idlink_va) ) ", 'log_profiling' => "CREATE TABLE {$prefixTables}log_profiling ( query TEXT NOT NULL, count INTEGER UNSIGNED NULL, sum_time_ms FLOAT NULL, UNIQUE INDEX query(query(100)) ) ", 'archive_numeric' => "CREATE TABLE {$prefixTables}archive_numeric ( idarchive INTEGER UNSIGNED NOT NULL, name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, idsite INTEGER UNSIGNED NULL, date1 DATE NULL, date2 DATE NULL, period TINYINT UNSIGNED NULL, ts_archived DATETIME NULL, value FLOAT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(idarchive, name) ) ", 'archive_blob' => "CREATE TABLE {$prefixTables}archive_blob ( idarchive INTEGER UNSIGNED NOT NULL, name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, idsite INTEGER UNSIGNED NULL, date1 DATE NULL, date2 DATE NULL, period TINYINT UNSIGNED NULL, ts_archived DATETIME NULL, value BLOB NULL, PRIMARY KEY(idarchive, name) ) ", ); return $tables; } static public function getCurrentUserLogin() { return Zend_Registry::get('access')->getIdentity(); } static public function isUserIsSuperUserOrTheUser( $theUser ) { try{ self::checkUserIsSuperUserOrTheUser( $theUser ); return true; } catch( Exception $e){ return false; } } // Accessible either to the user itself static public function checkUserIsSuperUserOrTheUser( $theUser ) { try{ if( Piwik::getCurrentUserLogin() !== $theUser) { // or to the super user Piwik::checkUserIsSuperUser(); } } catch( Piwik_Access_NoAccessException $e){ throw new Piwik_Access_NoAccessException("The user has to be either the Super User or the user '$theUser' itself."); } } static public function isUserIsSuperUser() { try{ self::checkUserIsSuperUser(); return true; } catch( Exception $e){ return false; } } static public function checkUserIsSuperUser() { Zend_Registry::get('access')->checkUserIsSuperUser(); } static public function isUserHasAdminAccess( $idSites ) { try{ self::checkUserHasAdminAccess( $idSites ); return true; } catch( Exception $e){ return false; } } static public function checkUserHasAdminAccess( $idSites ) { Zend_Registry::get('access')->checkUserHasAdminAccess( $idSites ); } static public function isUserHasSomeAdminAccess() { try{ self::checkUserHasSomeAdminAccess(); return true; } catch( Exception $e){ return false; } } static public function checkUserHasSomeAdminAccess() { Zend_Registry::get('access')->checkUserHasSomeAdminAccess(); } static public function isUserHasViewAccess( $idSites ) { try{ self::checkUserHasViewAccess( $idSites ); return true; } catch( Exception $e){ return false; } } static public function checkUserHasViewAccess( $idSites ) { Zend_Registry::get('access')->checkUserHasViewAccess( $idSites ); } static public function prefixClass( $class ) { if(substr_count($class, Piwik::CLASSES_PREFIX) > 0) { return $class; } return Piwik::CLASSES_PREFIX.$class; } static public function unprefixClass( $class ) { $lenPrefix = strlen(Piwik::CLASSES_PREFIX); if(substr($class, 0, $lenPrefix) == Piwik::CLASSES_PREFIX) { return substr($class, $lenPrefix); } return $class; } /** * returns false if the URL to redirect to is already this URL */ static public function redirectToModule( $newModule, $newAction = '' ) { $currentModule = Piwik_Common::getRequestVar('module', '', 'string'); $currentAction = Piwik_Common::getRequestVar('action', '', 'string'); if($currentModule != $newModule || $currentAction != $newAction ) { $newUrl = Piwik_URL::getCurrentUrlWithoutQueryString() . Piwik_Url::getCurrentQueryStringWithParametersModified( array('module' => $newModule, 'action' => $newAction) ); Piwik_Url::redirectToUrl($newUrl); } return false; } static public function prefixTable( $table ) { $config = Zend_Registry::get('config'); $prefixTables = $config->database->tables_prefix; return $prefixTables . $table; } /** * Names of all the prefixed tables in piwik * Doesn't use the DB */ static public function getTablesNames() { $aTables = array_keys(self::getTablesCreateSql()); $config = Zend_Registry::get('config'); $prefixTables = $config->database->tables_prefix; $return = array(); foreach($aTables as $table) { $return[] = $prefixTables.$table; } return $return; } static $tablesInstalled = null; static public function getTablesInstalled( $forceReload = true ) { if(is_null(self::$tablesInstalled) || $forceReload === true) { $db = Zend_Registry::get('db'); $config = Zend_Registry::get('config'); $prefixTables = $config->database->tables_prefix; $allTables = $db->fetchCol("SHOW TABLES"); // all the tables to be installed $allMyTables = self::getTablesNames(); // we get the intersection between all the tables in the DB and the tables to be installed $tablesInstalled = array_intersect($allMyTables, $allTables); // at this point we have only the piwik tables which is good // but we still miss the piwik generated tables (using the class Piwik_TablePartitioning) $allArchiveNumeric = $db->fetchCol("SHOW TABLES LIKE '".$prefixTables."archive_numeric%'"); $allArchiveBlob = $db->fetchCol("SHOW TABLES LIKE '".$prefixTables."archive_blob%'"); $allTablesReallyInstalled = array_merge($tablesInstalled, $allArchiveNumeric, $allArchiveBlob); self::$tablesInstalled = $allTablesReallyInstalled; } return self::$tablesInstalled; } static public function createDatabase() { $db = Zend_Registry::get('db'); $dbName = Zend_Registry::get('config')->database->dbname; $db->query("CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS ".$dbName); } static public function dropDatabase() { $db = Zend_Registry::get('db'); $dbName = Zend_Registry::get('config')->database->dbname; $db->query("DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS ".$dbName); } static public function createDatabaseObject( $dbInfos = null ) { $config = Zend_Registry::get('config'); if(is_null($dbInfos)) { $dbInfos = $config->database->toArray(); } if(!isset($dbInfos['password'])) { $dbInfos['password'] = ''; } // var_dump($dbInfos); // test with the password ='][{}!3456&&^#gegq"eQ for example if(substr($dbInfos['password'],0,1) == '"' && substr($dbInfos['password'],-1,1) == '"' && strlen($dbInfos['password']) >= 2 ) { $dbInfos['password'] = substr($dbInfos['password'], 1, -1); } $dbInfos['password'] = htmlspecialchars_decode($dbInfos['password']); // var_dump($dbInfos);exit;// we remove the slashes $db = Zend_Db::factory($config->database->adapter, $dbInfos); $db->getConnection(); // see http://framework.zend.com/issues/browse/ZF-1398 $db->getConnection()->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES, true); Zend_Db_Table::setDefaultAdapter($db); Zend_Registry::set('db', $db); } static public function createLogObject() { require_once "Log/APICall.php"; require_once "Log/Exception.php"; require_once "Log/Error.php"; require_once "Log/Message.php"; $configAPI = Zend_Registry::get('config')->log; $aLoggers = array( 'logger_api_call' => new Piwik_Log_APICall, 'logger_exception' => new Piwik_Log_Exception, 'logger_error' => new Piwik_Log_Error, 'logger_message' => new Piwik_Log_Message, ); foreach($configAPI as $loggerType => $aRecordTo) { if(isset($aLoggers[$loggerType])) { $logger = $aLoggers[$loggerType]; foreach($aRecordTo as $recordTo) { switch($recordTo) { case 'screen': $logger->addWriteToScreen(); break; case 'database': $logger->addWriteToDatabase(); break; case 'file': $logger->addWriteToFile(); break; default: throw new Exception("TODO"); break; } } } } foreach($aLoggers as $loggerType =>$logger) { if($logger->getWritersCount() == 0) { $logger->addWriteToNull(); } Zend_Registry::set($loggerType, $logger); } } static public function createConfigObject( $pathConfigFile = null ) { $config = new Piwik_Config($pathConfigFile); } static public function dropTables( $doNotDelete = array() ) { $tablesAlreadyInstalled = self::getTablesInstalled(); $db = Zend_Registry::get('db'); $doNotDeletePattern = "(".implode("|",$doNotDelete).")"; foreach($tablesAlreadyInstalled as $tableName) { if( count($doNotDelete) == 0 || (!in_array($tableName,$doNotDelete) && !ereg($doNotDeletePattern,$tableName) ) ) { $db->query("DROP TABLE $tableName"); } } } /** * Returns true if the email is a valid email * * @param string email * @return bool */ static public function isValidEmailString( $email ) { return (preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z0-9_.+-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9_.-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,4}$/', $email) > 0); } /** * Creates an entry in the User table for the "anonymous" user. * * @return void */ static public function createAnonymousUser() { // The anonymous user is the user that is assigned by default // note that the token_auth value is anonymous, which is assigned by default as well in the Login plugin $db = Zend_Registry::get('db'); $db->query("INSERT INTO ". Piwik::prefixTable("user") . " VALUES ( 'anonymous', '', 'anonymous', 'anonymous@example.org', 'anonymous', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP );" ); } static public function createTablesIndex() { $db = Zend_Registry::get('db'); $prefixTables = Zend_Registry::get('config')->database->tables_prefix; $db->query('CREATE INDEX index_idvisit ON '.$prefixTables.'log_link_visit_action (idvisit)'); $db->query('CREATE INDEX index_idaction ON '.$prefixTables.'log_action (idaction)'); $db->query('CREATE INDEX index_idsite ON '.$prefixTables.'log_visit (idsite)'); $db->query('CREATE INDEX index_visit_server_date ON '.$prefixTables.'log_visit (visit_server_date);'); } static public function createTables() { $db = Zend_Registry::get('db'); $config = Zend_Registry::get('config'); $prefixTables = $config->database->tables_prefix; //Piwik::log("Creating ". implode(", ", self::getTablesNames())); $tablesToCreate = self::getTablesCreateSql(); unset($tablesToCreate['archive_blob']); unset($tablesToCreate['archive_numeric']); $tablesAlreadyInstalled = self::getTablesInstalled(); foreach($tablesToCreate as $tableName => $tableSql) { $tableName = $prefixTables . $tableName; // if the table doesn't exist already if(!in_array($tableName, $tablesAlreadyInstalled)) { $db->query( $tableSql ); } } $queries = array( ); } static public function install() { // create directories Piwik::mkdir(Zend_Registry::get('config')->smarty->compile_dir); Piwik::mkdir(Zend_Registry::get('config')->smarty->cache_dir); } static public function uninstall() { // delete tables $db = Zend_Registry::get('db'); $db->query( "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ". implode(", ", self::getTablesNames()) ); } }