dispatcher = Event_Dispatcher::getInstance(); } public function isPluginAlwaysActivated( $name ) { return in_array( $name, $this->pluginToAlwaysEnable); } public function isPluginEnabled( $name ) { return in_array( $name, $this->pluginsToLoad) || $this->isPluginAlwaysActivated( $name ); } /** * Reads the directories inside the plugins/ directory and returns their names in an array * * @return array */ public function readPluginsDirectory() { $pluginsName = glob(PIWIK_PLUGINS_PATH . "/*",GLOB_ONLYDIR); $pluginsName = array_map('basename', $pluginsName); return $pluginsName; } public function deactivatePlugin($pluginName) { $plugins = $this->pluginsToLoad; $key = array_search($pluginName,$plugins); if($key !== false) { unset($plugins[$key]); Zend_Registry::get('config')->Plugins = $plugins; } try{ $pluginsLogStats = Zend_Registry::get('config')->Plugins_LogStats->Plugins_LogStats; if(!is_null($pluginsLogStats)) { $pluginsLogStats = $pluginsLogStats->toArray(); $key = array_search($pluginName,$pluginsLogStats); if($key !== false) { unset($pluginsLogStats[$key]); Zend_Registry::get('config')->Plugins_LogStats = $pluginsLogStats; } } } catch(Exception $e) {} } /** * TODO horrible dirty hack because the Config class is not clean enough. Needs to rewrite the Config * __set and __get in a cleaner way, also see the __destruct which writes the configuration file. * * @return array */ protected function getInstalledPlugins() { // var_dump(Zend_Registry::get('config')->PluginsInstalled); if(!class_exists('Zend_Registry')) { throw new Exception("Not possible to list installed plugins (case LogStats module)"); } if(!is_null(Zend_Registry::get('config')->PluginsInstalled->PluginsInstalled)) { return Zend_Registry::get('config')->PluginsInstalled->PluginsInstalled->toArray(); } elseif(is_array(Zend_Registry::get('config')->PluginsInstalled)) { return Zend_Registry::get('config')->PluginsInstalled; } else { return Zend_Registry::get('config')->PluginsInstalled->toArray(); } } public function installLoadedPlugins() { foreach($this->getLoadedPlugins() as $plugin) { try { $this->installPluginIfNecessary( $plugin ); }catch(Exception $e){ echo $e->getMessage(); } } } protected function installPluginIfNecessary( Piwik_Plugin $plugin ) { $pluginName = $plugin->getName(); // is the plugin already installed or is it the first time we activate it? $pluginsInstalled = $this->getInstalledPlugins(); // echo "$pluginName before=".var_dump($pluginsInstalled); if(!in_array($pluginName,$pluginsInstalled)) { $this->installPlugin($plugin); $pluginsInstalled[] = $pluginName; // var_dump($pluginsInstalled); Zend_Registry::get('config')->PluginsInstalled = $pluginsInstalled; } } public function activatePlugin($pluginName) { $plugins = Zend_Registry::get('config')->Plugins->Plugins->toArray(); if(in_array($pluginName,$plugins)) { throw new Exception("Plugin '$pluginName' already activated."); } $existingPlugins = $this->readPluginsDirectory(); if( array_search($pluginName,$existingPlugins) === false) { throw new Exception("Unable to find the plugin '$pluginName'."); } $plugin = $this->loadPlugin($pluginName); $this->installPluginIfNecessary($plugin); $information = $plugin->getInformation(); // if the plugin is to be loaded during the statistics logging if(isset($information['LogStatsPlugin']) && $information['LogStatsPlugin'] === true) { $pluginsLogStats = Zend_Registry::get('config')->Plugins_LogStats->Plugins_LogStats; if(is_null($pluginsLogStats)) { $pluginsLogStats = array(); } else { $pluginsLogStats = $pluginsLogStats->toArray(); } $pluginsLogStats[] = $pluginName; // the config file will automatically be saved with the new plugin Zend_Registry::get('config')->Plugins_LogStats = $pluginsLogStats; } // we add the plugin to the list of activated plugins $plugins[] = $pluginName; // the config file will automatically be saved with the new plugin Zend_Registry::get('config')->Plugins = $plugins; } public function setPluginsToLoad( array $pluginsToLoad ) { // case no plugins to load if(is_null($pluginsToLoad)) { $pluginsToLoad = array(); } $this->pluginsToLoad = $pluginsToLoad; $this->loadPlugins(); } public function doNotLoadPlugins() { $this->doLoadPlugins = false; } public function doNotLoadAlwaysActivatedPlugins() { $this->doLoadAlwaysActivatedPlugins = false; } /** * Add a plugin in the loaded plugins array * * @param Piwik_Plugin $newPlugin * @param string plugin name without prefix (eg. 'UserCountry') */ protected function addLoadedPlugin( $pluginName, Piwik_Plugin $newPlugin ) { $this->loadedPlugins[$pluginName] = $newPlugin; } /** * Returns an array containing the plugins class names (eg. 'Piwik_UserCountry' and NOT 'UserCountry') * * @return array */ public function getLoadedPluginsName() { $oPlugins = $this->getLoadedPlugins(); $pluginNames = array_map('get_class',$oPlugins); return $pluginNames; } /** * Returns an array of key,value with the following format: array( * 'UserCountry' => Piwik_Plugin $pluginObject, * 'UserSettings' => Piwik_Plugin $pluginObject, * ); * * @return array */ public function getLoadedPlugins() { return $this->loadedPlugins; } /** * Load the plugins classes installed. * Register the observers for every plugin. * */ public function loadPlugins() { $this->pluginsToLoad = array_unique($this->pluginsToLoad); $pluginsToLoad = $this->pluginsToLoad; if($this->doLoadAlwaysActivatedPlugins) { $pluginsToLoad = array_merge($this->pluginsToLoad, $this->pluginToAlwaysEnable); } foreach($pluginsToLoad as $pluginName) { $newPlugin = $this->loadPlugin($pluginName); // if we have to load the plugins // and if this plugin is activated if($this->doLoadPlugins && $this->isPluginEnabled($pluginName)) { $newPlugin->registerTranslation( $this->languageToLoad ); $this->addPluginObservers( $newPlugin ); $this->addLoadedPlugin( $pluginName, $newPlugin); } } } /** * Loads the plugin filename and instanciates the plugin with the given name, eg. UserCountry * Do NOT give the class name ie. Piwik_UserCountry, but give the plugin name ie. UserCountry * * @param Piwik_Plugin $pluginName */ public function loadPlugin( $pluginName ) { if(isset($this->loadedPlugins[$pluginName])) { return $this->loadedPlugins[$pluginName]; } $pluginFileName = $pluginName . '/' . $pluginName . ".php"; $pluginClassName = "Piwik_".$pluginName; if( !Piwik_Common::isValidFilename($pluginName)) { throw new Exception("The plugin filename '$pluginFileName' is not valid"); } $path = PIWIK_PLUGINS_PATH . '/' . $pluginFileName; if(!is_file($path)) { throw new Exception("The plugin file {$path} couldn't be found."); } require_once $path; if(!class_exists($pluginClassName)) { throw new Exception("The class $pluginClassName couldn't be found in the file '$path'"); } $newPlugin = new $pluginClassName; if(!($newPlugin instanceof Piwik_Plugin)) { throw new Exception("The plugin $pluginClassName in the file $path must inherit from Piwik_Plugin."); } return $newPlugin; } public function installPlugin( Piwik_Plugin $plugin ) { try{ $plugin->install(); } catch(Exception $e) { throw new Piwik_Plugin_Exception($plugin->getName(), $e->getMessage()); } } public function installPlugins() { foreach($this->getLoadedPlugins() as $plugin) { // var_dump($plugin); try{ $plugin->install(); } catch(Exception $e) { throw new Piwik_Plugin_Exception($plugin->getName(), $e->getMessage()); } } } public function setLanguageToLoad( $code ) { $this->languageToLoad = $code; } /** * For the given plugin, add all the observers of this plugin. */ private function addPluginObservers( Piwik_Plugin $plugin ) { $hooks = $plugin->getListHooksRegistered(); foreach($hooks as $hookName => $methodToCall) { $this->dispatcher->addObserver( array( $plugin, $methodToCall), $hookName ); } } public function unloadPlugin( $plugin ) { if(!($plugin instanceof Piwik_Plugin )) { $plugin = $this->loadPlugin( $plugin ); } $hooks = $plugin->getListHooksRegistered(); foreach($hooks as $hookName => $methodToCall) { $success = $this->dispatcher->removeObserver( array( $plugin, $methodToCall), $hookName ); if($success !== true) { throw new Exception("Error unloading plugin for method = $methodToCall // hook = $hookName "); } } unset($this->loadedPlugins[$plugin->getName()]); } public function unloadPlugins() { $pluginsLoaded = $this->getLoadedPlugins(); foreach($pluginsLoaded as $plugin) { $this->unloadPlugin($plugin); } } } class Piwik_Plugin_Exception extends Exception { function __construct($name, $message) { parent::__construct("There was a problem installing the plugin ". $name . " = " . $message. "
If this plugin has already been installed, and if you want to hide this message, you must add the following line under the [PluginsInstalled] entry in your config/config.ini.php file:
PluginsInstalled[] = $name

" ); } } /** * Post an event to the dispatcher which will notice the observers */ function Piwik_PostEvent( $eventName, &$object = null, $info = array() ) { Piwik_PluginsManager::getInstance()->dispatcher->post( $object, $eventName, $info, true, false ); } /** * Register an action to execute for a given event */ function Piwik_AddAction( $hookName, $function ) { Piwik_PluginsManager::getInstance()->dispatcher->addObserver( $function, $hookName ); }