= 0 ) { $piwik_errorMessage = "

To run Piwik you need at least PHP version $piwik_minimumPhpVersion

Unfortunately it seems your webserver is using PHP version $piwik_currentVersion.

Please try to update your PHP version, Piwik is really worth it! Nowadays most web hosts support PHP $piwik_minimumPhpVersion.

"; } $piwik_zend_compatibility_mode = ini_get("zend.ze1_compatibility_mode"); if($piwik_zend_compatibility_mode == 1) { $piwik_errorMessage = "

Piwik is not compatible with the directive zend.ze1_compatibility_mode = On

It seems your php.ini file has

zend.ze1_compatibility_mode = On
It makes PHP5 behave like PHP4. If you want to use Piwik you need to set
zend.ze1_compatibility_mode = Off
in your php.ini configuration file. You may have to ask your system administrator.

"; } function Piwik_ExitWithMessage($message) { $html = ' Piwik › Error Piwik # open source web analytics


'; echo $html; exit; } if(isset($piwik_errorMessage)) { Piwik_ExitWithMessage($piwik_errorMessage); } // we now include the upgradephp package to define some functions used in piwik // that may not be defined in the current php version require_once "libs/upgradephp/upgrade.php";