Metadata API: it gives information about all other available APIs methods, as well as providing * human readable and more complete outputs than normal API methods. * * Some of the information that is returned by the Metadata API: * * The Metadata API is for example used by the Piwik Mobile App to automatically display all Piwik reports, with translated report & columns names and nicely formatted values. * More information on the Metadata API documentation page * * @package Piwik_API */ class API { static private $instance = null; /** * @return \Piwik\Plugins\API\API */ static public function getInstance() { if (self::$instance == null) { self::$instance = new self; } return self::$instance; } /** * Get Piwik version * @return string */ public function getPiwikVersion() { Piwik::checkUserHasSomeViewAccess(); return Version::VERSION; } /** * Returns the section [APISettings] if defined in config.ini.php * @return array */ public function getSettings() { return Config::getInstance()->APISettings; } /** * Default translations for many core metrics. * This is used for exports with translated labels. The exports contain columns that * are not visible in the UI and not present in the API meta data. These columns are * translated here. * @return array */ static public function getDefaultMetricTranslations() { return Metrics::getDefaultMetricTranslations(); } public function getSegmentsMetadata($idSites = array(), $_hideImplementationData = true) { $segments = array(); Piwik_PostEvent('API.getSegmentsMetadata', array(&$segments, $idSites)); $isAuthenticatedWithViewAccess = Piwik::isUserHasViewAccess($idSites) && !Piwik::isUserIsAnonymous(); $segments[] = array( 'type' => 'dimension', 'category' => Piwik_Translate('General_Visit'), 'name' => 'General_VisitorIP', 'segment' => 'visitIp', 'acceptedValues' => ', etc.', 'sqlSegment' => 'log_visit.location_ip', 'sqlFilter' => array('Piwik\IP', 'P2N'), 'permission' => $isAuthenticatedWithViewAccess, ); $segments[] = array( 'type' => 'dimension', 'category' => Piwik_Translate('General_Visit'), 'name' => 'General_VisitorID', 'segment' => 'visitorId', 'acceptedValues' => '34c31e04394bdc63 - any 16 Hexadecimal chars ID, which can be fetched using the Tracking API function getVisitorId()', 'sqlSegment' => 'log_visit.idvisitor', 'sqlFilter' => array('Piwik\Common', 'convertVisitorIdToBin'), 'permission' => $isAuthenticatedWithViewAccess, ); $segments[] = array( 'type' => 'dimension', 'category' => Piwik_Translate('General_Visit'), 'name' => Piwik_Translate('General_Visit') . " ID", 'segment' => 'visitId', 'acceptedValues' => 'Any integer.', 'sqlSegment' => 'log_visit.idvisit', 'permission' => $isAuthenticatedWithViewAccess, ); $segments[] = array( 'type' => 'metric', 'category' => Piwik_Translate('General_Visit'), 'name' => 'General_NbActions', 'segment' => 'actions', 'sqlSegment' => 'log_visit.visit_total_actions', ); $segments[] = array( 'type' => 'metric', 'category' => Piwik_Translate('General_Visit'), 'name' => 'General_NbSearches', 'segment' => 'searches', 'sqlSegment' => 'log_visit.visit_total_searches', 'acceptedValues' => 'To select all visits who used internal Site Search, use: &segment=searches>0', ); $segments[] = array( 'type' => 'metric', 'category' => Piwik_Translate('General_Visit'), 'name' => 'General_ColumnVisitDuration', 'segment' => 'visitDuration', 'sqlSegment' => 'log_visit.visit_total_time', ); $segments[] = array( 'type' => 'dimension', 'category' => Piwik_Translate('General_Visit'), 'name' => Piwik_Translate('General_VisitType'), 'segment' => 'visitorType', 'acceptedValues' => 'new, returning, returningCustomer' . ". " . Piwik_Translate('General_VisitTypeExample', '"&segment=visitorType==returning,visitorType==returningCustomer"'), 'sqlSegment' => 'log_visit.visitor_returning', 'sqlFilter' => function($type) { return $type == "new" ? 0 : ($type == "returning" ? 1 : 2); } ); $segments[] = array( 'type' => 'metric', 'category' => Piwik_Translate('General_Visit'), 'name' => 'General_DaysSinceLastVisit', 'segment' => 'daysSinceLastVisit', 'sqlSegment' => 'log_visit.visitor_days_since_last', ); $segments[] = array( 'type' => 'metric', 'category' => Piwik_Translate('General_Visit'), 'name' => 'General_DaysSinceFirstVisit', 'segment' => 'daysSinceFirstVisit', 'sqlSegment' => 'log_visit.visitor_days_since_first', ); $segments[] = array( 'type' => 'metric', 'category' => Piwik_Translate('General_Visit'), 'name' => 'General_NumberOfVisits', 'segment' => 'visitCount', 'sqlSegment' => 'log_visit.visitor_count_visits', ); $segments[] = array( 'type' => 'dimension', 'category' => Piwik_Translate('General_Visit'), 'name' => 'General_VisitConvertedGoal', 'segment' => 'visitConverted', 'acceptedValues' => '0, 1', 'sqlSegment' => 'log_visit.visit_goal_converted', ); $segments[] = array( 'type' => 'dimension', 'category' => Piwik_Translate('General_Visit'), 'name' => Piwik_Translate('General_EcommerceVisitStatusDesc'), 'segment' => 'visitEcommerceStatus', 'acceptedValues' => implode(", ", self::$visitEcommerceStatus) . '. ' . Piwik_Translate('General_EcommerceVisitStatusEg', '"&segment=visitEcommerceStatus==ordered,visitEcommerceStatus==orderedThenAbandonedCart"'), 'sqlSegment' => 'log_visit.visit_goal_buyer', 'sqlFilter' => __NAMESPACE__ . '\API::getVisitEcommerceStatus', ); $segments[] = array( 'type' => 'metric', 'category' => Piwik_Translate('General_Visit'), 'name' => 'General_DaysSinceLastEcommerceOrder', 'segment' => 'daysSinceLastEcommerceOrder', 'sqlSegment' => 'log_visit.visitor_days_since_order', ); foreach ($segments as &$segment) { $segment['name'] = Piwik_Translate($segment['name']); $segment['category'] = Piwik_Translate($segment['category']); if ($_hideImplementationData) { unset($segment['sqlFilter']); unset($segment['sqlSegment']); } } usort($segments, array($this, 'sortSegments')); return $segments; } static protected $visitEcommerceStatus = array( GoalManager::TYPE_BUYER_NONE => 'none', GoalManager::TYPE_BUYER_ORDERED => 'ordered', GoalManager::TYPE_BUYER_OPEN_CART => 'abandonedCart', GoalManager::TYPE_BUYER_ORDERED_AND_OPEN_CART => 'orderedThenAbandonedCart', ); /** * @ignore */ static public function getVisitEcommerceStatusFromId($id) { if (!isset(self::$visitEcommerceStatus[$id])) { throw new \Exception("Unexpected ECommerce status value "); } return self::$visitEcommerceStatus[$id]; } /** * @ignore */ static public function getVisitEcommerceStatus($status) { $id = array_search($status, self::$visitEcommerceStatus); if ($id === false) { throw new \Exception("Invalid 'visitEcommerceStatus' segment value"); } return $id; } private function sortSegments($row1, $row2) { $columns = array('type', 'category', 'name', 'segment'); foreach ($columns as $column) { // Keep segments ordered alphabetically inside categories.. $type = -1; if ($column == 'name') $type = 1; $compare = $type * strcmp($row1[$column], $row2[$column]); // hack so that custom variables "page" are grouped together in the doc if ($row1['category'] == Piwik_Translate('CustomVariables_CustomVariables') && $row1['category'] == $row2['category'] ) { $compare = strcmp($row1['segment'], $row2['segment']); return $compare; } if ($compare != 0) { return $compare; } } return $compare; } /** * Returns the url to application logo (~280x110px) * * @param bool $pathOnly If true, returns path relative to doc root. Otherwise, returns a URL. * @return string */ public function getLogoUrl($pathOnly = false) { $logo = 'plugins/Zeitgeist/images/logo.png'; if (Config::getInstance()->branding['use_custom_logo'] == 1 && file_exists(Filesystem::getPathToPiwikRoot() . '/misc/user/logo.png') ) { $logo = 'misc/user/logo.png'; } if (!$pathOnly) { return SettingsPiwik::getPiwikUrl() . $logo; } return Filesystem::getPathToPiwikRoot() . '/' . $logo; } /** * Returns the url to header logo (~127x50px) * * @param bool $pathOnly If true, returns path relative to doc root. Otherwise, returns a URL. * @return string */ public function getHeaderLogoUrl($pathOnly = false) { $logo = 'plugins/Zeitgeist/images/logo-header.png'; if (Config::getInstance()->branding['use_custom_logo'] == 1 && file_exists(Filesystem::getPathToPiwikRoot() . '/misc/user/logo-header.png') ) { $logo = 'misc/user/logo-header.png'; } if (!$pathOnly) { return SettingsPiwik::getPiwikUrl() . $logo; } return Filesystem::getPathToPiwikRoot() . '/' . $logo; } /** * Returns the URL to application SVG Logo * * @ignore * @param bool $pathOnly If true, returns path relative to doc root. Otherwise, returns a URL. * @return string */ public function getSVGLogoUrl($pathOnly = false) { $logo = 'plugins/Zeitgeist/images/logo.svg'; if (Config::getInstance()->branding['use_custom_logo'] == 1 && file_exists(Filesystem::getPathToPiwikRoot() . '/misc/user/logo.svg') ) { $logo = 'misc/user/logo.svg'; } if (!$pathOnly) { return SettingsPiwik::getPiwikUrl() . $logo; } return Filesystem::getPathToPiwikRoot() . '/' . $logo; } /** * Returns whether there is an SVG Logo available. * @ignore * @return bool */ public function hasSVGLogo() { if (Config::getInstance()->branding['use_custom_logo'] == 0) { /* We always have our application logo */ return true; } else if (Config::getInstance()->branding['use_custom_logo'] == 1 && file_exists(Filesystem::getPathToPiwikRoot() . '/misc/user/logo.svg') ) { return true; } return false; } /** * Loads reports metadata, then return the requested one, * matching optional API parameters. */ public function getMetadata($idSite, $apiModule, $apiAction, $apiParameters = array(), $language = false, $period = false, $date = false, $hideMetricsDoc = false, $showSubtableReports = false) { Translate::getInstance()->reloadLanguage($language); $reporter = new ProcessedReport(); $metadata = $reporter->getMetadata($idSite, $apiModule, $apiAction, $apiParameters, $language, $period, $date, $hideMetricsDoc, $showSubtableReports); return $metadata; } /** * Triggers a hook to ask plugins for available Reports. * Returns metadata information about each report (category, name, dimension, metrics, etc.) * * @param string $idSites Comma separated list of website Ids * @param bool|string $period * @param bool|Date $date * @param bool $hideMetricsDoc * @param bool $showSubtableReports * @return array */ public function getReportMetadata($idSites = '', $period = false, $date = false, $hideMetricsDoc = false, $showSubtableReports = false) { $reporter = new ProcessedReport(); $metadata = $reporter->getReportMetadata($idSites, $period, $date, $hideMetricsDoc, $showSubtableReports); return $metadata; } public function getProcessedReport($idSite, $period, $date, $apiModule, $apiAction, $segment = false, $apiParameters = false, $idGoal = false, $language = false, $showTimer = true, $hideMetricsDoc = false, $idSubtable = false, $showRawMetrics = false) { $reporter = new ProcessedReport(); $processed = $reporter->getProcessedReport($idSite, $period, $date, $apiModule, $apiAction, $segment, $apiParameters, $idGoal, $language, $showTimer, $hideMetricsDoc, $idSubtable, $showRawMetrics); return $processed; } /** * Get a combined report of the *.get API methods. */ public function get($idSite, $period, $date, $segment = false, $columns = false) { $columns = Piwik::getArrayFromApiParameter($columns); // build columns map for faster checks later on $columnsMap = array(); foreach ($columns as $column) { $columnsMap[$column] = true; } // find out which columns belong to which plugin $columnsByPlugin = array(); $meta = \Piwik\Plugins\API\API::getInstance()->getReportMetadata($idSite, $period, $date); foreach ($meta as $reportMeta) { // scan all *.get reports if ($reportMeta['action'] == 'get' && !isset($reportMeta['parameters']) && $reportMeta['module'] != 'API' && !empty($reportMeta['metrics']) ) { $plugin = $reportMeta['module']; foreach ($reportMeta['metrics'] as $column => $columnTranslation) { // a metric from this report has been requested if (isset($columnsMap[$column]) // or by default, return all metrics || empty($columnsMap) ) { $columnsByPlugin[$plugin][] = $column; } } } } krsort($columnsByPlugin); $mergedDataTable = false; $params = compact('idSite', 'period', 'date', 'segment', 'idGoal'); foreach ($columnsByPlugin as $plugin => $columns) { // load the data $className = Request::getClassNameAPI($plugin); $params['columns'] = implode(',', $columns); $dataTable = Proxy::getInstance()->call($className, 'get', $params); // make sure the table has all columns $array = ($dataTable instanceof DataTable\Map ? $dataTable->getDataTables() : array($dataTable)); foreach ($array as $table) { // we don't support idSites=all&date=DATE1,DATE2 if ($table instanceof DataTable) { $firstRow = $table->getFirstRow(); if (!$firstRow) { $firstRow = new Row; $table->addRow($firstRow); } foreach ($columns as $column) { if ($firstRow->getColumn($column) === false) { $firstRow->setColumn($column, 0); } } } } // merge reports if ($mergedDataTable === false) { $mergedDataTable = $dataTable; } else { $this->mergeDataTables($mergedDataTable, $dataTable); } } return $mergedDataTable; } /** * Merge the columns of two data tables. * Manipulates the first table. */ private function mergeDataTables($table1, $table2) { // handle table arrays if ($table1 instanceof DataTable\Map && $table2 instanceof DataTable\Map) { $subTables2 = $table2->getDataTables(); foreach ($table1->getDataTables() as $index => $subTable1) { $subTable2 = $subTables2[$index]; $this->mergeDataTables($subTable1, $subTable2); } return; } $firstRow1 = $table1->getFirstRow(); $firstRow2 = $table2->getFirstRow(); if ($firstRow2 instanceof Row) { foreach ($firstRow2->getColumns() as $metric => $value) { $firstRow1->setColumn($metric, $value); } } } /** * Given an API report to query (eg. "Referrers.getKeywords", and a Label (eg. "free%20software"), * this function will query the API for the previous days/weeks/etc. and will return * a ready to use data structure containing the metrics for the requested Label, along with enriched information (min/max values, etc.) * * @param int $idSite * @param string $period * @param Date $date * @param string $apiModule * @param string $apiAction * @param bool|string $label * @param bool|string $segment * @param bool|string $column * @param bool|string $language * @param bool|int $idGoal * @param bool|string $legendAppendMetric * @param bool|string $labelUseAbsoluteUrl * @return array */ public function getRowEvolution($idSite, $period, $date, $apiModule, $apiAction, $label = false, $segment = false, $column = false, $language = false, $idGoal = false, $legendAppendMetric = true, $labelUseAbsoluteUrl = true) { $rowEvolution = new RowEvolution(); return $rowEvolution->getRowEvolution($idSite, $period, $date, $apiModule, $apiAction, $label, $segment, $column, $language, $idGoal, $legendAppendMetric, $labelUseAbsoluteUrl); } /** * Performs multiple API requests at once and returns every result. * * @param array $urls The array of API requests. * @return array */ public function getBulkRequest($urls) { if (empty($urls)) { return array(); } $urls = array_map('urldecode', $urls); $urls = array_map(array('Piwik\Common', 'unsanitizeInputValue'), $urls); $result = array(); foreach ($urls as $url) { $req = new Request($url . '&format=php&serialize=0'); $result[] = $req->process(); } return $result; } /** * Given a segment, will return a list of the most used values for this particular segment. * @param $segmentName * @param $idSite * @throws \Exception * @return array */ public function getSuggestedValuesForSegment($segmentName, $idSite) { Piwik::checkUserHasViewAccess($idSite); $maxSuggestionsToReturn = 30; $segmentsMetadata = $this->getSegmentsMetadata($idSite, $_hideImplementationData = false); $segmentFound = false; foreach ($segmentsMetadata as $segmentMetadata) { if ($segmentMetadata['segment'] == $segmentName) { $segmentFound = $segmentMetadata; break; } } if (empty($segmentFound)) { throw new \Exception("Requested segment not found."); } $startDate = Date::now()->subDay(60)->toString(); $requestLastVisits = "method=Live.getLastVisitsDetails &idSite=$idSite &period=range &date=$startDate,today &format=original &serialize=0 &flat=1"; // Select non empty fields only // Note: this optimization has only a very minor impact $requestLastVisits .= "&segment=$segmentName" . urlencode('!='); // By default Live fetches all actions for all visitors, but we'd rather do this only when required if ($this->doesSegmentNeedActionsData($segmentName)) { $requestLastVisits .= "&filter_limit=500"; } else { $requestLastVisits .= "&doNotFetchActions=1"; $requestLastVisits .= "&filter_limit=1000"; } $request = new Request($requestLastVisits); $table = $request->process(); if (empty($table)) { throw new \Exception("There was no data to suggest for $segmentName"); } // Cleanup data to return the top suggested (non empty) labels for this segment $values = $table->getColumn($segmentName); // Select also flattened keys (custom variables "page" scope, page URLs for one visit, page titles for one visit) $valuesBis = $table->getColumnsStartingWith($segmentName . ColumnDelete::APPEND_TO_COLUMN_NAME_TO_KEEP); $values = array_merge($values, $valuesBis); // remove false values (while keeping zeros) $values = array_filter($values, 'strlen'); // we have a list of all values. let's show the most frequently used first. $values = array_count_values($values); arsort($values); $values = array_keys($values); $values = array_map(array('Piwik\Common', 'unsanitizeInputValue'), $values); $values = array_slice($values, 0, $maxSuggestionsToReturn); return $values; } /** * @param $segmentName * @return bool */ protected function doesSegmentNeedActionsData($segmentName) { $segmentsNeedActionsInfo = array('visitConvertedGoalId', 'pageUrl', 'pageTitle', 'siteSearchKeyword', 'entryPageTitle', 'entryPageUrl', 'exitPageTitle', 'exitPageUrl'); $isCustomVariablePage = stripos($segmentName, 'customVariablePage') !== false; $doesSegmentNeedActionsInfo = in_array($segmentName, $segmentsNeedActionsInfo) || $isCustomVariablePage; return $doesSegmentNeedActionsInfo; } } /** * @package Piwik_API */ class Plugin extends \Piwik\Plugin { public function __construct() { // this class is named 'Plugin', manually set the 'API' plugin parent::__construct($pluginName = 'API'); } /** * @see Piwik_Plugin::getListHooksRegistered */ public function getListHooksRegistered() { return array( 'AssetManager.getStylesheetFiles' => 'getStylesheetFiles', 'Menu.Top.addItems' => 'addTopMenu', ); } public function addTopMenu() { $apiUrlParams = array('module' => 'API', 'action' => 'listAllAPI', 'segment' => false); $tooltip = Piwik_Translate('API_TopLinkTooltip'); Piwik_AddTopMenu('General_API', $apiUrlParams, true, 7, $isHTML = false, $tooltip); $this->addTopMenuMobileApp(); } protected function addTopMenuMobileApp() { if (empty($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) { return; } require_once PIWIK_INCLUDE_PATH . '/libs/UserAgentParser/UserAgentParser.php'; $os = \UserAgentParser::getOperatingSystem($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']); if ($os && in_array($os['id'], array('AND', 'IPD', 'IPA', 'IPH'))) { Piwik_AddTopMenu('Piwik Mobile App', array('module' => 'Proxy', 'action' => 'redirect', 'url' => ''), true, 4); } } public function getStylesheetFiles(&$stylesheets) { $stylesheets[] = "plugins/API/stylesheets/listAllAPI.less"; } }