General['API_datatable_default_limit']; } } $request = new Request($token); $response = $request->process(); if (is_array($response)) { $response = var_export($response, true); } return $response; } public function listAllMethods() { Piwik::checkUserHasSomeViewAccess(); $ApiDocumentation = new DocumentationGenerator(); $prefixUrls = Common::getRequestVar('prefixUrl', '', 'string'); if (!UrlHelper::isLookLikeUrl($prefixUrls) || strpos($prefixUrls, 'http') !== 0) { $prefixUrls = ''; } return $ApiDocumentation->getApiDocumentationAsStringForDeveloperReference($outputExampleUrls = true, $prefixUrls); } public function listAllAPI() { $view = new View("@API/listAllAPI"); $this->setGeneralVariablesView($view); $ApiDocumentation = new DocumentationGenerator(); $view->countLoadedAPI = Proxy::getInstance()->getCountRegisteredClasses(); $view->list_api_methods_with_links = $ApiDocumentation->getApiDocumentationAsString(); return $view->render(); } public function listSegments() { $segments = API::getInstance()->getSegmentsMetadata($this->idSite); $tableDimensions = $tableMetrics = ''; $customVariables = 0; $lastCategory = array(); foreach ($segments as $segment) { // Eg. Event Value is a metric, not in the Visit metric category, // we make sure it is displayed along with the Events dimensions if ($segment['type'] == 'metric' && $segment['category'] != Piwik::translate('General_Visit')) { $segment['type'] = 'dimension'; } $onlyDisplay = array('customVariableName1', 'customVariableName2', 'customVariableValue1', 'customVariableValue2', 'customVariablePageName1', 'customVariablePageValue1'); $customVariableWillBeDisplayed = in_array($segment['segment'], $onlyDisplay); // Don't display more than 4 custom variables name/value rows if ($segment['category'] == 'Custom Variables' && !$customVariableWillBeDisplayed ) { continue; } $thisCategory = $segment['category']; $output = ''; if (empty($lastCategory[$segment['type']]) || $lastCategory[$segment['type']] != $thisCategory ) { $output .= '' . $thisCategory . ''; } $lastCategory[$segment['type']] = $thisCategory; $exampleValues = isset($segment['acceptedValues']) ? 'Example values: ' . $segment['acceptedValues'] . '' : ''; $restrictedToAdmin = isset($segment['permission']) ? '
Note: This segment can only be used by an Admin user' : ''; $output .= ' ' . $segment['segment'] . ' ' . $segment['name'] . $restrictedToAdmin . '
' . $exampleValues . ' '; // Show only 2 custom variables and display message for rest if ($customVariableWillBeDisplayed) { $customVariables++; if ($customVariables == count($onlyDisplay)) { $output .= ' There are 5 custom variables available, so you can segment across any segment name and value range.
For example, customVariableName1==Type;customVariableValue1==Customer
Returns all visitors that have the Custom Variable "Type" set to "Customer".
Custom Variables of scope "page" can be queried separately. For example, to query the Custom Variable of scope "page",
stored in index 1, you would use the segment customVariablePageName1==ArticleLanguage;customVariablePageValue1==FR '; } } if ($segment['type'] == 'dimension') { $tableDimensions .= $output; } else { $tableMetrics .= $output; } } return " Dimensions $tableDimensions

Metrics $tableMetrics
"; } public function glossary() { Piwik::checkUserHasSomeViewAccess(); return $this->renderTemplate('glossary', array( 'reports' => Request::processRequest('API', array('method' => 'API.getGlossaryReports', 'filter_limit' => -1)), 'metrics' => Request::processRequest('API', array('method' => 'API.getGlossaryMetrics', 'filter_limit' => -1)), )); } }