addTopMenuMobileApp($menu); } public function configureUserMenu(MenuUser $menu) { $apiUrlParams = $this->urlForAction('listAllAPI', array('segment' => false)); $tooltip = Piwik::translate('API_TopLinkTooltip'); $menu->addPlatformItem('General_API', $apiUrlParams, 6, $tooltip); } private function addTopMenuMobileApp(MenuTop $menu) { if (empty($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) { return; } if (!class_exists("DeviceDetector\\DeviceDetector")) { throw new \Exception("DeviceDetector could not be found, maybe you are using Piwik from git and need to update Composer. Execute this command: php composer.phar update"); } $ua = new OperatingSystem($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']); $ua->setCache(new DeviceDetectorCache(86400)); $parsedOS = $ua->parse(); if (!empty($parsedOS['short_name']) && in_array($parsedOS['short_name'], array(self::DD_SHORT_NAME_ANDROID, self::DD_SHORT_NAME_IOS))) { $url = $this->urlForModuleAction('Proxy', 'redirect', array('url' => '')); if ($url) { $menu->addItem('Piwik Mobile App', null, $url, 4); } } } }