getRowEvolutionMetaData($idSite, $period, $date, $apiModule, $apiAction, $language, $apiParameters); $dataTable = $this->loadRowEvolutionDataFromAPI($metadata, $idSite, $period, $date, $apiModule, $apiAction, $labels, $segment, $apiParameters); if (empty($labels)) { $labels = $this->getLabelsFromDataTable($dataTable, $labels); $dataTable = $this->enrichRowAddMetadataLabelIndex($labels, $dataTable); } if (count($labels) != 1) { $data = $this->getMultiRowEvolution( $dataTable, $metadata, $apiModule, $apiAction, $labels, $column, $legendAppendMetric, $labelUseAbsoluteUrl ); } else { $data = $this->getSingleRowEvolution( $idSite, $dataTable, $metadata, $apiModule, $apiAction, $labels[0], $labelUseAbsoluteUrl ); } return $data; } /** * @param array $labels * @param DataTable\Map $dataTable * @return mixed */ protected function enrichRowAddMetadataLabelIndex($labels, $dataTable) { // set label index metadata $labelsToIndex = array_flip($labels); foreach ($dataTable->getDataTables() as $table) { foreach ($table->getRows() as $row) { $label = $row->getColumn('label'); if (isset($labelsToIndex[$label])) { $row->setMetadata(LabelFilter::FLAG_IS_ROW_EVOLUTION, $labelsToIndex[$label]); } } } return $dataTable; } /** * @param DataTable\Map $dataTable * @param array $labels * @return array */ protected function getLabelsFromDataTable($dataTable, $labels) { // if no labels specified, use all possible labels as list foreach ($dataTable->getDataTables() as $table) { $labels = array_merge($labels, $table->getColumn('label')); } $labels = array_values(array_unique($labels)); // if the filter_limit query param is set, treat it as a request to limit // the number of labels used $limit = Common::getRequestVar('filter_limit', false); if ($limit != false && $limit >= 0 ) { $labels = array_slice($labels, 0, $limit); } return $labels; } /** * Get row evolution for a single label * @param DataTable\Map $dataTable * @param array $metadata * @param string $apiModule * @param string $apiAction * @param string $label * @param bool $labelUseAbsoluteUrl * @return array containing report data, metadata, label, logo */ private function getSingleRowEvolution($idSite, $dataTable, $metadata, $apiModule, $apiAction, $label, $labelUseAbsoluteUrl = true) { $metricNames = array_keys($metadata['metrics']); $logo = $actualLabel = false; $urlFound = false; foreach ($dataTable->getDataTables() as $subTable) { /** @var $subTable DataTable */ $subTable->applyQueuedFilters(); if ($subTable->getRowsCount() > 0) { /** @var $row Row */ $row = $subTable->getFirstRow(); if (!$actualLabel) { $logo = $row->getMetadata('logo'); $actualLabel = $this->getRowUrlForEvolutionLabel($row, $apiModule, $apiAction, $labelUseAbsoluteUrl); $urlFound = $actualLabel !== false; if (empty($actualLabel)) { $actualLabel = $row->getColumn('label'); } } // remove all columns that are not in the available metrics. // this removes the label as well (which is desired for two reasons: (1) it was passed // in the request, (2) it would cause the evolution graph to show the label in the legend). foreach ($row->getColumns() as $column => $value) { if (!in_array($column, $metricNames) && $column != 'label_html') { $row->deleteColumn($column); } } $row->deleteMetadata(); } } $this->enhanceRowEvolutionMetaData($metadata, $dataTable); // if we have a recursive label and no url, use the path if (!$urlFound) { $actualLabel = $this->formatQueryLabelForDisplay($idSite, $apiModule, $apiAction, $label); } $return = array( 'label' => SafeDecodeLabel::decodeLabelSafe($actualLabel), 'reportData' => $dataTable, 'metadata' => $metadata ); if (!empty($logo)) { $return['logo'] = $logo; } return $return; } private function formatQueryLabelForDisplay($idSite, $apiModule, $apiAction, $label) { // rows with subtables do not contain URL metadata. this hack makes sure the label titles in row // evolution popovers look like URLs. if ($apiModule == 'Actions' && in_array($apiAction, self::$actionsUrlReports) ) { $mainUrl = Site::getMainUrlFor($idSite); $mainUrlHost = @parse_url($mainUrl, PHP_URL_HOST); $replaceRegex = "/\\s*" . preg_quote(LabelFilter::SEPARATOR_RECURSIVE_LABEL) . "\\s*/"; $cleanLabel = preg_replace($replaceRegex, '/', $label); $result = $mainUrlHost . '/' . $cleanLabel . '/'; } else { $result = str_replace(LabelFilter::SEPARATOR_RECURSIVE_LABEL, ' - ', $label); } // remove @ terminal operator occurrences return str_replace(LabelFilter::TERMINAL_OPERATOR, '', $result); } /** * @param Row $row * @param string $apiModule * @param string $apiAction * @param bool $labelUseAbsoluteUrl * @return bool|string */ private function getRowUrlForEvolutionLabel($row, $apiModule, $apiAction, $labelUseAbsoluteUrl) { $url = $row->getMetadata('url'); if ($url && ($apiModule == 'Actions' || ($apiModule == 'Referrers' && $apiAction == 'getWebsites')) && $labelUseAbsoluteUrl ) { $actualLabel = preg_replace(';^http(s)?://(www.)?;i', '', $url); return $actualLabel; } return false; } /** * @param array $metadata see getRowEvolutionMetaData() * @param int $idSite * @param string $period * @param string $date * @param string $apiModule * @param string $apiAction * @param string|bool $label * @param string|bool $segment * @param array $apiParameters * @throws Exception * @return DataTable\Map|DataTable */ private function loadRowEvolutionDataFromAPI($metadata, $idSite, $period, $date, $apiModule, $apiAction, $label = false, $segment = false, $apiParameters) { if (!is_array($label)) { $label = array($label); } $label = array_map('rawurlencode', $label); $parameters = array( 'method' => $apiModule . '.' . $apiAction, 'label' => $label, 'idSite' => $idSite, 'period' => $period, 'date' => $date, 'format' => 'original', 'serialize' => '0', 'segment' => $segment, // data for row evolution should NOT be limited 'filter_limit' => -1, // if more than one label is used, we add metadata to ensure we know which // row corresponds with which label (since the labels can change, and rows // can be sorted in a different order) 'labelFilterAddLabelIndex' => count($label) > 1 ? 1 : 0, ); if (!empty($apiParameters) && is_array($apiParameters)) { foreach ($apiParameters as $param => $value) { $parameters[$param] = $value; } } // add "processed metrics" like actions per visit or bounce rate // note: some reports should not be filtered with AddColumnProcessedMetrics // specifically, reports without the Metrics::INDEX_NB_VISITS metric such as Goals.getVisitsUntilConversion & Goal.getDaysToConversion // this is because the AddColumnProcessedMetrics filter removes all datable rows lacking this metric if (isset($metadata['metrics']['nb_visits'])) { $parameters['filter_add_columns_when_show_all_columns'] = '0'; } $url = Url::getQueryStringFromParameters($parameters); $request = new Request($url); try { $dataTable = $request->process(); } catch (Exception $e) { throw new Exception("API returned an error: " . $e->getMessage() . "\n"); } return $dataTable; } /** * For a given API report, returns a simpler version * of the metadata (will return only the metrics and the dimension name) * @param $idSite * @param $period * @param $date * @param $apiModule * @param $apiAction * @param $language * @param $apiParameters * @throws Exception * @return array */ private function getRowEvolutionMetaData($idSite, $period, $date, $apiModule, $apiAction, $language, $apiParameters) { $reportMetadata = API::getInstance()->getMetadata($idSite, $apiModule, $apiAction, $apiParameters, $language, $period, $date, $hideMetricsDoc = false, $showSubtableReports = true); if (empty($reportMetadata)) { throw new Exception("Requested report $apiModule.$apiAction for Website id=$idSite " . "not found in the list of available reports. \n"); } $reportMetadata = reset($reportMetadata); $metrics = $reportMetadata['metrics']; if (isset($reportMetadata['processedMetrics']) && is_array($reportMetadata['processedMetrics'])) { $metrics = $metrics + $reportMetadata['processedMetrics']; } if (empty($reportMetadata['dimension'])) { throw new Exception(sprintf('Reports like %s.%s which do not have a dimension are not supported by row evolution', $apiModule, $apiAction)); } $dimension = $reportMetadata['dimension']; return compact('metrics', 'dimension'); } /** * Given the Row evolution dataTable, and the associated metadata, * enriches the metadata with min/max values, and % change between the first period and the last one * @param array $metadata * @param DataTable\Map $dataTable */ private function enhanceRowEvolutionMetaData(&$metadata, $dataTable) { // prepare result array for metrics $metricsResult = array(); foreach ($metadata['metrics'] as $metric => $name) { $metricsResult[$metric] = array('name' => $name); if (!empty($metadata['logos'][$metric])) { $metricsResult[$metric]['logo'] = $metadata['logos'][$metric]; } } unset($metadata['logos']); $subDataTables = $dataTable->getDataTables(); if (empty($subDataTables)) { throw new \Exception("Unexpected state: row evolution API call returned empty DataTable\\Map."); } $firstDataTable = reset($subDataTables); $this->checkDataTableInstance($firstDataTable); $firstDataTableRow = $firstDataTable->getFirstRow(); $lastDataTable = end($subDataTables); $this->checkDataTableInstance($lastDataTable); $lastDataTableRow = $lastDataTable->getFirstRow(); // Process min/max values $firstNonZeroFound = array(); foreach ($subDataTables as $subDataTable) { // $subDataTable is the report for one period, it has only one row $firstRow = $subDataTable->getFirstRow(); foreach ($metadata['metrics'] as $metric => $label) { $value = $firstRow ? floatval($firstRow->getColumn($metric)) : 0; if ($value > 0) { $firstNonZeroFound[$metric] = true; } else if (!isset($firstNonZeroFound[$metric])) { continue; } if (!isset($metricsResult[$metric]['min']) || $metricsResult[$metric]['min'] > $value ) { $metricsResult[$metric]['min'] = $value; } if (!isset($metricsResult[$metric]['max']) || $metricsResult[$metric]['max'] < $value ) { $metricsResult[$metric]['max'] = $value; } } } // Process % change between first/last values foreach ($metadata['metrics'] as $metric => $label) { $first = $firstDataTableRow ? floatval($firstDataTableRow->getColumn($metric)) : 0; $last = $lastDataTableRow ? floatval($lastDataTableRow->getColumn($metric)) : 0; // do not calculate evolution if the first value is 0 (to avoid divide-by-zero) if ($first == 0) { continue; } $change = CalculateEvolutionFilter::calculate($last, $first, $quotientPrecision = 0); $change = CalculateEvolutionFilter::prependPlusSignToNumber($change); $metricsResult[$metric]['change'] = $change; } $metadata['metrics'] = $metricsResult; } /** Get row evolution for a multiple labels */ private function getMultiRowEvolution(DataTable\Map $dataTable, $metadata, $apiModule, $apiAction, $labels, $column, $legendAppendMetric = true, $labelUseAbsoluteUrl = true) { if (!isset($metadata['metrics'][$column])) { // invalid column => use the first one that's available $metrics = array_keys($metadata['metrics']); $column = reset($metrics); } // get the processed label and logo (if any) for every requested label $actualLabels = $logos = array(); foreach ($labels as $labelIdx => $label) { foreach ($dataTable->getDataTables() as $table) { $labelRow = $this->getRowEvolutionRowFromLabelIdx($table, $labelIdx); if ($labelRow) { $actualLabels[$labelIdx] = $this->getRowUrlForEvolutionLabel( $labelRow, $apiModule, $apiAction, $labelUseAbsoluteUrl); $prettyLabel = $labelRow->getColumn('label_html'); if ($prettyLabel !== false) { $actualLabels[$labelIdx] = $prettyLabel; } $logos[$labelIdx] = $labelRow->getMetadata('logo'); if (!empty($actualLabels[$labelIdx])) { break; } } } if (empty($actualLabels[$labelIdx])) { $cleanLabel = $this->cleanOriginalLabel($label); $actualLabels[$labelIdx] = $cleanLabel; } } // convert rows to be array($column.'_'.$labelIdx => $value) as opposed to // array('label' => $label, 'column' => $value). $dataTableMulti = $dataTable->getEmptyClone(); foreach ($dataTable->getDataTables() as $tableLabel => $table) { $newRow = new Row(); foreach ($labels as $labelIdx => $label) { $row = $this->getRowEvolutionRowFromLabelIdx($table, $labelIdx); $value = 0; if ($row) { $value = $row->getColumn($column); $value = floatVal(str_replace(',', '.', $value)); } if ($value == '') { $value = 0; } $newLabel = $column . '_' . (int)$labelIdx; $newRow->addColumn($newLabel, $value); } $newTable = $table->getEmptyClone(); if (!empty($labels)) { // only add a row if the row has data (no labels === no data) $newTable->addRow($newRow); } $dataTableMulti->addTable($newTable, $tableLabel); } // the available metrics for the report are returned as metadata / columns $metadata['columns'] = $metadata['metrics']; // metadata / metrics should document the rows that are compared // this way, UI code can be reused $metadata['metrics'] = array(); foreach ($actualLabels as $labelIndex => $label) { if ($legendAppendMetric) { $label .= ' (' . $metadata['columns'][$column] . ')'; } $metricName = $column . '_' . $labelIndex; $metadata['metrics'][$metricName] = $label; if (!empty($logos[$labelIndex])) { $metadata['logos'][$metricName] = $logos[$labelIndex]; } } $this->enhanceRowEvolutionMetaData($metadata, $dataTableMulti); return array( 'column' => $column, 'reportData' => $dataTableMulti, 'metadata' => $metadata ); } /** * Returns the row in a datatable by its LabelFilter::FLAG_IS_ROW_EVOLUTION metadata. * * @param DataTable $table * @param int $labelIdx * @return Row|false */ private function getRowEvolutionRowFromLabelIdx($table, $labelIdx) { $labelIdx = (int)$labelIdx; foreach ($table->getRows() as $row) { if ($row->getMetadata(LabelFilter::FLAG_IS_ROW_EVOLUTION) === $labelIdx) { return $row; } } return false; } /** * Returns a prettier, more comprehensible version of a row evolution label for display. */ private function cleanOriginalLabel($label) { $label = str_replace(LabelFilter::SEPARATOR_RECURSIVE_LABEL, ' - ', $label); $label = SafeDecodeLabel::decodeLabelSafe($label); return $label; } private function checkDataTableInstance($lastDataTable) { if (!($lastDataTable instanceof DataTable)) { throw new \Exception("Unexpected state: row evolution returned DataTable\\Map w/ incorrect child table type: " . get_class($lastDataTable)); } } }